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Lemon Hart Crisis (Crisis Averted!--at least for me)

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The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 07/25/2007

Hey, Folks/Ohana*,

I was just at Blanchard's last night, corner (connah, in the vernacular) of Brighton Ave and Harvard, and they were STOCKED!!!! Only the Lemon Hart 80, but at least a dozen bottles of it, and it was $14! Priced to move!!

Ohanner in the vernacular*

**vennaculah in the vernacular


Is Lemon Hart really that good to get this worked up about?

Scottes posted on 07/28/2007

If you make any Tiki drinks involving demerara it is.

GentleHangman posted on 07/30/2007

A few days ago I contacted Internet Wines & Spirits - one of the few on-line sources with a bountiful selection that ships to Florida - asking them when they plan to have Lemon Heart back in stock (They list it, but say it's "Out of Stock") and their reply, and I quote:

"We do not expect to restock that item."

Need I say more?

tikiskip posted on 07/31/2007

Yes you need to say more.
Like why. did they tell you?
That's where I used to get it.
If we order it from a place that
has it and will ship it.
We can only hope that they will keep
it in stock.
That place for now is http://www.wineandliquordepot.com
It is easy.
And they are great people.
If you get the old guy.
The young guy not so much.
But it comes in one week.
So call them up so I can keep getting
this booze from them.

tikiskip posted on 07/31/2007

Oh yeah, They got the El Dorado, And Zaya.
The Zaya is good sippin rum.
Kinda sweet but good.

GentleHangman posted on 07/31/2007

That was their complete reply. No reason given - no further information.

Scottes posted on 07/31/2007

Speaking of El Dorado, has anyone in Massachusetts or Connecticut ever seen it in a store?

velveteenlounge posted on 07/31/2007

The liquor store on the main drag in Greenfield, MA carries several kinds of El Dorado. I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the store, but you take the exit off of 91 into Greenfield that would take you to the welcome center, go right onto the rotary, then another quick right into town (if you're coming from the south--if you're coming from the north you'd go all the way around the rotary), and it's a mile or so down on the right, maybe less.

I'll be going that way in a couple of weeks and will remember to get the exit number and the name of the store.

Scottes posted on 07/31/2007

Greenfield is only 2 hours from home... Hmmm....

I would definitely be interested in the name of the store, but don't go out of your way to get it. Still, I'd appreciate it - I've been known to drive to Greenfield for lesser reasons.

velveteenlounge posted on 07/31/2007

I'm definitely planning a stop there on the way to visiting family. I'll be sure and grab the name and exit number.

bamalamalu posted on 08/03/2007

Wow - Martignetti's and Blanchards! I lived within stumbling distance of each at different points - sadly, I didn't yet know the pleasures of fine rum so never took advantage of their selections. They sure got a lot of my beer money, though.

Fortunatly I've become smart enough to shop appropriatly at Trader Mort's, now that I live in SD.

R.I.P. Mr. Butch!

GentleHangman posted on 08/05/2007

I have contacted every recommended on-line source that says they have Lemon Hart in stock . . . NONE are shipping to Florida! The only explanation they give is, "We are not currently shipping liquor to Florida". Maybe they don't believe me when I tell them that the laws here have changed and liquor CAN be shipped to Florida. The one company that I've done business with (Internet Wines & Spirits)says they do NOT plan to re-stock any Lemon Hart. I guess I'll just have to settle for El Dorado as my Demerara Rum.

Oh . . . the horror!

velveteenlounge posted on 08/13/2007

On 2007-07-31 12:50, Scottes wrote:
Greenfield is only 2 hours from home... Hmmm....

I would definitely be interested in the name of the store, but don't go out of your way to get it. Still, I'd appreciate it - I've been known to drive to Greenfield for lesser reasons.

Okay, here's the scoop on the Greenfield, MA store that sells El Dorado. They're at exit 26 off of I-91. Go around the rotary until you're on East 2A and follow that straight for a mile or so. The store is on the right side of the street and is called Ryan & Casey (or Ryan & Casey's).

Scottes posted on 08/13/2007

Oh, what timing! I just managed to find the 15- and 21-year-old on Saturday night!

That doesn't mean I won't use this info though.

uncle trav posted on 02/09/2008

Just scored a bottle of Lemon Hart 151 after a dry spell of over a year here in Michigan. Top shelf of an out of the way liquor store all covered in dust. Kinda like finding treasure.


Here in Europe i can get the Jamaican 80 proof,146 proof and the 151 Demerara from Guyana but isn`t there a 80 proof Demerara as well? never seen that here.
I have the Jamaican 80 proof and the Demerara 151 but I how is the Jamaican 146?

johnman posted on 02/11/2008

The Lemon Hart 80 just reappeared in RI again. I was getting a little worried back in December when the shelves went bare at Joyal's Liquors. That's not a usual site. If only they carried the 151!

