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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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RevBambooBen posted on 10/21/2008

Even the dog is into Kinny!........

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/21/2008

Kenny, the ""Tangaroa"" is awesome! Mind blowin!

Tiki Duddy posted on 10/21/2008

The Solomon islands stuff you're doing is Killer! really like that style!
and the Tangaroa is Damn cool!
great stuff!

Matt Reese posted on 10/22/2008

Branching into new territory is great. I like what I'm seeing. I guess your old stuff is cool too.

I kid. The rowers look very nice. Actually all the new stuff looks good.

little lost tiki posted on 10/22/2008

That's cause i knock off Chongo and Clysdalle! :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 10/27/2008

enough of shenanigans!

Ben-Ringo was INTO anyone with food that day...
must've smelled like Cold Cuts!
Bravo on the Luau my friend!

Thanks pal!
Would love to see your take on a Tangaroa!

There's a whole world of great tiki/Polynesian art out there!
I'd like to see more of the TC artists tackle some of these genius pieces!
That style is pretty easy..mostly ink and tissue paper base...then ink...then gouache or white pencil for the highlights....

Matt-thanks man!
but you're wrong....
the old stuff is NOT cool....
but you are!
i guess!

well, JonPaul came down for the tikimag photoshoot and final review of the interview questions...
Boy's got a good brain and ear!
Did you know he was raised by artists?
Anyways,the hard-workin fellow covered Squid and meself in the same day!
Talk about marathon interview session!
So now he's gone and i had the opportunity to mess up the studio and get some more work done!
i did three drawings,but those I'll post at the bottom tomorrow...
Anyways....got the "Greeting plaque" done finally! acrylic on wood...

Here's those 3 abstracts i started..
Here's what i had last time..

and here's what happened when i did it....

"the hunting party"
acrylic and paintpen on canvas

Here's the start of this one...

and here's the final.. "Nocturne"
acrylic and paintpen on canvas...

i really like the mood of this one!
so here's some details....

Here's what i started with the third abstract canvas..

and here's what i ended up with...
"Sun and Village"
acrylic and paintpen on canvas...

a little bit happier than the last one...

Then a couple of days ago, i just started sketching a picture on this 20x24 canvas
and before i knew it-had the whole base gouached in...like this!
"the Village Tiki"

then i added some watersoluble pencil for shading and highlights....

here's some details of that...

and then today ,after spray sealing it,i started going over the areas with paintpen
like this!


1 or 2 more sessions and that will be done!
Babs finally got my humble LLT #1 Mug done!
Can't wait to feel it!
here's some shots of it!
Thanks Babalu! Can't wait for the next one!

slight aerial view...


Well, that's it til i post those 3 drawings from the weekend on Monday!
G'night ohana!

Well, it's monday and here's those 3 drawerins i promised ya!
First off is a piece reflecting on the indigestion-induced dream of a Cannibal and all of his long forgotten
victims and meals....
"the Dream of Past Meals"

the second is another abstract...a study for a bigger piece...
a little funner and brighter than the previous....
"Meeting at the Lake"

and the last is a revision/update of my Happy Hut theme...
i calls it... "Happy Hut"...duh! :)

that's it! Back to Woiks!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-10-27 15:20 ]

Bowana posted on 10/27/2008

Tiki Cubism!


And what a mug!

Didja get that thing I sent ya?


Robb Hamel posted on 10/27/2008

Excellent new stuff.

"The little rower" is a new personal fave.

The abstracts are a blast.

"Greeting Plaque" is too cool for skool.

The picture of your studio proves that your dojo is superior.

I wonder how much of this is going to be in the book?

Do you have any pics of what Golen gets to hang?


hodadhank posted on 10/28/2008

Gotta love a guy in his fourties who still fingerpaints! ha! Way to go Kinny!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/28/2008


U 2 Good!

Babalu posted on 10/28/2008

Brother, you are soooo blazing trails! Your light years ahead in this play...

Like Robb, I'm starting a big Kinny wall. Amy and I LOVE, love our new art from you...I crave MORE! You Sir are the BOMB!!

Let's make some more mugs!

ravenne posted on 10/28/2008

I'm glad I was finally able to see this today!
Still don't have a computer at home! d'oh!

