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Hukilau 2003 Report

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tikibob posted on 07/18/2003

That pool thing at the Tropirock main web page is too cool.


mrsmiley posted on 07/18/2003

I got to sit upper center in the back of the restaurant which gave me a good view of the Mai-Kai's main dining room. It also gave me a good view of....ANGER MAN!
Anger man was this guy in a party of 8 sitting in
front and left of me. I didn't notice him until the
waiter brought the flaming banana dessert to their
table. The waiter set up his cart behind anger man,
lit the flaming booze and poured it on the bananas.
This apparently scared anger man and he turned around
and with great anger uttered something (like "you
sonofabitch whaddayou trying to do burn me to death?).
The waiter explained something probably like, "sorry
sir, I am just making your dessert". I couldn't hear
what they were saying but the facial expressions said
it all. After the waiter explained what he was doing,
Anger man lept out of his chair and dashed around the
other side of the table to escape the "banana flames
of death". The waiter served the dessert and left.
After this, I couldn't help taking a peek at Anger
Man from time to time. He was wearing some boring
non-tiki t-shirt . Anger Man scowled for the rest of
the evening and left as soon as the floor show
ended-before the auctions left.
Anger Man should have
been happy that he escaped "the banana flames of

tikimug posted on 07/18/2003

Hey I think it's funny that mr smiley :) (aka mild mannered Bruce) finally met his arch-rival Anger Man :evil:

...and he was no match for mr smiley's flaming bananas.... but one day he will return oh yes, to rule the world!!!!!

Rain posted on 07/18/2003

was anger man sitting with hukilau people? if so, i'm willing to bet i know who it is. and if so, he's always like that.

Afa Tasi 50 posted on 07/18/2003

Aloha, Talofa, and Buenos Diaz to everyone. Samoan Dan here. I want to say thank everyone for all the kind words posted about my dad ( Pasefika ) and I. It was a real pleasure meeting everyone and I can't remember having such a great time. I think my liver is still recovering from the Hukilau Weekend:)It was interesting to see pics of my dad and my godfather from the Kai back in the seventies. I also read that Crazy Al went swimming at the Yankee Clipper Hotel. It's cool to know that people are aware that the hotel had a Polynesian Restaurant back in the sixties. A little fact about the restaurant is a group of Polynesian Dancers featuring my father Pasefika, my Godfather Taafili, and my Aunt Tuai worked the show for seven years until it closed in 1969. The show opened with new dancers in 1971 but closed two years later. Just a FYI. Well I wish there was enough space to type thanks to everyone who were involved with the Hukilau. Thanks for allowing Afa Tasi to take part in such a wonderful event. I plan a becoming a regular in Tiki Central because I like the vibe being generated. Bamboo Ben, Crazy Al, and King it was a pleasure staying up all night with you guys and spreading the Polynesian love to everyone on the 6th floor and in Holden's room. Peace everyone and aloha.

Basement Kahuna posted on 07/18/2003

Aloha, Dan! Good to hear from you...your room/your dad were the hit of the floor! You guys are Hukilau fixtures from here on out; no if's, and's, or but's will be accepted...I have to thank your dad again for the coconut and the two cups of Pasefika brand hangover cure. That was the best. Welcome to Tiki Central!

RevBambooBen posted on 07/18/2003

Drummer Dan!

Missin' the COCO NutS!!!! Our trees out here don't have em! It would be kind o hard to make a drink in a date! (date palms)Practice that drum and we'll get Holden next year! I'll practice my Kung Fu too!

manic cat posted on 07/18/2003

Mr. Smiley's ANGERMAN story was so funny. Thanks for sharing. I'm still giggling at work...

tiki_kiliki posted on 07/18/2003

Hi Dan! You guys were a great addition to Hukilau! Thanks so much for the coconuts. You guys gotta do that for the whole bunch next year.

Great stories....Swanky and I will be coming down to Lauderdale soon and we'd really like to get together with you guys and Kern.

