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Ice, cool ice

Pages: 1 4 replies

Trader Woody posted on 07/17/2002

I was fixing a drink the other day and used some novelty
'nudie' ice-cubes as advertised in all good 60's stag magazines.
I soon realised that they failed their two basic functions.
Firstly, they didn't resemble anything even vaguely human,
looking more like something a polar explorer would knock off
his boots. Secondly, they had so much surface area that they melted
just minutes after being put into an already cold drink.

So, since they are so inferior to the basic ice cube shape, is there
a place for novelty ice cubes? Does anyone use them?
It also struck me that the ideal shape would actually be spherical
since the surface area would be low, they would last a long time
and look pretty good too. Do spherical ice-cube molds exist?

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-07-17 13:46 ]

Tiki King posted on 07/17/2002

I have seen round Ice "cube" molds in kitchen specialty shops, such as lecters.
Tiki King

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[ Edited by: Tiki King on 2002-07-17 09:29 ]

theandrewssister posted on 07/17/2002

yep, I've definitely seen them quite a lot in the UK -- they tend to be in those ghastly little catalogues like Scotts of Stow that fall out of home interest magazines . I am afraid to say that I get rather a lot of that sort of magazine at the moment (I'm decorating, all right?) so I'll keep my eye out for you.

thejab posted on 07/18/2002

I have tried those novelty cubes once and noticed they didn't really look like they were supposed to.

How about the old fake cube with a fly in it?

Mattio posted on 07/18/2002

Pages: 1 4 replies