But I love how the abstract pieces turned out....like the differences of it going from something unrecognizable to bright happy colors and actual figures is rockin!

I agree with Babz that you are way ahead of yer time!

the "dream of past meals" and the "nocturne" pieces are my favorites of the bunch!

And the mug turned out so cuuuuute! Next you should do NOMNOM mug guys! :lol:

Can't waits to see more and hopefully when I have a computer again!


p.s. you shush!!!

LOL Tiki posted on 10/29/2008

Please! :D

little lost tiki posted on 10/30/2008

Thanks friend!
These abstracts are always a joyful diversion from the more time-consuming work!
I'm glad that first mug's out of the way
because each one after will get better and better! :)
yes...and Mahalos! nothing like more Art Supplies!

Did a few little Rowers a while back...one of those themes that's always fun to revisit!
My dojo needs a Spring Cleaning!
Thanks for making those 2 pieces look all purty and official-like on your wall!
I hope thay warm your brain and heart!
As for what i'll be sending to the Harold Golen Gallery....not sure yet...
I wanna see YOUR take on abstracts!

thanks man!
Age 40 years Maturity more like 10 years! :lol:
gotta love a guy who has a Rad wife and pup!
Give Rita and Monkey big kisses!
and i didn't forget about that fabric print thing...
just percolatin on it! :)

Brad-U2 Good!
You inspire me...at least 4 days a week! :)

thank you AND Amy for adopting some babies! I hope they fill your home with Love and InnerLight!
Blazing....trails! Yeah,that's it!
I think when artists shut off their heads and just listen to that inside instinct,that beautiful happy things can't help but be born!Sometimes the subconcious is leagues ahead..new styles already examined and inventoried......
and then...when the mind is quiet...it gets doled out! A dollop at a time!
Let's make More Mugs! I have 10 sketchbook pages awaiting creation!
Can't wait to see that PNG drum/mug glazed!

Ravers-Hope you get your computer fixed!
You must be suffering TC withdrawals! :lol:
you kids are too kind!
The abstracts are fun and surprising!
Watched a DVD yesterday "the Mystery of Picasso" where he paints/draws about 20-25 pieces..
Realized it's not awful to cover/rub out stuff and repaint,as long as the piece succeeds!
I recommend it to anyone interested in the process of a great artist!
French with subtitles....
NOMNOM guys on Mugs.....Maybe.....

LOL-Alright! Alright!
Just don't SIC the dog on me! :lol:
and thanks for saying "please"
I'm a sucker for good manners!

Sketched out these for a project coming up....
that's all i'm gonna say for now til i get full confirmation..
Tryin to get the perfect shrunken head for this piece....

That's it! back to Woiks!

GROG posted on 10/31/2008

Too much talk, not enough art.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/31/2008

Wow Kenny, love your page 13 Picasso-esque stuff! You are possessed, and you posses it!

GROG posted on 10/31/2008

You mean page 103.

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/31/2008

Those shrunkin heads are kicking some serious ass!! Keep on Rockin Buddy Boy!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/01/2008

Sweet as left over Halloween candy!

GROG posted on 11/01/2008

LOL Tiki posted on 11/01/2008

Kinny, You were right; put it on the wall and it becomes art!

little lost tiki posted on 11/02/2008

Hello Ohana!
How are we all doing today?
good! good!
glad to hear it! :)

Wanted to show off my Cool Cannibal Tiki from 4WD Tiki!
Thanks Man! I put my Squid Squll atop it to give it a deadlier,spookier vibe!
i love it! The victim's expression just makes me giggle!
thanks Bill!

Please excuse my dusty floor!
i'm a painter,not a mopper!

Quickie post so i have some time to go to the discount ALL 99 cent bookstore down Chapman
and to get some more painting in today!

Don't you have a Bamboo Ben cartoon to finish?
Bob Ross likes me better!

Sven-Thank you for visiting the thread!
Your Tiki Modern book started a little fire
and offered a challenge to tackle another approach to Tiki!
"possessed" sounds so extreme...
"driven" is just as dramatic without the psychological by-product! :lol:
You be driven too!

