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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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RevBambooBen posted on 12/10/2008


You need to get to work after selling out.

Possible re-opening art show and party in Feb

at the new and improved BB hut gallery!

little lost tiki posted on 12/10/2008

I'm gonna miss these fellahs....
Guess I'll have to make more....
Thanks Babs!

Hey Raves!
Stoked that Crazy moari got a good home!
Keep him away from your kitty!
He gets agitated easily!

Clarita-Big Hug back to you!
I'm diggin your policy on Manners!
Now i can nag EVERYONE
instead of just my family! :)

Ben-get offline and get better!
February sounds like a plan!
PM me
I have a Trade Show in Vegas mid-late month
so let's work around that....
Now get back to BED!

Robb Hamel posted on 12/12/2008

Rockin' stuff Ken. If you get any more productive you could finally publish your book - by hand-painting each one! Cut out the publisher/printer middleguys!! Jam on.

little lost tiki posted on 12/16/2008

Glad you're feeling well
and ready for the NEXT WAVE!

quickie drive-by art posting...
some work from the Worldwide Tiki Exhibition
and a new drawing...

"the Moai King's Journey"
this one is SOLD...
tissue paper/ink/and colored pencil
AND.... i forgot to mention this...
metallic gold ink in certain areas!
on Arches Watercolor Paper (100% cotton)
dimensions 20” wide and 14 1/8” tall

this one has a nice dreamy in and out of reality...
i tried to add more vegetation and the same blue "blackline"
as the "Dancing Platter".I just love the Moai king's helmet!

"Moai king and Eclipse"
tissue paper/ink/and colored pencil
on Arches Watercolor Paper (100% cotton)
dimensions 20” wide and 14 1/8” tall

For this one ,i used a darker lighting
a forest/tealy kind of "blackline" to intensify the lighting
make it crisper and harder
like that otherworldly feel you and the atmosphere revert
to during an eclipse...
kinda like a flashback
if you're familiar with those...
Anyways, after their journey,the attendants
settle their chief down to view n auspicious celestial event.
the fellow on the left holds his ceremonial staff
while an orongo birdman on the right fans him gently
and his chief astronomer explains and interprets
the delightful sign in the sky!
if you notice on the two Moai attendants
i took the liberty of giving them 3 arms
to denote movement and excitement...
this one's growing on me....

"the Ceremonial Helmet"
gouache on a monkeypod bowl from croe67!
dimensions 6 1/4” wide and 11 3/4” tall
excuse the glare...

"Two-Sided Tiki WoodBurnt thing"
woodburnt wood/tinted with ink
dimensions 3 1/4” wide and 5 3/4” tall

tissue paper/ink/and colored pencil
on Arches Watercolor Paper (100% cotton)
dimensions 16 1/8” wide and 12 1/8” tall

Simple theme/Simply rendered
or is there more below the surface?
such is the mystery of Uncle Art...

That's it!
Thanks for popping by!
Now i'm gonna gel and watch some cable....


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-12-18 09:07 ]

tyger jymmy posted on 12/16/2008

those are off the hook , fabulous dude very kool .

GROG posted on 12/16/2008

This one looks like it could be a placemat, or an illustration for a menu.

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-12-15 23:08 ]

sasquatch posted on 12/16/2008

.... love your work

Sneakytiki posted on 12/16/2008

Ditto what grog said! Also think it would make a nifty fabrique....

Really blingin' pieces, the color composition/bleed over on that first piece is really dazzling. Eye-check!?!


[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2008-12-17 07:08 ]

Tiki Duddy posted on 12/16/2008

the new pieces are BRILLIANT!!
the colors Rock! hell everything about em rocks
the Moai King's Journey and Fishing are Favorites

sleestak posted on 12/17/2008

your stuff is always ripping style, nuff said!

Robb Hamel posted on 12/18/2008

Brilliant. Ripping.... Everybody else has already said it.

Good Tiki Mag interview, long overdue, we both read it first thing.

hodadhank posted on 12/18/2008


RevBambooBen posted on 12/19/2008

Grow more of these!!

Crazy good!

Stained glass?

