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Cocktails with Al ( Image heavy)

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On 2007-05-04 14:07, sporkboyofjustice wrote:
I have to say that I'm loving this thread. For some reason equipment gets me excited. Anywho, I'll be lurking on this one unless I have something to add; thank you for all the advice.

Me too..this is a real interesting thread and ill also be lurking unless i have something to add, im still bulding my little bar. Lots of inspiration here!

Al-ii posted on 05/03/2008

Alright, This is how I do a Planters Punch.

Planters Punch
3 OZ English's Red Tropical Gold Fruit Mix (Fassionola)
Juice of half Large Lemon
Juice of one Small Lime
1 1/2 OZ White Rum
1 1/2 OZ Mid Range Gold Rum (Appletons, Pyrate, etc.)
Shake with lots of Ice.
Strain into a chimney glass.
Add Ice to fill. (not too full, Make room for the Meyers's and soda)
Splash with Soda Water. (1/2 to 1 OZ?)
Splash a little Dark Rum. (not a float, a splash)
Garnish with Lime Wheel.

I like to use oversize Scorpion Bowl Straws.

Then I cut them down a bit with Scissors. (POLYPOP!!!!)

Ta -Da What a drink. Don't go Garnish Crazy.

If you make this drink correctly this is what the person drinking it should look like. Notice the blissfull look of contented happyness, the half slit eyes, the full smile, SUCCESS!!!

[ Edited by: Al-ii 2008-05-02 19:40 ]


Oh my..i know that feeling..that`s how a happy drinking person should look like!

Al-ii posted on 05/03/2008

tiki leki posted on 05/03/2008

Hey Al-ii, Where can I get those Scorpion bowl straws here in San Diego. Thx.

Al-ii posted on 05/03/2008

Tiki Leki,
Bosko sells these straws on his website. I've seen them at Oceanic arts. They're hard to find.

Mai Tai posted on 08/26/2008

Bump for this thread! Yay for Al's Planter's Punch - it is awesome!

Hey Al, I think it might be time to show us another fine cocktail. Any suggestions? Your scorpion bowl is the best I've ever had, hands down! Would you care to disclose it's fine construction? Or is that more advanced play? Are we ready to take off our training wheels for that one, or do you have another finely crafted cocktail that you'd like to show us how to construct?

Mai Tai posted on 02/22/2009

Anyone (other than me) care to revive this ultra cool thread? This site, and especially this Tiki Drinks and Food Forum, could use some spirited debate on great topics like this, before everything simply devolves away...

bigtikidude posted on 02/24/2009

here here,
more drinks Al.


captnkirk posted on 03/10/2009

I have found that Pat O'Briens Hurricane Mix is a great substitute for Fashinola.

It tastes so similar that I would bet the first Hurricanes they mixed probably used it. I keeps forever in the refrigerator I hardly ever use it and it always tastes fresh and ready to mix.

Mai Tai posted on 03/10/2009

On 2009-03-10 04:40, captnkirk wrote:
I have found that Pat O'Briens Hurricane Mix is a great substitute for Fashinola.

It tastes so similar that I would bet the first Hurricanes they mixed probably used it. I keeps forever in the refrigerator I hardly ever use it and it always tastes fresh and ready to mix.

That is interesting. Do you buy it as a pre-made syrup, or do you mix it from the powdered mix? And if you mix it on your own, do you make it more concentrated or follow the way they recommend on the package?

By the way, Fassionola is still available. Al posted about it's availability earlier in this thread:

On 2007-05-17 13:17, Al-ii wrote:
Mr Gnoman,
Thank you for the comments. I have read that thread and I appreciate those who contributed to it. I respectfully disagree with the statement that Fassionola is similar to passion fruit syrup, or is an acceptable substitute. If you reconstitute Jon English's Fassionola you with water or pineapple juice you get a drink that taste "like" Hawaiian Punch. Add water to Passion Fruit Syrup and it taste markedly different. The difference is similar to Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and Torani chocolate syrup, one being made with a base of Chocolate, the other being made with a base of clear sugar syrup flavored with a little chocolate essence. Fassionola is fruit punch concentrate. Smart and final, I'm told, has a fruit punch concentrate. I'll get some this weekend and see how it works. I've been looking for Hawaiian Punch Concentrate, so far, no luck. Mind you I still get Fassionola from

Americas Finest Bar Supply Specialists
John Malloch
John likes you to call ahead with order so he can pull it and have it ready at Will Call. open Mon-Fri, 9 to 5.

I've tried my Planters punch with TVs passion fruit syrup instead of Fassionola, It's not as good.

I have a couple of bottles of Fassionola (one green, one red), and some Pat O'Brien's Hurricane Mix in powdered form. Let me know how you mix up your Pat O'Brien's Hurricane Mix, captnkirk, and I'll do a taste comparison.

To bad I don't have any Hawaiian Punch concentrate. They don't make it in bottled syrup form anymore, right? Do they still make Hawaiian Punch in frozen concentrate form?

VampiressRN posted on 03/16/2009

Thanks for resurrecting this thread. The straw thread reminded me that I needed to come back here for a good review. Sorry if this has been asked before, but how long are scorpion bowl straws? And has there ever been a clear glass scorpion bowl?

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