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Hey! Do you like ice cream? then vote!!!

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sweetpea posted on 10/01/2008

What does this have to do with tiki? well, it's a stretch,but my ice cream concoction is kinda hawaiian-y, so, read on...

VOTE FOR ICE CREAM!!!! I could win!! I'll share!
So, I entered a contest over at the Full Tilt Ice Cream and Pinpall Parlour!!!
and I made the finals!!!! so, please head on over to Full Tilt's myspace
and leave a comment (or if you aren't their friend, send a message!) with the flavor you want to win... hint hint vote for Sweetpea's #9 Hula Heaven!!! (if ya dont want to vote for me, at least vote for the bread pudding kind, so if it wins I can go try it! Yum! )
Thanks! /Mahalo!

So here are the finalists:

Habanero Dark Chocolate
Gorgonzola, cranberry, and pecan
avocado with chocolate chips
Dutch Apple Pie
Carrot Cake
Bread Pudding (bourbon ice cream with chunks of cinnamon rolls)
Tamarind lime
Hula Heaven (coconut Ice Cream with pineapple and macadamia nuts
Spicy boiled peanut with Coke Cola (its a southern thing)

So send in you votes to this myspace. Get your friends to vote. Lobby and campaign for your favorite flavor. You have until Friday the 10th of October at 9pm to vote.


[ Edited by: Tikiwahine - to fix link - 2008-10-23 16:01 ]

MadDogMike posted on 10/02/2008

(SweetPea, your link doesn't work) If you are trying to get to the page, you can cut and paste the URL but you need to remove the blank spaces between www. & myspace and also between myspace. & com (did that make sense?) You also need a myspace account to leave a voting message.

Personally, I want to try the Habanero Dark Chocolate :)

freddiefreelance posted on 10/02/2008


woofmutt posted on 10/03/2008



And here:

Full Tilt Ice Cream.
9629 16th AVE SW

"The main focus is going to be ice cream (of course) and pinball. We (have) 8 pinball machines and some vintage arcades. The ice cream is hand made. Twelve different flavors with six changing daily. In addition to that we got popsicles. The ingredients are local and organic when available. We always have a vegan selection as well as an array of vegan baked goods. Also we are looking to support local artists by having monthly art openings as well as bands on a semi regular basis."

And now a lil travelogue for the out of towners: This area of "Seattle" (it's actually half a block south of the city limits) is called White Center. Ironically many white people are scared to go there, it's a fairly grungy area. (Real grunge as in dirt and garbage and drunk people at bus stops.) But it's one of the more ethnically diverse areas of the city with quite a few ethnic grocery stores and businesses. Also several dive bars, one brewery, two tortilla factories, and three porn shops. Quite a few Tiki Centralites (Like me!) live within walking distance of White Center, so obviously there's something cool about that dot of the universe. But it's a deeply hidden cool. I wouldn't pencil White Center in for your next Seattle trip.

tiki-riviera posted on 10/03/2008

Living just a hop, skip and a jump from White Center, I can vouch for everything Woofmutt stated, plus
there's a McClendon's (great home improvement store), two good auto supply stores, some very average
Mexican restaurants, a massage parlor, real live prostitutes, a KFC/A&W combo restaurant, DQ, Pizza hut
and the best tool rental store ever. All in all, it's great to live near White Center, not in White Center. My biggest worry is a Starbuck's will open, then it will start to gentrify like so many other cool neighborhoods.

tiki-riviera posted on 10/03/2008


I don't believe MySpace actually exists, so I will visit in person and vote for Hula Heaven, even
though personally I believe any non-chocolate ice cream is evil and should be banished from earth.

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/03/2008

Oh yea STANS ADULT SUPER STORE the white center landmark by which I give ALL directions! and the first place in White center where one could get a STRANGER.
Iggi and i affectionately refer to it as White Creamy Center.

Haole'akamai posted on 10/03/2008

Am I the only one who has never had a myspace page?

woofmutt posted on 10/04/2008

Stan's Adult Superstore...

A few or many few years back when White Center had THREE thrift shops (where a lot of my great Tiki finds came from...I dunno how that happened with Sophista-tiki so near) I was walking fairly early one morning through downtown White Center and I thought I heard bagpipes. As I walked further along I knew for sure it was bagpipes an not a recording, someone was playing them. I discovered the sound was coming from the not yet opened for the day Stan's Adult Superstore. Someone was inside the porn shop playing the bagpipes. (Insert your own joke here.)

A couple weeks later I saw a sign in the window of Stan's for some Scottish festival. I figured there was some sort of heritage connection to the owner of the shop. I was proved correct a few weeks later when watching late night TV with my friends and an ad came on with Stan in a kilt in his well lighted porn shop. "My name's Stan," he said, "I'm proud of my heritage and I'm proud to be an American..." or something like that. I think your freedom to look at porn was mentioned and Stan's as the place to buy it.

The ironic thing is that of course Stan sells dirty dirty porn (tsk-tsk) but his storefront is one of the cleanest in White Center. He keeps the sidewalk spotless and picks up all the trash. I wish the little grocery stores and hair salons would take a cue from Stan.

"...Mexican restaurants, a massage parlor, real live prostitutes..." -tiki-thunderbird-

The prostitutes are a somewhat recent arrival. But one nice thing about them being here: All the bars now have champagne cocktails on their menus.

MadDogMike posted on 10/04/2008

On 2008-10-03 10:36, tiki-riviera wrote:
personally I believe any non-chocolate ice cream is evil and should be banished from earth.

I'm with you! Doesn't need to be only chocolate though; could be chocolate chips, chocolate peanut-butter cups, habanero chocolate, chocolate brownie, etc :)

woofmutt posted on 10/23/2008

Well, I gave her pert near 24 hours to make a post here but Miss Pea must be busy puttin' the final touches on her Michelin Man Halloween costume.

This is taken from a post America's Hillbilly Hula Gal Sweetheart made on the MySpace. It's an official announcement from Full Tilt Ice Cream...

***And the Winner is.....

Actually we got a tie. Hula Heaven and Bread Pudding. So each creator gets a quart of their flavor. But wait! There is more! To find the true winner of this contest we are going to have a final smackdown. Hula Heaven VS Bread Pudding. This is how it will work. We have made both flavors. Three gallons each. First one to the bottom gets a T shirt with their quart.

This all starts FRIDAY 12 NOON!!!***

Well there yuh go, now yuh got a good reason to eat ice cream and go to White Center...So Miss Pea wins a free t-shirt!!!

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/23/2008

yea pea! me and iggi and jesse will go have some of your flavor.

Woofmutt, the great thrift stores of White Center were already gone by the time I moved to the hood. But some of my best finds came from White Center thrift stores. i used to trek down here to shop back in the day when i lived in Fremont (center of the universe) actually even before Fremont became the center of the universe.
Good story about Stans Adult Super Store!

sweetpea posted on 10/24/2008

The ice cream smackdown starts at noon today!
I'll be stopping by around 5:30 to check and see how
Hula Heaven is doing! wheeeeeeeee! Then I gotta stop at McClendons for a toilet seat and some beef jerky. Then a safeway stop for cat food and Mikes hard lemondade. Gawd, I love white Center. !!!

woofmutt posted on 10/24/2008

Beef jerky and Mike's Hard Lemonade???

Geez, win one lil ice cream contest and suddenly yer livin' it up like yer the Queen of White Center!

dogbytes posted on 10/25/2008

we voted.

this is the Kid's Scoop, only a buck fifty! good deal ~ just the right size.

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