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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Lake Surfer posted on 02/20/2009


Kicking butt on the large Maori guy!

He's going to look great with tats.

And your drum series is always great to watch evolve.

Ever catch a "Green Flash" from your place? The latest sunset looked perfect for one.

Don't feel bad about the taxes... today we will now have the pleasure of paying a tax on music and movie downloads to help pay for the 700 million dollar debt that our state rang up over the years. And even though we have one of the highest gas taxes in the country, there's still not enough to money to fill our potholes that open up every winter, so eventually we will have to pay a toll to drive on our "freeways."

I'll think of your warm weather when I'm shoveling my 8 inches of snow saturday morning. :wink:

tikipaka posted on 02/20/2009

Wow Buzzy, I love just coming to your post to see the sunrises that you post. And of course we all love your carvings. I can't wait to see this tall one and your drum table completed. And that way you're training the new peep is cool. I never knew that that's the way Benz would do it? You start the carving on one side and the new guy does the other. Wow, send me one of those and let me see what happens to the other side when I'm done. :lol: I can see it now, all hacked up looking like it went through the wood chipper on my side :lol: Thanks

Benzart posted on 02/20/2009

C'mon Buzzy, Quit Stalling, We KNOW you can do this with yer eyes closed, so just jump right in and get it done.

hiltiki posted on 02/24/2009

Buzzy, how is the large maori dude doing, any progress pictures?.

TheBigT posted on 02/24/2009

Someone must be too busy even for sunset pics... :o

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/25/2009

On 2009-02-24 14:26, TheBigT wrote:
Someone must be too busy even for sunset pics... :o

Not quite....
I took this picture of the sunset yesterday, but...

there wasn't enough day left for the update picture.

That was all I had yesterday, so I waited until today to post all that.

And now ,Today's sunset:

Looks like the sky was raining fire

I have the table that looks like a drum all blocked out now:

I made the legs round because I think that tables should have round legs:

I'll let it dry out a few days before I do the all detail carving

In the meantime...

On 2009-02-23 16:48, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy, how is the large maori dude doing, any progress pictures?.

I managed to move him back into my work area today. Tomorrow I will do a little more work on the face and start sandinhg him.

I used a set of small log rollers to get him from my driveway to my backyard by myself. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

On 2009-02-20 01:26, Lake Surfer wrote:
Ever catch a "Green Flash" from your place? The latest sunset looked perfect for one.

I've seen a green flash only three times at sunset. I always heard people talk about them and could never imagine what they were talking about. I finally saw one for the first time right after I moved here. It was totally crazy. Every time I've seen one, I've been wearing sunglasses. I think those help. Usually there's just enough fog and clouds out there that those green flashes don't happen.

On 2009-02-20 01:39, tikipaka wrote:
. And that way you're training the new peep is cool. I never knew that that's the way Benz would do it? You start the carving on one side and the new guy does the other.

Yeah. Here's the basswood piece that I learned the hookknife from him with.

I never finished the face details on my side. At the time, I wanted to get a little better first, so i did a couple practice pieces. Then the couple pieces turned into a whole bunch and I never got back to it.

On 2009-02-20 06:45, Benzart wrote:
C'mon Buzzy, Quit Stalling, We KNOW you can do this with yer eyes closed, so just jump right in and get it done.

One of these days...

Buzzy out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-02-24 22:07 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/26/2009

Today's sunset:

A few friends dropped by to keep me company while I worked today.
Here, jabtiki works on a tiki pole carving:

Patrick came back to work on his first solo piece:

Cammo made an appearance too:

Kiva was right in the middle of things all day:

Patrick's finished piece:

I worked on the face and sanded the big guy today

He's just about ready to mark all up

Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 02/26/2009

That was a fun carving session - as long as you keep the gate closed so Kiva doesn't get out you can have a pretty good time chopping at Buzz's.

Kiva, by the way, has a great casual way of gliding past you slowly (avoiding eye contact) and slipping out the gate. Once outside, she seems to know exactly where she's going, and ambles down the street slowly. She looks like an old lady escaping from a retirement home. It's really hard getting her back in the yard, she has that "Do I KNOW you?" attitude when you try shoving her back in the direction of the house.

Almost got that mask done.

Cammo posted on 02/28/2009

Double Post!

