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Complete Tiki Spain

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Zeta posted on 03/04/2008

Aloha Amigos! Les escribo desde Madrid. I have been documenting tiki in Spain for years and this is where I'm going to show some of my finds.

This one is really big and rare, Pre-pavon, 2 side pockets.
I have 1 extra to trade/sell.

[ Edited by: Zeta 2008-03-04 13:24 ]

[ Edited by: Zeta 2008-03-04 13:26 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/05/2008

Good to hear from you, Zeta. I am Sven Kirsten, author that book there in your photo. As one of my future book projects I plan to write a book on European Tiki, with an emphasis on Spanish Tiki culture of course. I have visited most of the remaining Spanish Tiki temples, but have not been to Portugal. I am planning a photo Safari to Europe in order to document the remaining places before they disappear.

I am very happy to meet a local Tiki aficionado who can hopefully contribute and help in the research of this amazing facet of Polynesian pop. I own about 20 Porcelanas Pavon mugs, because I previously imported them to the US, but I own very few vintage pieces. I have a couple of vintage menus from the Bora Bora, and am willing to trade one (and something else from the US?) for your extra bowl.

cheekytiki posted on 03/05/2008

News on the grapevine, there may be a new Spanish tiki bar on the horizon, to add to the european Tiki "Revival?", can't say more than that at the moment unfotunately :)
Well and I'm off to a part of spain tomorrow to look at the site.

harro posted on 03/05/2008

any tiki in Malaga? I might be there in about 3 months...

good luck with the new top secret project cheeky.


bigbrotiki posted on 03/10/2008

Has anyone heard from Zeta again? Hope I didn't scare him/her away! Did anyone make that mug trade? I don't really care, I was just glad to meet someone local that is into Tiki. Hope he'll resurface.

Here is my favorite pre-Pavon mug:

Zeta posted on 04/07/2008

Aloha amigos!
This 100% original spanish Mug is so rare and old that right now I don't even remember where I got it from.

I am sure it has nothing to do with Porcelanas Pavon.

Let's call it "The Abe Lincoln mug" for now...
Hasta luego !

bigbrotiki posted on 04/07/2008

Very cool, nice presentation! Great graphic, too. Good to hear back from you again, I have a feeling we are in for a treat on this thread. :)

BastardoSaffrin posted on 04/10/2008

On 2008-03-05 11:28, harro wrote:
any tiki in Malaga? I might be there in about 3 months...

good luck with the new top secret project cheeky.


Hi Harro

There is a Trader Vic's in Marbella, and also a TV Mai Tai bar in Estepona, both very near Malaga. Enjoy!

Hum, Cheekytiki, I'm very curious about that new place... can you add a bit more info? what city? Arrr!!!

Zeta, esos mugs son más antiguos que la injusticia! Un abrazo!

[ Edited by: BastardoSaffrin 2008-04-10 01:21 ]

[ Edited by: BastardoSaffrin 2008-04-11 12:41 ]

Zeta posted on 04/13/2008

Madrid 1972

Exotica en español = twice Exotica

Hasta la vista, baby...

bigbrotiki posted on 04/14/2008

Ha, that is funny! I was actually thinking about that title as the name for my Spanish Tiki Culture book! :) Great minds think alike!

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/14/2008

Una foto cuando fui a Barcelona hacer dos tiki en el kahala.

Matahina posted on 04/16/2008

Hello everyone,

this bar is in the center of Lisboa, Portugal. Well at least it was there last year. Unfortunately I was only standing in front of closed doors, as it had quite odd opening hours.

Sven, I am amazed to read you are planning a Tiki Europe Book - Aloha Amigos! Any research and photo journeys scheduled yet?

This year I am planning to go to Barcelona on holidays. Are there any exciting tiki opportunities I shouldn´t miss apart from the ones already listed on tikieurope.com?

bigbrotiki posted on 04/17/2008

I don't think so, but it would be really nice to get an update on these places, we here in America always have to fear that the next time one visits a Tiki Bar it has disappeared.

Matahina posted on 04/17/2008

I will definitely go and visit the places in Barcelona once I´m there, and will inform you about their current existence.

Can´t think too much about (many American)Tiki places being destroyed. The ones in your first book mentioned, which disappeared, nearly made me cry. Wishing for some kind of "historic houses trust" or maybe "historic tiki buildings trust" to be set up, which might preserve them and keep beauty and history alive for us and coming generations to enjoy.

[ Edited by: Matahina 2008-04-17 04:58 ]

virani posted on 04/17/2008

I also have a few spanish mugs, and I traded most of my doubles.

nice pics everyone. Can't wait for the book Sven.

BastardoSaffrin posted on 04/29/2008

Zeta, I'm going to be in your place next week, I hope you still got some dusty stuff to trade.

Hasta luego, man!