LOL Tiki posted on 12/19/2008

On 2008-12-15 21:05, little lost tiki wrote:

Yup, Yup, Yup.

ravenne posted on 12/23/2008

On 2008-12-18 22:39, RevBambooBen wrote:
Grow more of these!!

Crazy good!

Stained glass?

Dude, if you ever did any of these in stained glass they would be so freakin epic!

love love love this one and the other two as well! :D

Matt Reese posted on 12/23/2008

Your stuff just keeps on evolving! I love it.
Great work!

BigToe posted on 12/23/2008

did sleestak imply that u paint these under the influence of Ripple?

either way, i agree with BenBo that these would be exceedingly good in stained-glass...i would have him get going on it!


little lost tiki posted on 12/23/2008

Ho!Ho!Ho! Kiddies!
Sorry about bailing for awhile
it's not like i haven't been busy or anything...
I have 2 drawings(big 'uns) and a painting but
won't be able to share them until the dust settles
and then I'll probably have even more for ya!
so it's a win-win....
plus, i don't see YOU guys helping me paint and scan and post
and write,so sorry for the inconvenience! :)
(except scanning,the Toe helps with that!)
BUT i do have one drawing to post and a funny picture

thanks for visitin,my friend! We need to hang soon..
Artjam at the Batcave in Orange?
Been gettin a lot of mileage outta that squirrel picture...
time for a new one,man! try google images....

Thanks again for planning and organizing the Tiki Wonderland3 Tonga Hut show!
I'm glad that you're doing so much for the community BESIDES ARTWORK!
Menu Illustration would be a Blast!
the art and design skillz would gel together for that one...
I feel the gravitational pull towards that half-written Children's Book this year!

sasquatch-thanks! Being an amateur cryptozoologist,I thought there were only bunyips around your parts... Could you send me some photos...maybe some plaster footmolds?

Sneakers-Thank you my artistic pal! there's a seed planted about the whole fabric print thing,that needs to be nurtured for the new year...Stay tuned Master Sneak! I'll have to do a step-by-step on those abstract/stained glass style pieces soon.....
No eyecheck required...maybe a MINDCHECK,tho! :lol:

Duddy-Mahalo! Going back to the cryptozoology theme-have ye seen that Wendigo around your parts?

Sleestak-Gracias! the style doesn't RIP half as hard as your sideburns man!
I keep thinking of that Tiki mag Anniversary show piece you did where you tatted up that latex.....it haunts me

Robb-Thanks for being the steadfast bastion of tiki and velvet awesomness in Ohio! Stoked you and yours read the article...It helps to give some insight into the whole tamale...Can't wait to read your article in the future!

Miss you man!
When you gonna send me that frontal view of the awning?
make it happen baby!
Kisses to Rita and monkey!
and a big hug to you!
lots of great stuff at your shop recently! :)

Thanks chums!
like i said before....the only way these are gonna get done in stained glass
is if i can get one of those NICE commissions,like Chagall,or Matisse
and be able to translate it properly...But it's always been a dream to have a studio with a big stained glass on one wall...
LOL-glad to hear your pieces made it safe.Thanks for framing em up and displaying em on your wall all fancy-like!
Ben-gonna do some paintings like this (2x3) a bit bigger
so we'll see where that goes.....

ravers-YAY! your computer's back! Thanks for diggin my wiggins! :)

Matt-Mahalos Mr. SanDiego!Art is meant to be explored and our job is to take what we do and let it grow and evolve and mix with our older styles into one UBER style...Follow it to its limit...Sometimes i get locked into a certain style for a while,and then the other ones creep in ,and before you know it....evolution!
we are ART-O
(sing it like the Devo theme)

Toe-Ripple? Mo' like Night Train!

Well Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you all!
Stop and feel the love this Season...it's there!

"Lone Night Rower"
ink/tissue paper/colored pencil/sharpie
on Hot press Watercolor paper (which is actually cotton!)

more later..
and here's a shot croe67 took when she visited with Ski last week!
Carolyn always brings me lil treats! Here i am with a Cannibal idol she adopted
as well as a Medievil Times shield I'm gonna paint up to use during my next village raid...
i say AND.......
a lil Gingerbread man!
Already did the drawing/study
and finished it up and tiki'ed it out...
but you'll have to wait on the "GINGERBREAD PROJECT"
til i get a nice shot of it!

