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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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GROG posted on 01/23/2009

Here Kinny, Kinny , Kinny. Come out, come out wherever you are.

Sneakytiki posted on 01/23/2009

Listening to the Distant Wind is so GRRRREAT, sugar frosted fer realz, kinda slightly different new stylee?!

The Melanesian sea monstrosity attacking the moais is reeeeeeeleeeee well done, ZAZZ!

I'm gonna go eat som Teutonic dishes so delishus now (;....


RevBambooBen posted on 01/24/2009

No pics of the studio gathering??

Grog, Sooooooo Funnnnnnnnny!!!!

Tiki Duddy posted on 01/24/2009

AHH hahahaha :lol:

Kenny! where'd this piece migrate off too?
lookin for those updaates :D

MadDogMike posted on 01/24/2009

On 2009-01-23 09:54, GROG wrote:
Here Kinny, Kinny , Kinny. Come out, come out wherever you are.

Grog, I don't think that's TIKI

Sam Gambino posted on 01/25/2009

Hey Ken- I love that "listening" guy. He's dripping with character - that beard and all!

little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2009

SOK-thanks for paddling over!
Stoked you picked up on the movement aspect I've been playing with...
and thanks for splashing some enthusiasm this way!

GROG-I told you your yield would be bigger
if you added those BambooBen comics as fertilizer!
Party at your Hut Stone Age Man! :)

Sneakers!-Teutonic Neurotic Exotica Boy!
Distant wind is just one of the older styles i dredge up when i need a certain feel...
Been drawin like that fo' ever,just the inky/tissue background and tight sharpie lines
over it make it feel different...like a distant wind!
i liken those Moais to the Argonauts,sailing and rowing into adventure after adventure!
Thanks for bein an art soul brother!

Ben-shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm gettin there! i'm gettin there!

Duddy-what are you laughing at young'un? :)
now we can blame ernie for corruptin our youth!
Migration painting done....scroll down half a mile!

MadDog....you're right..
it ain't Tiki...it's more Hawaiian,bra! :lol:

Thanks buddy!
Him and Zombo should paddle out for a Mai TAi sometime!

Mahalos to y'all for your visits,encouragement,insight,and chuckles!

lot's of ground to cover....

first off...
Migration-the painting....DONE!
Ben's frame makes this piece an instant CLASSIC!
it looks sooo nice! I'm very giddy with the end result!
Thanks Ben!

it's about 44" wide and 30 tall...
i guesstimated because the picture itself is 2x3 feet....
acrylic on wood with a Bamboo Ben finely crafted frame!

here's some close-ups....


row row row your boat....

extra closeup!

next one was an experiment using that Solomon island paddle motif as
a starting point...
where i usually do these on paper with ink and pencil and gold paintpen
this one is gouache on gessoed wood with a smidge of colored pencil...
almost lost this piece after i outlined the whole piece in ink...
well, the ink followed the grain of the surface and seeped like a gunshot!
soooooo....i rubbed it out-reapplied some colors here and there
and went at the outline with some gold sumi ink that did the trick
and didn't wander across the grain.....
'the homecoming"
gouache/sumi ink/water-soluble pencil on gessoed wood
with a stunning Bamboo Ben frame!
that darker bamboo are leftover stock from the Beverly hills Luau job!
Ben lets nuthin go to waste!
he's all about the ECO!


it's called "Homecoming" because the bird is finally freed to live in the sky....

Remember when i promised not to show any drawings unless i had em scanned and
not digital camera-ed?
well, this piece has just been sitting on my studio carpet
and is just too fun NOT to share in a little fuzzy preview!
so here it is..until i get a better scan!
"i forgot the title cause i wrote it on the back about 4 pieces ago"
ink/tissue paper stain/colored pencil on watercolor paper

details schmetails!

the big bird/fish god appearing to the crew...
He Big!

the chief,looking a bit Hawaiian,even tho this series started as a Solomon islands inspired body of work,but oh well.....that's what happens when you stumble into LLTLAND! :lol:

Fisher and catcher

look it's Sam's Seafood!

