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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Tiki Central / General Tiki


Pages: 1 8 replies

Tiki Baloo posted on 06/19/2003

Hi, a friend of mine recommended this site and I can see why. Just signed up tonight and wanted to say hello!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/19/2003


Welcome to Tiki Central!

We hope you find TC somewhat like a regular family:

Some you love,
Some you hate,
Some you listen to,
Some you ignore.
Some that make no sense,
Some that seem wise beyond their years.

Through the thick & thin, just like a family, no matter what, we're always here!

So sit back, have a cocktail, and as fellow TC member "Gecko" say's in true Hawaiian fashion: "let's talk story!"

PolynesianPop posted on 06/19/2003

Aloha Tiki Baloo and Welcome to the Tribe!

Turbogod posted on 06/19/2003

Sayin' Hi from the East Syduahhhhh!

Humuhumu posted on 06/19/2003

Hiya, and welcome to the 'ohana. I'm here in Seattle, too. If you'd like to meet up with some other local tikiphiles, I'll be at Thaiku in Ballard next Tuesday to hear one of our own, Selector Lopaka, spin some Exotica. Swing on by and say hi.

That goes for you, too, woofmutt! I dare you!

Monkeyman posted on 06/19/2003

Welcome. Love the name. Baloo has to be one of my all time favorite Disney characters.

You are wise to start with an intro email. I sort of snuck in the back door and just started posting. The welcome wagon here is stellar and I missed it.

Humuhumu and the Seattle crew will take good care of you.

New Blood.....I can smell it in the air.


vegasvic posted on 06/20/2003




Traderpup posted on 06/20/2003

Welcome aboard!

Tiki Baloo posted on 06/20/2003

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Pages: 1 8 replies