Hey Buzzy, any chance you could take a long-range telephoto snap of "Buzzy's Island"? I've been Google-Earthing it and you're right, it's a strange crescent shaped lost island in the middle of Mission Bay. I can even make out the lone garbage can at the NE side!

Anybody in for a Three Hour Tour Chop to Buzzy's Island?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/28/2009

On 2009-02-28 07:29, Cammo wrote:

Hey Buzzy, any chance you could take a long-range telephoto snap of "Buzzy's Island"?

Here you go cammo:

It used to be a much smaller and a solid round shaped island. Then I think for Sea World to get approval for another parking lot and Splash Mountain, they had to increase the ratio of open space to leased/developed land on the bay. So, they made that island like a sand atoll to make more overall open acreage. Now Seaworld can continue on its mission to be the cutting edge research facility they always claim it to be.

On 2009-02-26 13:19, Cammo wrote:
That was a fun carving session -

Almost got that mask done.

Cammo carving session day #1:

Cammo carving session day #2:

The almost done mask:

And now for the usual fare:

Recent sunset:

Clay stuff dried fine and is on the way to Babalu's:

Table touched up a bit:

Big guy sanded and ready for detail carving:

Face started:

A little more done:

I'll have more done on it by sunset today...
Buzzy Out!

congatiki posted on 02/28/2009

Nice work on your latest Buzzy. Looks like things are really happening at
the House of Buzz. Now forget about the sunsets and keep working on the
Maori feller.

Cammo posted on 03/01/2009

These islands fascinate me. Right out Buzzy's back door is a view of Mission bay, which has all these little teeny atols (manmade) that are just sitting there.

This one, "Buzzy's Island", actually is crescent shaped with an amazing lagoon in the middle, perfect for swimming or landing a boat. Wonder if you can dive for pearls?


Why not canoe out to one, I got a canoe, BBQ up a pig and chop all day?

and . . .





Benzart posted on 03/01/2009

Buzzy, Lookin' Good dude! Once you start it goes pretty quick!

[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-03-01 03:57 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/01/2009

On 2009-02-28 13:42, congatiki wrote:
Now forget about the sunsets and keep working on the
Maori feller.

How about Today's sunset AND some Maori guy work:

And next:

After a little afternoon break, I went back to the doing the face. Here are a few more "during the process" of shots

Just after finishing the chin, around the lips, and under the eyes

One swirl done on the cheek

Finished the cheeks now

More swirls and designs going to the ears

End of the day...

Top of the head and edge of design all finished up

I still have the ears, toes, shoulders, and legs to do. And sanding again...

On 2009-02-28 17:40, Cammo wrote:
These islands fascinate me.
Why not canoe out to one, I got a canoe, BBQ up a pig and chop all day?

I had a friend who used to have "Island Takeover" parties there every year. They even printed up thirts for it one time. Basically, they'd all run boats back and forth all day from cown point, ferrying people and booze to the island and back. I bet they have made it "protected habitat" since then...

On 2009-02-28 18:59, Benzart wrote:
Once you start it goes pretty quick!♦

Almost done now...by this time tomorrow, I should be complaining about having to do sanding and staining.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-02-28 20:15 ]

Cammo posted on 03/01/2009

"I had a friend who used to have "Island Takeover" parties there every year. They even printed up thirts for it one time."

Yeah, it would be even cooler to have printed up shirts for the event!

It doesn't seem to be marked with any "protected habitat for the goonie-buboonie birds" or any such egg-hugging crapola. I'm going there Monday morning, and planting a Tiki Treasure Chest of special Lost Islander Swagola. Official Tiki Treasure Maps to locate the hidden riches will be available to anybody who buys me a drink on Tuesdays at Bar Pink.

Anybody in for the Three Hour Tour? NOPE? Fine then! Mebbe I'll take pictures, mebbe not!

hiltiki posted on 03/01/2009

I like the end of the day picture.

jab tiki posted on 03/01/2009

Looking Good in Buzzy's hood!!!
Cam; I'm down for Mission:"Tiki Island take over" Take some rafts over, chop, and stake up a tiki.
Can I be the Skipper, I'll bring along Ginger too.
See ya all at The House Of Buzz soon.

Cammo posted on 03/01/2009

"Cam; I'm down for Mission:"Tiki Island take over" Take some rafts over, chop, and stake up a tiki."

