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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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TravelingJones posted on 01/03/2009

On 2008-12-29 22:45, little lost tiki wrote:
and here it is today....

and here are the first two "Journey' canvases
showing the rower in the background so far..

:tiki: :o :o :o OMFG!!! :o :o :o thunk! thud... :o :o :o :tiki:

MadDogMike posted on 01/03/2009

Love the colors on "Afternoon Boat Trip", there must be a million brushstrokes on that piece. And I can't even begin to understand how you do a ghost image behind a painting :o

little lost tiki posted on 01/06/2009

aloha friends and ohana!
Hippy New Year!
Man! it's hard to get back to work
after a 12 day vacation!
especially when that vacation consisted of
a LOT of studio time... BLUUUUUUUUUUUR!
anyways,on New Year's day I was graced with a visit by the
infamous Doug Horne and sweetie-pie Stacey! JOY!
I'm the Luckiest boy Alive!
so stoked Doug is a little more local than before! :)

TabooDan-happy new year to you also!
Glad you get so much out of the work...
Thank you for nice thoughts
without you viewers,these characters would be lifeless
scribblings on paper....
please come by and visit often...there's always coffee on! :)

Bowana-that's his brother who lives on mulberry lane...
this guy moved to the gated community of CANDYLAND!
Idle hands are the devil's playground! :lol:

hodadhank!-yeah.yeah. i get it!
It's actually on my list of things to start doin studies for...
a new day's dawning
it deserves a new awning! :)
no ernie heads,tho..
too big! :lol:
Hugs to rita and monkey! :)

happy new year to you TikiShark!
Brad, I can't wait to see what kind of paintings
the new year coaxes out of you!

Glad i got to see you two at the forest lawn tiki show!
please refer to brad's comment above.... :)

Jonesy-hello? you okay man?
don't pas out yet! a lot more to come!

MDM-Afternoon Boat trip seems to be a new fave....
more pencil strokes than brushstrokes on that one!
i used a black sharpie for the blackline
then colored it in with inks
then layered colored pencil over the colors..
as for the double/ghost image on the journey canvases...
menehunes paint that part while i sleep!

again, mahalos to you all who visit and especially those of you
kind enough to leave some love....

happy new 09!

well, i have a backlog of about 7-8 pieces i have to scan..
i hate scanning! you sit there and CAN'T really do anything else...eh!
Anyways, i will replace these awful pics of the drawings these past few pages with the nice scanned ones ....
when i get the motivation....

Anyways, here's 2 pieces i did on my brand new 18x24 Arches watercolor paper! YAY!

"The Sea Monster" ink and colored pencil on W/C paper

decided to let these moai fellows sail on the high seas..

Moai Overboard!
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the sail is hidden until you discover it..
then it don't go away...
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two of the crew...kind of in shock....
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a brave gent with a spear tries to subdue the beast...
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tentacles and fish...
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the head of the creature..
a mix of octopus and PNGish markings...
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the next one is LOOSELY based/inspired by
Matisse's painting/s of the same name-theme...
imagine, if you will, a circle of moais
dancing around a fire in the thick of the jungle...
this one was a real challenge to figure out
all the shadows and angles,etc...
never a dull moment!
"the Dance"
ink and colored pencil on watercolor paper...
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hope you had as much fun as i had tonight!

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LOL Tiki posted on 01/06/2009

Dooood, Sweeeeet! Happy New Year!

little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2009

Same to you LOL!
Thanks for all the visits!
I'll have coffee and crumbcakes next time!

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GROG posted on 01/07/2009
little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2009

Photosensitive epilepsy is a form of epilepsy in which seizures are triggered by visual stimuli that form patterns in time or space, such as flashing lights, bold, regular patterns, or regular moving patterns.Static spatial patterns such as stripes and squares may trigger seizures as well, even if they do not move.Several characteristics are common in the trigger stimuli of many PSE patients. The patterns are usually high in luminance contrast (bright flashes of light alternating with darkness, or white bars against a black background). Contrasts in color alone (without changes in luminance) are rarely triggers for PSE. Some patients are more affected by patterns of certain colors than by patterns of other colors. The exact spacing of a pattern in time or space is important and varies from one individual to another.