Okay! Ben was inquiring about seeing some shots of these creations BEFORE they get beautified,so......

here's one...

and here's another!

in fact, this one, i took some progress shots to show a BooBen creation
in the act of transformation! JOY!
side-note: SUPERJOY cause I'm gettin a William Blake documentary this week on Netflix! JOY!
here's the drawing to paint-it's just water-soluble pencil freehanded and winged onto
the gessoed wood of ben's bamboo masterwork....

this piece has to do with ABOVE....

and BELOW....

Next step is doing the background colors and fills in gouache...



after that, i started the indigo outline/blackline
that will get it more Ruzicfied...just you wait and see!

and that's as far as that one goes....

Bosch on TV! I love netflix!

go get a drink,go potty,etc....
because the second half is coming up!

Had a Top-secret ARTJAM on Sunday
sort of a litmus test to see ho the studio space could handle
a bunch of ground-breaking artists...
well, the cement floor withstood these giants' visits
and it was a smashing success!
Sorry i wasn't able to invite everyone
but the group we had was cozy and creative!

This all started with tobunga and Manuel poppin by....
they were nice enough to not only deliver the paintings of Bigtoe/tikishark/and meself
9among others)
but they were also kind enough to deliver them back to the OC!
y'all need to buy this guy's valentine cards
Nice guys should finish first!
anyways, i suggested that we could have a mini artjam
anyways.....at work i talked to bigtoe about poppin over to artjam a little bit
seein as he could pickup his pieces too....
well,the Toe is not one to tell a secret to!
before i knew it,everyone including...sigh... Clysdalle was stoked on the artjam
and i got stressed!Oh No!
Visions of Animal House and Dawn of the Dead flashed thru my bean!
Imagining a studio in tatters,a twisted pile of smoking paintings and paintbrushes....
so i had to limit it and make a command decision....
that is how this became a top secret LIMITED event...
After a few phonecalls,all was manageable....
the contestants had been chosen for all or some of the following traits

passion for their work
i felt sorry for them
they weren't hard to look at
they were amusing to look at
they were amusing
they were true artists
they were mild,not wild...
i owed them a favor
they would bring food

the judging was fast,FAIR.and balanced...

then the phone rings.....and it's Squid!
back from the land of baguettes!
Squid is a MUST at any kind of CLAY/CHOP/ART JAM
so he got on the list too!
anyways......that's the strange orgin of the TOP SECRET ART JAM!
Now onto the photos....

Mieko and Squid hung with tobuga and manuel in the front room kitchen area
we had the window open a bit because of Big Toe and squid's B.O. and for better lighting
Squid worked on an abstract clay piece
mieko is working on the master carve for some pendants for an upcoming show
(that might be top secret so i won't mention it right now...)

tobunga worked on another one of those lono pillows that are the COOL!
manuel made an eastern looking pagoda stupa in clay!

and i gessoed up a plaster carny kewpie for a surprise art thing!

see mieko! see the kewpie!

here's an ink/tissue paper stain of a jellyfish she worked on....

Squid came back from france with a MAJOR drinking problem...
that's VODKA and orange juice i caught him swiggin!
"Viva l'Orange!" was his mantra on sunday....

You gotta see this sculpture up close...
it looks so simple at first
but the balance/the rhythm/the textures/the shapes
they all sing....he's such a natural...
i want to hate him,but i can't... :lol:

oh! He didn't even mention it was his birthday recently
(maybe even Sunday..what a jerk!:)

sweetest picture ever!

this is how the Toe works....
he stands and makes funny faces at the easel...
and he wears that hat!
who wears a hat while they're painting?
is he afraid paint will get on his hair?

this one he's really gettin into it!

speaking of jerks....
here's Clysdalle...
it's almost like somebody surgically removed a baby head
and put it on some east Coast adult body!

Clysdalle showing us his pencil sketch before inking....
he uses acrylic ink,y'know! fancycakes!
i like to take unflattering pics of my peeps...
Here's the man using that aristocratic acrylic ink!
he'll be posting it soon....looks tight!
and of course....it's not Tiki!

seeing as a larger group had congregated to the front
near the food...
i didn't want those 2 clowns in the back to feel left out
so i put on Corman's "DeathSport" and they were easily entertained...

Toe and Clysdalle had to bail early
they had their group therapy meeting at three...