Zeta posted on 05/14/2008

Andale andale! arriba arriba! Yeeeeepa yepa!

Tiki (at it's best) is all about tradition and paying respect where respect is due. So,
to pay my tribute to old master Sabu, the coconut boy, and The Great Tiki Central, I'm going to quote one of my favorite posts ever here at T.C.

On 2003-03-01 16:50, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Look at this amazing record album I picked up at a garage-sale this morning. It's by a Mexican band called "Grupo Guerrero" and shows the band members on the steps of a very cool tiki bar.

The record was "Hecho en Mexico" and the back of the record states that the band hails from Acapulco. It is also signed by all the members and has the inscription; "To our Susy with a Lot of Love. From Acapulco".

I'm assuming this is probably an Acapulco tiki bar in the photo. Could it be the enigmatic AKU TIKI, whose coaster is on page 121 of the BOT?

The music is a kind of disco/salsa from the 70s, heavy on the synthesizer.


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2003-09-17 12:15 ]

My father went often to AKU-TIKI in Acapulco as a young man!
Gracias Sabu for keeping part of Mexican tiki history alive.

Gracias to everyone who has contributed with pictures and data to make this more completo. I'll keep posting nice pictures as long as there is feedback.

Sven, habla espanol? I already have the Bora-Bora vintage menu and the mug you show in the picture, have you got any others? As for the list of tiki bars in Spain that you ask for, I've been doing "The List" for a long time now, and I keep finding new evidence of (long gone) tiki temples. It is a monumental task to make the complete list by myself, plus keep it updated. But don't worry, I'm working tiki extra hours and the list WILL be complete and the secrets revealed at the right moment.
Diablo, your tikis are safe and worshiped at Kahala.
Cheekytiki, Nicholas (owner of kahala) told me he was planning to open another Hawaiian in Barcelona, but it was just a plan in the future...
Harro, try the 100% Fun Hostel en Cadiz or check out the other AMAZING, unintrested organization called Critiki.com
Bastardo Saffrin, I do have dusty stuff to trade, do you? Nice interview with Beachbum Berry!

From a 1930's comic de Espana.

"Excuse me Sirs! I haven't got time to waste!"


[ Edited by: Zeta 2008-05-14 13:24 ]

Zeta posted on 05/14/2008

Aloha muchachas y muchachos !

World exclusivo! Para los amigos de Central Tiki, I proudly present:

This enormous Vintage Menu from the 70's with covers in leather and elegant golden print
from the first and only Melanesian Bar ever.(Now extinct)

I thought Bora-Bora was in the Polynesia!... Oh well, you live, you learn. :wink:

Sven's favorite spanish pre-pavon mug in my collection (different colors):

Sven,what happened with your other book projects?
The look of Tiki ?
Tiki Revival ?

Adios amigos !


P.S. Saludos al Sr. Castaway

Zeta posted on 06/19/2008

Aloha amigos! I´m in Mexico City right now doing some "in situ" Tiki research... I´ll post my discoveries when I get back to my Madrid bunker lab. Meanwhile, here is the source of "inspiration" for the mug I posted above...

The picture is from the book Oceanic Art by Kaeppler, Kaufmann and Newton. Abrams Editorial, Page 204, image 131:
Post from a small men´s house
Vao, Vanuatu
Wood and paint, h. 170 cm
Collected by F. Speiser 1912
Museum der Kulturen Basel

P.S. Has anyone heard from Sven again? Hope I didn't scare him away!

bigbrotiki posted on 06/19/2008

I'm here, I'm here Zeta, I don't scare easily. I feel guilty for not having replied, I will, I will!

naugatiki posted on 06/27/2008

Found this matchbook for a restaurante in Madrid called The Bali-Hai (who knew?) not sure what the logo is a reference to, anyone willing to warrant a guess?

bigbrotiki posted on 06/28/2008

The logo is a Papua New Guinea mask, which was not unusual in Spanish Tikidom (see the "Melanesian Bar" menu above), just like it was part of the "South Seas" decor of American Poly pop (see Trader Vic's logo mask, BOT P.247).

The Bali Hai is long gone, but when in Madrid, the urban archeology tourist can still find its signage high up above its locked up basement location:

harro posted on 06/29/2008

I had a nice scorpion bowl at the Marbella Trader Vics a couple of weeks ago, was a bit more modern than other TV's but still worth a visit. Unfortunately didnt get to any other areas in Spain but maybe another time.

Zeta posted on 07/09/2008

Hola a todos,
Original vintage coaster from the Bali-Hai in Madrid...

If anyone is interested in trading, I have one more coaster like this one... Send me an E-mail or Personal Message.
Naugatiki, where did you find those matches!?
Bigbrotiki, nice picture! that sign is gone now...
Bali-Hai was one of the original classic Spanish "Hawaiian" bars, it was huge, the biggest in Spain ever.
...Later alligator.