Spermy-More shrunken heads...ahead!

a beautiful home and just the right frame and presentation
really elevates the piece!
Thanks for giving "Outside the village" such a nice home!

Worked on Halloween and yesterday on the new shrunken head piece...
Will post more studies during the week as i get em scanned...
here it is with little comments...

Bamboo ben frame...wood gessoed..

Sides of the frame embellished with a tribal motif...

Here it is so far...

I tried to make the palette look like it was a bright painting about 40-50 years ago
and is now a lil faded and covered with a warm nicotine patina...
(that was a SPARKS reference for all you ol' schools...)

here's the "men's house"
with Squid/Bai shields at the door...

Here's the sign atop the hut..

here's a headHunter tiki based on a Solomon islands Prow..

Here's the palms,lifted off the back of the Clam mug

here's the Shrunken head so far...

Super close detail to show the gesso and paint on the wood...
kinda raw and rough...i like it!

and in front of the establishment...
a pile of past patrons/dinners....

That's it til i gets the studies scanned....
Off to paint!

G'wan! Move it!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-11-02 12:57 ]

JenTiki posted on 11/02/2008

On 2008-11-02 12:48, little lost tiki wrote:
here's the Shrunken head so far...

Looks like Mick Jagger! :lol:

4WDtiki posted on 11/02/2008

^^LOL, it does! :lol:^^

I like the skull coconuts in the palm, and the skullguys hanging out on the rooftop.

Ken, the Cannibal looks good in it's new home. I'm glad you like the victim's expression, I was influenced by your characters when I was carving it!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/03/2008

I LOVE your studio. You have the art studio I dream about.
The new cannibal is AWESOME!
The shrunken head piece is epic. You're creating an enviroment of mythical mirth...er and cannibalism.
I did the layering of washy colors. Antique and smokey lounge-ish. The frame is a piece of art all on it's own.
Can't wait to see it finished!
You are aces!

little lost tiki posted on 11/03/2008

Hello Kids!

Jen-well...my first ones reminded me of Squid...
but a more prominent musical star might broaden the appeal of the piece...
Actually,he has a goatee that i gotta "bring out"...
thanks for the visit!

the skull coconuts was lifted off the backside of their bearded clam mug...
I just wanted to grab some elements that would subtly tie it into the locale...
And i was just visiting your tiki in the studio today! He says "Aloha!"
the little victim guy didn't say much...he just stood there shaking! :lol:

Happy Birthday! :lol:
You can come visit and stay there for a week or two anytime,my friend!
Stoked to see that the approach is succeeding!
At this pace,it should be done very soon!

Now if i could only draw like you!
Ah! The things i would paint!

Well, had a couple of hours so i raced to the studio
and got's this done....

Here's two more studies i did for the shrunken head...
Here's the one i settled on and used...

and here's another
"Still life with Shrunken Head"

Redid the card and dice.....

Here's my first study for the hut..
"the Cannibal's Hut"

and here's the hut that came out of it....
Also deepened the values/shadows on Frankie's...
layers upon layers of acrylic color washes....thank Heaven it dries so fast!

and here's the work on the bones on the roof!
great eye Bill!
By the way..are you kids comin up to the studio soon? PM me!

Here's those skull/coconuts mentioned earlier....
ready for the leaves and fronds soon!

And here's that tiki inspired from a Solomon Island Canoe Prow
fleshed out a bit more...
This prow was from a boat that was used for headhunting parties...
quite appropo...
I'm thinking of putting a Polynesian style poker chip for his earring...

Here's the study for it...

and here's the skull pile
slowly materializing...

G'night y'all!

Hoo-hoo-HAH! :)

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-11-03 12:23 ]

Babalu posted on 11/03/2008

SWEET Kinny!! Let's go to the opening of Frankies! I'm ready for a PARTY! Dec. 4th right? Vegas Baby!

Robb Hamel posted on 11/03/2008

Your studio is too cool.

Ken, you gotta try that Roger Dean marbling trick where you wet the paper then spray enamels on the water. I had amazing luck with that way back.

Howland posted on 11/03/2008

SU-PERB! Nobody can paint a pile o' bones like the Ruzic! I like the 'warm nicotine patina' effect too...mmmm, gotta go have a smoke....