Did i mention SAI BABAlu came all the way up from lemon grove!?!?!
He was nice enough to make the trek and brought us mieko!
here he is lookin all rebel without a canvas.....

Babalu was inspired by the magnamous personality
of the most interesting man-child around....the TOE!


(note to the slow:that was a Rolling Stones album cover reference...)

Rick also decided to tackle another goofball
can you guess who it is?

rick got a little crazy after chewing on those
oil pastel sticks dipped in turpentine!

after toe and Clysdalle left, the back room was available so we moved back there and i showed Eric and manuel how they could have fun with ink and tissue paper and watercolor paper and they banged out some beauties! can't wait to see where they take these!

Also introduced tobunga to gouache and he was a natural!
check out thatgouache on wood tiki he effortlessly created!
and that smile! A plus!
a tobunga smile warms a whole room! :)

Here's the very end of a looooong fun day!
it was such a joy to be able to have the day go smoothly
and everybody just STOKED on creating art and exchanging knowledge and banter
and realizing that we're part of a community
that share a bond of friendship and art...
G'night! i've typed enough!

and thank you Artjam crew!
and thank you all for visiting and reading this rambling rantish spiel....

Are we there yet?

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-01-27 08:41 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/27/2009

I wanna top secret art jam with the fun kids. NO fair! Im gealous

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/27/2009

I wanna top secret art jam with the fun kids. NO fair! Im gealous

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/27/2009

I wanna top secret art jam with the fun kids. NO fair! Im gealous

little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2009

3 posts in a row?
A plus for enthusiasm!
are you jealous or gelatinous?
If you ever haul your carcass down to So Cal
we'll have a special Art jam just for you Dawnie! :)

Clysdalle posted on 01/27/2009

What a great time...thanks to LLT for having us down to class up the place. I could spend hours just trolling through his old sketchbooks. Great to see all the old faces and some new ones! I think this is only the beginning of LLTAJ's.

Here is what I was working on....it's called "Bandito's Prayer" and it's a tattoo design...it's not tiki but they knew that getting in :wink:
But I did start some sketches for the Kona swordfish show....so look out!

[ Edited by: Clysdalle 2009-01-27 08:14 ]

little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2009

you still haven't explained why there's bullets and guns and then the phrase "For my Family" under it.....
kinda creepy....

it should say "Para Mi Tiki" !

ravenne posted on 01/27/2009

Ok maybe it's me....but how come we see a portrait of bigtoe and yours is all shrouded in mystery?!

Did poor Babs try and save it and make you purdy but it was impossible to make yer mug pretty?




but srsly, what gives? :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2009

Babs wasn't finished with it
and HE wanted it shrouded in Mystery until HE posted it!
Get your facts all straight
before you start slingin mud there,FUDGIE!

There's no wonderin why ravers the troublemaker didn't
get an invite to the JAM! :)

ravenne posted on 01/27/2009

woulda been a smart thang to mention it then :lol:

I am no mind reader!

And I'm a kid, I'm not allowed. :(


little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2009

you are on one of the lists...
not sayin which one
but it begins with "SH".....

then, when you get older and become an adult
we'll let you participate....
as long as you behave! :)

ravenne posted on 01/27/2009


little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2009


tough crowd!


ravenne posted on 01/27/2009

Easy there, Rodney! :)


I think we need a touch of more smileys :)
to get my point :)
across :)

I'm done hi-jacking your thread now. :)

Please return to the regularly schedule program. :)

Babalu posted on 01/27/2009

Wow, what an all around COOL Art Jam that was!! Kinny's studio is so sweet. It's art overload!!...I swear all his paintings breathe...and no, I wasn't trippin'...as he said, I was just a little buzzed on oil sticks and turpentine is all...Kinny's work should REALLY be experienced in real time...pictures/photos just can't capture the power they possess. I guess you all should just buy something from him and you'll see what I mean.

Squid's back! YAY! Welcome home dude.

Master Toe - Thanks for being such a nice guy as I hacked/slashed and butchered your image right in front of you. Your a good sport. Next?

Mieko - Your a kick!...Thanks for playing Spock, and figuring out how to use the GPS on my iPhone.

Eric and Manuel - You guys are always a hoot and a holler to hang with. A mad tiki riding a thrashing swordfish...I'll see what I can do.

