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Tiki Central / California Events

UPDATED WITH PHOTOS Nov 16th The Hula Girls, Amber Foxx & Duck & Cover @ The Redwood Bar

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 11/19/2008

"ok what do you guys say to doing a show together?
Exotiki and Hula Girls at Purple Orchid?"

I say YES as well! Heaven!

I have to agree with the comments regarding the musicianship. Whether you love roots or not, there were just some great sounds coming out of that place on Sunday from everyone! For me, the Hula Girls blending of the Hawaiian and surf music and the big heavy Rockabilly base lines is just a slice of pineapple pie a la mode! Tiki-a-fair, you and Jeff really are getting some great music out there for our listening pleasure.

I don't mind going up to LA or wherever it's happening, but please, oh, please, won't you all play at some venues closer to home for me? (that being Orange County).

I also say YES to surf and surf punk, too. I am a non-denominational appreciator of a big fat musical sound.

Dartin Menny posted on 11/19/2008

For those of you who liked/loved Duck & Cover this past Sunday Brunch:

They will be back at the Redwood Bar next Friday night, November 28th, opening for Big Sandy & his Fly-Rite Boys.

Also on the bill.... Captain Jeffery & the Chumbuckets. If you haven't seen or heard these kids (yes, they are all 22 years of age and younger) yet, make it a point to get there early to catch them. They are phenomenal and a very fun band!

tiki-a-fair posted on 11/19/2008

THE HULA GIRLS WILL BE BACK IN JANUARY! Yippy, we had such a great time listening to them we just had to book them again. I will post more info as it becomes available.

And just as Dartin Menny said, you can see Duck & Cover again along with Big Sandy and Captain Jeffrey and The Chumbuckets on Nov 28th, I have posted it under Tiki Music if you need more info. All three bands are great. A fun time to be had for all.

If you enjoyed last Sunday's brunch most all of the bands we book are top notch and you might of not heard of the bands we book but Hillbilly Jeff has the best taste and is very picky with who he books, so you know they just have to be outstanding. So please check us out again. You can find my postings under Tiki Music and sometimes under California Events. Be sure to pass along the word if you had a great time, we would greatly appreciate it. To all of you that came out last Sunday and for those of you that make it out every single Sunday thanks so much for your support. Hope to you all soon.

tiki mick posted on 11/20/2008

On 2008-11-19 07:55, tiki-a-fair wrote:
THE HULA GIRLS WILL BE BACK IN JANUARY! Yippy, we had such a great time listening to them we just had to book them again. I will post more info as it becomes available.

And just as Dartin Menny said, you can see Duck & Cover again along with Big Sandy and Captain Jeffrey and The Chumbuckets on Nov 28th, I have posted it under Tiki Music if you need more info. All three bands are great. A fun time to be had for all.

If you enjoyed last Sunday's brunch most all of the bands we book are top notch and you might of not heard of the bands we book but Hillbilly Jeff has the best taste and is very picky with who he books, so you know they just have to be outstanding. So please check us out again. You can find my postings under Tiki Music and sometimes under California Events. Be sure to pass along the word if you had a great time, we would greatly appreciate it. To all of you that came out last Sunday and for those of you that make it out every single Sunday thanks so much for your support. Hope to you all soon.

Yippy Skippy! (I like that phrase)

We will be glad to be back, and even more so now that I know what the place looks like and what the vibe is like. I forgot to mention how wierd it was being in such a dark, intimate bar, then going outside to be in broad daylight. Wierd.

And this time, everyone please drive carefully! Don't need what happened to woohoo and soccer to happen to anyone else!

By the way, where are those pix tiki-affair? Bring 'em on!

TikiGeeki posted on 11/20/2008

I have to say, the brunch was my first time listening to The Hula Girls... and my first time at Redwood. Both were awesome! I had such a blast.

Besides the band and the great atmosphere... I have to give mad props (seriously mad props) to Rhonda, the bartender, who created one of the best tiki cocktails I've had. Feeling the vibe of the place, I asked her for a rum cocktail. She was so excited and passionate about making a Mojito (very tasty btw), I had to follow up with a request for something unique and exciting. Her eyes lit up and made me two cocktails, the second was pure tiki inspiration (the first was good too, but needed some lime). Absolutely amazing! I had three. Kiki von Tiki enjoyed one herself. I'm seriously tempted to go back this Sunday and get another... or three. :wink: I'm kind of sad Hula Girls isn't a fixture there Sundays otherwise their music, brunch and those drinks would become a regular part of my diet. :wink:

If anyone swings by when Rhonda is working, ask for her Me'Limon. Lots of rum... lots of lime... even its creation was in the true spirit of the tiki! Such a great time!

tiki-a-fair posted on 11/20/2008

Hello there Lucas

I will post the pic's soon, I have had a very busy week, I am only on TC when I am at work, once I am home the madness sets in and I cant down load the pics while at work the program for my camara is on my home computer. But I will have some down time this weekend, so there coming, I promise!

And hello Tiki Geeki,

So glad you loved the drinks and Rhonda, that is good to hear. Yes please do come back for drinks, The Hula Girls wont be there every Sunday but there is still great music there every week. You would probably enjoy the show on Nov 30th it's pretty much rockabilly, but so good, If you liked Amber Foxx who played last Sunday along with The Hula Girls, it's along the same lines as her music.

By the way The Hula Girls date is January 4th, hope to see you there!

tiki-a-fair posted on 11/23/2008

Well here as promised are the pictures from the Nov 16th show. Hope you like them! Be sure to check out The Hula Girls again on January 4th at The Redwood Bar & Grill and remember we have shows every Sunday, our bands are always top notch.

Hillbilly Jeff having some fun with Duck & Cover

Duck & Cover being Silly

Amber Foxx

more Amber foxx

Amber Foxx

Duck & Cover

Peter of Duck & Cover

More Duck & Cover

The Hula Girls

The Hula Girls

The Hula Girls

The Hula Girls

The Hula Girls

Justin Curtis

Justin Curtis

tiki mick posted on 11/24/2008

Great pictures, Tiki-a-fair!!!!!

moondog426 posted on 11/24/2008

Dontcha just love good music....yeehaw!...great pics thatnks for posting.

tiki mick posted on 11/25/2008

That telecaster player for Justin Curtis (Very last picture). Words don't even describe how good that guy was. He was like Vince Gill, maybe even a little better.

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