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Beating a hangover-How?

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Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/06/2005

OK, I can't help it, I NEED to know. So I'm posting a new topic (sorry!) In Beer for Breakfast, Monkeyboy said something about knowing how to beat a hangover. I can not take even one drink without waking up and feeling like the bottom on New York Dumpster! I want a tiki drinky dangit! Help!

Doctor Z posted on 03/06/2005

Have you done a TC search for the term "hangover"?? Hangover 'remedies' have been discussed ad nauseum here. Here's The Good Doctor's 'not-quite-patented' remedy (as seen on about a dozen TC threads AND published in the Mondo Lounge program, thankyouverymuch...)

It should do the trick!

Kono posted on 03/06/2005

Dr Z, I look forward to trying this out. If it works it will change my life! Can you sub two glasses of beer for the two glasses of water? I find that the beer goes down easier. :wink:

Tiki-bot posted on 03/07/2005
Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/07/2005

A thousand and one pardons. I did do a search, but my home computer is dial up and sucks, it took so long, it kept hanging up! So I got impatient and greedy, what with it being the weekend and all, and wanted to know fast. Sorry again!
Read your RX Dr. Z. Thanks!! Hope it'll work!
My sister, an RN, said to do it and also the following: keep a banana and crackers by the bed. When you wake up the next morning, BEFORE getting up/out of bed, eat some crackers, then a few bites of the banana. Then lie there for another 1/2 hour. She swears by it. The crackers settle and the banana has potasium. Worked when I was pregnant...

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/07/2005

One more thing...I am truly sorry for doing another post, but cheese and crackers! It's not like I sent a worm to the main server! Ease up a bit! My brother, (posts here as Ka),is a complete ass hole, I've noticed. He posts smart ass crap and everyone's all helpful to HIM! Perhaps I should do a study on subconciously favoring male sounding posters...

freddiefreelance posted on 03/07/2005

Then there's always Louis Jordan's Solution: "Whats the use of getting Sober(When you're gonna get Drunk again)?"

Doctor Z posted on 03/08/2005

On 2005-03-07 10:05, Hau 'oli Tiki wrote:
One more thing...I am truly sorry for doing another post, but cheese and crackers! It's not like I sent a worm to the main server! Ease up a bit! My brother, (posts here as Ka),is a complete ass hole, I've noticed. He posts smart ass crap and everyone's all helpful to HIM! Perhaps I should do a study on subconciously favoring male sounding posters...

Yeah I'm sorry... but, hey - it gave me a chance to use the phrase ad nauseum in a barf-related context! How often is THAT opportunity gonna come by? :wink:

purple jade posted on 03/08/2005

Cheese and crackers? You're gonna have to beef up your cussin' if you want to get treated like one of the guys here, missy!

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2005-03-07 18:50 ]

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/08/2005

yeah, but the tikitots walk in from time to time...(they already know their uncle's an asshole)! Doc, I can understand your desire to use a lil Latin. After all, you ARE a doctor.

heelgrinder posted on 08/06/2008

two packets of this and a bunch of water are enough to erase an evening of too many mai tais...my husband and i swear by this stuff!

twitch posted on 08/15/2008

The ONLY thing that works for certain that I've tried (and everyone else I know) is drinking a glass of water for every ounce of hard liquor and for every third or fourth beer before going to bed.
It's really, really boring, doesn't involve anything exotic like choco-chip Eggo waffles soaked in yak-pee and chased with Tabasco sauce consumed hanging upside-down with your head next to a running microwave, but it prevents the dehydration that causes the hellishness.
Course, if yer too drunk to know what water is, then do the yak-pee thing after.

seafoamer posted on 08/15/2008

Hitting it with a bottle of Gatorade usually works quite well for me. I, preferably, like to down some right before bed, to hydrate.

Swanky posted on 08/15/2008

Read some studies and there are a few things worth noting.

Do not take Tylenol or its generic forms.
Your liver's ability to process the alcohol in your blood is blocked by Tylenol and it will make it worse. Those coming into the ER with toxic levels of alcohol who have taken Tylenol often die because of it.

