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Jan.4th. "In Search of Tiki" with curator Doug Nason 3 pm and dinner at Damon's 5.30pm {official}

Pages: 1 43 replies

maid Marion posted on 12/27/2008

I have been in touch with Douglas Nason reg. January 4th. It's the last day of the beautiful exhibit at the Forest Lawn Semetary.

Please come to the closing party on the 4th at 3 pm and join Doug for a walk through the exhibit.
Doug is a truly amazing and interesting person and if you havn't met him I highly recommend to join him.

Doug asked me to get in touch with Damon's restaurant. We are hoping to reserve the backroom for drinks and dinner.

Please let me know if you would like to join for dinner so I can make arrangements with Damon's.

Here is the e-mail invitation that I received from Doug to pass on to all Tiki central friends:

"The In Search of Tiki exhibition will close on Sunday January 4th. This
exhibition will close with an informal walk-through presentation with
curators Douglas Nason and Jeff Fox at 3 PM. Participating artists and other
tiki aficionados' are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts on
work and the tiki art movement. When the museum doors close at 5 PM, we will
move on to the famous Polynesian themed Damon’s Steakhouse and celebrate
with further discussion and fun! Dinner and drinks are on your own"

I hope to see you all on the 4th.
Please bring your friends and family.

[ Edited by: maid Marion 2008-12-27 09:49 ]

Joe Banks posted on 12/28/2008

I'm Joe Banks, and I approve of this message.

Kiki von Tiki posted on 12/28/2008

Joe Banks and Maid Marion, thanks for the new info! To get a walk through with the curators sounds like a great opportunity. And then dinner at Damon's! Count me in - and probably my daughter, too.

TikiGeeki posted on 12/28/2008

Awesome! Count me in!

DJLee posted on 12/29/2008

I'll be there - looking forward to it!

congawa posted on 12/29/2008

Sorry, posted to the wrong thread, but my wife and I are down for the Damon's dinner (and the Forest Lawn event)

Iokona Ki'i posted on 12/29/2008

What a great way to start the new year!
Count me and my fiance in for both exhibit and dinner.


maid Marion posted on 12/30/2008


I reserved the backroom at Damon's for Sunday at 5.30.

Damon's would like to know how many people approx. will be there.

Please let me know if you would like to attend.

And Please spread the word.

I'm really just posting this event for Douglas Nason and I'm just helping out.

Lets all get together on Sunday and enjoy the last day of the wonderful exhibit
and the beginning of a Happy New Year!!

lots of hugs

BigToe posted on 12/30/2008

Thanks for hooking this up Marion!

i wouldn't be caught dead anywhere else!

see y'all sunday!!!


bigtikidude posted on 12/31/2008

I'm in for dinner.
after art show.


hvenbnd posted on 12/31/2008

My husband and I will be there. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

BigToe posted on 12/31/2008

Dang...so we are going to tour the show with curator Doug Nason!??!

what a great oportunity!!!!!

see y'all there.

oh, and Ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou, u sexy SOBs!! (happy new year)



biffachu posted on 12/31/2008

I am trying to get some friends to go out there again for the closing also as well as dinner.

It will be interesting hearing background info on the diverse collection they have there.


atomikitty posted on 01/01/2009

Yay! Happy New Year everybody!!!! :)

Really looking forward to this last run through of a fantastic show!

I was so honored to be included in the line up, and I am really looking forward to the walk through with Doug Nason.
His collection and photographs are just astounding.

A big Mahalo to Mr. Nason, Jeff Fox and Forest Lawn for welcoming and sharing with the Tiki Ohana!

So. . . 3pm walk through for sure. . . .

The only thing I am confused about is that there seems to be one group organizing a brunch at Damon's before the walk through, and another group organizing dinner/drinks AFTER the walk through. . .

Can we get some consensus here?

Don't get me wrong, I love Damon's, but twice in one day and I won't fit into any of my vintage tiki dresses! :wink:

What say you all? . . . .

atomikitty posted on 01/01/2009

FYI. . .

Here is my idea of a perfect Sunday. . . .