That had crossed my mind - what about digging a tiki in deep and leaving it's head sticking out there...
What about planting a few small coconut palms on the island, too?

I mean, how cool is that island???

surfintiki posted on 03/01/2009

Buzz, thanks SOO much for posting all the sunsets.
I'm going to come out there and tip over your tikis.

Tiki Duddy posted on 03/01/2009

Buzzy!--First of all:
the sunsets are a Beaut! the one looks like the creation of a star
Great shots!
and secondly-The new guy is lookin Sweet! love the disigns you're givin him
cant wait to see what you finish this one up with!

4WDtiki posted on 03/01/2009

Buzz, Moari Guy is lookin great, but it's reminding me of that one a while back where you went overboard on the tattooing and got burned out before finishing!
Pace yerself, avoid the burnout!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/02/2009

On 2009-03-01 04:05, Cammo wrote:
"Cam; I'm down for Mission:"Tiki Island take over" Take some rafts over, chop, and stake up a tiki."

That had crossed my mind -

So today, Cammo set out on the high pacific seas in search of treasures and adventures of unimaginable scope. Luckily, I was able to document his journey from my work area with my telescope and x2.0 camera lens.

Here, we can see Cammo on the shore in the white shirt, just getting ready to shove off:

Having rated the vessel worthy for safe sea passage, Cammo leaves the land, and its securities, behind:

With mother nature and king neptune on his side, Cammo is granted quick passage through the often times challenging channel:

The wide open sea confronts him, as it seems to roll on forever before him, leaving no mark to show his progress or position

Finally, after all the time and the struggles of being out at sea, the cry rings out: "Land Ho!"

Cammo enters the channel

After disappearing on the far side of the lagoon, Cammo emerges on the summit of the atoll:

Cammo on the island, with the roller coaster in the background:

Let's all hope Cammo makes it back safely.

On 2009-03-01 10:11, Tiki Duddy wrote:

the sunsets are a Beaut! Great shots!
The new guy is lookin Sweet!

Hey Duddy! I can't wait to get that new guy stood up so I can really see him. I still haven't mananged to do it myself. Maybe Wednesday when I have a couple carving buddies over.
As for the sunsets, it's all trick photography. Here's yesterdays sunset without using photoshop:

Speaking of carving buddies, Babalu had me over yesterday afternoon to do some glazing. here we see Babalu working on his monster bowl:

Here's a little pile of stuff I glazed while I was there:

Firing tomorrow, so i need to go finish another mug and a few pendants tonight. Tick tock...

On 2009-03-01 11:30, 4WDtiki wrote:
Pace yerself, avoid the burnout!

He's going to be a little bit less ornate than that other one. Different styled guy too. More liney than triangly...

On 2009-03-01 07:25, surfintiki wrote:
I'm going to come out there and tip over your tikis.

Kind of looks like you already did:

I might have on or two still satnding, but the trip might be worth it!

More later...
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 03/02/2009

Buzzy's Island!

On the landward side, there it is right off shore.

The Goonie-babloonie birds who rule the island. I may have to eat one later.

The inner lagoon. The ride over was quick and the water glass smooth. The water in the lagoon is tropical-warm and clean as heck. This island is BIG! That far side of the lagoon is pretty far away, its hard to judge sizes but the whole place is about twice as big as I expected it to be.

The only palm tree on the island (Mexican Fan Palm, look out for Buzzy) and signs of natives.

Beachcomber swag, and a clear shot of how the crescent shape of the island was created a long time ago by some lost civilization. Inuit? Bora Bora tribesmen? We'll probably never know...

Panorama shots of the whole place.

Nice shot of the lagoon, showing the primo swimming conditions.

Shellhunter paradise!

Let's not say goodbye to Buzzy's Island, but rather Aloha, which means goodbye, hello, I love this place, and just about anything else those Hawaiians can think of to get you to come back next year...

TheBigT posted on 03/02/2009

Cool pics. Thanks for taking us along for the adventure!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/03/2009

Today's sunset:

There were a few sprinkles this evening. Hopefully not enough to get anything real wet.