Tagamet Yes, that long term antacid medicine. It has a side effect of shrinking some sort of lining of the brain which is swollen when hung over and causing that big headache.

Take Aleve and Tagamet, drink lots of water and some coffee to "speed the process". My personal belief is that dehydration is the biggest issue.

Mai Tai posted on 08/17/2008

To avoid a hangover, I'd highly recommend not attending this year's rum tasting event at Tiki Oasis. Some of us are still suffering. Ouchy.

Chip and Andy posted on 08/17/2008

The only sure-fire method to cure a hang-over is to not overindulge the night before.

But that ain't gonna work for a lot of us.

When you know you are going to have an evening that involves the potential for one-too-many.....

Drink at least one glass of water for every two drinks you have. More if you can.

Eat BEFORE you drink. Have a nice big meal with lots of protein. Fatty foods help too, unless you are on one of the diets-dujour, then do what you can. Eating after your drunk is just going to be bad. And eating after you are drunk will not sober you up any faster, the alcohol is already in your system and that burger is not going to take any alcohol out of your system.

Drink as much water as you can take down before you go to bed. And I mean as much, so much that you have that sloshy-full feeling. Yes, you will have to get up in the night to pee, but that is a good thing.

In the morning, take as much water as you can again. Take aspirin. Good 'ol fashioned aspirin. That BC Stuff is good too. DO NOT take tylonol, aleive, excedrin, none of those fancy headaches meds, they will make you hurt longer because they interfere with the liver and slow down the process of recovery.

Eat whatever you can, and as much as you can. Your body needs the energy to work on the hang-over. There are no 'special foods' that work better than others, the only key to the food is, again, protein.

Coffee or Hot Tea. The caffeine will help you get going, the hot part will help open your lungs and help you to breath easier.

No Sodas the next morning, the sugar will just prolong the hangover because your body will try and process the sugar like it is more alcohol. If you have to do soda, choose a Diet or sugar-free option.

And, keep drinking as much water as you can until you feel better.

Everyone is going to offer something to help the hangover, and you should probably try every option presented if for no other reason than you will have nothing better to do when you are hung-over and it will keep you occupied until the water kicks in.

Water is key to the hang-over curing process.

And, did I mention that you should drink as much water as you can while you are recovering?

VampiressRN posted on 08/19/2008

Alka Seltzer and an all-day nap!!!

leisure master posted on 08/19/2008

Water is definitely the key.

Before, during and after a session of heavy drinking.

Also important is DO NOT DRINK CRAP DRINKS.

The worst hangovers I have ever had were generally from crap beer, shitty tequila, cheap wine or other alcoholic swill that may or may not have come in a plastic container the size of one's head.

On the contrary, there have been other times where I have consumed way to many cocktails made with decent ingredients and was surprisingly unhurt or minimally damaged the next day.

...and do what Chip says too.

tikibars posted on 08/19/2008

I concur with Chip as well:

A glass of water between every cocktail, another water before bed, and a good night's sleep followed by a good breakfast.

Leisure Master is also spot-on: I notice that my hangovers are MUCH milder if I have been drinking quality booze, and natural ingredients (i.e. fresh squeezed juices instead of high fructose cancer syrup).

To this I would add a vitamin B complex before bed and another in the morning.

bigtikidude posted on 08/19/2008

this year at Oasis I did not over do it, and I never woke up with a hangover.
just tired from not enough sleep.

so there is something to be said about drinking too much.
I say if your gonna be at a all day or all night event.
keep it to at least 1 drink per hour, or less.
sip slowly,
drink water also. I drank alot of water as it was hot.

I have had Dr. Z cure and it works great.
thankfully I didnt need it this year.

but if you do over do it.
take them.


AceExplorer posted on 05/20/2018

On 2005-03-07 10:01, Hau 'oli Tiki wrote:
I did do a search, but my home computer is dial up and sucks, it took so long, it kept hanging up!

Ah, does anyone else remember 2005 and dial-up hell?

I posted an update on hangover relief (May 2018) over in another thread:

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