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eBay: Gecko / Paipo "Paipo Island" PAGE 3!!!

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Paipo posted on 11/03/2008

After many months of emails and subsequent technical troubleshooting on Gecko's part, we are finally ready to roll the Moai Tangata Manu off the production line at South Sea Arts. This has been an incredibly difficult design to execute, and unfortunately the numbers will be fairly low due to the labour involved - I will announce any updates as the mugs are made. I think Gek has done an incredible job in producing what I hope will be the first of many mugs based on my carvings.

This is the very first one out of the mold, and is done in a beautiful mottled brown vintage style glaze. The body is satin, with a slight gloss on the headdress portion:

Check it out here!

[ Edited by: Paipo 2008-12-14 02:41 ]

[ Edited by: Paipo 2009-01-09 12:54 ]

LOL Tiki posted on 11/03/2008

Wow, That's great! Will these be available on his website or will it be an eBay only item?

Atomicchick posted on 11/03/2008

Wow, very nice!

TravelingJones posted on 11/03/2008

:D A Beauté! A dream realized Paipo...killah glaze too! :D

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 11/03/2008

Congratulations Paipo! The mug completely captures the artistry of your carvings. Can't wait to see what else is coming.

Babalu posted on 11/03/2008

YAY Paipo!! Congratulations!!

Great work Gecko! I love the glaze, I've been lately playing with a couple similar.

I want one! Is that enough to get on a list?

Liana posted on 11/03/2008

Wow!! That is awesome!! With a quick glance it kinda looks like Elvis.. :P


Hiphipahula posted on 11/03/2008

Nice job Paipo & Gec, great glaze too, looking forward to seeing some ltd glazes too? kudos guys!

Paipo posted on 11/04/2008

On 2008-11-02 17:53, LOL Tiki wrote:
Wow, That's great! Will these be available on his website or will it be an eBay only item?

On 2008-11-02 21:45, Babalu wrote:

I want one! Is that enough to get on a list?

At this stage, unfortunately it will be ebay only. The "regular" edition, which we're still working out, will still be pretty low numbers - in the dozens I believe. We are looking at using a similar glaze combo as the Mt Bumatay for that run (or is that the APs?), which I absolutely love - a stone look with trickle contrast, but perhaps using cool colours like the old Blue Mountain/beauce glazes in lieu of the yellow & orange lava look, or maybe some of each. I expect Gek will probably be doing a few wild one-offs as well...

Originally a larger open run was on the cards and it may still happen if the response is strong enough. I don't have a lot of control over the manufacturing side of things - other than my design and some input on the glaze selections, Gecko is doing all the hard work himself, and this is not an easy mug to make! I would love to hook you guys up with a special TC edition at a flat price, but at this point it would just be too much hassle for Gecko, who is only one guy and has far more important work to do ( like making his incredible bowls). We are still keeping our options open though, so watch this space. Many thanks for all the kind comments!

squid posted on 11/04/2008

Beautiful teamwork you guys! I love this one!

LOL Tiki posted on 11/04/2008

On 2008-11-03 22:51, Paipo wrote:
At this stage, unfortunately it will be ebay only. The "regular" edition, which we're still working out, will still be pretty low numbers - in the dozens I believe. We are looking at using a similar glaze combo as the Mt Bumatay for that run (or is that the APs?), which I absolutely love - a stone look with trickle contrast, but perhaps using cool colours like the old Blue Mountain/beauce glazes in lieu of the yellow & orange lava look, or maybe some of each. I expect Gek will probably be doing a few wild one-offs as well...

Originally a larger open run was on the cards and it may still happen if the response is strong enough. I don't have a lot of control over the manufacturing side of things - other than my design and some input on the glaze selections, Gecko is doing all the hard work himself, and this is not an easy mug to make! I would love to hook you guys up with a special TC edition at a flat price, but at this point it would just be too much hassle for Gecko, who is only one guy and has far more important work to do ( like making his incredible bowls). We are still keeping our options open though, so watch this space. Many thanks for all the kind comments!

Well, if you and Gek are gauging the response I've got two arms waving! :D I think the Bumatay glaze would be a great option for that mug, with or without the trickle contrast. The guy's such a master when it comes to glaze work I'm sure you two can come up with countless offerings (maybe even a limited edition mug/pendant combo).