BastardoSaffrin posted on 02/14/2008

On 2008-02-10 03:12, Little fragrant Tiare wrote:
Here in Europe i can get the Jamaican 80 proof,146 proof and the 151 Demerara from Guyana but isn`t there a 80 proof Demerara as well? never seen that here.
I have the Jamaican 80 proof and the Demerara 151 but I how is the Jamaican 146?

Hey, Tiare, where do you get it from? One of these stores in Germany?


Hi! Yes from Germany, from http://www.spirituosen-superbillig.com and from NurVomFeinsten.com but there you will not see it on the website but if you e-mail Frank at info@nurvomfeinsten.com and ask for it he may have it.

You can also try and mail teamhg@arcor.de, i have bought my Corubas from them.(eBay-: lieblicherwein17)

Coco Joe posted on 01/23/2009

Good news! I've talked Bogie's Liquor Store in Los Angeles to carry Lemon Hart. They are really nice people and will even special order Lemon Hart 151 which only takes a few days to get in. Go and get your Lemon Hart! We need to keep this as a good seller so they'll keep it in stock.

Bogie's Liquor Store
5763 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90038

sneakyjack posted on 01/30/2009

Manchester VT has a at least 6 bottles of 1515 Lemon Hart if needed. I'm up that way often. At least the had them as of this post end of Jan 2009

paranoid123 posted on 01/30/2009

On 2009-01-29 19:19, sneakyjack wrote:
Manchester VT has a at least 6 bottles of 1515 Lemon Hart if needed. I'm up that way often. At least the had them as of this post end of Jan 2009

How much is it a bottle there, Jack?

TikiTaster posted on 02/08/2009

I couldn't find any story nearby me in New Jersey that stocks demerara rum. Nor could I find any store that could even order Lemon Hart rum. But I did find a store that could order El Dorado brand Demerara rum. Does anyone have experience with this brand. According to Sippin Safari, this is the name of the distillery in Guyana that makes all the brands of Demerara rum.

bewarethe151 posted on 02/08/2009

On 2009-02-08 06:33, TikiTaster wrote:
I couldn't find any story nearby me in New Jersey that stocks demerara rum. Nor could I find any store that could even order Lemon Hart rum. But I did find a store that could order El Dorado brand Demerara rum. Does anyone have experience with this brand. According to Sippin Safari, this is the name of the distillery in Guyana that makes all the brands of Demerara rum.

The El Dorado 5 year will do a great job of subbing for LM 80 Proof. The 12 and 15 year El Dorados are delicious as sippers but would be great in any drink. The El Dorado Overproof is a blanco rather than a dark as is the LH 151. You will still need the LH 151 for drinking cqalling for a Demerara overproof.

TikiTaster posted on 02/08/2009

Many thanks

On 2009-02-08 12:46, bewarethe151 wrote:

On 2009-02-08 06:33, TikiTaster wrote:
I couldn't find any story nearby me in New Jersey that stocks demerara rum. Nor could I find any store that could even order Lemon Hart rum. But I did find a store that could order El Dorado brand Demerara rum. Does anyone have experience with this brand. According to Sippin Safari, this is the name of the distillery in Guyana that makes all the brands of Demerara rum.

The El Dorado 5 year will do a great job of subbing for LM 80 Proof. The 12 and 15 year El Dorados are delicious as sippers but would be great in any drink. The El Dorado Overproof is a blanco rather than a dark as is the LH 151. You will still need the LH 151 for drinking cqalling for a Demerara overproof.

sneakyjack posted on 02/09/2009

paranoid -
I have to check but in the $30 range could be $26 to $36 - I forget.
PM me if you wants a bottle or I'll check and let you know $$$ first

SoCal Savage posted on 01/07/2014

I know this is an old thread, but as someone who has personally been having a lot of trouble finding Lemonhart in Los Angeles I thought I'd post this here instead of starting a new thread.

A friend just got me a bottle of 151 Demerara (with the newer red label) from Barkeeper in Silverlake for a holiday present. This may be old news, but thought I'd share.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/07/2014

Hi-Times Liquor in Costa Mesa still carries it.

nomeus posted on 01/07/2014


getting drunk is like borrowing happiness from tomorrow

[ Edited by: nomeus 2014-01-07 07:50 ]

kkocka posted on 01/07/2014

Cap 'N Cork in Silverlake also might carry it - I can't recall.
Check inside w/Google

Follow me on Instagram

[ Edited by: kkocka 2014-01-07 10:38 ]

lunavideogames posted on 01/07/2014

On 2014-01-07 10:37, kkocka wrote:
Cap 'N Cork in Silverlake also might carry it - I can't recall.