Happy Holidays!
Hugs to all!

RevBambooBen posted on 12/23/2008

E-Tiki phone home!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 12/23/2008


little lost tiki posted on 12/23/2008

E-Tiki phone home!!!!

What dafudge does that mean?

LOL Tiki posted on 12/23/2008

On 2008-12-23 09:11, little lost tiki wrote:

You paint n' create too fast - I'm gonna have to start selling blood! (BTW - your second scan isn't showing up.)

little lost tiki posted on 12/23/2008

No second scan today,LOL!
I mentioned i gots 2 more drawings AND a painting
but no photogs or scans for a few...

and No selling Blood....that's just wrong!
Blood should be donated....
now puppies....that's a different story...

little lost tiki posted on 12/24/2008

oops! double post...

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-12-24 11:56 ]

little lost tiki posted on 12/24/2008

Aloha Ohana...
This nagging feeling of only sharing one new piece and a stoopid
picture of "Mr. Personality" with alls y'all yesterday
really bugged at the cranium....
So, may i present a brief history of some of my handmade mugs,and then some concept sketches for future ones...
If you haven't been to Babalu thread,ya need to visit it...
His Clayjams are like a Clown Car filled with geniuses!
Anyways, i think i shared this first one on here...

did this one at the studio in Orange,before Oasis
when everyone who was in the area stopped by!
Babs set up a clay table and we had a fun,
but brief time
making stuff...
hence the retarded naive charming quality of this one!

This next one was done at a ClayJam after i had spent most of the day glazing up the first...Babs has these cool retro lamps that he based the diamond motif on....
Rick has a wonderful habit of coming up with "canvases for us to
play on....i could have never pulled off that triangular shape
or the smooth accurate diamonds...
so i scrawled some very simple tiki faces into the diamonds
just for fun-no accuracy-more the spirit of tiki....
Thanks to Netflix and the OC library
i began watching documentaries and artist videos
and had been into Picasso lately because of his rawness
aggression and playful challenge of his art.
besides his artist and model series of drawings
his ceramics were incredible!
He tackled it with abandon
High Fire? No! Low-fire it!
let's see what happens..
he took risks and just went for it...
and kicked BOOT-!
Miro kicked a lot of convention out the window with his ceramics also...

Anyways, I think that's the fun of these Clayjams
all in the Spirit of Art! (pronounced "AHHT")
Anyways, i was thinking of those courageous daring artists
and shot from the hip with the glazes...
and it turned out really really neat!
Both matte and shiny glazes were used to color in the
simple little tiki faces..
enough of the long intro....

Thanks Rick!

Anyways, a few months back,after the first
CLAYPLAY at the studio with Ricky and all
the sketchbook appeared
so i draws in it!
so here's some future plans for mugs..
gonna do this first one next....

Happy Moai/Sad Moai
and here's some others!

I feel better now!
Art posts with just one picture are pathetic...
unless you're Clysdalle lol!
Then it's "normal" :)
don't worry, he never reads this! :)

Thank you ALL for such a great year
filled with learning and laughs and love!
it's a blessing to have so many cool and genuine friends...

during vacation
Read the articles on Squid and moi in Tiki magazine's latest issue!
JonPaul makes us look good!
he's like a literary plastic surgeon
givin us an artistic nip and tuck!

Miss you Squid!
Viva le Ceramic!

LOL Tiki posted on 12/24/2008

Interesting post Ken - I had no idea that Picasso and Miro had done any ceramic work.

little lost tiki posted on 12/24/2008
MadDogMike posted on 12/24/2008

Ken, love the 3D clay tapa look

LOL Tiki posted on 12/24/2008

Cool - thanks! Now I have something to do at work today. :D

GROG posted on 12/25/2008

GROG posted on 12/25/2008

little lost tiki posted on 12/25/2008

get a hobby
or a girlfriend...
there are better things to do with your talent and time!

