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Tiki Central / California Events

Maikai Gents w/Grammy Winners of Slack Key-Sept.19-Napa Valley Opera House

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weirduncletiki posted on 09/10/2008

Aloha Friends!

Our little combo will be performing at The Napa Valley Opera House along with some really fantastic Hawaiian musicians on Friday, September 19. It'll be a great evening of entertainment plus wines by Judd's Hill. Hope to see you there!

-Weird Unc

The Grammy Winners of Hawaiian Slack Key
George Kahumoku Jr. & Keoki Kahumoku
with The Maikai Gents / Norton Buffalo
Friday, September 19, 8 PM

Tickets and info: http://nvoh.org/index.php/component/content/article/136

Bringing the magic of the aloha to the Napa Valley, multi-time Grammy Award winners George Kahumoku Jr. and Keoki Kahumoku beautifully represent five generations of one of Hawaii's most treasured traditions. Share in an evening of Hawaii's history, timeless family stories and the beauty of hula in this rare father and son appearance. The night will begin with Napa's own Maikai Gents transporting you back to the days of yesteryear with classic hapa-haole classics and will close with the sweet sounds of the folk music great Norton Buffalo—regarded around the world as one of the best harmonica virtuosos and songwriters of all time. Mahalo!

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki 2008-09-10 13:21 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 09/10/2008

Too Much Good Stuff!!!

Matt Reese posted on 09/10/2008

I won't be able to make it as far as I know. Man, it sure sounds like a great time. I hope everyone has a good time with good people and good wine.

weirduncletiki posted on 09/16/2008

Is there such a good thing as too much good stuff? Let's find out! Yes, good music, good folks and good wine is a great start. Hope to see some of the gang on Friday.

-Weird Unc

weirduncletiki posted on 09/18/2008

This concert is now sold out. Thanks so much for the support!

-Weird Unc

tiki mick posted on 09/19/2008


VampiressRN posted on 09/19/2008

Glad you sold out. :) Darn, seems I always have something planned on a Napa event day...but I will make it up there for one of your shindigs in the future. Have fun!!!

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