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Old pics pg.3----Tonga Hut 50th Anniversary Party Oct. 25, 2008

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GROG posted on 09/20/2008

New flier:

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-10-17 02:07 ]

CheekyGirl posted on 09/20/2008

Dang...my niece's bridal shower is that day, I'll see if I can swing this...

bigtikidude posted on 09/20/2008

hmmmmmmm dj Lee??
whats up Kirby?

its all good, Lee always plays great stuff.


Ojaitimo posted on 09/21/2008

No list for this one?

tobunga posted on 09/24/2008

Wow! Looks like this is going to be a great event! I'm honored to be a part of it!

Hey Grog, any sneak peeks at the t-shirt and pendant designs?

Can't wait!

GROG posted on 09/25/2008

We're hoping to get Tonga Hut to change the date to a little later, since the TC Bar crawl is going on that weekend up in the Bay area, and that's the same night as the closing reception for the Tiki Mag art show at Planet Rooth Gallery. Plus, hopefully that'll give them some time to add a few more surprises and goodies for the occasion.

PiPhiRho posted on 09/25/2008

Keep in mind that a week after that is the Crazy Al show at Bahooka. It might be hard to find a date in October that does not conflict with something else.

GROG posted on 09/25/2008

Anything happening October 25? (Besides some sort of Surfband playing somewhere.)

GROG posted on 09/26/2008

Date changed---for better or for worse.

Daves Not Home posted on 09/26/2008

Oh no! That's the same day as Grogs Luau

tobunga posted on 09/26/2008

OH NO! I'm in a (non-tiki) art show that opens that night!

I think I can put in a apperance at the other show and make it over to the Tonga Hut, but it's an hour drive in between!

Help me, Tiki Gods! HELP!!!

bigtikidude posted on 09/27/2008

there is a Halloween/spooky art show,that night.

oh well,

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-09-30 10:10 ]

Coco Joe posted on 09/28/2008

I'll be there! Does anybody know if there's going to be new mugs?

bigtikidude posted on 09/28/2008

because its all about the mugs right?

what about a limited edition art poster for the event?

what about new pendants?

just drink, listen to the tunes, and have a good time.


GROG posted on 09/28/2008

Mr. Happy drops by bringing good cheer and smiles to the world.

Coco Joe posted on 09/28/2008

man my 1st post and someone gives me a hard time. Well if there is a mug I'll buy Big tiki dude one just because he's a nice guy.

Joe Banks posted on 09/29/2008

Welcome and Aloha Coco Joe!

Don't worry, bigtikidude is just in a bad mood because there was supposed to be a surf band playing in Ventura but they cancelled. Now he has to go to Tonga Hut.

CheekyGirl posted on 09/30/2008

Yay...date change 10/11 to 10/25 -- works for me!
Although, if the Bridal Shower wasn't for my niece I would have totally flaked.
Tiki drinks sure beats a bunch of women talking about their weight and cramps!

bigtikidude posted on 09/30/2008

actually I'm DJing at a art show( p.s. come buy art hint hint)
because its all about the artists, right?

Joe Banks posted on 09/30/2008

It's all about the Tiki! And every creative form it takes and the creative forces behind them!

GROG posted on 09/30/2008

So, Bigtikidude, you pick on poor Coco Joe after his very first post on TC, and you spam the Tonga Hut 50th Anniversary thread for an art show you're DJing at the same night down in San Clemente that might have a few tiki pieces in it.

You're all class. :roll:

GROG posted on 09/30/2008

Looking forward to meeting you Coco Joe at the Tonga Hut, GROG going to buy you a drink, for sure.

Cheekygirl, GROG glad you were just about willing to skip out on the bridal shower to come to the 50th Anniversary party for the Tonga Hut before the date change. As stated numerous times before, we definitely need to support our ORIGINAL Tiki bars and restaurants, so hopefully they'll stay around a bit longer. The Tonga Hut being able to survive 50 years as a tiki bar is quite an accomplishment, and GROG sure they appreciate your support.

See you ther Joe Banks and hopefully you won't get too frazzled Tobunga driving up from OC for the event. Eric's 50th Anniversary prints will be for sale at the party. GROG already have GROG' print, so get 'em while they're available.

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The finished piece is 11x14 giclee print, signed and numbered, limited to 50.
They're sized to fit in an 11x14 frame without matting, or you can mat it for a larger frame.

DJ Lee will be spinning the tunes and Ana and Jeremy have got some more surprises and goodies planned.

so stay tuned.

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-09-30 00:59 ]

bigtikidude posted on 09/30/2008

I dind't say where the art show is.
and its not in San Clemente.

so there, thats not spaming.


Coco Joe posted on 10/01/2008

Nice poster!

I thought Joe Banks was buying drinks for everyone?

Joe Banks posted on 10/01/2008

Joe Banks? That guy's so poor he can't pay attention!

(thank you and good night....that's for you Marty Lush!)

GROG posted on 10/01/2008

On 2008-09-30 10:09, bigtikidude wrote:
I dind't say where the art show is.
and its not in San Clemente.

so there, thats not spaming.


Well, since you edited the other post on the previous page where you DID say the art show was at, it guess it's not spamming anymore.


bigtikidude posted on 10/01/2008

its in Costa Mesa, at a art gallery I never mentioned
and I didn't say the time or address so it was never spam.
I was just saying good job, planign another event, on the same night as something else.
besides don't you think alot of people are gonna be going to Halloween partys that night? you should have it earlier in the month.

besides I thought people like Spam,
its a Hawaiian trade mark now.