Here's a tripped out 3-D Christmas greeting for you!

Babalu posted on 12/25/2008


Those mug drawings RAWK! It's time to make them brother! I hear from a good source that there is going to be a kick ass show in March, or April (up close to you) of hand built (no molds) ceramic mugs and bowls...It's time to kick the Clay Jams into high gear! Let's have some fun!

little lost tiki posted on 12/25/2008


Robb Hamel posted on 12/29/2008

Kenneth-rockin'-almighty! Das mugz-und-sceches be da ting! Hecho in Kenny!

(sorry, hit the Pharma-Kava a little too hard)

Leave it to you Ken to BLAZE NEW TRAILS where the rest of us didn't realize there was a direction you could go. I'm in the groove with you, my man.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/30/2008

Since you scared the livin' crap out of my kids with the Choopacabrah (sp?) thang the other night, they've been obsessed with it since. We were at the River Jetty's the other day and found this (?).

Is it it?

Or, the victim?

Good thang there wer'nt alot of people on the beach cause they were screeming at the top of thier lungs
" Chubacabrah!!!" (sp?)

little lost tiki posted on 12/30/2008

how's your holiday goin?
Hope all was merry and bright! :)

Mr. Pastel!would love to see a Robb Hamel velvet on a mug!
Now THAT would be the shizznazz!
We's in the groove,bruthah! :)

we also YouTubed some aliens,ghosts,and Giant skeletons!
Blake would make a perfect Cryptozoologist!

Is it it?
Or, the victim?

the answer is "neither."
that's a Bunyip! :lol:
2x3 brother! :)

well, last page, you saw a funny little gingerbread man
and thought to yourself..
"whaddaheck is that crazed maniac gonna do with that?"
here's the study...

and here's the "Tiki Gingerbread Man"!
run! run! as fast as you can! :lol:

and here's some details...
ink and gouache on gessoed wood..

Here's a photo of a recent drawing..
I'll post the scan in it's place
after i scan it...
it should look better...

"the Afternoon Boat Trip"
ink and sharpie and colored pencil on Watercolor paper

i think I'm getting closer to that Children's Book style
i've been searching for!

Here's some details for you to peep at!

the low relief look and the glimpse underwater add to
the magical mystery of this one! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

and here's a blast from the past!
i've been neglecting this 4-panel commission for more
months than i can remember!
So it's time to buckle down and get this puppy finished..
Here's the second panel when we last left it in July..

and here it is today....

behind each pair of canvases (can-vi?) there will be
a subtle warrior rowing through the scene..

and here are the first two "Journey' canvases
showing the rower in the background so far..

so anyways..
here's where we are today!
finally got that feathered cape done!

here's a detail of the prow and part of the elbow of the background rower...

here's a warclub attached to the boat..

Here's the front of the boat and the "ghost" oar of the background rower..

here's part of the attached oar on the carved boat...
the motif on the background rower's boat and the main figure's boat has been quite a tangled challenge!

Here's our hero's face....
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here's that derned cape..
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Did a lil bit of work on the foreground spears...
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Here's the front of the warrior's boat-you can see a bit where the background rower's boat overlaps..
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detail of the warrior's shield..
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and also got some of the background island village..
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well, i'm off til the 5th!
so i imagine you'll see more progress soon!
Happy New Years!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/30/2008

The Afternoon Boat Trip - top drawer! It'd be brilliant to see a whole children's book full of such beautiful illustration. It's good. It's CHUPACABRA good!

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croe67 posted on 12/30/2008

Diggin' how you tricked-out that Gingerbread Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's AWESOME!!!!!!
He's lookin' WAY better now that your talent has been applied to him!!! :wink:

Also lovin' the ceramics - 'bout time LLT did more mugs!!!
I look forward to seeing those produced!
Of course, I love the Moai mug best :wink:

Have a FUN break from work :) :)

Robb Hamel posted on 12/31/2008

Awesome stuff or better.

Here's what I got for X-mus: the world's best Tiki mug ever... PUPULE!!!!!!

