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Should I change my Tiki Central name? me too!

Pages: 1 15 replies


For those of you that don't know me, (the ones who aren’t invited to my backyard BBQs and other non-Events) my Tiki Central name is derived from my interest in ** canines ** and dentistry.

Through an inheritance, I was able to acquire the car of my dreams, a 1955 Thunderbird convertible.
This is my Uncle Art or as we lovingly called him Drunkle Art

292 CDI, 3 Speed with Overdrive, original 6 V charging system, convertible top ~ recently overhauled, and MINE all MINE.

My quandary is should I change my name to some of the ones recommended to Tiki Riviera in this thread? or as some others suggested, Tiki Instigator, Theme Party Hostess, She Who Is In Charge Of All Jet City Mucky Mucks or Miss Swan?

Decisions Decisions.

oh and there's a 49 Caddy and a 55 Imperial for sale iffn you're interested.


Oh fine, now you're going to change your screen name too? Is this some kind of Jet City Mucky Muck thing? I guess you should change it to Queen JCMM if anything. Or Bunny Swan. But I still prefer dogBYTES.


That's a great car maybe you should change your TC name? How about a contest with a prize for the best new name suggestion? Only I like your name suggestions best.


On 2008-09-16 17:49, Mai Tai wrote:
Oh fine, now you're going to change your screen name too? Is this some kind of Jet City Mucky Muck thing? I guess you should change it to Queen JCMM if anything. Or Bunny Swan. But I still prefer dogBYTES.

Oh Mai Tai, why make drama of such a NON-EVENT????


Miss Swan! Miss Swan!

If you change your screen name I am going to change my name to Toyota Corolla Tiki. Sorry but I would rather your name stay Dogbytes cause it says a hell of alot more about you. I do love your new ride though. I'll be sitting here waiting for you to come over and give me a ride.

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2008-09-16 18:22 ]

I like your name as is...but then again, I am a dog lover. Maybe you could put some kind of a Thunderbird reference in your siggy.

Here is an interesting bit of trivia


On 2008-09-16 18:20, The Sperm Whale wrote:
I'll be sitting here waiting for you to come over and give me a ride.

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2008-09-16 18:22 ]


I have a few suggestions for name changes. How about Tiki-copycat or DJ T-bird? Next thing I know
your going to have a Shag room next to the Rongo Rongo room?!?!

Smog Breather.


How about "doglicks" :D


that car is so cool.
you should be call "the cook"

Can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!! Your new TC name should be Tiki-Cupcake!


"Can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!! Your new TC name should be Tiki-Cupcake!" -tiki-dunderbird-

Are yuh friggin insane??? It's already bad enough at one of the many Mrs. Bytes organized events when Frankentodd has done a lil too much "cocktail fine tuning" and he thinks one of us guys is standin' a bit close to Mrs Bytes or talkin' too much with her...Now imagine him in his typically well lubricated party mode and he overhears one of us callin' her "Cupcake"! I fer one do not ever wanna be on the receivin' end of Frankentodd's fists-o-fury again! (Although his "I'm sorry I gave you a black eye" gift basket of assorted boozes and cookies was very nice!)


On 2008-09-18 14:05, woofmutt wrote:
I fer one do not ever wanna be on the receivin' end of Frankentodd's fists-o-fury again!


[ Edited by: tekoteko 2008-09-18 16:26 ]

One last suggestion: E-dog

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