OceaOtica posted on 11/04/2008

Paipo, just saw this, what a beauty. Congrats!

Howland posted on 11/05/2008

Sweet Mother of Moai! That rocks! It's slick, classy, modern, yet old-school all in one package. Congrats to you Paipo on you first mug venture. A mug gig w/ Gecko's gotta be a good thang, you guys are gonna be sellin' out fast fo' sho'! Maybe I'll get lucky...

MauiTiki posted on 11/06/2008

Wow, nice mug and great glaze. Any work when they will be available?

Sneakytiki posted on 11/07/2008

Really cool Paip! It's your own mug, SWEET!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/07/2008

great job!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-11-07 12:40 ]

Paipo posted on 11/09/2008

Bumpy-bump - less than 6 hours to go. Still pretty cheap buying at this stage! good luck!

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danlovestikis posted on 11/10/2008

We thought this was a perfect design. Gecko's also our good friend. It will go into Dan's jungle room which you can view on http://www.claytikis.com. Look under the section A Serious Hobby. When it arrives here I'll post a photo of it's final place, thank you, Wendy and Dan

Paipo posted on 11/10/2008

Thanks Wendy! I was kinda hoping I'd find out where this one ended up, just out of idle curiosity. Aside from Babalu's Creature Fogcutter (which was never intended for sale) this is the very first Paipo mug to hit the market so far, and definitely won't be the last. Gek was good enough to offer this one to me, but I'm holding out for a particular glaze we're brainstorming on and figured his regular collectors would have more interest in the test glaze. Looking forward to seeing him in his new home!

Paipo posted on 11/10/2008

PS thanks to everyone else too for the very enthusiastic and positive response to this mug!

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Kahu posted on 11/10/2008

It is mugs like that, that make me wish I could win the lottery, nothing to big, but just enough millions that I could compete for the beautiful and special ones that come along on occasion. LOL!

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crazy al posted on 11/12/2008

hoe' sheeeeeeeee..it, there goes the neighborhood......

i hate it when talent moves in.... the collections just got a whole lot better looking

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Benzart posted on 11/14/2008

This one slipped by, Way COOL Mug Paipo, Gotta be one of the best around., lets see some more.

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harro posted on 11/14/2008

What a way to start your Mug career Paipo - very original and cool design.

look forward to seeing more.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/28/2008

The mug is now displayed within Dan's collection. It's a great design. You and Gecko make a great team. He's my partner too! Wendy
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Paipo posted on 11/28/2008

Wow, that guy just slots in there with all those vintage (I think?) pieces...very cool Wendy. You guys should take a few weeks off and put all your stuff up on Ooga Mooga!
We have some more mugs coming very soon - I'm doing the tags here and sending them on to Gecko as I always like getting the little signed cards with my mugs, and always provide one with my carvings. I just finished the design last night so it will be printed and posted in a couple of days. I'll make sure everyone who already got a mug gets one to go with it. I think the "regular" LE will have a pendant cast from the original included too.
Thanks again!

LOL Tiki posted on 11/28/2008

Will there be any sort of announcement/notification prior to the release of the new mugs?

Paipo posted on 11/28/2008

Yes - I will keep updating this thread as Gecko gets them made and post links to the auctions. We are still looking at trying to get a larger open edition done at a later point if the response is strong enough, but it will be ebay only in the meantime as Gek is doing all of these by himself.

LOL Tiki posted on 11/28/2008

An open edition would be great; I'd be surprised if one didn't sell out quickly. Maybe start with a small run of 20 or 30.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/30/2008

Your design did fit in beautifully with all those vintage mugs. Dan is totally into the art of display. He works every spare minute to arrange his tiki shelves. It keeps him on his feet, sometimes for hours.

We are looking forward to the final color choice. You can never have too many of a good tiki. Wendy

Paipo posted on 12/14/2008

Here's the #1/25 of the "regular"(?) edition:
I made some personally signed cards to go with these (which have now arrived in Hawaii) and each of this edition will also come with a resin pendant cast from my original pebble carving!

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harro posted on 12/14/2008

that dark glaze is very cool!

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hodadhank posted on 12/14/2008

Whoa daddy! Way to go man.

Paipo posted on 01/09/2009

Check out this awesome one-off diorama style piece!
I got an island named after me!
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GO TIKI posted on 01/10/2009

Very Nice, Great job you guys!

Pages: 1 34 replies