Sensitivity is increased by alcohol consumption, sleep deprivation, illness, and other forms of stress...

Just another of the many services LLT Studios
can provide for you and your family!

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Sam Gambino posted on 01/07/2009

Hey Ken- I'm digging these pieces! The stained glass look is really beautiful! I like how you've hilighted with the white pencil. Is that one of the pencils with the string in it, or a colored pencil? I use the string and paper grease pencils for layout, but I would love to lay some on canvas for a finishing touch like you have. I'd have to start putting a finish coat of varnish over them to protect the pencil highlights if I put it on enameled canvas.

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croe67 posted on 01/07/2009

What fun!!
Dancing and Drowning (egad!) Moai!!
Love all of the great motion & details that can be seen if you really look.....

little lost tiki posted on 01/08/2009

Man! i haven't even thought of that character for years
and BAM! there you go bringing him into the spotlight!
Thanks for the visit and mad props!:)
i think the pencil you're referring to is what they call
a "China White" grease pencil....
i had a stubby one i used for 1-2 pieces way back..
then it ran out...
Usually it's
DERWENT Watercolor pencils
or Faber-Castell ALBRECHT DURER Watercolor pencils
they both come in zillions of colors
so besides the highlights in white
you can try a naples Yellow/Metallic Gold/Sky Blue,etc....
the cool thing is that they can be blended with water
Or just work as a pencil....
if you're using it on enamel i would recommend the grease pencil
and a SPRAY varnish before you use a brush on sealer...
and do it on a TEST piece first....
cause this is Colombus New World territory!
Also you could try those DecoColor ultra finepoint paintpens in white
i know they're oil-based so they may adhere mo bettah!
and play with it,cause they sometimes go BLOP!
and that's no fun!
happy Hunting,er painting Sam!

Hey pumpkin! Always a pleasure to have you visit this thread!
And don't worry!
they were able to hoist the overboard Moai back onto the ship!
soon I'll have scans of those 6-7 pieces and you'll be able to see the details clearer! egad! :lol:

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The Sperm Whale posted on 01/08/2009

Hey Kinny...you are a mad scientist!! I am loving the Moai madness!! You rock dude!

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Tiki Duddy posted on 01/08/2009

VERY cool, Kenny!
the dancers Rock! really like that warm glow
awsome colors

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Swamp Fire posted on 01/09/2009

I'm dig'n those abstracts brutha.

Glad I got to visit the den of sin new years day.
I had flashes of Ken Ruzic art in my brian for days after that.

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/09/2009

Hi Kenny, the only thing that could improve the experience of seeing more of your work is reading the captions you put under the pics!

hehe! You crack me up. Seriously, I love your use of color and detail! "The Sea Monster" is extrordinary. I really like your technique of fracturing the image. Inspired! Thanks for sharing, and if you'd ever consider trading out sewing for art, lemme know.
See ya around town!
Kiki v.

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-01-09 10:37 ]

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Clarita posted on 01/09/2009

LALAALAAL! Great way to start the year :)

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Chongolio posted on 01/10/2009

little lalalalalalalost Tiki. Really cool Kin-kin. Agreed a great start to the new year

little lost tiki posted on 01/10/2009

Lots of restless energy here in cali
with all the earthquakes and Santa ana winds
recharging the body and mind's Bio-electricity...
at least that's how it works fer me! :)
California is like a giant freak magnet
and it's the Teutonic plates grinding against one another
that sets off a signal to all the freakypeeps
to migrate there....
maybe it's a Giant Natural selection thing
draw all the misfits to a locale
and then crush em with an earthquake...
THAT is why i try not to think too much without an itinerary...
too many of those weirdo thoughts pop up!:lol:


Spermy-you're the one who truly rocks the hut!
especially the hair and smile! :)
thanks for poppin in!
makes me smile reeeal big!

whatchoo been up to? i gotta check your recent work out.
been in a post-vacation whirlwind.....HALP!
thinkin about actually trying these themes on canvas...
i thought of your warm fire glow in that tiki beach piece of yours while i was figuring out the lighting and shadows and trying to abstract and bend them...Stay warm up North,brother!

