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The FINAL Oceanside Chop! - 10/18 - All good things must come to an End! - Pics page 3

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buzzard posted on 10/20/2008

thanks bill aqnd lennie for all the hospitality
ive learned alot at these chops

i still think we should should still meet there

who's going to argue with people with chainsaws and sharp tools?

little lost tiki posted on 10/20/2008

Ringo's a sweetie boy!
as long as you got food!
Thank you Bill and Lennie for sharing your wonderful home with everyone!
So glad i could come down one last time and laugh and share and create and eat !
Thanks to you two AND everyone else for gathering together and
showing what Ohana really means!

Zaya posted on 10/20/2008

Thanks to everyone for such a great day! It was fun being able to hang out, and do some woodburning too. Thanks Kinny for letting me use your paints, and showing me how to make a cool back ground for a future project! I also enjoyed watching the musubi being made, and especially the part where we got to eat some! I couldn't help but be sad that that was our last chop at Bill and Lennie's. What great times we've had!! Thank you again for everything.


jab tiki posted on 10/20/2008

It was good seeing everyone again and meeting some new friends. I was bummed I had to leave. Thank You Bill and Linnie for all, Kate for the pancakes, Mieko & Mom for the Musubi ..Mmmmm.., Babalu for the clay, and everyone for their tips, knowledge, inspiration, humor, and spirit. Till next time, Johnny.

CheekyGirl posted on 10/22/2008

Damn...I've been out of it. I've been so crazy busy the last couple of weeks, I'm really really truly bummed that I missed the final chop on good old Avocado Rd.

I guess it's time to get my butt in gear and start hosting some chops in LA.

Glad ya'll had a great time, sorry I couldn't be there......

4WDtiki posted on 10/22/2008

Nelva, we really missed you! I figured you were really busy if you didn'y come or post.
See you next chop!
Thanks to those who took and posted all the pics!
Thanks to Erik for the killer beers!

Tiki-Kate posted on 10/23/2008

Thanks again, Bill and Lennie for offering your home up to all of us. I've had such wonderful times there over the past two years. These gatherings meant a great deal to me, and they will be sorely missed.

geedavee posted on 10/27/2008

I am sorry I missed this and it is a shame that this was the last Oceanside chop.
I have been to a few and I thought it was a great place for a gathering like this.

Unfortunately, I spent most of October in the hospital and I just got home yesterday (10/26).

Anyway I hope someone can continue to host chops, because I am looking forward to carving again.

Babalu posted on 10/28/2008

Hey Choppers,

Does someone want to take on the Nov. Chop?...I'll be happy to host unless someone else really wants the opportunity to do one?

What say you all...

mieko posted on 10/28/2008

I can host in November if needed, although some people mentioned having a 2 year anniversary chop at my house, which would make December 7th a great day for me to host one. (A Sunday - but the Chargers play on Thursday that week)

A November Chop in Lemon Grove sounds great if you can fit it in your schedule. :)

Billy the Crud posted on 10/28/2008

I say TRAILER TRASH CHOP!!!!!With hotdogs and Mai Tais!

Tiki Trav posted on 10/29/2008

Crikey!.. looks like you all had a blast... wish i was there!

Babalu posted on 10/30/2008

Well, That's 2 people who can show up so far :) That's enough for a Chop! I'd be happy to take on Nov. Mieko...The official 2 year Chop at your place sounds PERFECT!

So...Trailer Trash Chop II, in Lemon Grove it is...Hot Dogs, Twinkies, and my grandmothers most famous recipe "Bereavement Potatoes"...Does the 22nd sound cool?...that would give me a little time to clean the out houses and convince the neighbors to tie up their coon dogs.

hodadhank posted on 10/30/2008

On 2008-10-29 19:50, Babalu wrote:
So...Trailer Trash Chop II, in Lemon Grove it is...Hot Dogs, Twinkies, and my grandmothers most famous recipe "Bereavement Potatoes"...

Who's got a deep fryer? I'll bring the battered wife.

Bowana posted on 10/31/2008

So where the heck did my other post disappear to, Babalu?

Well, I didn't want to say anything....

but for me this is post number....


...maybe that's got something to do with it.

"It don't cost nuthin...come on down'"

Babalu posted on 10/31/2008

Sir B....could your lost post be here?


You a funny guy! :lol:

Where did you gets that picture of Chet and the boys? Them boys live 5 trailers down from me. They are pretty peaceful fellas really, unless, that is...you take their picture. They think picture taken steals bits of their souls...they is damn dangerous when they see cameras. Be careful!

The Trailer Parks buzzing with the word of another Chop...Sir B, Emily Jane is cleaning her house again in anticipation of your arrival. She told me she wants to pose for your next mug...at her place.

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