More carving on the big guy done today:

A picture of the finished face in better light:

I did the ears and shoulders first:

then I did the legs and feet:

After two evenings at babalu's, I got these glazed and ready for tomorrow's firing:

And now for a quick diversion for my friends in cold climates right now:

I had to set up a ski lodge thingy yesterday for a snow themed party, and it included actual snow. Mind you, it was about 75 or so degrees and sunny there.
Here is where we get local snow: the guy wheels ice out of the truck and dumps it in this big old machine

Then the machine makes a bunch of noise and snow spits out of a hose:

All you need is enough ice to cover the whole yard. It ends up just like a real blizzard.

They made a snow covered mountain to snowboard on too:

Add a 40 x 20 backdrop and it's just like being in Maine! or maybe Colorado?

This was actually a surprise party. the lady it was for went away for a few hours and we all snuck in and set up a big old bash. It was a pretty big affair for a yard party. Imagine coming home from the mall and finding all this snow and a band in the yard. For me, it was just like being stuck in those winter storms back east, except that this one had a keg and a caterer!

That was only the third time I was ever in snow, and boy was it fun!

A tropical lagoon and a snowstorm, wood and clay: Just a normal day at the House of Buzz!
Buzzy Out!

jab tiki posted on 03/03/2009

Nice!!! Sweet pic's and reporting guys!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/04/2009

Today's sunset:

I took a break from working on big heavy stuff today because I was tired and I grabbed a piece of basswood and hacked into it to relax

First I drew a little 6" maori guy on a 2"w x 1.5"d basswood block and carved out the outline

It looked a little thick, so I cut the wood down the center, making two 3/4" slices

Since I already had the outline carved, I decided to do a mirror image of the original design on the back and carve both

After a little more progress

I was doing both of them simultaneously, but then I started concentrating on just one

I'll have to do the backs of them after I cut them of the stock piece

I watched some crappy tv while I worked and I got pretty far on the first guy tonight. Here he is now:

And soon, he'll have a twin.

Buzzy Out!

hodadhank posted on 03/04/2009

I like these twins buzz, also dig the big maori. Keep up the good work as usual. -HH

Tiki Duddy posted on 03/04/2009

wow-lookin good, buzzy.
i like the twins you got going there
As for the snow!--come on up~ take as much as you like!

Cammo posted on 03/04/2009

The Maori twins are cool - you gonna leave them back to back? It looks kind of freaky talisman big ju-ju magic that way. One could be looking to the future, the other the past - or one is good, one evil...

Hey Duddy - you near Winterpeg?

seeksurf posted on 03/05/2009

The big maori is shaping up nice its going to be a stunner.

The twins are cool hard to believe it came out of the square
cut wood. You playing tricks on us!

Lake Surfer posted on 03/05/2009

Buzz, the maori is coming along nicely!

Classic style going on there... you nailed it.

The "snow party" makes me laugh. Smart move setting it up in the shade... that San Diego sun would do a number on the giant snow cone.

We had 14 inches of "lake effect" snow Tuesday that you could have had.

Cold air moving across the long fetch of Lake Michigan picks up moisture and dumps it in the form of snow on our shore.
At times we were getting 2-4 inches per hour of snow.

Love the Mission Bay "Kon Tiki voyage!"

Never stop having fun!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/05/2009

Yesterday's sunset:

We had a couple drop of rain early on today, but now it's back to being sunny and warm

Yesterday was another get together and carve on a Wednesday here. Most of the regulras showed up
Jabtiki working on his lucky tiki money god:

Pat bustin loose on a new tang

He got it to here by the end of the day:

I worked on the little twins
First one done the night before

New one worked on yesterday:

And finally
Since I had the boys over, I took advantage of their help and got the big guy standing:
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The little white dot by his head was the moon.
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It looked really cool in person. I guess you had to be there

Here I am next to it for scale
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On 2009-03-04 06:33, hodadhank wrote:
I like these twins buzz, also dig the big maori. Keep up the good work as usual. -HH

Thanks Hank

On 2009-03-04 06:39, Tiki Duddy wrote:

As for the snow!--come on up~ take as much as you like!

How much does snow cost up there? It seems pretty expensive down here. Maybe you could fill an ice truck full of your free snow and sell it to parties down here. Other than gas and time, you really wouldn't have any overhead.

On 2009-03-04 07:36, Cammo wrote:
The Maori twins are cool - you gonna leave them back to back?