[ Edited by: Zeta 2008-07-09 12:29 ]

Zeta posted on 07/09/2008

Every picture has a story and every tiki logo too...

Fig. 28 Arte del Sepik. Lago Tchambuli. Taburete de orador (Speeches booth) 1960 (Fot. S. Diczbalis.)

Picture from the book "Oceania" by Jean Guiart from the collection "El Universo de las formas" Ediciones Aguilar Madrid 1963

Aloha Oe


bigbrotiki posted on 07/09/2008

Aaaah! So this is where the design of this Kahala mug originated from:

Do you have an old one that says Bali Hai on it?

I figured that that book could have been a major source for Spanish designers, it is so chock full of great images, I have yet to fully register them all. Now I know it was published in Spain too, I am certain. Here is the German version:

It also used a lot of the black & white photos from the 1954 Pantheon Books edition of Hewicker/Tischner's "Oceanic Art", which was THE source for American designers. South Sea art books published in the 60s in the U.S. came mostly too late to have a marked influence on Poly pop here, but for Spain, which had a delayed Tiki bar period, that early 60s time frame fits.
Man, I am really looking forward to working with you, Zeta. :)

Zeta posted on 07/10/2008

Thanks Sventiki! I'm glad to hear that. It would be an honor. As you know, all I want is just a little respect for Tiki, to tell the story straight about Spain and Mexico specifically.
Nice book there, look at mine:

Your theory about the influence of it on the 1960's spanish artistas polinesios is correct. As the example from my collection shows, these matches I bought in el rastro (flea market) in Madrid 5 years ago, with the logo from Bali-Hai that was taken from a picture of a page on that book.

"Dance untill 4'15 in the morning with 2 orchestras"

Another gem I bought in Barcelona by the same author, Jean Guiart (texto) Mario Carrieri (fotos)1968.

Aloha para todos...


Zeta posted on 07/12/2008

Aloha for all,
A picture from a Mug in my collection from the Bali-Hai Madrid that closed a decade ago...

The Ku triangle bowl... Made in Spain.


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

Hola, que tal ?
From my humble collection:
The Goddess of the South Seas head mug from Bali-Hai Madrid.

Who knows the name of this deity?


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

From the Oceania book by Jean Guiart:

226. Nuevas Hebridas, sur de Malekula. Mascara de helecho arborescente. Basilea


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

From my bookshelf:

Mid 1960's


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

The book:

227. Nuevas Hebridas, sur de Malekula. M.A.A.O. Paris.


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

The mug.


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

The book: Oceania Por Jean Guiart

94. Nuevas Hebridas, Sur de Malekula. Figuritas "temes nevinbur". Musee de l'Homme, Paris.


Zeta posted on 07/14/2008

From my collection:

This is NOT a Porcelanas Pavon mug. This is Vintage. Bigger, better, older...


bigbrotiki posted on 07/17/2008

Is it...Arte 4 ? :)

Zeta, nobody seems to be as excited about your posts as I am, so here I go:

Those Spanish designers sure liked that New Hebrides art, going further out there than many of the American mug makers of the mid-century. Here is another one from the book:

Nr. 215 New Hebrides, West-Ambrym, Large Slit Drum, Basel

But they also took the other culture group's designs, like for the giant Maori mug, the big Hawaiian wicker head, and the yellow Chicago Field Museum Tami mask mug from this book. Here is another one, harder to pinpoint, because the mug makers (unfortunately) altered the heads somewhat:

Nr. 399 Hawaiian Islands, Bracelet, Honolulu
-It was made from turtle shell. There is a better, color photo of it in one of the big new Oceanic art books, but I almost like those B&W photos better, they seem more graphic.

Zeta posted on 07/23/2008

On 2008-07-17 15:28, bigbrotiki wrote:
Is it...Arte 4 ? :)
Zeta, nobody seems to be as excited about your posts as I am, so here I go:

bigbrotiki: It's not Arte 4, it's before that. The mug I showed above is at least 40 years old. Signed on the bottom by a different manufacturer.
I think people do get excited about my posts, they just don't have anything to add.

Sven: I can't wait much longer for your answer. :roll:


hiltiki posted on 07/24/2008

I also get very excited each time you two post pictures here. I need to stop collecting mugs because I have too many already, it is a pleasure to see all these mugs that I don't have and their design connection to all the old artifacts.

bigbrotiki posted on 07/24/2008

Thank you! I was trying to get some other folks' reaction so it wouldn't just be a ping pong between me and Zeta (as much as I enjoy it). I was actually hoping Tiki Nomad might post some matching close up scans from his menu collection:


I apologize, Zeta, I am bad that way....

