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Erik The Red ( aka Mr. No Na Me) Random Redness! Please Contribute!!

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hodadhank posted on 06/08/2008

Can't believe my bro don't got no thread.

Let's start er up.

This tiki's on it's way to Kauai with some lucky customers!

...like, wildsville man.


philosophizing @ Chez Trish

Traders Waikiki repro


Fugu Lampworks Inc., a prickly business venture

watching the birdie

proof positive Walter Anderson Nursery needs warning signs near his new carnivorous Venus Viking Traps.

spying on Buzzy in his living room

with brother Seth @ Oasis 7 checking under a Hodaddy Mini Mod Tangaroa loincloth.

resins & driftwood

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2008-12-14 16:33 ]

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-03-05 16:15 ]

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2010-07-18 13:42 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 06/09/2008


[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-07-22 10:17 ]

Matt Reese posted on 06/09/2008

About time! Eric is da man. He carves great stuff, showed up at the 'Oki 'Oki in a kilt, attends all our poker tournaments for charity and is truly a good and generous person. Keep them pics coming!

Benzart posted on 06/09/2008

Erik, Funny stuff and Excellent stuff. I Love this one


hodadhank posted on 07/01/2008

ETR burns away the core of a new 2 footer.

I enjoyed watching this proceedure. Fire! Fire!

Billy the Crud posted on 07/01/2008

Good lookin' shwag, Eric. I miss ya, man!

seeksurf posted on 07/01/2008

Nice! Looks like it could have mutable uses with
the top hole?

tikithomas08 posted on 07/02/2008

awesome stuff dude, that cannibal looks sweet!

Billy the Crud posted on 07/02/2008

On 2008-07-01 16:38, seeksurf wrote:
Nice! Looks like it could have mutable uses with
the top hole?


The Sperm Whale posted on 07/02/2008

Nice shit!! I have seen you around a million and a half times..the next time I see you Eric I will introduce myself to you. You are such a lucky guy.

TheBigT posted on 07/02/2008

Nice! What's the follow one for?

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/19/2008

So, my ADD, er, what ever it is called now has/was kicked in quite awhile ago....

Carve some, rest some, drink some, what ever...

THANKS HodadHank!!! for jumpin/bumpin this.
Just a couple carves for ya.

This Moai was actually evolved/devolved prior to Billy's Mason chop. I just never got it done.
99.9 % was done prior though.

I have a red Marqish guy that is a representation of the guy from TVs in Hawaii. I have a 4.5ish footer that is the big brother to the Red Marq that has been staring at me for about a year, waiting to to get done. This is him...........


hodadhank posted on 07/19/2008

Keeeeeeeewel! Whadya use fer da tassle?

surfintiki posted on 07/19/2008

Yeah! Wow, the fezzes are coming on strong here lately. Cool looking!

Babalu posted on 07/19/2008


T_birdman posted on 07/19/2008

Yeah! And he's got good cigars too!

Jungle Trader posted on 07/19/2008

Aloha NoNaMe. It was good to meet you at the Bali Hai. Your works are fine indeed my Celtic carvin' brah!

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2008-07-18 22:50 ]

Benzart posted on 07/19/2008

Hey Erik, Something wrong with your left eye there? :lol:
I see your carving skills have greatly improved, can't believe the range of stuff you are doing. Love the small pendants too!

hodadhank posted on 08/06/2008

First Red got a boo boo on his finger turning on his stereo and couldn't carve.

Now he's gotta go to his brother's Judeo-Santa Ria wedding and can't carve.

I think he's fakin so I gotta finish all his dang driftwoods before Oasis! lol!

Yoo hoo! Hey remember this guy? Gonna finish him up tomorrow.

hodadhank posted on 09/03/2008

Erik The Red detailing "OLD SMOKEY".
I think Erik's gonna make this guy into a HANGING LAMP!!!!!

Smokey's Pacific cousins look on. Jealous of all the TLC perhaps?

Hey! Aren't you supposed to REMOVE plaque?

VampiressRN posted on 09/06/2008

Nice work indeed...love the firepit. :D Is that your beautiful eclectus parrot?

hodadhank posted on 09/18/2008

Answering for Erik: No. That was a random customer parrot. The largest random customer animal we've had in the shop was a llama.

See "BIG Little Big Red" in the right corner?

Erik's been playing with rich stains so I know some lucky home bar will have a beautiful guardian!

Incidentally this is modeled after a Waikiki Trader Vicks tiki that is wrapped in a banyan tree... "Big Red"'s little brother; "Little Big Red", lives in Freaky Boutiki's A-Frame.

Finely ground cashews make an excellent dent compound!

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2008-10-08 14:55 ]

benella posted on 09/18/2008

The boy on the right is killer work! Hats off, Sir !


Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/21/2008

"Really??""Ya think so??" "Okayeyy??" are a few of my answers when people compliment me. I do not really gush or get red in the face. :blush: :blush:
I really do appreatiate the compliments. You guys and gals are so nice!! I just do it to fill my place with tikis and to relax.