GROG posted on 11/03/2008
hodadhank posted on 11/03/2008

hi kinny!

BigToe posted on 11/03/2008

On 2008-11-02 16:47, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
I LOVE your studio. You have the art studio I dream about.


well, except for the pervasive smell of decomposing sacrificed groupies


and yeah, the frankie peice is looking KILLER! i have 2 demands.

Demand the FIRST: You must add the sketched severed hand.

Demand the SECOND: you must produce prints from this one...i need one!!!

alohas, t

little lost tiki posted on 11/06/2008

will speak at a more leisurely time...
received a woodburner set yesterday...
looong story...
it's pretty PRO-fessional!

did this last night!

"the Curiosity"
woodburning and watercolor

talk atcha laters!
i love you ALL!!!

Sneakytiki posted on 11/07/2008

Kof KOF! O I loves the one treatability they nam e cat claw, it tickle my throat a bit, cat claws bes the tiki drink of panther pub an elderly establishingmint of tiki, when he drink cat claw the it soothe mucousitiness from the enus and dry heaveness from penis of woman girl. It taste good YUM YUm PIKA PIKA. too taketh with caramel lit on fire mint sprig is correct for her testes. Thanks you for post this most best qualitee tiki postings. tikisnikee


Nice werk on duh wood-burning braddah!

BigToe posted on 11/08/2008

hmmm my studio smells like a putrid rotting rat today. reminds me of that shrunken head. killer stuff man.

Robb Hamel posted on 11/08/2008

Your shrunken head stuff is the coolest I've ever seen, esp. the last one.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/08/2008

"The Curiosity" came out great. I love the "morbid human remains raised to position of antique item of interest" sort of idea. As you know, it's good when it's disgusting and decorative!

little lost tiki posted on 11/10/2008

finally got a little sliver of time to show y'all the fruits of my weekend Art jag
and to reply to all you wunnerful folks!

As much as I'd like to....
I got the Tiki mag Release party then 2 weeks later,a Tonga Hut gig!
I'm gonna be all tuckered out!
Gonna wait til Feb when our work sends us to Vegas for the MAGIC/POOL/PROJECT apparel shows there!
Then Toe and i are gonna go tear up the joint!
Plus i heard that Bowana and Cammo were goin with you..
and they got B.O.! :lol:

thanks man!
Not as swanky as your pad,but i can spill and not stress! :)
Tried that water/enamel technique a while back..pretty cool
but i usually work over the background with gouache or ink and they would bead right off!
I wonder if acrylic would lay on top of that? it is oil-based,so i wonder.....
Anyways..you Rockin Robb-in! :lol:
BigToe's Paddlehead is the shizznazz,by the way!

Sneaky! I want what YOU'RE havin!
smells like cherry cough syrup over there! :lol:

Brad! Wait'll you see the pile done!
It'll make you wanna smoke a carton! :)
it could only help your Johnny Cash voice!
Ah! Fergit waitin...
here is dem pile of bones all done!

Get down to Cali so we can Part-EYE!

Ernie-just enrolled!
Hope it'll do some good....

Hank! Herro!
Send me that awning pic Sir!
And give Rita and Monkey big kissys!

Happy birthday Centenarian!
as for your birthday requests.....
and NO...
Rotting Rats smell worse than decomposing groupies.....

Robb-quit visiting so much!
don't you have some velvets to create?
I wanna see YOU do a shrunken head.....
C'mon! THOR's on board.....

Thanks man! great talking to you the other day!
The Curiosity was kind of a Victorian handbill thingie....Glad you like it!
Let's see a shrunken head from you too!
And get those guests outta the house so you can paint more!

Well,back to catchup...
Got a Colwood Woodburner with 5 different tips in the mail last week....
a delightful surprise from a dear friend!
Thank you x 10000000000000! :)
(I'm not mentioning any names
because i don't want this fellah to be harangued by all of y'all
pleading for art supplies and personal favors....)
this thing is LEAGUES away from that 99¢ woodburner i had!
No more waiting for it to heat up (takes seconds!) and a dial to adjust the heat!
It's just like drawing! i work best at a level 6-that way it burns just as fast as i can draw!
Wow.....Thanks again!
Well, here's that "Cannibal Drummer" from awhile back!
finally finished and hand-tinted.....
"Cannibal Drummer" woodburn and ink on wood

and here's a "wingin it" piece i did while waiting for sealant to dry on another piece....
"Tiki Tree Totem" woodburn and ink on wood

Finally finished my Frankie's Shrunken head piece!
What a BLUR!
"Frankies" acrylic on wood with a lovely Bamboo Ben frame!