Hey big man!
It was a total pleasure seeing you and Stacey!
Soooo Glad y'all are closer now!
Glad i got to chat with you...
i'd like to see you push your abstract tikis a bit more
especially with your mind and talent tackling it!
Glad those Dr. Shrinker pills are working!
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you're only supposed to take ONE not three a day! :lol:

Hello! Thanks for the visit AND such nice comments!
i'm glad this thread can make people smile...
instead of just crackin meself up! :)
as for the Sea monster and these recent batches...
i need to get over to the BigToe's and scan these up...
regular photos hide about 60% of the way it's supposed to look!
i promise to do that soon!
You're in Irvine!
That's so close!
if you ever wanna visit the studio in Orange
and see all this crap in person
shoot me a PM! :)

Clarita! seeing your post is the Greatest
way to start the year! :)

you too Chongo! I'll call you soon,soulmate!

Well, another ART ESPLOSION!
the thing that sucks about these drawings
(besides the obvious! :lol:)
is that,after spending hours on them
you still have to photograph and post em
and eventually scan them
just in case you wanna make prints
and at least for a record of them....
so lately..
i'm more into MAKIN em
than DOCUMENTIN em all nice...
hence all these crappy pics of them..
I PROMISE to scan and repost them soon..

no sizes right now!
this is cutting into my studio time!

Baining Mask,new Britain
ink and colored pencil on watercolor paper
Here's that New and more accurate scan,as promised!
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(I'm not going to replace the detail shots-takes too much time and i already
wasted a BUNCH of hours getting these scanned!)
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"the HeadHunter's Voyage"
ink,sharpie,gold ink,colored pencil on watercolor paper
this guy is based on those anthropomorphized dog-faced
characters that show up in the Solomon islands..
Here's the clean scan...
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Again, I'm keeping the initial detail shots from the digicamera
so the WHOLE scan is the most accurate!

JoJo the dog-faced headHunter-close up of his profile...
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and here's his bootipul boat
and his oar....he's nekkid!
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the next one really made me happy
the colors/the attitude/the slow movement
it just communicated what i wanted
almost exactly! which is rare...
usually i'll find something that bugs me
but this one...neh!
I'm Lovin it!
can i get sued for saying that?

tissue paper stain,ink,and colored pencil on watercolor paper
Here's the final scan...
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this one will probably end up as a painting too...

we'll go left to right,okay?

here's the remnants of their last home
accompanying them on their migration...
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"Why don't they just fly instead of row,uncle kinny?"
because if they could fly
there would be no need for a boat
and the drawing would collapse,okay?

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just chillin wit mah peeps...
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get it? peeps?

i loves these little fishys!
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here's one that PAIPO gets first dibs on...
"the Fishing Celebration"
tissue paper stain,ink,and colored pencil on watercolor paper
another one inspired by those Solomon island paddle scenarios...
with the new inproved CRISP and CLEAN scan!
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but this one goes further than previous studies i had done...
a fish/man ocean spirit..
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a fish/bird spirit-a unifying of their relationship
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a bird/fish feeding frolic!
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the background fishers get an awesome view of the
HUGE Mother Frigate
reminds me of the Thunderbird myth of te native Americans..
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foreground drummer
he is seated low in the boat-so i provided a transparent/decorative solution to his bottom half!
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here is the central element of the piece
a young boy releasing a bird to join it's Mother frigate
and the celebration of that/and of the fisherman's bounty
and how both the physical and spirit world react...
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and these guys doin all the work!
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closeup of the fisherman...
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and on a closing note
last week i got back into the Journey series of four canvases
i had established the Birth and Vigor(warrior/middle age)
pieces and then started to think about the old age canvas..
well, i'll just post the drawing and a detail
and save the explaining for later....
Here's a clearer scan than the initial one...
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and here's something else
but i can't talk about it much for now
til i get CLEARANCE...
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that is all!
Thanks for the Visit!
BYOB next time!

