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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Tiki Flyin' Saucer

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Made this last weekend for the Grand National Roadster Show as a trophy. It will be in the Suede Palace to be given out for my car club favorite pick.

[ Edited by: tiki diablo 2009-01-22 23:26 ]

Can I enter my Yaris in the Roadster show? :roll:

Remind me to not let you stripe my car Shakes The Clown. Just kidding meng! That thing looks sweeeeeet. Whats it made out of and do the lights really light up?



That gold metal flake is the coolest!

It would also be sweet if you had a small motion detector mounted on this guy so that when someone walked close, a small loop tape - sound bite of the Jetson's car/spacecraft thingy speeding away played. :)

Nice Danny.

What a cool piece! I love that metal flake work....

Borris and Dave, you guys bring your YARIS' over and I'll do some shakey striping on 'em.
It's a hubcap, aircleaner top, model A and T bits and other crap.
You gotta love METALFLAKE!
Ha thanks guys, it was fun to make.

Out of this world Danny!
a little disc of tiki scifi genius there!

Diablo is really a closet trekkie. Captain Diablo.

Crazy about this trophy, TD. An instant classic that captures the cool vibe I remember from the full-on tiki culture of my SoCal kidhood, and surely an honor to whomever it may be bestowed upon. Nice job.

More pics?

Do you guys love your Yaris as much as I love mine? I have the two door hatch 'cause it was TOO CUTE! I had to just go with whatever color rolled off the truck, (white), because there was a waiting list. Are you really getting the 40 mpg? I'm getting close to that down here in GA.

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