They do sell it there for $35 I believe.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2014-01-07 11:14 ]

SoCal Savage posted on 01/07/2014

On 2014-01-07 10:37, kkocka wrote:
Cap 'N Cork in Silverlake also might carry it - I can't recall.
Check inside w/Google

KKocka that "check inside" thing is amazing and scary all at the same time!

lunavideogames posted on 01/07/2014

Yeah now all we need is a "move the ladder" feature so that we can see all the rums :)

Rawim posted on 01/09/2014

Mission Wine & Spirits in Sherman Oaks on Burbank Blvd regularly has it in stock. As does KL Wines on Vine in Hollywood.

kkocka posted on 01/09/2014

On 2014-01-08 19:14, Rawim wrote:
Mission Wine & Spirits in Sherman Oaks on Burbank Blvd regularly has it in stock. As does KL Wines on Vine in Hollywood.

By chance anywhere closer to your neck of the woods, like Santa Clarita? Been doing a sweep of liquor stores to see what kinda rum stocks they have and they're all terrible so far.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/03/2014

Does anyone know why no one in New Jersey seems to sell Lemon Hart? I can't find El Dorado either. Shipping for a $30 bottle is $14, kinda kills it for me to pay that much. Now that it's on my radar I'll be looking for it if I leave the state.

I wonder why. NJ sucks, again.

Rum Ranger posted on 06/13/2014

There's no distributor for Lemon Hart here in Arizona. Does anyone know where to purchase it in Las Vegas?

djmont posted on 06/13/2014

It's no longer being imported, so don't hold out much hope.

AceExplorer posted on 06/15/2014

But do look around - make phone calls - and you might find some within driving distance, say 2 to 3 hours depending on where you're at. (Daytrips are always nice, right?)

I just got a tip today that it's still on shelves in some places in my city. That won't last for long.

The talk among a few at Hukilau is that their research for an alternative has already begun. LH151 has become well-enough established in fine drinking establishments that an alternative to LH151 is really needed. I expect we'll be hearing of alternatives within the next 3 months. There are many fine distilleries around the world, and surely there must be a suitable product out there.

Dr. Coruba posted on 06/27/2014

Unfortunately, you'll probably have to bite the bullet and use mail order. This wine site also covers spirits and does a good job in finding places that have hard to get rums.


arriano posted on 07/08/2014

I spoke with Tommy the bar manager at Bali Hai last night. He expressed his concern about LH 151, and didn't seem to know yet what they would do in place of it once the last of their cases are used up. And when I was at the Cat Eye Club (which has recently introduced a tiki cocktail menu) a couple of weeks ago and told them about LH151 disappearing for a year, the bartenders were kind of shocked and didn't know about it. They too weren't sure what they'd do regarding the 2-3 drinks they make that include it.

Any one know what the Mai Kai, Tonga Hut, etc. plan to do?

"I am Lono!" -- Hunter S. Thompson

[ Edited by: arriano 2014-07-08 09:58 ]

AceExplorer posted on 07/08/2014

I think Hurricane Hayward posted here earlier that, on his tip, the Mai-Kai bought up everything they could from their distributor.

Martin Cate told me personally that he had, as of the 2014 Hukilau in June, acquired a number of cases of LH151 and that he was on the search for a replacement for when his LH151 supply is exhausted.

In all cases, this was causing quite a bit of heartburn all around.

Hope that helps.

arriano posted on 07/08/2014

Interesting. It seems to me that bars/restaurants have three options:

  1. Temporarily discontinue serving cocktails that call for LH151

  2. Use a replacement rum

  3. Add a replacement cocktail to the menu and call it something slightly different (ie, "Zombie in Crisis")

AceExplorer posted on 07/08/2014

I like #3! How about:

"Zombie In Desperation"

"Zombie In Transition"

"Transgender Zombie"

"Zombie Without Hart"

"Zombie With Stake Through The Hart"

arriano posted on 07/08/2014

On 2014-07-08 10:47, AceExplorer wrote:
I like #3! How about:

"Zombie In Desperation"

"Zombie In Transition"

"Transgender Zombie"

"Zombie Without Hart"

"Zombie With Stake Through The Hart"

Ha! Hart-less Zombie

Loki-Tiki posted on 07/08/2014

On 2014-07-08 09:55, arriano wrote:
I spoke with Tommy the bar manager at Bali Hai last night. He expressed his concern about LH 151, and didn't seem to know yet what they would do in place of it once the last of their cases are used up. And when I was at the Cat Eye Club (which has recently introduced a tiki cocktail menu) a couple of weeks ago and told them about LH151 disappearing for a year, the bartenders were kind of shocked and didn't know about it. They too weren't sure what they'd do regarding the 2-3 drinks they make that include it.

Any one know what the Mai Kai, Tonga Hut, etc. plan to do?

I asked the same question to our bartender at Trader Sam's last week. He had not heard that production had indefinitely stopped.

kkocka posted on 07/08/2014

On 2014-07-08 14:04, Loki-Tiki wrote:
I asked the same question to our bartender at Trader Sam's last week. He had not heard that production had indefinitely stopped.

Ahhh must've been one of the new guys. =\

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