I haven't thought that through all the way yet. I have a lot of lumber under eack one of them, so I could pretty much put them on anything we can think up. Maybe something unique like a gear shift knob for a hot rod or a keg pull. I'm always partial to fork and spoon sets, so maybe a matching set...

On 2009-03-04 16:10, seeksurf wrote:

The twins are cool hard to believe it came out of the square
cut wood. You playing tricks on us!

Actually, my first step was to round out the square wood I was using into a rounded log shape, like I'm used to. :wink: I think I heard benzart once say something about not getting trapped by or in the shape of the wood, or something like that which actually made sense to me the way he said it.
Wow! I just though of something cool: Tikis that don't look like logs. I'm on it...

On 2009-03-05 11:24, Lake Surfer wrote:
We had 14 inches of "lake effect" snow Tuesday that you could have had.
Love the Mission Bay "Kon Tiki voyage!"

Never stop having fun!

Geez! I don't think we even get 14 inches of rain in a whole year. Tuesday was pretty warm here, if I recall. I'm really starting to get my farmer tan going good now. Tis the season.

Part two of the Kon Tiki voyage coming soon! Something about a "tiki lagoon"...

When I stop having fun, I QUIT!
Buzzy Out!
(not that i wsn't having fun)

edit-oh yeah my clay stuff at babalu's out of the kiln last night

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-03-05 12:31 ]

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RevBambooBen posted on 03/06/2009

big guy is gonna look good where ever it lands!

( hopefully not on my foot!!!)

no chairs yet??

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Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build stuff for you!
Google search me and see!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2009-03-08 20:14 ]

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GROG posted on 03/06/2009

On 2009-03-05 12:26, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Since I had the boys over, I took advantage of their help and got the big guy standing:

They make a pill for that now, Buzzmeister.

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-03-05 20:35 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 03/06/2009


Maori guy is bigger than he looked laying down!

Very impressive piece!

Looking forward to seeing it finished!

Just an idea... maybe a dark stain on that guy and if you're up for it get a good paintbrush and paint the moko white?

Would really pop I think!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9b166ed7a7b7e6faff4dc4a9708dca3f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki-jurgen posted on 03/06/2009

your work is amazing!

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9162ee98aff6768c57e0ea30338c822f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingstiedye posted on 03/07/2009

On 2009-03-05 12:26, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
The little white dot by his head was the moon.
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It looked really cool in person. I guess you had to be there

it probably would help to smoke what you were smokin' too! :) the big maori is really looking good. will he have paua eyes? i dig da hei tiki st. paddy's day mug too.

seeksurf posted on 03/08/2009

Big guy is killer! lovin the work on the face.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6eafb7a6f7d57f5bc65c9b4d4064d724?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
buzzard posted on 03/09/2009

hey buzzy that guy is looking sweet and big,no wonder you were looking for help
to move him to the back,man i want to quit my job so i can come carve on a wensday!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/09/2009

Today's sunset:
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Zaya was here this weekend so we have some rare "in action" shots to document the staining of the big guy

I had to climb on a log to reach the top part
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I moved down to milk crate as I got lower
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Someone taught Ringo how to pose whenever a camera is taken out:
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Working my way down the head
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Working in kick back sit down mode
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Just about finished
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First coat, all done
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And some more work done on the table:
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On 2009-03-05 20:12, RevBambooBen wrote:

no chairs yet??

Very, very soon...

On 2009-03-05 20:35, GROG wrote:

They make a pill for that now, Buzzmeister.

And you would know this, how?

On 2009-03-05 22:44, Lake Surfer wrote:

Just an idea... maybe a dark stain on that guy and if you're up for it get a good paintbrush and paint the moko white?

Would really pop I think!

I was hoping that the shadows would give it enough pop. Otherwise, I might have gone light stained tiki with dark stained tattoos. It was a tough choice...
Seems to be working so far:
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I can always change it if I don't like it.

On 2009-03-06 06:38, tiki-jurgen wrote:
your work is amazing!

Thanks Jurgen! keep on carving!

On 2009-03-07 21:50, seeksurf wrote:
Big guy is killer! lovin the work on the face.

Thanks seeks! It's turning out fairly well so far. Just about done.

On 2009-03-08 18:13, buzzard wrote:
hey buzzy that guy is looking sweet and big,no wonder you were looking for help
to move him to the back,man i want to quit my job so i can come carve on a wensday!