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Are we there yet?

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-01-18 12:22 ]

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4WDtiki posted on 01/10/2009

On 2009-01-10 13:04, little lost tiki wrote:
and here's something else
but i can't talk about it much for now
til i get CLEARANCE...
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OohoohOOH! Mr. Kotter! I think I know what is is!
And it looks "shady"! (git it?) :lol:

Love all the work, Ken. And I've been waiting soo patiently for more progress on the "Journey" series. Thanks for the update, that is going to be a masterpiece!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/11/2009

Baining Mask,new Britain is amazing, weird and .. reminds me of the muppet show, but in a good way!

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GROG posted on 01/11/2009

"Migration" and "Fishing Celebration".

Stepping it up another notch! GROG like.

P.S. You suk.

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Paipo posted on 01/11/2009

On 2009-01-10 13:04, little lost tiki wrote:

here's one that PAIPO gets first dibs on...
"the Fishing Celebration"
tissue paper stain,ink,and colored pencil on watercolor paper
another one inspired by those Solomon island paddle scenarios...
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Man oh man I LOVE IT! MINE!!!!

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LOL Tiki posted on 01/11/2009

On 2009-01-11 12:36, Paipo wrote:

On 2009-01-10 13:04, little lost tiki wrote:

here's one that PAIPO gets first dibs on...
"the Fishing Celebration"
tissue paper stain,ink,and colored pencil on watercolor paper
another one inspired by those Solomon island paddle scenarios...
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Man oh man I LOVE IT! MINE!!!!

Luck-eeeeeee! :D Super-sweet piece there! Love the 'Migration' piece as well.

LOL Tiki!

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[ Edited by: LOL Tiki 2009-01-11 12:54 ]

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Robb Hamel posted on 01/14/2009


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Robb Hamel posted on 01/14/2009

I EXTREE like "headhunter's voyage," and "fishing celebration."

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/14/2009

Hello! Thanks for the visit AND such nice comments!
i'm glad this thread can make people smile...
instead of just crackin meself up!
as for the Sea monster and these recent batches...
i need to get over to the BigToe's and scan these up...
regular photos hide about 60% of the way it's supposed to look!
i promise to do that soon!
You're in Irvine!
That's so close!
if you ever wanna visit the studio in Orange
and see all this crap in person
shoot me a PM!"

Hey Ken, I would love to and I will do that! kewl! See ya soonish.

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Lake Surfer posted on 01/14/2009


Had to stop by and say Aloha!

So much good stuff in here!

Love The Fishing Celebration!

Had a feeling there was a little earth movement in SoCal... my native blood starts flowing the other way and things get a little unstable here for a bit.
Then I get my balance back and get an email that night from my friend in Newport... somethings shaking 10 miles down!

But I'll take your Devil Winds and your unstable plates any day over a biting -35 degree windchill and crystaline H2O covering everything.

Someday we'll find a way to melt all this cursed snow and pipe it to quench the thirst of The Golden State!

Keep up the stoke!

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Babalu posted on 01/14/2009

Jeez, It seems like every time I visit here I get a new favorite of yours. That Paipo feller is one lucky so and so!

Thanks for keeping us all on our toes and constantly raising the bar Kinny! Your work is so fresh and so cutting edge...I just love it!

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Bowana posted on 01/14/2009

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Sister Wendy, protect me!!

Nice one, Ken!


little lost tiki posted on 01/18/2009

Aloha Friends and Fellow Freaks!
what a weekend!
Spermwhale came and visited. :)
Scotty's one of the coolest cats you could ever meet...
Scanned everything finally-3-4 hours of scanning and assembling on Friday! eh....
did some e-Bay stuff...


gonna try and put work up on a weekly basis...
i paint them faster than i can sell them..
which wouldn't be a problem
except for the "manically prolific"problem....
That's kind of what started these drawings....a shortage of wallspace!

and now this posting BRAND NEW WORK!
i tell ya......after all that BS,it'll be good to chill at the studio after this today!

