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Arty pics of Sydney by Hewey (img heavy)

Pages: 1 11 replies

hewey posted on 06/28/2006

finkdaddy posted on 06/28/2006

Hewey, those are really, really good. My favorite is the 8th one down of the fence, and the one with the square, rusty bolt. Nice work!

pa'akiki posted on 06/28/2006

cool photo's

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/15/2006

I'm never in this area of tc, but I'm way stoked to find this stuff...
A lot of these are real good and some of them are fantastic. I like your eye for the complex geometric patterns. Many of those were totally out of sight. Number 4 is the best example of these type, in my opinion
My favorite of all is:

thanks for sharing

little lost tiki posted on 07/15/2006

My favorite's the leaf in the gutter! Great photos! Cool to see how our worldwide family lives! Great eye for color/composition and texture! Love that texture!Are you multi-talented or something?

hewey posted on 07/16/2006

On 2006-07-15 14:29, little lost tiki wrote:
Are you multi-talented or something?

Jack of all trades, master of none :)

Matt Reese posted on 07/20/2006

Great stuff. I love the small dot of green behind the rusty wall. It has a strange Orwellian feel. Paradise beyond. Thank you for sharing your art.

TikiTikiBoom posted on 07/20/2006

On 2006-06-27 19:30, hewey wrote:

This one is amazing. It smacks of foreboding. Very ominous. Don't ask me why. It's dark and I like it.

Zaya posted on 07/26/2006

These pictures are amazing! You have a great way of showing depth, and it makes you feel like you're right there in the picture. I'm having a hard time picking a favorite because they're all so good. I like the one of the city street with tall buildings and the taxi right in front. Also the one of the lady in the phone booth with the yellow bag. I really like seeing your perspective of Sydney. Thanks for sharing!


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/28/2006

You really have a knack for photography, Hewey. Keep pursuing it. I look forward to seeing more of your visions.

Thanks for the post.


hanford_lemoore posted on 10/14/2008

Glad to see these surface again, Hewey! Amazing photos .... I love your work.

When you coming to the west coast? :)

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2008-10-14 06:26 ]

Tiki Trav posted on 10/15/2008

Hewey these pics RULE... you could sell these to a stock photography site and pick up royalties...

Pages: 1 11 replies