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Volcano Bowl???

Pages: 1 23 replies

littlegiles posted on 06/14/2003

Ok everyone, prepare to witness my ignorance in all things Tiki. I haven't had a chance to go book searching yet, but I'm intrigued by the Volcano bowls I see pictured on the internet.

What exactly are they for and what is the purpose of the raised area in the middle.

(standing back to duck the flying fruit spears)

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/14/2003

A Scorpion, or Kava Bowl, or Krakatoa (or a volcano), or any of those communal drinks, usually. You put a little 151 rum in the volcano well and light it up for the presentation...sort of "fire and ice".

suffering bastard posted on 06/14/2003

Instead of lighting 151 rum (watch those eyebrows!), some people will use a little dry ice or light a rum soaked sugar cube in the volcano. The rest of the bowl holds a communal drink fit for 2 to 4. It's a cool (there's that word again--make that zazz?) social tiki experience, much more practical than throwing the local virgin in a lava pit.

littlegiles posted on 06/14/2003

Thanks for the info guys! Now at least I know what those great lookin' bowls are for. Of course, it will put a big damper in the virgin sacrificing. Drats!! :wink:

martiki posted on 06/16/2003

The best flame is with a crouton soaked in lemon extract. That's what they do at the Bahooka. Much more visible and taller.

Use PLAIN croutons!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/16/2003

martiki6 wrote:
The best flame is with a crouton soaked in lemon extract.

Will any brand of lemon extract do or do you recommend a specific one?

Luckydesigns posted on 06/16/2003

Good question SCD, the stuff I bought a while ago was real expensive for a tiny bottle. So, what's the best?

martiki posted on 06/16/2003

I've had good results with Smart and Final's house brand of extract. It works great(since it's mostly alcohol) and it comes in a large bottle. (about 12 or 16 oz). Maybe $5. I haven't been able to find it in the one gallon size that the Bahooka uses (maybe at Costco?) but I've set a lot of drinks on fire and I haven't finished my bottle yet.

Flame on!

TikiHula posted on 06/16/2003

If you guys want a really good flame try rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol in the volcano center. It makes a great orange and blue flame that is just about the right height- and you don't have to remove a burnt crouton afterward.

The stuff only costs $0.69 a bottle- just make sure it doesn't spill into the drink, rubbing alcohol can be somewhat toxic if you drink it!

Flame ON!!

littlegiles posted on 06/17/2003

WOW!! I must say you guys are a wealth of info.

Personally, I find the idea of drinking something while a fire burns in the middle a bit scary. Not that I'm scared of fire, but what my relatives might do. I have an image of a bunch of burned baseball caps and singed eyebrows. :wink:

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/17/2003

littlegiles wrote:
...I have an image of a bunch of burned baseball caps and singed eyebrows. :wink:

I not only had an image of a burnt pomp...I lived it!

kctiki posted on 06/17/2003

I read my boyfriend the account of your smoking pompadour and he laughed 'til there were tears rolling down his cheeks. NOW he understands why I'm hooked on TC. He's even asked me to help make some tiki art for the office in his trailer park.

martiki posted on 06/17/2003

On 2003-06-16 14:50, TikiHula wrote:

The stuff only costs $0.69 a bottle- just make sure it doesn't spill into the drink, rubbing alcohol can be somewhat toxic if you drink it!

Flame ON!!

But...but mine smells lemony fresh! (until it burns)

So...fuck you TikiHula! Fuck you!

------> :)

TikiHula posted on 06/18/2003

Is that the same mouth you kiss your mother with? :wink:

martiki posted on 06/19/2003

No, it's the mouth I kiss your momma with!

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Trader Bob posted on 11/29/2009

These are so cool
Where can you buy one?

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MrBaliHai posted on 11/29/2009

On 2009-11-29 01:00, Trader Bob wrote:
These are so cool
Where can you buy one?

You can find old ones in thrift stores, antiques stores, on eBay, or you can order a new one from Dynasty Wholesale:


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Trader Bob posted on 12/04/2009

Thanks man!
Trader Bob

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Revbigjohn posted on 04/26/2010

Does anyone have a good recipe for this bowl? I love it at my favorite Chinese place but they won't give out the recipe. I'm trying to find one that's close.

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Bau posted on 09/01/2010

I just found one of these at a charity shop:

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its very large, and the volano is divided up into 2 parts. the top part is like a cup with a small hole in the bottom. and the bottom half of the volcano is like a bowl inside

in the traditional volcano bowls you put alcohol in the center and light that , but what do I do with this? anyone know? is this somekind of dry ice effect that is suposed to be used in it? if so how exactly is that done?

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1961surf posted on 09/05/2010

On 2010-08-31 17:39, Bau wrote:
I just found one of these at a charity shop:

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its very large, and the volcano is divided up into 2 parts. the top part is like a cup with a small hole in the bottom. and the bottom half of the volcano is like a bowl inside

in the traditional volcano bowls you put alcohol in the center and light that , but what do I do with this? anyone know? is this some kind of dry ice effect that is supposed to be used in it? if so how exactly is that done?

The reason the volcano is two pieces is :there is an ultrasonic fogger mechanism that
goes in the top .The cord runs in the middle underneath the volcano and underneath
the bowl.You put a little water in the fogger and it atomizes the water and turns
it into a fog effect.It works quite well actually.I have enclosed a picture of one
I have brand new in the box.The bowl holds a ton of grog.Four long straws,four
thirsty people , and viola ...four drunk people.I have an extra one of these brand
new in factory sealed box if anyone is interested .

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[ Edited by: 1961surf 2010-09-05 00:57 ]

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SilverLine posted on 10/26/2010

Last night my wife and I had dinner at a nondescript Japanese Steakhouse in a stripmall in the burbs. To our surprise, the drink menu listed Mai Tais, Zombies and a Flaming Volcano! "You gotta be kiddin'!" was our reaction when the waiter brought this out! After polishing it off, we found the underside to be marked "Orchids of Hawaii." Looking behind the bar we found more goodies. Could these be vintage? There was no one to ask as we were leaving, but we'll be back. I know Dynasty sells these, but are they still marked OoH?

Bottom line is, they ARE STILL out there!

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LOL Tiki posted on 10/26/2010

On 2010-10-26 07:31, SilverLine wrote:

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The bowl on the bottom, right looks like an OMC piece.

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1961surf posted on 11/04/2010

They are all vintage except for the one on the top left that is white and yellow.
The way back right bottom bowl looks like a possible Harvey"s type or Islander
with a more rounded oval lip to it.Orchids of Hawaii definitely vintage !

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