Clysdalle - You RAWK the tiki world hard. You keep doin' what you do man.

Bamboo Ben - Your right, the black bamboo is the best. It looks much nicer than the regular stuffs.

Ravs, I'll finish the Kinny painting I started soon and post him up. I have never considered myself a great painter, but I do like to dabble.

MadDogMike posted on 01/27/2009

I can't believe Mrs Kinny allowed you to paint on her expensive Persian rugs!!! :lol:

BigToe posted on 01/28/2009

great to hang with y'all!

thanks for letting us crash ur sunday kinny!!!

Babs: i am stoked on the Tat-Toe U! i may have to get that tattoo on my face!

alohas, bT

Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/28/2009

Wow. Artjam.

That is all.

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-01-27 22:57 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 01/28/2009

that will get it more Ruzicfied...just you wait and see!

Too much!

Ken Rules!

You guys are all so rad... Art Jams.

What the hell am I doing in this frozen wasteland when you guys are having Art Jams?

little lost tiki posted on 01/28/2009

Babs... finish that piece so ravers will shush!
Thanks for making the trek and spreading the ohanic enthusiasm!
you only took one picture?

MDM-the back/working room has a bunch of fancy Persian and Afghan rugs that help with the PsychoTrophy Room..
Got 2 nice ones and one eh-middle-of-the-road one
and then in the corner i sit on this stuffed Afghani Saddle bag/pillow i got from a cool patron from years past....
The wife avoids the studio most of the time...
It's dusty and smells like a nicotine drenched Headshop! :lol:
Often, she'll bring me dinner or lunch if I'm on a roll!
so the rules are Everything at Home=no art-making
Everything at the Studio=go to town,Charlie Brown!
I'm pretty neat when it comes to art-makin anyways!
Terrill's just stoked that
i don't look to Francis Bacon for studio cleaning tips!



Lake Surfer
wait til you see what i got planned for that little kewpie baby!
All youse artists RULE
for all the inspiration and energy you provide to the movement!

What the hell am I doing in this frozen wasteland when you guys are having Art Jams?

Shivering! :lol:

next time you're in town
we'll scare up an ART/CLAY/CHOP Jam or sumthin fer ya!

Lake Surfer posted on 01/28/2009

Shivering is right!

next time you're in town
we'll scare up an ART/CLAY/CHOP Jam or sumthin fer ya!

I'm holding you to it! :)

A good possibility I will be out in April... if not the wahine and I are driving out to TIKI OASIS this year... so we'll definately see you in August!

Sneakytiki posted on 01/28/2009

I wanna peanut butter and art jam sammich! Looks like you all hadda good time.

Bowana posted on 01/29/2009

Ooohh, looks like I missed a swell time.



Hopefully there will be another one sometime on a weekend where I won't have to leave the state.


Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/29/2009

Working on art with other people is so energizing. Makes me miss college art classes. Looks like you guys had so much fun - I was just a wee bit overwhelemd with the idea of it! :o Hi Meiko! I'm still working on my tiki from the class with Polynesiac. Kinny, looking forward to my studio visit!

Robb Hamel posted on 01/29/2009

I wish I could be in an art jam, but I don't know any artists! Looks fun, though.

Cammo posted on 01/29/2009

Nice. Better than being on the cover of Rolling Stone!

In fact Babalu gets the....

little lost tiki posted on 01/29/2009

Thanks y'all for the feedback!
Well if you're all really really good
i may have another in the future...
bribes will be accepted for front-of-the-line priviledges
and a Star Wars costume gets you in FREE!

You like that portrait of Toe?
You should see the Cammo Luau Pig piece BABA's working on!

Two pages of talkin...
You art junkies wanna see some new art i bet!
Well, hopefully, some more ArtJammers will post
some of their creations to share!

in the meantime
Here's my last batch of three...

"Ceremony of Bird and Fish"
(the other post had the wrong title!oops!)


"the Homecoming"

started another stained glass/abstract style MOAI piece last night
and also got a piece involving Little lost Tikis finished last night
was up til close to two am.....yawners!

leleliz posted on 01/29/2009

I really love that Big Toe portrait and love that Above and Below painting with that interesting frame.

