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Mai Kai .... problems in the kitchen?

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ikitnrev posted on 06/27/2008

Which one of you Hukilau pranksters let the vermin loose in the kitchen?

The kitchen at the Mai Kai has been temporarily closed, due to 'vermin problem' Video footage shows an annoyed Dave Levy, being subject to a 60 Minutes type visit.

I know that restaurant inspectors can be a pain - hopefully this will be taken care of quickly, and the Mai Kai reputation restored quickly.

Swanky posted on 06/27/2008

Nice. Slander the place all over the TV and then say, "they are reopened after and new inspection." Great. No problem, but we want to make an ugly stink anyway...

TikiLaLe posted on 06/27/2008

Never let a 'talking head' into your place of bizness!

Guess ole Dave never heard the song 'Dirty Laundry' by Don Henley.

GatorRob posted on 06/27/2008

Dontcha just love sensationalized local news channels? This is why I never watch them any more. Just listen to the condescending way the reporter reads off the list of violations. And these types of violations happen all the time in the restaurant industry. You have tons of food stored and something's going to find its way in eventually. I suspect they only picked on the Mai-Kai because its a local institution.

Does anyone recognize the dancer footage at the end? At first I thought it was stock footage, but it's definitely in the Mai-Kai gardens.

Bohemiann posted on 06/27/2008

I have a friend that works for Dateline and they are as aggressive as it gets.

Lesson to everyone, Don't talk to reporters, ever. If you absolutely have to..... pick your own time, place and talking points and don't be drawn off and expect to be "set-up" and never let them roll camera. Seriously. never. I work some in broadcast t.v. and I can edit video to make you say what ever I want.

It's best just to release a prepared statement that you had a lawyer review.

I love how she referred to it as an "infestation", but we love sensationalism! Thats why OJ and A.N. Smith got such great ratings. It was a slow news day so time to crucify some local businesses.

But... to play the devils advocate. It's journalisms job to "keep em' honest" and serve as a watchdog for the community. I just wish they would do it more professionally and without bias, slant, agenda or opinion.

With that said....Motherf*#!@&*s better back off of our MaiKai before we put some bad juju on their asses!!! Maybe I should show up at their house with white freakin gloves and some jack-booted camera jockey or maybe rubber gloves and a ceremonial paddle instead!

I say we get some of the TC Marketing talent that I know is out there to come up with a counterspin plan to thwart the bad press. I mean it's not their fault all of us Hukilau riffraff revelers left our flotsom & Jetsom about.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/27/2008

Jeff Central posted on 06/27/2008

Now that's funny right there!!! :lol:

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/27/2008

On 2008-06-27 10:54, Unga Bunga wrote:

shouldn't this be in HUKILAU pics thread?

tikiskip posted on 06/28/2008

That state health inspector will ride him from now on.
Not good.

Ps EVERY restaurant has pests at one time or another.
They come in the boxes of stock that you get every day.
Even your customers/workers can bring them in on their bodies.
Well not rats but the other pests yes.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 06/28/2008

A local TV station that has a regular feature called "Dirty Dining" should, of course, never be allowed in your business. Dave Levy got taken in and that's a shame. The footage showed a beautiful, large volume kitchen and he should be proud of it. But that TV station is run by a bunch of rats, if you ask me.

I agree with the statements above about doing interviews with local TV stations. I take care of the public relations for my restaurants myself. Two weeks ago it was the tomato scare. And yes, I picked the place, the time and did my best to control the direction of the interview. It went fine.

I'm sure the restaurant will survive some crappy press. Long live the Mai Kai!

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/28/2008

My two cents-Many municipalities/politicians, sad but true, use inspection scores in the vain of petty politics. The local branch state guys and the city guys all run tight with city hall and everyone therein. That's why so many place offer free drinks/meals or deep discounts to city officials..essentially a protection racket. Having worked years in F&B myself, I was in kitchens that were clean enough for surgery but would still get nitpicked down to 77 if the owners voted for a different mayor, refused a campaign donation for some pipsqueak clerk of court or wanted to move their mailbox a few inches. I would suspect it's a typical crock of shit case in point. The Mai Kai is an institution. I have been in the Mai Kai kitchen and the place is unquestionably spotless, down to the square inch. Dave and Kern run a tight ship. I can't wait to get back for the Peking Duck.

Capt'n Skully posted on 06/28/2008

I think I read that like BK.. It reeks of aggressive Developers and Political BS..

