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How to make a tiki mosaic

Pages: 1 13 replies

cheeky half posted on 08/23/2008

We recently made a mosaic for Tiki Farm and took a whole bunch of photos of the work in progress. After cobbling them together we've got a jerky, stop-motion type of animation sequence of the piece being made, from start to finish. What lasts several seconds here actually took several days, but we edited out the bits where we were sleeping and drinking.

This is the finished piece:

And the animation is viewable from the page on the web site. Just follow the link (You'll need Quicktime to view it).



MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2008

Very nice, especially the volcano! Every time I go to Michael's I look at the mosaic stuff and think..."hmmm, what can I do with this?" But I already have too many hobbies :(

VampiressRN posted on 08/23/2008

Beautiful!!! Love the dramatic purple background.

Clarita posted on 08/24/2008

Very nice! I love the little stop motion you did!

TikiG posted on 08/24/2008

I love your work, it's pretty cool! Thanks for linking us to the video.

cheeky half posted on 08/27/2008

MDM, Yeah and you have to be careful, making mosaics can be very addictive. we have so many ideas but not nearly enough time! Thanks, the volcano is one our favorite elements as well.

VRN, Clarita and TikiG - Thanks for the props! We've had a lot of people ask us how we make these pieces so hopefully the movie shows a bit of the process.

TikiTres posted on 08/27/2008

That is really spectacular! I was looking at the other work on your site and it is all amazing!! Would your mosaic wall-hangings be OK if hung outdoors under cover?

danlovestikis posted on 08/29/2008


Babalu posted on 08/29/2008

You guys' work just blows me away! Holden got a wonderful piece! Shooting a time lapse and making it look good is no easy thing to do...you pulled it off quite nicely. I love the way you had the letters going in one direction and switched it up and choose a different look. The letters show up much better in the solids colors...You 2 ROCK the house! Keep up the great work, and please keep posting.

Benzart posted on 08/29/2008

WOW, I could watch that ANOTHER hundred times, Totally Amazing, Holdes is one fortunate so'n so :)
Thanks for putting that together and then Posting it. Awesome job.

cheeky half posted on 08/29/2008

TT... Not sure our work would do well being exposed to rain or direct sunlight, the grout would possibly deteriorate. You could cover them in a clear-coat-type of thing which would protect them, but I think it's best to stay safe and keep them indoors.
DLT... Thanks a bunch.
Babalu... One day I want to figure out how to do a 'professional' time lapse, but that would mean clamping down the camera and the mosaic to make sure nothing moved and taking photos at regular intervals. Sounds like a bit too much work.
Benz... Feel free to download the movie and watch it as many times as you like. You could even set it to loop and never get any carving done again :wink:

Thanks for the support all. We appreciate it a lot.


GO TIKI posted on 08/30/2008

Now I know what to do with some of my stuff that doesn't turn out! Very, Very Cool, Great Job!

croe67 posted on 08/31/2008

Very cool - great to see the timelapse photography & different iterations on the letter coloring before you settled on the final - thanks for sharing!!!
I look forward to seeing it the next time I visit The Farm!

V-TownTiki posted on 11/01/2008

Some mosaics I made to spruce up the place.

Left over glass and ceramic tiles from recent work projects.

Tiki Bob and Tiki Jay One inspired

Have another small frame to put on the right side when I get a chance to make another.

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