Bill! Hello old friend!
always great to see your name and read your voice!
How's the new digs?
Hopefully,you're unpacked and back into the swing of chisel-swinging!
SHUSH! on the shady!
I'll be doing some "Journey" painting today so check in later in the week!

Muppets-Sid and Marty Kroft-Brian Froud....
These objects have such a great sense of humor and mystery and purpose..
Those Baining Tribe tapa masks are KRAAAZY!
Gonna do some studies of some more in the future!
would LOVE to see your take on those!
there's one with a long snout that just cracks me up!

GROG-thenks mang!

Paipo-it's Yours!
will be shipping it early this upcoming week!
i hope it inspires even more incredible stonework outta you!

LOL-Thanks pal! Those Solomon Island fishing pieces are slowly becoming a series!
This new one is BIGGER,in fact, the LATEST one i did yesterday
(and won't post til i get a proper scan 'cause it's sooo ginchy)
takes the whole ceremony with the fish and birds EVEN FARTHER!
also been thinkin of a BIG Migration piece
in a Bitchin bamboo ben frame,so stay tuned! :)

anyone got a time-extender?

Robb-Thanks man! i loves yew!
You my Black velvet Cleopatra Jones!
i visited your site and called Child Protective Services on your mom....

Kiki-right on...

Lake Surfer!
hey main! Haven't seen you since the TikiMag show!
Thanks for the stokeage!
Pipe some of that water over here so we can purdy up the inland! :)
Lovin that new tiki palace project you're startin!
i'll schedule in an 8.5 for your next visit!

my friend,it's true artists like yourself
with your knowledge and selflessness
that inspires us all to follow the path to its logical conclusion!
you rock 3 times more than Bowana!

oops! Sorry Bo!
didn't know you were here!
have fun at your convention this week!
Thanks man! I'll make one to wear at your Coronation!

Thank you All
for visiting,enjoying,sharing,and sometimes leaving comments!
You're all TOOT SWEET! :)

First off...
"Listening to the Distant wind" ink,tissue paper stain,colored pencil and sharpie

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this is another study for the third canvas of the "Journey" canvases
the scrolls have replaced the warclub-denoting accrual of knowledge and experience
and relying more on thoughts than strength
see the shield and spear hung on the side-no longer needed
the birdman at the prow has hands both praying
and holding a nest,representing progeny
the leaves are discarded or lost loved ones,goals,memories
it's evening /fall
the water appears to draw him towards the final canvas
his face is raised upwards
feeling the wind
and listening for that still soft voice...

here's the first attempt at it....i like the second one mo bettah!
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Here's an oldie piece i finally got a good scan of...
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Here's a scan of "the Dance" because the digital pics i posted sucked...
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Ditto with "the Sea Monster"!
the colors on those camera pics were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAy OFF!
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That's really about it
because of all the scanning and upkeep stuff that robs Father Time from my mission!

Here's a non-tiki piece i made for my wife
it has a tropical feel to it,so enjoy!

"Four Butterflies"
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And, taking the lead from my friend Clysdalle
here's a non-Tiki piece
waaaaay far from Tiki
but an interesting abstract nonetheless...
thank you for indulging me....

"Theseus and the Minotaur"
ink and gold and white colored pencil on watercolor paper
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I promise ALL NEW work next time
none of that rehash BOOSHEEP!

Thanks for poppin in!

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Sneakytiki posted on 01/19/2009

Theseus and the Minotaur! Wow!

Don't you mean Tectonic plates in your rant up there? Teutonic plates are Germanicytiki dishes, har har.

For serious man, the Minotaur rox!

MadDogMike posted on 01/19/2009

Kinny, I know your mind already creates faster than your hand can paint, but here's another project for you - your designs would lend themselves well to mosaic or stained glass. How 'bout it?

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ravenne posted on 01/19/2009


I can't believe how many posts I missed in this thread, like a million new pieces I haven't seen (even if some are progress and what-not!)

I really like the "Sea Monster" piece, that Octopus is so awesome lookin as an abstract! And that poor lil moai dude drownin in the corner! OH-NOES! :lol: that's hilarious!