Thanks Matt, Benz!! :thumb: s , Billy :wink: , Seek, Thomas :wink: , Spermy(nice meeeting you last week), Big T, Surfin, Babs :wink: , TBird, Vic(I think I still owe you a drink, or the other way around), Vampi (thanks), Bejamin( Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?) Sorry, that is the only French I know. :D What in hell does that mean anyway?

This is a shitty piece of palm that turned out OK. Same tree as "hollow smokey."

This guy is about 4'4", I think he is taller than Mrs. No.


[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-09-20 18:56 ]

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-09-21 07:04 ]

congatiki posted on 09/21/2008

This last one is my favorite, but you've been doing a lot of really nice
carving. Keep 'em coming.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/21/2008

Thanks Conga :)

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/26/2008

Finally done. He is 4'4" tall and 13" at his widest.

4WDtiki posted on 09/26/2008

Nice, Erik!

benella posted on 09/27/2008

WOW ! I love it.


congatiki posted on 09/27/2008

ditto. great classic tiki.

GROG posted on 09/27/2008

Must be a fertility god. Nice carving.

hodadhank posted on 10/02/2008

On 2008-09-26 13:04, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:

Spectacular finish!:D

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2008-10-08 14:57 ]

hodadhank posted on 10/08/2008

Man, Erik's bump on the noggin the other day must have dislodged some clogged creativity and he appears ready for multitasking! (Seriously, the way he spilled on his bike we're all thankful he didn't break his neck... crazy bastard.)

Imitating Rick Wakeman...

Further detailing Lil' Smokey!

and hopefully finishing cleaning this palm log leftover from the Lagoon Chop whitch I husked to this point using Matt Reese's rusty toenail clipper. Possibly destined to be Marquesan masks???

A Marquesan Collaboration w/the Hodaddy (destined for a private collection in PB)

You like?

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2008-10-08 14:50 ]

benella posted on 10/09/2008

On 2008-10-08 14:37, hodadhank wrote:

You like?

No... I love :)

Nice work, as always. How will you finish it ?


[ Edited by: benella 2008-10-09 01:00 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/09/2008

Sweet stuff Eric! The next time I work in SD I will make sure to pay you another visit and try to stay longer.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/14/2008

This is how I will finish it Benjamin. Tadahhh!

With direct sunlight...

and without....

Thanks to Hodaddy with the sanding and trimming of the sharp edges.

benella posted on 10/18/2008

Even with a close up view, your work looks perfectly neat. Nice work of you and hodaddy.


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Bowana posted on 10/19/2008

Nice work on that one, gents! I really like Lil' Smokey too. I have to get down there and carve with you guys one of these weekends!

GROG posted on 10/19/2008

Good stuff.

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Heath posted on 10/22/2008

It's been a couple days, anything new yet?

seeksurf posted on 10/22/2008

Great carve! Nice clean lines Looks fantastic.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/23/2008

Thanks Grog, Spermy, Dave, Ben & Seek.

Heath, I'm finishing a few masks from the palm my Mama had cut down twoish years ago. I did just shuck a nice two foot stump though, must weigh 70 or 80 lbs. I need to shuck a five footer that a friend just dropped off. That effer is effen heavy.

Spermy, if yer in town longer we'll have eats somewhere.

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Grapa-RuHa posted on 10/23/2008

Great stuff, thanks for inspiring a starting carver

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/24/2008

On 2008-10-23 04:11, Grapa-RuHa wrote:
Great stuff, thanks for inspiring a starting carver

I am still learning too, Grapa. Thanks for enjoying.

Nice site!! Have you seen a Taboo Tiki Cruiser in Holland? http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=29198&forum=5&hilite=tiki%20cruiser

I am sure you know about Nirve (SKU) #1941 . :wink:

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Grapa-RuHa posted on 10/24/2008

I have sold the Taboo Tiki bike at my shop (one of the best looking beachcruisers ever) To bad there's only the light now. Bougt some smal carving tools today so i can work/practice on small stuff when it's quiet at the shop.

hodadhank posted on 12/14/2008

Hope your birthday was out of this world! - Hank & Rita

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 12/15/2008

It was fuckin awesome!!!!!!!! Long time been since I was at Disneyland. My feet all the way to my knees are killing me still and it is Sunday. The dogs were real nice on Thurs. Like they did something bad all Wed. I think they said "I luv you daddy, don't put us in the Disney Kennel Club again, we'll be good, we promise!!" They even got certificates for being good dogs at the Kennel Club.

Indiana Jones is my best new ride. Space Mountain is my best old ride.

I gots the 45 anniversary Tiki Room shirt and a print whilst we was there.
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Thanks Hodad & Pakalololita!!

hodadhank posted on 03/05/2009

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The Mezo-Marq collaboration w/ Hodaddy
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[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-03-05 16:17 ]

Pages: 1 2 60 replies