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Hiphipahula posted on 10/01/2008

YaY! The Tonga Hut 50th Anniversary Party Oct. 25, 2008

That's what this thread is about right? Right on! I will be there. The Tonga has been very good to us & I will be at the party for sure. Mugs, art, no mugs, no art makes no difference I'm excited to hook up with friends and have some fun! See you there!!

12808 Victory Blvd @ Coldwater Canyon (818) 769-0708
"Celebrating 50 Years: 1958-2008
The Tonga Hut Tiki Lounge in North Hollywood is an original Tiki lounge established in 1958. Much of the original decor remains...kidney shaped drop ceiling, fountains and giant Tiki gods (moai).

Escape from the everyday with a trip to the Tonga Hut and enjoy tropical drinks from the Liquid Exotica menu served in Tiki mugs with umbrellas and fresh fruit. Bring your own mug if you like and we’ll fill it up. "

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little lost tiki posted on 10/01/2008

On 2008-10-01 02:00, Hiphipahula wrote:
12808 Victory Blvd @ Coldwater Canyon (818) 769-0708
"Celebrating 50 Years: 1958-2008
The Tonga Hut Tiki Lounge in North Hollywood is an original Tiki lounge established in 1958. Much of the original decor remains...kidney shaped drop ceiling, fountains and giant Tiki gods (moai).
Escape from the everyday with a trip to the Tonga Hut and enjoy tropical drinks from the Liquid Exotica menu served in Tiki mugs with umbrellas and fresh fruit. Bring your own mug if you like and we’ll fill it up. "

No Spamming Kelly!
you too Jeff!
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GROG posted on 10/01/2008

Thank you Kelly, and the Tonga Hut thanks you. You're all class.

Thanks for stopping by Kinny.

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tikiyaki posted on 10/01/2008

Man, "Tiki season " is over and there's still tons of cool events to go to. Looking forward to this.

GROG posted on 10/09/2008

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GROG posted on 10/09/2008

Thanks for the flier Tobunga.

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[ Edited by: GROG 2008-10-08 23:43 ]

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Hiphipahula posted on 10/13/2008

Great new flyer's & Happenings Grog! I look forward to Piphirho's drink wondering if that will be the drink he made for the room party at TO8? That drink was Delicious! ...See ya there!

PiPhiRho posted on 10/13/2008

I will not be the same drink that I served at the TO8 room crawl. I don't think I will actually be behind the bar. If I were, I would make that drink. I doubt that the Tonga Hut bartenders could do that one. I have four new recipes for the Tonga Hut and they will be making at least one of them.

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tonga hut posted on 10/14/2008

&Hello Tiki Family,

We are really looking forward to seeing all of you at the 50th Anniversary Party on the 25th! Thank you to everyone that has helped put it together so far- Grog, Eric, Kirby, PipHiRho and my PR team Casey and Nikki. We know there are other events that night and appreciate all of you who can make it out. With your support Tonga Hut will be around another 50 years!


Ana Jeremy

GROG posted on 10/14/2008

Jeremy gave GROG some pics to post of the Tonga Hut in it's early years:

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Joe Banks posted on 10/14/2008

Wow Grog! Those are fantastic!
Mahalo for posting them!

tobunga posted on 10/16/2008

Awesome photos! Interesting to see how much has stayed the same over the years!
Can't wait for next weekend!

GROG posted on 10/17/2008

More pics.

This is the original owner of the Tonga Hut.

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atomikitty posted on 10/17/2008

WOW! Those photos are SO AWESOME!

I love that those have survived, they are so special.

Thank you for sharing those Jeremy and GROG!

Can't wait to try PhiphiRo's amazing drinks!

See you at the Tonga Hut. . . . I'm gonna try to tease up my hiar as high as the bleach blonde in the picture. :wink: . . .

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OceaOtica posted on 10/17/2008

Thanks for sharing these pics! When i first started going there, before Jeremy took over ownership (might have been a couple of owners back) I was trying to find out more info about the bar. Not many answers, except from the gal who is still a regular from way back (blanking on her name, but Grog you probably know who I am talking about). Are any of the ladies in these photos her?

tobunga posted on 10/17/2008

Hey OceaOtica, I think you mean Dot. I was wondering if she was in any of the photos too!

atomikitty, you would be too cool in a blonde bouffant!

Thanks for posting Grog... Post more if you got 'em!

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atomikitty posted on 10/17/2008

Awesome painting on the flyer Tobunga!

You are one talented dude.

Looking forward to seeing you at the HUT!

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tonga hut posted on 10/18/2008

Just added- The Polynesian Paradise Dancers will be performing from 8:30-9pm! Get there early so you don't miss the show. Plus the first 50 people to arrive will be given a beautiful silk flower lei!



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kirby posted on 10/21/2008

Im looking forward to the big party... congrats to the tonga hut for stayin tiki for 50 years, not many bars can say that, Here is my lil contribution to big night, some new tonga hut pendants based on the big tiki outside , I will have a limited amount available that night..
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I know this guy thinks there cool..
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see ya there...kirby

GROG posted on 10/21/2008

Kirby doing Tiki Art again?!!!!! :o How long has it been--- two years?

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Hiphipahula posted on 10/21/2008

Great old photos Grog thanks for sharing, makes me think if I kept looking long enough I would see my parents appear in those old photos how fun! Looking forward to checking out the art, having Kirby's pendant & some great NEW drinks too. Polly & I are bringing our camp chairs to sit out front we always end up chatting half the time out there anyway. See ya Sat. night...

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