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Here's my latest carving...and Hukilau here we come.

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Basement Kahuna posted on 06/25/2003

See you all at Hukilau!. Here is a 4 foot Maori meeting house image I just finished. right at 60 hours of work from concept to completion...enjoy!

Jungle Trader posted on 06/25/2003

Hmmm, Hey Poly Pop I'm going to ask BK what he wants for it. Hey BK, is this one for sale? If so, how much? WOW!! I'm in awe!

Lake Surfer posted on 06/25/2003

Insane BK! That's top notch... and stop being modest!

Hey... do you have a chance to post that tiki necklace you got...? Mahalo!

Have a safe trip!

PolynesianPop posted on 06/25/2003

JT, it will look great with that Maori you you picked up from Gecko (you bastard)!

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/25/2003

Jungle....I dunno. I'll have it with me at Hukilau, but it is a large 60+ hour labor carving plus abalone so it will be over $700. For instance, just the scaling: there are 408 scales in this carving each requiring four seperate cuts (that's 1632 small cuts for the scaling alone). I may trump and just keep it unless someone temps me royally! Lake, I PM'ed you the photo of the pendants.

Jungle Trader posted on 06/25/2003

hmmmm, we'll see. It would look real nice next to my Gecko Maori.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/25/2003

I hate talented people. JUST KIDDING BK

Kava King posted on 06/25/2003

Nice. I'd have to say anything less than a grand would be robbery. Unless you want to consider trading for a sweet tobacco sunburst LP?...after all, you can always "just carve another one". See you there.

Monkeyman posted on 06/26/2003

BK Great job. It is truly a work of art. Pricing something like that is difficult. Would someone really pay you what your time is worth? I know that I could never realize a profit with as long as I work on my stuff.

Awesome work.


divychic posted on 06/26/2003


Jungle Trader posted on 06/26/2003

Honestly BK, it seems that 700 clams is not enough for such a beautifully detailed carving. jmo, JT

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/26/2003

I'm bringing some of my more crude earlier stuff that I'm going to price in the 45-125.00 range so somebody can have something for their wall and not have to spend an arm and a leg...I guess I have four or five cheaper pieces with me....those are just decorator quality weapons and a New Guinea style clan paddle but they look good on a tiki bar wall. I do have a very neat plaque for 135.00, which is a copy of the ones Gecko photoed that still remain hanging on the old Trader Vic's in the International Marketplace in Waikiki, but I have to give Braddah Geck a chance at it, as we had a trade going but I only have been able to do one of his pieces and he mentioned a while back he may want it as an option. I have a few keeper weapons to show the folks, too. I'm overnighting in transit right now in south Georgia....we'll see you all tomorrow! I'm looking forward to meeting some more TC folks!

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