That Minotaur piece tho may be my fave, it plays with your eyes a bit (least it does for me). The many legs gives it these different kinda action poses but all haywire in a good sense! I wanna see more non-tiki snuck in yer threads, they look killer!

And that butterfly one is so purdy! Was it scanned in? Cuz I like the lighting on it, the dark around the edges and kinda bright glow in the middle.

Ahhh so much to look at and comment on all at once! I gotta go backs and look at more :lol:

cool beans tho, kin-kin! :D

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Babalu posted on 01/19/2009

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Minotaur! Sea Monster! More - More! Lighters held high...

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Robb Hamel posted on 01/19/2009

I love the scans you posted, and don't care if they're older stuff 'cause they're super! "Four butterflies" has searing, gorgeous color. "Theseus and the Minotaur" really messes with the part of my brain that likes sorting out patterns. The whole batch KICKS.

TravelingJones posted on 01/19/2009

On 2009-01-18 13:16, little lost tiki wrote:
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Sagacities upon an Auratic Sea...

little lost tiki posted on 01/20/2009

talk later!
latest piece in progress
based on that Migration drawing...

with a finely-crafted
Bamboo Ben frame
with some extra bamboo from the Luau!
with the first layer of satin varnish
it looooooks JUICY! (pronounced Joo-SAY!)
still another session or two til it OOMPHS
but I'm stoked with the start of it!

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"MIGRATION" acrylic on gessoed wood panel

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Rough! Rough!
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ravenne posted on 01/20/2009

Waaaaah! :o

I love the progress so far!
And to be doing it on a rad bamboo frame like that - awesome!

Now das what I call Juicyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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LOL Tiki posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 22:48, little lost tiki wrote:

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"MIGRATION" acrylic on gessoed wood panel

That has a certain air of awesomeness about it.

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jab tiki posted on 01/20/2009

Wow!!!!!! Sooooooo much Goood stuff K.
Drove out to Frankie's this past weekend for my pre- B-day party. Finally got to see all the beautys' in person.
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Keep pumping out that Art, Truly Awesome stuff. Hope to see you soon at an another chop gathering.

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Clarita posted on 01/20/2009

The migration is very very nice, love the colors!

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/20/2009


Migation looks killer with the black boo.

The yellow boo in the past just looks fake.

Black boo for now on!

little lost tiki posted on 01/21/2009

all this stoke these past 2 pages...
i can't be all stuck up and sheeeeeet...

Stoked y'all like the new stuff...
and the new scans...
they really do freshen up the pieces....
Thanks to all y'all that come and visit...
seeing as i would rather be at the studio
fulfilling my art mission
your visits here are always a welcome to a long day of painting!


Don't you mean Tectonic plates in your rant up there? Teutonic plates are Germanicytiki dishes, har har.

sorry! the brain filters just skimmed over that one!
I'm way happy that a true artist "gets" that minotaur piece!
For serious man...

mosaic and stained glass?
the mess...the lead...
i would want to do it veeeery professional-like
like Chagall did-translating the gouaches to tighter studies
to handing it over and collaborating with Stained glass Masters and even then -helping with the cut glass-painting on it,laying a wash down and etching out areas-these things, when done right-will sing...
If not, i think it would look amateurish...
and if the drawing or painting looks better than the final result-then why do it....
Any serious stained glass or mosaic pieces need to be treated
right...and there's so many other factors/light/design/space to display it/finding a patron...
sorry about that...i rant....
too much time is the factor...
maybe when i'm older!

welcome back!
Glad you like the Sea monster
glad you didn't see it before with the AWFUL scan! :lol:
2 votes for the Minotaur! YAY!
i'd like to personally thank Clysdalle for this Posting of NonTiki Art breakthru!:)

and the butterflies were scanned in!
What i did was layed down the tissue paper more in the corners..
then i washed it with some ink over it-but paid less attention to the middle of the piece...
that way it would look like sunlight dappling off trees
but in an abstract way,a referential instead of literal illustration of that forest! a sense of it...
hard to explain...
but i'm glad you like it!

3 votes for the minotaur
2 for the Sea Monster!
thanks dude!
you're my Socrates...