  • Hula Girls @ The Redwood (They go on @ 1:45 and play about a 45-50 min. set)
  • In Search of Tiki walk through with Doug Nason @ 3pm
  • Cocktail hour(s) and Dinner @ Damon's

YAY! We can do it all!!!


maid Marion posted on 01/02/2009

Aloha and Happy New Year!!!!

yes Suzy it might be a little confusing with the Damon's plan.

The original plan was to meet for Brunch and than go to the Exhibit.

Douglas Nason suggested to meet at Damon's after the closing of the Exhibit. {approx. 5.30pm}.

He is going to be there and I reserved the backroom.

It's going to be a great chance to meet him and get to know him
and to have a yummy mai tai. The food is great as well.

You could still have Brunch at Damon's. They actually have a Mai Tai brunch. Only Douglas Nason is not going to be there for Brunch.

The exhibit is also open all day, so you can get there much earlier and really spend a lot of time. {exhibit is FREE and there is lots of free parking}.

The view from the Museum is also amazing. I live on the backside of the semetary and enjoy the view every day. It has been so great to have this awsome exhibit in my backyard. I went to the exhibit several times and enjoyd all the amazing art work, like yours Suzy, and of course all the other artists.

So please spread the word about this closing party and I'll

see you all latest at 3 pm at the Museum and at Damon's at 5.30.


bigtikidude posted on 01/02/2009

On 2009-01-01 15:57, atomikitty wrote:
FYI. . .

Here is my idea of a perfect Sunday. . . .

  • Hula Girls @ The Redwood (They go on @ 1:45 and play about a 45-50 min. set)
  • In Search of Tiki walk through with Doug Nason @ 3pm
  • Cocktail hour(s) and Dinner @ Damon's

YAY! We can do it all!!!


I'm all for doing it that way.
sounds good to me.


Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/03/2009

Waiting a day for my meds to kick in and then I am in for the exhibit @ 3 and Damon's after. I will be bringing my teenage daughter, too. Not going to Redwood, can't take the girl to a bar can I? C-ya up there!

OceaOtica posted on 01/03/2009

Thanks for the heads up Marion, we are going to try and make it to the exhibit.

Hiphipahula posted on 01/03/2009

On 2009-01-01 15:57, atomikitty wrote:
FYI. . .

Here is my idea of a perfect Sunday. . . .

  • Hula Girls @ The Redwood (They go on @ 1:45 and play about a 45-50 min. set)
  • In Search of Tiki walk through with Doug Nason @ 3pm
  • Cocktail hour(s) and Dinner @ Damon's

YAY! We can do it all!!!


Sounds good lets do it, count me in thanks :)

maid Marion posted on 01/03/2009

Aloha and thanks for all the positive responses for the closing party on Sunday.

It's going to be a fun day.

PLEASE kindly let me know if you would like to attend drinks or dinner at Damon's. {RSVP}.

I have reserved the backroom at Damon's,

But I do have to confirm later on with an approx. number of people who will attend.{Saturday afternoon}.
So if you know for sure please let me know. If you are not sure thats cool as well. There is always room for one more, no problem.
I'm just trying to organize this as best as I can and any help is appretiated.

There is no RSVP needed for the Museum and the museum exhibit is free.

The walk through the exhibit with the curators is planned to start at 3 pm.

Drinks and Dinner reservation at Damon's are at 5.30 pm.

looking forward to an awsome day.

thank you very much

atomikitty posted on 01/03/2009

Damon's post-art show roll call!

Atomikitty + 2

Raise your hand people!

JetSetiki posted on 01/03/2009

I will be there with a friend or two. Rather new to the group, although I've been on this forum for a little while and have met a few people. Tryin' real hard to get more involved with tiki and exotica. Diggin' the vibe! I was at the Forest Lawn exhibit a couple months back, and can't wait to see it again with the walk-through. Haven't been to Damons in many moons, so that will be a treat as well.

Rivcat (soon to be changed to a more appropriate username, once I get it set up).

See you there!

PiPhiRho posted on 01/03/2009

One for the show and dinner at Damon's.

tyger jymmy posted on 01/04/2009

count me in for dinner cocktails , Kids are sick I wanted to take them to the show too but just got back from Kasier with them . See Everyone tomorrow .

