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New Ren & Stimpy... Yikes!

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Trader_Rick posted on 07/04/2003

Anybody else see this? Pretty over the top! I got a little uncomfortable a couple of times, esp. when Ren's parents started making out. I was waiing for Krusty the Clown to come out at the end and say "Whoa! The network will NEVER let us show THAT again!"

My theory is, though, is that this was ab ig stunt to get viewers, and the other episodes won't be this bad. I had watched some Spumco stuff on the internet and seen The Ripping Friends, but nothing could prepare me for this cartoon.

BTW, anyone know what that backwards crap was that Ren said at the end?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/05/2003

I'm totally baffled. I love Ren & Stimpy but I haven't seen it in years. Am I outta the loop or wha? Also when did Krusty hook up w/ R&S? Please esplain it to me.

Hoahele Howard posted on 07/05/2003

I watched last night's episode where Ren explains why he's so mean. Just as Mr. Horse (playing the role of a psychitrist) reaches for a gun in his desk drawer, my TV signal mysteriously went out. When it came back on the scene was over and Ren was walking home. Censorship?

Not that it really mattered -- overall, i'd have to say, "No sir, I don't like it."

I was a HUGE R&S fan back in the day. The new shows take the occasional 60 seconds of creepiness that was cool when it showed up from time to time and focus on it entirely. I laughed not once.

emspace posted on 07/05/2003

Having seen the orginal R&S, lots of online Spumco, and now this...I am seriously worried John Kricfalusi is slowly but surely losing his mind. Poor bugger.


floratina posted on 07/05/2003

After reading this thread a couple of days ago, I watched this episode when it re-ran last night (my signal was fine). Not funny. I agree that they expanded upon the flasshes of creepiness until it was a half-hour show. I guess Krisfalusi's old partner (Bob Camp, I think it was) isn't involved anymore. Perhaps he was responsible for keeping the disturbing aspects in check.

Trader_Rick posted on 07/06/2003

No, Krusty the Clown did not team up w/ R&S, I just thought there might be some Simpsons fans in here who would get the reference.

For the uninformed, I am refering to the the second episode (I mistakenly thought this was the first) of the brand new R&S series, "Ren and Stimpy: Adult Cartoon Party" on TNN. So far, the only other people who have hated the new series besides myself have been my girlfriend, her brother, and fellow tiki-centralites.

No, Bob Camp is no longer involved with the series. He and John K. had a falling out over the original series and have not spoken to each other since. Last I heard, he was working on Cow & Chicken.

And I have to agree with the expanding on the occasional creepiness. I might think that John K. had lost his mind, but I've heard that some animators tend to be damned weirdos. Of course, not any of the fine animators and cartoonists here at Tiki Central!

[ Edited by: Trader_Rick on 2003-07-06 10:41 ]

suicide_sam posted on 07/06/2003

Damn I haven't caught the new show yet. I'm a huge fan of John K. "The Goddamn George Liqour Program" was one of the best things ever.

paranoid123 posted on 07/07/2003

On 2003-07-06 10:40, Trader_Rick wrote:
No, Krusty the Clown did not team up w/ R&S, I just thought there might be some Simpsons fans in here who would get the reference.

Don't worry, Rick, I got your reference. Episode #10F2, "Homer Goes to College". Good one!

johntiki posted on 07/10/2003

Who remembers when Ren and Stimpy did a cameo on the Simpsons?

Reever posted on 07/23/2003

It's creepy. I really didn't need to hear Ren force Stimpy to recite how he was the catcher and Ren was the pitcher, or whatever.

Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-py. And I still have all of the original series on video.

I have to agree... the old boy's losing his mind.

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/23/2003

Didin't Stimpy get caught in a mutation machine and morph into Fry from Futurama? Or did he get morphed into the Red M&M? They all sound the same to me.

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