Can't wait to see your portrait and the complete piece LLT

Tiki Duddy posted on 01/30/2009

awsome~Awsome artwork, Kenny.
TheHomecomming- love that style, always!

Bowana posted on 01/30/2009

On 2009-01-29 08:16, little lost tiki wrote:
and a Star Wars costume gets you in FREE!

Yay! I'm sooo in!

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2009

Alooooooooooohaw Kids!
FINALLY got those new drawings scanned up!
Thanks BigToe! :)
leleliz-Thank you for all the niceties!
babalu did a great job on the Toe portrait at the jam!
wait til you see the other one he's still working on! :)
haven't touched the Above/Below piece for days!
got sidetracked...
the "interesting" frame is a Bamboo Ben concoction
using some leftovers from the Luau construction!
Booben is the original Eco-recycle Man!

Mahalo brother!
Just got a NICE scan of the Homecoming fer ya!
scroll down and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Bowana-you ARE so in! You have to WEAR it the whole day...
But you save the 50 cent cover charge...

well,i shouldn't blabber with so much to share....

"the Homecoming"
ink/tissue paper stain/colored pencil/gold paintpen
(extrafine tip)on Aquarelle watercolor paper
Phew! now that's a friggin Mouthful!

this one is a development of the Solomon island paddle motifs
i had been playing with and letting evolve...
this drawing involves a bird being released by the chief
and the homecoming with the Great Frigate Bird,
kind of a great spirit of the birds...
here's the little guy getting released..

Flipper! flipper! Faster than lightning.....
Dern! Now that's stuck in my head!

here's the fisherman and his helper
attending to their catch before the friggin frigates grab it!

and here's that great spirit of the frigate birds
rising above the ship's prow and presenting himself to the crew.

"the Little Lost Tikis"
ink/tissue paper stain/colored pencil/gold sumi ink
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

here's one in that stained glass abstract style
depicting two little tikis desperately running through
the jungle,trying to find their way...



here's a close-up of some jungle leaves and flowers...

"the Unexpected Battle"
ink/tissue paper stain/colored pencil/sharpie
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

the premise of this drawing is the chance discovery
of a fight in progress....simple as dat!

the masks were inspired loosely by PNG motifs...

the voyeur....

here's a close-up of the jungle...

here's a detail of the jungle floor....with feets!

and last...my favorite of the week!
Every few pieces,an artist will step back
and say to themselves...
"did i make this?"
and then they'll grin for a loooong time...
This is that piece....
man! the ol' hands suffered from artist cramp
well into the next day....
But if that's what it takes
then that's what it takes! :)

"Night of the Volcano"
ink/tissue paper stain/colored pencil
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

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the story behind this one ...
Most islands are the result of volcanos...
well, sometimes they blowed-up!
So, the inhabitants must flee
and seek out safer lands...
Nuff said!

here are the frantic paddlers...

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here's the prow and a palm tree island

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the cause of all the trouble..
the volcano....
and the moon...

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One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue fish...

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Hope you enjoyed your stay!
Thanks for visiting!

and take a gander at what i'm offering up
this week on eBAY!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-02-03 22:13 ]

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 02/04/2009

Night of The Volcano is fantastic!

Really liking your stained-glass/abstract style pieces.

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2009

Thanks Tim!
I really like your smile!
and the fact that you collect some

Robb Hamel posted on 02/04/2009

"Migration" and "Ceremony" look SO, SO good in those frames! DAMN.

I really dig the colors on this page and the balanced abstractness of it all.

Your mighty brush delivereth us from conventional art and thought!!!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/05/2009

Once upon a time two little tikis were out exploring when they heard the volcano erupting! They were scared when they realized that they were lost! They started running and came upon two men fighting. "Why do they fight?", they asked the third man, who was there to make sure the rules of warfare were complied with. "They fight for the honor of releasing the symbolic bird to the gods." So the elders hurriedly went out to sea to offer up the bird to the gods in the hopes of stopping the volcano. Alas, to no avail! The volcano continued erupting and they were all forced to leave their home in search of a new one. . .

Ken, nice new pieces. They just seem to make a story. You are the king of intricate detail!