Great! You can quit your job and help me load him in the truck later this week!

On 2009-03-06 17:45, kingstiedye wrote:

#1 it probably would help to smoke what you were smokin' too! :)
#2 . will he have paua eyes?
#3 i dig da hei tiki st. paddy's day mug too.

#1 I don't know why the moon looked so small in the picture? Must be because the tiki is so big. You really had to be there!
#2 This guy's 100% wood. I'd need some rather large shells to cover them. Looked into it, but I would only be able to do donut looking pupil ones. I could paint them white...
#3 Listed in time for the holidays!

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Marketplace thread

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-03-08 23:33 ]

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 03/09/2009

Looks rad!


On 2009-03-05 22:44, Lake Surfer wrote:

Just an idea... maybe a dark stain on that guy and if you're up for it get a good paintbrush and paint the moko white?

Would really pop I think!

I was hoping that the shadows would give it enough pop. Otherwise, I might have gone light stained tiki with dark stained tattoos. It was a tough choice...
Seems to be working so far:

I can always change it if I don't like it.


I'm sure the desert sun will change it for you!

Can't wait to see the other stuff and see it all in action.

TSW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/48f154ad18ad50a211d1a6f886f64a3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Sperm Whale posted on 03/09/2009

That big guy looks freakin sweet! Rock On Buzzy!!

Cammo posted on 03/09/2009

For the second time in a row, the first Three Pecker Guys award of 2009 goes to...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4775/49b54d3f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=75b167c41c9e7d454549745d8f8a9c91

... Buzzdog, Lord of the Sharp Edge. For carving above and beyond what is minimally required by Tiki enthusiasts worldwide!

seeksurf posted on 03/10/2009

Nice Buzzy now send some of that weather up north I need
to do some staining my self.

NICE to see the 3 pecker trophy pop up again.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/10/2009

Today's sunset:
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I heard the 7 o'clock news update on the radio while I was still working out back. Welcome daylight savings time!

Today, I started by putting another coat of stain on the big guy. Then I spent the rest of the day working on table legs.
Step one was to draw them out
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Same thing, three times
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After carving:
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This was the last picture I took before the light ran out for good outside pictures today:
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After this progress shot, I was able to fill in the areas on the side of the tikis' heads with patterns before it got too dark to work.

I'm sure the desert sun will change it for you!
Can't wait to see the other stuff and see it all in action.

In that case, I should have just painted it all to begin with...
There will always be paint!
It's all coming together now...

On 2009-03-09 09:16, The Sperm Whale wrote:
That big guy looks freakin sweet! Rock On Buzzy!!

Thanks Spermy!

On 2009-03-09 10:12, Cammo wrote:
For the second time in a row, the first Three Pecker Guys award of 2009 goes to...

Yes! I think I need to add a line on my TC signature that talks about being the two time Three Pecker Guys Award winner as well as producing tiki art for over a decade.

On 2009-03-09 21:43, seeksurf wrote:
Nice Buzzy now send some of that weather up north I need
to do some staining my self.

Had a little rain scare today, but it was a false alarm. Hoping the weather holds for at least three more days...


[Buy this mug!

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/49b5f92f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4b1f430fdcec31fcd71d0e3a7c7611b1
Click here for the current ebay auction](http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170309634869)

More time in the day now for tiki!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-03-09 22:35 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/11/2009

Today's sunset:
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It looks like the season of sunsets on the water has come to an end.

Today was "finish carving the table that looks like a drum day."

I started the finishing process by drawing out the three tiki face panels:
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Then I carved them:
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And finally, I filled in the three panels in between.
Here it is all done:
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Next project: Chairs!

The TWO time three pecker guy nice award winner
Buzzy Out!


[St Patrick's Day Mug: 3 days left

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/49b5f92f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4b1f430fdcec31fcd71d0e3a7c7611b1
Click here for the ebay auction](http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170309634869)


[Tonga Hut Art Show

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Click here for info](http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=31540&forum=17&start=0)

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-03-10 21:16 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 03/11/2009


Very nice!

You've got a real groove for the Marquesan work now... a style that is very close to my heart these days.
This table is really sweet... I love the style of the "legs."

The Maori tiki is impressive, and looks great with the stain.

I think I know where it is headed to if I am taking Ben's clue the right way... it will find a great home there.

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