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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

New Guy

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Here is my story...
I have been into tiki's for a long time but never put my hand on a chisel. I took a vacation down to the coast of Texas and meet an old drunk guy selling them on the side of the road. He wanted a killing for work that wasn't so great that he made in 30 minutes. I came back home and tried it myself after that. I seem to not be going in the direction that I want , due to Texas hardwoods and I am still learning. I am not to happy with the direction but the local people and friends can't seem to get enough of what I am doing and I can't keep up due to time. I like to make them for charitable events and they seem to be a hit. I did one for a local Red Cross Car Show for Hurricane Ike Victims , One for a Local Toyrun Raffle and a raffle for a friend thats going to Iraq to raise money for a care package for him. I have a waiting list that I can't keep up with but like I said I'm looking for the direction I can not find as you can see.
Here are some pics , please comment.
Thanks Scotty
1st one I did

[ Edited by: drasticwagon 2008-12-27 20:34 ]

Hey D,
Welcome to TC. I like your stuff already. Real bold look with lots of neat influences in each piece. Like the primitive look. You'll probably be hearin' from the A team soon. (Benzart, tucson tiki, and about 10 others)
I'm just a beginner too, started late, but keep reading the posts and you'll get valuble stuff. I'm getting some cottonwood soon, some say it sucks, but I know a Navajo that carves beautiful Kachinas from it , so Ill give it a try.
Hey, it looks like you got the right direction,... check out other works and let it adapt to your style. Good luck with your care package, I know for a fact what it means to get stuff from home.

so cool keep up the good work and just have fun

Sounds like your on the same course as most of the carvers here. Keep up the good work and stick around for a while.

I don't know what "direction" you are looking for? Your pieces look good to me. I suppose you want to create more traditional looking tikis? If so, there's plenty of research to be had on this site, as well as your local library or Amazon.com. Thanks for the post, and continue to post often.

Thank guys...
Yeah I am looking for the more traditional look. I guess I just need to slow down and hang out here.
Thanks again....

[ Edited by: drasticwagon 2008-12-28 12:56 ]

I like the green dude! Very out of this world-like with great color! Keep it going!


OK, Here goes and it may take awhile so it down, relax and listen up.

Well, your tikis are typical for first ones done with chainsaw and grinder and aren't all that bad. The Problem you will have (and already have started) is that the locals love them the way they are, so you can do any of 3 things.

  1. hone your skills and continue making this type tiki and just work on finish and detail. You will find you can make a lot of money in a short amount of time with these and depending on where you are, traffic and all could do this for a Long time. Over time you'll find yourself doing better and better tikis in that format but they won't be the traditional tikis some peeps look for. There are Lots of guys doing this for a living and they simply can't afford to spend more time on their work because the traffic won't pay the difference so it works and it's good.

  2. Think of this as a learning stage and decide you don't want to make lots of money selling tikis but instead you want to take more time with your stuff and try to do more traditional tikis. Search the web for the thousands of pictures out there and start trying to get those feelings into your carvings. Sell them but be aware the time spent verses the dollar received will be way off kilter from scene #1, but you will be learning more and caving with Much greater detail and authority, and people will recognize you as an excellent tiki carver.

  3. This is a little more difficult to do but doable. Continue to learn all about the traditional tiki and how to carve them as well while continuing on with scenario #1 where you still mass produce the "Chainsaw tiki" with minimal lines and work. You still produce a fine finish and sell lots of these which enable you to spend time on a few pieces here and there where you take Time out of the equation and just create the best tiki you know how. of course selling it may be difficult but you could be surprised and sell quite a few but you lose money on them for the unknown time involved.

All these ideas work but I think basically there are those 3 catagories and you decide which you want and go for it. Right now you are just barely learning although learning well and you have nowhere to go but up.
Now Lets see some TIKI!

I basically have been hanging out on this site all weekend and gained knowledge and inspiration. Thanks for the kind words everyone , this is a great site. Wish I could hang out with everyone in reality rather than on a screen. I am not looking to make money type thing , I lost a lot of that by visiting Harbor Freight and Home Depot almost everyday. I am just looking to put smiles on peoples faces and one back on mine.
This is what I blogged on my myspace after this weekend....
Tiki Dilemma
I know a lot of you guys are liking what I am doing but to tell you the truth I am not really happy with the direction I am going at this moment. Since the Ike one where I got the closest to the traditional look I was looking for but not close enough. I have been researching pretty hard and my problem is always TIME but the material I have been using is not the best. I realize tiki's don't have any boundries and can be any size , shape , form or style. But that's the word STYLE and I am not happy with my style yet , others may be but I am not. I am learning a lot from a tiki forum I been visiting and I think I am going to take another approach to it , which means practice and slowing down. I am going to experiment with softer woods , which means Cheap Ass Scotty will be spending money and not looking for a construction sites on the side of the road for free wood. I want to do some panel work with patterns and design. I think that will help my approach. Maybe smaller subjects on the tikihed's as well. If you are on my waiting list please bear with me and thanks for your patience. I have to find what I am looking for to make it even better for you.

Thanks Scotty

[ Edited by: drasticwagon 2008-12-29 03:56 ]

[ Edited by: drasticwagon 2008-12-29 04:54 ]

I applaud your decision, way to go.
You will be a fine carver in no time.

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