What fun was that!
Speed painting!
No Zipfizz bottles were damaged during the making of this painting!

Here's some details.....

head of the cannibal idol

Come Closer!


Hold it right there!
Cheggout the Lucky Seven above the door....
or is it?

it was a hoot apply washes to get the depth goin a little...

Here's the Shrunken goatee dude...
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Close up!
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and his lucky Ace attached to the bamboo head stick...
and of course, the die add up to seven...
lucky? hmmmm....
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It feels like I've graduated a level on the acrylic washes
almost beginning to like it better than gouache
in the sense that you can lay acrylic washes over the base color
and it won't come up..
if only it was as chalky/creamy as gouache!
Ah well......
you can't have EVERYTHING!

Besides the Tiki magazine Release gig at Damons in 2 weeks
Also got asked by GROG to be in this year's Tiki Wonderland at the Tonga Hut on the 6th of decembrrrrr..
So i figgered i'd better start working on some stuff for the people!

so i painted up this fellah on a spare Bamboo Ben frame..
"Night journey" gouache on gessoed wood
here it is with the frame...

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and without the frame!

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Also did this one!
"the Smile" gouache on wood

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and this fun drawing..
"One morning, the idol appeared..."
ink on paper

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and this abstract one!
"Mid-Day" ink on paper...

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Also finished "the Village Tiki"
Hadn't worked on that in a few...
"the Village Tiki" gouache,ink,penciland paintpen on canvas...mixed media! :)
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details Smetails!
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BUT! i took that lil guy from there (and the Smile and Outside the Village)
and decided to try him in an abstract piece
and to just WING it!
Picasso style!
Ciggies and all!
Let bliss lead where it may!
fall into the abyss!
jump in headfirst!
So first, i needed a surface to paint on....
before my buddy Justin left to move up North, he left me a
few wooden 2x2's already with background painting /texture on them..
Thanks Justin!
This was my last one,so the pressure to do something really nice was HIGH!
Here's what i started with..

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just winged it and tried to balance the elements i wanted as
it was sketched on the surface with a water-soluble pencil....
The elements,you ask?
the Tiki/some tapa-ish motifs/a big shield/and some vegetation

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started with a mustard/sand color

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then the other colors as they came to me....
cream/Burnt Orange/Olive-Forest/Burnt Umbah!

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all the colors filled in...

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Next i added a Naples yellow outline and gave some of the elements more dimension with subtle shadows....
and i think it's done! :)
"Jungle Dance" acrylic on wood

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I love how the washes bring out the grain of the wood! YIPPEE!

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That's it for now! Thanks for takin a gander!

hi ho!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-11-10 23:21 ]

Matt Reese posted on 11/10/2008

Jungle Dance looks great! I dig the texture you're getting. There is a sure-fire method to your madness.

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Kahu posted on 11/11/2008

On 2008-11-10 14:40, little lost tiki wrote:

"Jungle Dance" acrylic on wood

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Ken, I love this piece, you do so many, but I just love the feel of joy in this piece!

Robb Hamel posted on 11/11/2008

Good God this new stuff is excellent.

I feel pity for the shrunken head in "Frankies," which adds a dimension I almost never feel in art. And the piece is kill'r.

Knockout after knockout, my man. Real accomplishment. Damn.

LOL Tiki posted on 11/11/2008

+1 for Jungle Dance - I like that guy!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/12/2008

Jungle Dance is my new fave!

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tikithomas08 posted on 11/12/2008

awesome stuff as usual Kenny! hey do you still have the remorseful cannibal? now that my wallet is a little fuller I feel now is the time to strike and purchase it. And by "now" I mean at the chop

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THOR's posted on 11/12/2008

Aloha Kennith!!