Basement Kahuna posted on 07/18/2003

Anger man sounds like that "Spider" guy, Wayne's assistant. He was solo snivelsnitting about the Mai Kai and the show almost from the second we all sat down. Seems like I remember hearing "you people don't get out much, do you?". I'd have to say, honestly, that any guy who calls himself "Spider" kinda loses all credibility with me from the get-go. "Yo, dude, I'm Spider"..."Oh, cool...I'm, uh, Skull...pleased to meet you". I honestly find it hard to believe that anyone who attended Hukilau didn't enjoy the experience immensely. For us it was truly a one in a million weekend!

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-07-18 14:25 ]

tikibob posted on 07/19/2003

If AngerMan ever teams up with BallPopingMan we are going to have to take up arms.

Funny, at one point King and I thought we SAW the BallPopingMan in the bar at the Mai Kai.

King insisted on going over and asking if he was actually BPM. When he said no, King told him the story and the dude offered to pop beach balls for us if we wanted.

On the notes of obnoxious people, Crazy Al and I were in the back room at the Mai Kai watching I Bella de Waikiki and giving out our little hoots and animal calls.

A dude sitting with his back to us in the next booth went off like a M-80 yelling that we should take all the "yelling" outside.

Some people get so hostile.

Final end of the story? The dude was threatened with a real good ass beating after which he sat quietly the rest of the night.


[ Edited by: tikibob on 2003-07-18 22:54 ]

Swanky posted on 07/19/2003

Hopefully, we will come to the Mai Kai in such masses for 2004 that it will be all Hukilau people, and we can all be the big happy family that I felt so much of that weekend. I think that's very possible.

mrsmiley posted on 07/20/2003

"posted by Basement Kahuna on 2003-07-18 14:20

"Anger man sounds like that "Spider" guy, Wayne's assistant. He was solo
snivelsnitting about the Mai Kai and the show almost from the second we
all sat down. Seems like I remember hearing "you people don't get out
much, do you?". I'd have to say, honestly, that any guy who calls
himself "Spider" kinda loses all credibility with me from the get-go. "Yo,
dude, I'm Spider"..."Oh, cool...I'm, uh, Skull...pleased to meet you"
Anger Man was sitting with a group of people at the dinner table next to the Belli Waikiki sailor guys.
I don't know what area "spider" was in.

mrsmiley posted on 07/20/2003

Posted by Rain on 2003-07-17 22:26

was anger man sitting with hukilau people? if so, i'm willing to bet i
know who it is. and if so, he's always like that

---------------the people anger man was sitting with looked like they could be "hukilau" people-but I didn't know any of them. Again their group was sitting next the the Bella Waikiki guys.

mrsmiley posted on 07/20/2003

"Posted by tikimug on 2003-07-17 19:27

Hey I think it's funny that mr smiley :) (aka mild mannered Bruce)
finally met his arch-rival Anger Man :evil:

[i]...and he was no match for mr smiley's flaming bananas.... but one
day he will return oh yes, to rule the
---all I could think of while watching this guy is" c'mon buddy, you are in the Mai-Kai-quite possibly the best Tiki bar in the world, having good food, great drinks and watching a fantastic floor show--lighten up!!!"

nibblegribitz posted on 02/17/2019

Samoan Dan, I just stumbled across this post. A great surprise!!! I grew up with Fika, Taafili and Tuai plus many more dancers and musicians. My dad was George Hines. I have a Facebook page "Friends of the Yankee Clipper Polynesian Room". Stop by!!!

nibblegribitz posted on 02/17/2019

Samoan Dan, I just stumbled across this post. A great surprise!!! I grew up with Fika, Taafili and Tuai plus many more dancers and musicians. My dad was George Hines. I have a Facebook page "Friends of the Yankee Clipper Polynesian Room" and "Friends of the Mai-Kai". Stop by!!!

[ Edited by: nibblegribitz 2019-02-16 16:11 ]

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