KuKu posted on 06/29/2008

On 2008-06-28 10:22, Capt'n Skully wrote:
I think I read that like BK.. It reeks of aggressive Developers and Political BS..

I would have to agree, :evil: especially in light of Dave's recent victories in court.This couldn't be happening to a nicer guy. Maybe he should have them into the bar for drinks @ happy hour and 2fer 'em... :drink:

One day, there will be a cure for tiki,
That's the day I'll throw my rum away...

[ Edited by: KuKu 2008-06-28 18:10 ]


On 2008-06-27 09:13, GatorRob wrote:
Dontcha just love sensationalized local news channels? This is why I never watch them any more. Just listen to the condescending way the reporter reads off the list of violations. And these types of violations happen all the time in the restaurant industry. You have tons of food stored and something's going to find its way in eventually. I suspect they only picked on the Mai-Kai because its a local institution.

Does anyone recognize the dancer footage at the end? At first I thought it was stock footage, but it's definitely in the Mai-Kai gardens.

The dancer footage at the end is from the 1990's featuring Kainoa, U'ilani, RJ, and Allen. (The musicians were Maurice, Fles, Toti, Fika, and Mua But, I'm not sure which ones were in the footage.) All the dancers are no longer with us, they have moved on to other things, but, those were the good ole days, lots of awesome memories!



[ Edited by: NALANI at the MAI KAI 2008-07-01 11:38 ]

GatorRob posted on 07/01/2008

Thanks Nalani! Can't imagine the Mai-Kai not being there either. We are very fortunate to still have it!

tikiskip posted on 07/01/2008

Welcome NALANI!
We love the Mai Kai as well.
Thank all, for your shows.
They are better than the ones we saw in hawaii!!

donhonyc posted on 07/01/2008

At one point or another all restaurants unfortunately are cited for health violations and experience pests. Sometimes the pests are in the form of rodents. Other times they're in the form of dorky self serving asshole reporters like Levy. I'll bet you he had a helluva time pumping his little ego with his hard hitting 'ambush' journalism. Wow, man you really showed them, didn't you?

Well, as former Mai Kai patron Johnny Carson used to say during his 'Carnac' routine, "May a love-starved fruit-fly molest your sister's nectarines."

bigtikidude posted on 07/02/2008

not related but just saying,
The Pioneer chicken across the street from the Tiki Ti in LA was closed for this too.
and I have to say That I still go there.
gotta live life on the edge.

mrsmiley posted on 07/03/2008

On 2008-06-27 22:29, tikiskip wrote:
That state health inspector will ride him from now on.
Not good.

Ps EVERY restaurant has pests at one time or another.
They come in the boxes of stock that you get every day.
Even your customers/workers can bring them in on their bodies.

I think he hopped off my milkcarton boat!

Mr. Smiley is the most thirstiesterest of
Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2008-07-10 00:59 ]

TikiLaLe posted on 07/03/2008

On 2008-06-27 22:29, tikiskip wrote:
That state health inspector will ride him from now on.
Not good.

Ps EVERY restaurant has pests at one time or another.
They come in the boxes of stock that you get every day.
Even your customers/workers can bring them in on their bodies.
Well not rats but the other pests yes.

Still early ..this is the post of 2008!
Good Writing!!!!

johnman posted on 07/10/2008

Oh no! Rats and roaches in a FL restaurant? How could that ever happen? Give me a break.

I'm sorry, I love the Mai Kai and would go there again in a heartbeat. Why channel 10 had to make a big deal out this is beyond me.

They should go checkout Disney World sometime. I've been in a couple of restaurants there and have seen roaches in the dining area. Who knows what lurks in the kitchen. And there's a giant freakin' rat that pops up all over the place and noone seems to care.

AHHH!!! It has my kids!

Chip and Andy posted on 07/10/2008

On 2008-07-09 17:07, johnman wrote:
AHHH!!! It has my kids!


That was some premium rum I just lost to nasal expulsion due to sudden onset of laughter.....

I'll get you for this, just you wait.

TikiRick posted on 07/10/2008

I had a cafe at a historical location for a few years. The local health inspectors were exceptionally hard on me because the place had a long term poor record with them before I took over. In the years I had it we never scored less that a 96. Myself and the staff I had working for me had pride in the place and its 60 year history at this location. They went out of their way to make sure it was always 100% or better. Unfortunately the events of 9/11 did what the health department could not do. It was a aviation related place and when general aviation was shut down it was not long that we had to close up shop.

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