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This is it on my actual shelf. It is so big I can get my fist inside it. I'm gonna get wasted whether I want to or not with THE BIG GULP OF TIKI MUGS!

Babalu posted on 12/31/2008

My gosh! Give you a couple of days off and you fill an Ark full goodies! You Sir are one gifted induvidual. Keep slinging paint and posting!!

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Clarita posted on 12/31/2008

cookies? where? me want, or gingerbread tikiman, yummy! happy new year!

little lost tiki posted on 12/31/2008

wow...That's quite the compliment!
You're BRAD to the BONE! :lol:
Thanks for the encouragement!
Children's Book coming Soon!
as soon as it's finished! :lol:

hey sweets!
thanks again for the Gingerbread man
and other assorted goodies!!
You definitely got the eye for these
Thrift shoppe treasures!
MOO-AI! :lol:
Actually, was gonna take a shot
at the Happy Moai/Sad Moai mug concept
next time there's a Clayjam!
well....5 more days of vacay!
where does it go?
Feels like I've had me nose to the canvas

Robb-Congrats man!
somehow i knew..
out of the 3 mugs..
that PUPULE would be the one you were drawn to...
Glad to here you're fisting it already... :lol:

May i recommend drinking coffee in it
for starters?
Then , slowly add Bailey's or Amarullo
to replace the coffee you've consumed
and you're in store for an interesting day
of motionless vegetation! :)
I am honored to be on your wall and shelf,my friend!

Thanks for the visiting!
I feel so blessed to be friends with so many talent geniuses!
Inspiration for All!
Your newest edgar winter cobra fang is the creepiest of the three!
Can't wait to see what you and BOWfinger built yesterday!

Happy New Years Clarita!
you got here a little too late for cookies...
GROG ate 3 and put the rest in his Simpsons jacket...
I'll bake some more...just for you! :)

yesterday decided to loosen up after painting that feathered cape and other meticulous details..
and there was "the Lost rowers" just sitting on that easel
neglected for months..
and beckoning..
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saying,"come Kinny! Time to loosen up for a day
time to thrust these rowers deeper into the jungle !
so i dids...

here's what i gots done yesterday!
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and here's some details to show the fast/loose brushwork on this!
man! did i ever get a workout running around this monster
adding highlights/color fills/etc.
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and here's some close-ups of the side of the boat motif and paddles so far...
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and some ultra ultra closeups....
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Still a lot to do, but the thick claustrophobic feeling is there....and the tension of the crew will be more intense
once the finished lighting adds to the drama!
i need some studio assistant elves!

Also finished a drawing...

"Fishing" ink/tissue paper/colored pencil on watercolor paper
loosely based on those Solomon island paddle motifs
and goin off from there....
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here's a closeup of the boatsmen..
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Caught FISHYs!
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Birds wantin the FISHYs...
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well, that's about it! Off to the Studio!

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TabooDan posted on 12/31/2008

Hey Ken, I gotta say your characters, themes, attention to detail and colors are so vivid and full of essence and life that you are truly a very gifted artist!! Love checking out your stuff so keep it coming!!

Happy New Year to you!!


[ Edited by: TabooDan 2008-12-31 13:43 ]

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Bowana posted on 12/31/2008

What a busy busy guy Lord Kenneth is! I love the vibrant colors!

Say, by any chance is that the Gingerbread man who lives on Mulberry Way?

hodadhank posted on 01/01/2009


I can only imagine what it would be like awning, er, OWNING a giant neo-cubist moai rower painting of some sort by Ken Ruzik.

Perhaps all the rowers could have GROG's head. Perhaps not.

But I'm not greedy. I'd want to share it with the whole city.

Such a conundrum.


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[ Edited by: hodadhank 2008-12-31 18:36 ]

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/01/2009

The Lost Rowers are looking really nice! I love it!~
Happy New Year!

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tobunga posted on 01/03/2009

Hey Kinny! Happy 2008! We missed ya down at Kona on New Year's!

The Lost Rowers is lookin' great... and I love the crosshatching detail on The Afternoon Boat Trip... ads one more layer to your already detailed, intricate work!

Keep 'em comin' in '09!

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