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Martini Kings - wow, wow, WOW!

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GulfCoastGasser posted on 08/31/2008

Living on the Third Coast I had never heard of the Martini Kings, but a few weeks ago I found then on the web. I listened to the cuts they had on their website and liked them so I ordered a few CDs: Intoxicating Sounds, Dance of the Virgins and Weekend in Palm Springs.

I received them this week and all I can say is....WOW. My faith in music has been reborn!

In my humble opinion they are best exotic music band EVER, past and present and probably future!

Just one more reason to miss California....


El Buho posted on 09/09/2008

I only can say the same as GulfCoastGasser, that is real good stuff. Their version of "Tiny Bubbles" is absolute fabulous. And who had ever thought hearing "Green Onions" - thanx to Billy Lee Riley for coming too late - in such a smooth version?
Also my greatest gratitudes to the guys for the fast delivery.

Vonratnick posted on 09/10/2008

I like their version of Misirilou, its worth a listen

VampiressRN posted on 09/10/2008

One of my faves too and they are awesome to see live. So clean and polished in their presentation. Their CDs are a must have on my platter. AND....really makes ya want a martini. :wink:

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/28/2008

Perennial shout-out for the MK's cover of "The Pink Panther Theme". Out-Mancini's Mancini, IMHO. Never heard a more suave cover, and bet you think so too, if / when you hear it. Exquisite...

Still finding new fun in Dance of the Virgins, too. Oooo.


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