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is there anyone under the age of 30 in the tiki scene??

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Welp, as you can tell from my SN, I'm 30, almost 31, and to be honest..I can't really remember when the Tiki Bug bit me. Growing up Jersey, there wasn't a hell of a lot around me that screamed TIKI. If I saw anything, it was in Books, TV (like the Brady Bunch movie everyone here I'm sure knows about) and elsewhere, but my main love in Life...and still is today, was Comic Books. Now, working as a professional Inker, I sit there and think about Pin-Ups and storys I wanna do all with the Tiki theme going on. All of which you can find in my Thread in the art section here. I wanna bring Tiki's out to the Main stream, into a Market that's Plagued by Unoriginality, and get more people interested, get the Fans to take notice if you will.
There's just something about Tiki's in General I find appealing. Having never been to Hawaii, I find inspiration in the works by others who came long before me, and obviously the guys still doing it today. And I'm gonna keep on pluggin away to bring the younger generation into the fold...

If any of this doesn't make much sence, sorry, blame it on the 2 Large vanilla Iced Coffees from MacDonalds, the Iced Tea, and the Double Gulp of Coke from 711 today. Kinda hard to focus with a caffine high.....

I'm 39. I've always been into everything retro and cool, which eventually led me in the direction of exotica and Martin Denny when I was about 25 or so. As I was explaining to my sister a while back, I think there comes a point in life when you don't necessarily feel like always listening to the wildest possible rock & roll (though I still do that plenty, when the mood takes me). When I was younger, relaxing on a Friday evening automatically meant cold beer and loud rock & roll --- but as I get older, with more responsibilities and stress, sometimes you just gotta listen to something a bit more relaxing. Exotica represents escapism to me, and God knows I need it sometimes...

I started carving small tikis in the spring, which has really stimulated my four-year old son's interest and imagination. He goes on about tikis all the time now, so I guess there's still hope for the future...

However, on a broader scale, I'm not certain that tiki will ever be anything other than a fringe interest. Yes, people still crave escapism and the exotic, but it seems to me that most people also want that escapism to be 'authentic' in some way -- and tiki is anything but that. My experience is that people who want to experience distant shores from the comfort of their own armchairs are more likely to listen to world music than Martin Denny.


Blah Blah....


On 2008-07-28 20:37, Phooka wrote:
Blah Blah....

Not bad for your first post. Sometimes trying to say too much at first can be difficult. You like to start slow and steady. You are like the turtle and will get to the posts with 10 or more words when you are ready.

Cammo posted on Tue, Jul 29, 2008 1:55 PM

"I'm 28. I grew up with parents who had 40's-60's advertisements/games/radios/cars/ around all the time. My Dad took me to baseball games in his '56 Chevy Wagon. Our only library consisted of National Geographics from the 40's -60's which showed me the world through an idealistic kodachrome utopia..."

I want to be TikiTony. I've always wanted to be TikiTony. I still want to be TikiTony.

Hey, if they're still around, bring your parents to the next Oasis! I brought my mom to the Tiki Farm parking lot sale and she LOVED it. She's 80 this year and now has a freshly printed copy of the Tikiyaki Orchestra CD.

Aaaaaaaa.....Ya bunch WhipperSnappers! I aughta grab ya by the nape and pinch yer cute lil" rosey cheeks a bit. ooooh, I remember back in the day......er. what was I sayin.... wheres my Geroltiki?

I would like to think we are doing our part. I'm still under 30 for at least 6 months. But our kitchen is all tiki. We just moved and in the process of creating a tiki shelf up high so as not to allow the two young ones to destroy our mugs. Also we have two large tiki prints in the kitchen and a silly mask - the mask was a Christmas gift from family. We also have a large tiki in the front room from LakeSurfer. Our daughter loves tikis and I think we are trying to instill some tiki love into her and the little guy (6 months).

Yeah, what she said! Well put Ms 'boring' Formikahini!! :lol:
Only, PPPS: have 2 cocktails, you'll need 'em to keep up with us old folk...
:drink: :drink:

You ain't just whistling dixie!!!
This was my first Tiki Oasis (I'm only 28 years old) and I was blown away. Not only did everyone there (regardless of age) know how to party, but there were a few youngin's in the crowd. The mosh pit was a real surprise, but not as much as the crowd surfing. All in all, this event was awesome, and we look forward to being regular Oasis Faces.


I'm 24, living in a place that's quite a ways from anything tropical, so I've had to create my own little oasis!

I've been into tiki for a long time, since my brother and I used to carve tiki-faces into the soap and (much to mum's dislike) the brickwork around the house... but I didn't know there was an actual tiki subculture until two years ago or so when I found my first exotica album... mmmm... exotica...

Anyway! I'm about the only person I know here in Vancouver that's into tiki, my friends think I'm weird, they just don't get it (yet), and the neighbours are scared of all the tiki masks and palm trees in my apartment - but I'm loving it. :) I'm hoping to educate some of them on the magic that is the tiki lifestyle, but it's difficult in a world of Britney and CNN!

On a sidenote, I ran into an old school friend from Australia recently, who stepped into my apartment and exclaimed: "Oh my god... TIKI." Then told me how much he loved it all. I'm sending him some stuff in the mail to kickstart his tiki-journey this evening!

Jimzip :D

[ Edited by: Jimzip 2008-08-26 13:04 ]


On 2008-07-29 13:55, Cammo wrote:

Hey, if they're still around, bring your parents to the next Oasis! I brought my mom to the Tiki Farm parking lot sale and she LOVED it. She's 80 this year and now has a freshly printed copy of the Tikiyaki Orchestra CD.


That makes me very happy to hear that.

though I'm just now starting to learn about real tiki culture, Ive been a fan since i was 6 when my parents took me to the tiki room in Disneyland. I'm 23 now and my interest has really been boosted by my love for hot rods and my appreciation for a good drink. (binge drinking has never really been my thing) i managed to go to tiki-ti last weekend and was lucky enough to sit next to Vicki and have some great conversation all night. she introduced me to Michael and when things finally slowed down i was able to have a nice conversation with him as well. since I'm just starting to indulge my tiki desires i really couldn't tell anyone what music to listen to, or the perfect drink mixes, but i can say that its looking to be a big part of my life. I'm really enjoying everything about it and it just seems to fit :)

[ Edited by: 31hotrodsedanman 2008-09-13 19:10 ]

i'm 22!!! i've been into tiki sie nce i went to the tiki room at disney when i was 5, but got really into it for about 2 years now ... i've convinced my boyfriend it's cool, but most of my friends think i'm somewhat insane....... i think all the older people just have more ability to go to the events, i am in school monday-friday 7 am-2 pm right now and i can't exactly take time off, but i am going to cooking school and am hoping to one day own a tiki bar. i always hope to find a fellow younger tiki fan, but so far, they are all hiding (from me at least).

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