Sneakytiki posted on 02/05/2009

Pyroclastics on the enchanted Isle,into canoe the Moais pile,PNG hornbills and crocodile inspire head hunting villagers to battle in style, Lil lost Hawaiian tikis cryin like a child,
meanwhile don't touch that dial LLost's hand cramp gettin him all rile' gonna hafta wait fo his Solomon Island profile!

Nice buncha werk, cool jerk!

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2009-02-05 04:14 ]

Bowana posted on 02/06/2009

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little lost tiki posted on 02/11/2009

Hello kiddles!
well, only one finished piece
and a few starters...
which is okay,because it gives y'all an opportunity to see the art
you have permission to extract whatever secrets you find below!
but first....

thanks! Those BooBen frames can make even my feeble efforts look fine-arty!
Hail to the booframe!
Here's a 2x3 footer chillin in the studio
awaiting Art Stardom....
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Happy Birthday!
Glad that last batch could inspire a whole narrative out of your cranium!
the fact that they evoke stories means that there's life in there!
and that's what every artist should seek....
to create a life and world independent to our own miserable ones! :lol:
Thanks for the story!

PHAT RAP Mr. Sailor Cap!
Mahalos for the LUV,Bruth...

Much gratitude for the visit!
That cover came at the perfect time...
two weeks back,i took some of my hard-earned art cash to
the Art Supply Warehouse,my favorite place besides the studio...
i hadn't bought any art books in a while
and since sales have been remarkable lately
i bought one! YAY!
it was a Steve Ditko book!
He used to draw the early Spiderman and Dr. Strange for Marvel Comics!
i used to really get into this artist,but never imagined he'd ever get a book!
That paperback cover reminded me of his strange,mystical landscapes...
here's an example....
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Thanks Bowana!!!
Damaged brains think alike....

Now onto some ART!

Kona's piece started ....
heard the news....
Kona piece on hold...
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i used a burnt umber wash over the light bamboo to give it a lusher feel...

started this 20x24 HUGE piece a few days back..
it's got something to do with the Moais attempting to win the favor
of a huge mountain-sized moai idol....
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you can still see the tissue paper stained background
and my water-soluble pencil markings working out the composition
i usually wing these so sometimes i have to play around with the movement,etc.
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Tried the tissue paper stain/ink technique on gessoed wood
as an experiment to see if i could use it for bigger paintings
instead of relegating it only to paper...
it's so unfair!
So i jumped off the cliff
and it worked fairly well!
the only accommodations were having to seal it
and having to use acrylic for the blackline...
but here's how it's going so far...
this one is around 2x4 feet...
with no title yet!
That comes later!
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So far, it's a pretty brainless piece,not much story
except for the butterflies and volcano...
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You can see how the ink/tissue paper plus the wood grains
give it a nice/random texture...
like the dappling of light...
Still a long way to go!
the acrylic isn't as fast as the sumi ink pen
cause you got to keep on dippin it!

And,as i've mentioned before..
usually one piece will SHINE out from the others after a weekly Art jag...
here's this week's winner...
"Visit to the Jungle Ruins"
ink/tissue paper stain/colored pencil
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

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here's some detail of the jungle...
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Here's the 3 Moais exploring the remains of some forgotten city...
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here's a Moai next to one of the monoliths...
for scale.
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more ruins!
stoked how the rocks actually appear to have dimension!
it's a miracle!
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and here's one last detail before i pack it up and head for some more Art-making
at le batcave!
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Goodnight dear ohana,and thanks for visiting!

MadDogMike posted on 02/11/2009

All those lines boggle my little mind (in a good way :) )


Lake Surfer posted on 02/11/2009



Love "Visit to the Jungle Ruins!"

Makes my head dizzy, but in a good way!

Doesn't help that I'm not getting enough sleep... your energy has been flying across the country and zapping me in my studio!

Art, art and more art!

Lake Tiki starts it's bombardment of Southern California this summer at the May 3rd. nooner at Bamboo Ben!

We can hang out and throw art at each other!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ae1767701cb843744d17ad536ae90fff?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MarkusK posted on 02/11/2009

Dang! This one hast it all: jungle, ruins, moais! The limited range of (soooo beautiful) green colours works great with all those lines. I can't stop looking at it...you don't do prints, do you? :wink:

HT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/41f71b3ca1e18e6b29431467ba693cd2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HB TIKI posted on 02/13/2009

outstanding work

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