I absolutely wish I shared a studio with you! I don't have a single one of my pieces on my own walls..but hope to one day have one of yours!! I love all these latest...shrunken heads included!! I have to say..the one that really went to the "bone" with me was "wingin' it"!! I really like the burnt line in wood with the color washes....just a freaking wonderful feel...exotic and fun. Hope to see you soon at one of the events!! I am planning on your glasses being in the Smithsonian one day..so don't splatter em up with too much a dat paint!!!

little lost tiki posted on 11/12/2008

Thanks Buddy!
Mother nature should take the credit for that texture,not me...
I just paint on it...And there is a method...tho,madness is only a small part of it!

Sometimes the one you just "wing" end up being able to channel the joyful part of painting...No exact destination,letting the colors just suggest themselves to you,it's always a bit exciting when stepping into the Wilderness...Especially after planning out most of the pieces-doing studies,etc..Sometimes just makin art with no pre-conceived expectations
can be a thrilling ride!I feel so blessed to have a 4-day a week job that allows me the luxury of a paycheck AND to be able to make art on my own terms
and not JUST to please an audience or patron....not that there's anything wrong with that,but it frees up the art ,and allows it to evolve with a minimum of outside interference!
Glad you can feel the Joy! I'm gonna slap on me happy face and see if i can do a series around this one...

Oh painter of Darkness!
Moved to Pity?
Maybe...Unless this fellow was caught cheating at the Poker table.Then, you should feel a righteous sense of justice carried out....
Glad that piece could move ya!
Now g'wan!
Go paint some more and get off the computer!

LOL-Mahalos my friend! Sometimes the happy and brainless ones shine....
BTW your drawing is on the way...Wife mailed it today! I am honored you would put aside some wall space for some LLT art! :)

Brad-Thanks Buddy! the Jungle Dance makes me as happy as a post from you or my other artist brothers!
It's that kind of joy! Jumpin Joy!
Now you get back to work too!

tikithomas-GRACIAS! Yes i do! I'll bring that and some others to share! Great timing! Once that Tiki magazine feature comes out,you can resell it for at least $5 over what you paid for it! :) See you at the Chop! I'm riding with the BigToe! I'll sell him to you real cheap! REAL CHEAP!

Thank you.
It's quite an honor to be able to interact with such genius!
Anytime you're in Orange,gimme a holler and you can come down and work there ANYTIME!!! Terrill and I have that little Grass Shack print of yours in the bedroom.i find myself looking at it every night before i go to sleep...
As for the studio....
It's filled with art because i have that bad habit of painting
more than i sell! :lol:
You don't seem to have that problem.... :)
Your excursions into velvet,along with Robb's,TikiTony's and,Ms. Watts has really elevated the medium! truly AWE-INSPIRING! Robb gave me the skinny on the velvet,so keep your eyes peeled for some abstracts on velvet! :)
As for the "wingin it"...we all know the value of play when it comes to recharging the brain and art spirit... I'm discovering that sometimes a mistake can be a gateway to a true masterpiece! or at least a pleasant surprise! Did a small wood-burn last night..You gotta come down and I'll let you play!
As for the Smithsonian....they'll need a bigger display case,as there are 3 pairs of glasses i currently use...
My driving/everyday glasses..
my reading/making art glasses....
and the pair i wear at the studio that allows me to
paint and watch documentaries across the room! :lol:
Squid recommends bifocals..wise man....
You're gonna be at Damon's,right?
Can't wait to see what you bring!

Well, like i said, worked on a wood-burn last night!
Came home and i smelled like a campfire! mmmmmmm! :)
Here it is..
"Night and the Tiki" wood-burn and sepia ink tinting on wood
Savin this one for the Damon's event....
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and here's some details/closeups....
still a long way to go before i find the pieces satisfying
but that's just "Divine Discontent" to quote Joan Miro!
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that's it! Time to work!
Bye friends!

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tikithomas08 posted on 11/12/2008

my plan exactly,EBAY!...you can keep the toe.


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GO TIKI posted on 11/13/2008

Awesome Work! As all ways Kinny, Your like the Duracell Bunny! You just keep going and going! Mahalo! Gogo

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