The Sperm Whale posted on 07/24/2008

I love this thread!! I wish the Spanish mugs were easier to obtain. I wish I could afford a trip to Spain. I was glad to be able to attend "Bigbros" spainish mug unvailing party a few years ago. I bought 4 mugs then. I am drooling over here.

blue.octopus posted on 07/25/2008

This is a very interesting thread - I especially like the way you two are also providing the original source illustrations.

Question - do these ever come on on eBay Spanish site? any good search tips?

Zeta posted on 08/03/2008

On 2008-07-24 07:50, The Sperm Whale wrote:
I love this thread!! I wish the Spanish mugs were easier to obtain. I wish I could afford a trip to Spain. I was glad to be able to attend "Bigbros" spainish mug unvailing party a few years ago. I bought 4 mugs then. I am drooling over here.

Mahalo Sperm Whale! I'm glad you love this thread. I'll keep writing as long as you keep reading.
I'm also glad that Spanish mugs are NOT eazy to obtain because that make them more misterioso and rare.

Why don't you show some pictures of that "Bigbros" event and the 4 mugs you bought too.
I don't have any Kon-Id mugs myself but I have a friend in Madrid who bought one near Toledo. I like the Kon-Id logo on the bottom.

Picture by Sven A. Kirsten
Those mugs were made in Spain, therefore, part of the complete Spanish Tiki History.

Bigbrotiki? how many Kon-Id (Spanish) mugs were produced ?
Can you tell us more more about the subject ?

Aloha Oe


[ Edited by: Zeta 2008-08-03 16:20 ]

[ Edited by: zeta 2008-08-03 17:54 ]

Zeta posted on 08/03/2008

On 2008-07-25 13:35, blue.octopus wrote:
This is a very interesting thread - I especially like the way you two are also providing the original source illustrations.

Question - do these ever come on on eBay Spanish site? any good search tips?

Thank you blue.octopus I like the original source illustrations too. It's amazing what you can learn from books. I was very surprised when I made the connection.

Answer to your question - This mugs never come out on ebay Spanish site. The only search tip I can give you is to come to Spain and look in antique stores or flea markets, that's the way I found mine and the only way I know.



Zeta posted on 08/04/2008

On 2008-07-23 17:13, hiltiki wrote:
I also get very excited each time you two post pictures here. I need to stop collecting mugs because I have too many already, it is a pleasure to see all these mugs that I don't have and their design connection to all the old artifacts.

Thank you hiltiki, I'm glad you like my pictures. I understand what you mean about stop collecting mugs, because I also have too many already, but when I find a never seen before vintage Spanish tiki mug in the wild, I can't let it go. I must have it to preserve it because it's probably the only time I'll ever see the piece. Many of the mugs from my collection are one of a kind, unique, last of it's species. 8)

There is more than 250 different original vintage Spanish Tiki mug designs that I know about. :o Many more that I don't know about (yet) and designs that are lost forever without ever being properly documented.
Later on this thread I'll post some pictures of some never seen before vintage Spanish tiki mugs.
Here's a quote from this thread http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=25869&forum=5 by Tikinomad on vintage Spanish tiki mugs with great pictures of menus from his collection:

On 2007-10-07 08:50, Tikinomad wrote:
Top five Spanish mugs/glasses I'm currently hunting for.........

Ma halo for looking!

Mahalo to Tikinomad for the pictures ! I agree with Bigbrotiki, Tikinomad, please post some more pictures here.

To close this post, I'm going to quote another famous Spanish Tiki Worshiper.

"I don't search, I find !" - Pablo Picasso -

Salud! (Cheers! in Spanish)


Tikinomad posted on 08/04/2008

I just found this thread, i love it!
Great photos Zeta, big ma halo for sharing!

Zeta posted on 08/04/2008

On 2007-08-06 16:16, Tikinomad wrote:
I thought I'd share pic's of some Tiki menu's I scored from the Waikiki Beach Club, the Malibu Bar Hawaiian Pub and the Bora Bora Polynesian Bar in Spain!

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3543/46b7a8c5.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d3a0eacb9307c2b729852e246d6be3a9

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I'm still looking for menu's from Hula-Hula, Kahiki, Aloha, Kahala, Hiva Oa, Tahiti and Mauna Loa.
If anyone's has any to sell please drop me a line!

A quote from your topic, Spanish Tiki Menus : http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=25132&forum=5

Big ma halo for you Tikinomad! I'm glad you like this thread, I like your menus too.
Share some more photos from your Spanish collection if you can, maybe we could make some trade. I have some menus from the places you are looking for.
Also, maybe you can share some pictures from the bars those menus come from. Or anything else you can tell us about Tiki in Spain.
I can tell you that Malibu bar is closed now...

Ma halo amigo!


Tikinomad posted on 08/04/2008

I'm a little behind with my wife being pregnant with our second child and what not but I will post more photos of the items in my Spanish Tiki collection, I promise! I wish I had more doubles to trade with you Zeta!

Pages: 1 2 3 137 replies