Hamel the Camel,
2 votes for 4 butterflies
4 votes for the minotaur...
so stoked that i could mess with your mind...

Been looking at some futurist works just for the movement
and some Symbolist works for colors and inspiration lately!
y'know what really KICKS?
your friggin pastels!
way to go makin the rest of us look like amateurs!

Jonesy-only you can capture the sense of a piece
with just a couple of words!
schizophrenics do that,you know! :lol:
Thanks man for the luv!

these next comments are for the ones after the DRIVE-BY posting....

ben told me to throw a gloss or satin on it and watch it JUCIMIFY and it did!
it went from,
like, a dusty potato
(that reminds me of a joke i can't tell you..)
to lush dark bitchin bamboo!
and thank you raves,for all the happy!

LOL-thanks man!
sometimes, when i get 1/2 way thru a piece or finish it
i'll smoke a ciggie and just check it out
make sure everything's in order
(i've found unlighted flowers and tree trunks without texture at an opening before! embarassing! but they never noticed!)
and that air of awesomeness sometimes will just make me smile and feel so thankful that a troll like me was blessed with
a really skill ....thanks!

dude! Thanks for the props and hilarious photo!
see you at a Chop soon!

Clarita-thanks Soul Sistah!

you're my hero!
thanks so much for making this crap look like real art !
you got such a way of putting materials together
that just nails it!
Chupa-freakin-Cabra is what you are!
See you soon, Goon!

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Robb Hamel posted on 01/21/2009

Ken, I see you're creating art to fit those random frames. "The Migration" is excellent, the colors are so perfectly matched!

You gotta try something other than "The Sticky Medium" sometime - I'll hold your hand if'n it helps!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/21/2009


Sea Monster and "Theseus and the Minotaur" are heights of abstract perfection. Really, I know dis guy who has a Picasso (a sketch he spent waAAAAY too much for long ago) ... and it looks like CRAP next to your AMAZING VIBRANT HEROIC work. Such movement, and beautiful color schemes... it's fired up the labyrinth in my brain!

"MIGRATION" - gosh darned that's cool! That frame make it almost into sculpture!

Fine fine fine work!

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/21/2009

Yo Kinnie,

post pics of the "un-painted" boo frames with wood backs.

It's amazing what you do with them !

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/21/2009

Extra special Sea Monster lurve, Ken! The scan really makes the color POP! Whoa, nice. I have a purfect spot in my living room for that Octopussy and those adorable little moai dudes :wink:. BBBen frames looking good, too. How do I get Benz frames for some of my other stuff?

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-01-22 01:02 ]

little lost tiki posted on 01/22/2009

I figger if i answer these in groups of lil bunches-they won't get out of control!

I see you're creating art to fit those random frames

hells yeah!
I've painted on so much different stuff,even a life-size PVC poodle!
so this is just a matter of gessoing the wood-givin it a slight sand
and it's ready to go! sometimes a sketch/study the same size helps!
what's this sticky medium you speak of?

don't be doggin PICASSO! He took it to the farthest!i don't even deserve to be in the same sentence next to the fellow! Picasso ain't gots no day job!
everything that he touched was transformed!
The reason your friend could even afford such a high price was because the really good stuff is out of everyone's price range! glad i could fire up that labyrinth in yo head!
Thanks for the props,brad!You kids are always too kind1 Speak up if somethin don't jibe! point out some mistakes! C'mon!
I'm hoping for a whole page of insults and critiques one of these days! :)

Boo! Will do! They look beautiful in their raw state too! Pics next time i post!

A big thank you to you AND BigToe for letting me invade his space last friday!
how do you get Boo frames for your stuff?
that's an easy question!
point A to point B
ya ask him!
He is a busy man,tho!
be warned!

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Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/22/2009

Just paddling back over to catch up some --

And I'm CRAZY about "The Sea Monster", and "Four Butterflies"...

To the usual gush, allow me to add: Epic, Mysterious, Adventurous, Kinetic! Jus' gets better, LLT. Your work is always lively and alive, and always delightfully surprising.

Totally in the curl mon. Oooo.


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