TIKI-RAY posted on 01/04/2009

Cindy and I are starting with the Hula Girls , then to the exhibit , then to Damons . Sweeeet ! Should I bring the gorilla suit ? hahaha

tiki-a-fair posted on 01/04/2009

Dont forget The Hula Girls at The Redwood bar & Grill at 1:45!

I wish I could join you all in the rest of your adventures but being that I am part of the brunch at The Redwood I have to stay there the entire time. But I wish you all tons of fun!

WooHooWahine posted on 01/04/2009

On 2009-01-03 18:24, TIKI-RAY wrote:
Cindy and I are starting with the Hula Girls , then to the exhibit , then to Damons . Sweeeet ! Should I bring the gorilla suit ? hahaha

We'll bring the bananas :) WooHoo!!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/04/2009

Kiki v. + Miss Thing, exhibit and dinner after

tobunga posted on 01/04/2009

On 2009-01-03 12:37, atomikitty wrote:
Damon's post-art show roll call!

Atomikitty + 2

Raise your hand people!

Yay Atomikitty!

Count Manuel and me in!
So two more hands up!

bigtikidude posted on 01/04/2009

IM in for all 3 events.
gonna try to bring some others but I can't seem to get them to commit.


bigtikidude posted on 01/04/2009

Damn, the double post thing finally happened to me.
guess I'm a big dummy now, or my computer is dying.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-01-04 02:35 ]

little lost tiki posted on 01/04/2009

the TOE
and I
shall GO!
museum and din-din!

can hardly wait to see everyone.................

congawa posted on 01/04/2009

I RSVPed on a different thread a couple of weeks ago, but just to be sure

Congawa + 1 (2 total) for dinner at Damons

Coco Joe posted on 01/05/2009

Here's a couple photo's I took

WooHooWahine posted on 01/05/2009

Maid Marion - Mahalo for putting everything together yesterday. It was a
Tiki-rrific Way to End the Weekend along with the Holiday Season :)

Joe Banks posted on 01/05/2009

Coco Joe...I see you have the limited edition "Shrunken Head of Joe Banks" attached to your shoulder. Very nice.

teaKEY posted on 01/05/2009

Nice pics CoCo Joe

little lost tiki posted on 01/05/2009

Mahalos Maid Marion!
for rallying the Tiki Troops for the final day!
and a BIG Thank you to Doug Nason
for filling our brains with deeper understanding of the movement
He said that it was one of Forest Lawn's best received Art Shows!
Very Informative and Fun!
Thanks for all the Insight!

i wouldn't do any of it over
except I'd tape jeffBigTikiDude's mouth shut
so he wouldn't ask so many dumb questions....

great seeing y'all!
Nice way to end a Holiday vacation

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Mike Desert posted on 01/05/2009

Nice photos! Almost makes me miss Southern California. Almost.

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 01/05/2009

Sorry we missed you guys! Hassan "Headhunter" Patterson, Ernie Keen and did it in the reverse position. Okay... that sounded rude. What I MEANT was, we went to Damon's first, then (after tanking up on a giant slab of Damon's chocolate cake) we went up to the show. We hoped we'd see a few of you as we left, though. Wasn't that show great? More, please! I loved "Henry" the well-worn stone Moai head. Ernie says he belongs to Forest Lawn's collection, and says he was used on someone's ship as ballast! Wow! No wonder Henry's smiling now! Spending your existence as ballast is a hellish life.

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BigToe posted on 01/05/2009

adding my MAhalos to Miss Marion for kicking all of us in the ass to get this show sent off with a proper irish wake.

thanks too to Doug Nason and Jeff for the fun tour.

and to Coco joe for the groovy photos.

i would say the event was 37% tangible enjoyment.


[ Edited by: BigToe 2009-01-05 09:34 ]

bigtikidude posted on 01/06/2009

On 2009-01-05 08:44, little lost tiki wrote:
i wouldn't do any of it over
except I'd tape jeffBigTikiDude's mouth shut
so he wouldn't ask so many dumb questions....

Doug came up to me at Damon's and said he really liked my questions.
so there.

Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/06/2009

Thanks Coco Joe for posting the pics. I'm pretty bummed I missed this exhibit.

Pages: 1 43 replies