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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Hawaiiam montage

Pages: 1 7 replies

kolidra posted on 01/13/2009

Made in Canada.
This is my dedication to the place I wish to be at most. Hawaii...

12 kinds of wood.
Acacia Koa (of course)
African blackwood
black and coconut palm
pau amarello
pink ivory
zebra wood
...and the beach sand is from Waikiki ocean floor

mieko posted on 01/13/2009

Wow, that is excellent! Are all the woods natural color, or did you use some stain? They look really natural, but the reds of the hibiscus are redder than I'd expect. How'd ya do it? I really like the palm trees, the way you used the grain on them looks great. It feels kinda like a puzzle - I want to number all the colors and guess the woods. :)

kolidra posted on 01/14/2009

All natural wood color. No stain used. Only several coats of satin wiping varnish. The woods were chosen based on their color alone. Hibiscus is redheart. Tiki and outrigger...Acacia Koa. Honu...kingwood. Palm leaves...sumac. Palm trunk...coconut palm. Coconuts...black palm

Benzart posted on 01/14/2009

Welcome Kolidra, I can see you pu a LOT of thought and planning into your piece and it had to be Loads of fun figuring everything out. Excellent use of the various woods for their color of their respectful items. Great job. It seems that this will give you many years worth of Tropical, Hawaiian dreams and thoughts. Keep up the goo work.

Clarita posted on 01/14/2009

very inspired piece! All the different kinds of wood blend together perfectly, congrats!

seeksurf posted on 01/15/2009

Nice work. love all the diff wood and colors

Lake Surfer posted on 01/15/2009

A great concept and wonderful piece of art!

I agree with what was said previous... a lot of thought and work went into this piece.

Congrats... you should be proud!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/15/2009


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