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Tiki Caliente May 2009 ??

Pages: 1 24 replies

1961surf posted on 03/13/2009

I have not seen any threads regarding any tiki event being held at this location or time.
I figure since nothing has been posted recently and the tropics bar is gone at the Motel,
that this event would not happen this year.Rory and everyone involved last year did such
a great job.I know that everyone in attendance had a blast -that's for sure.
Trader Bill

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-03-13 12:24 ]

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Mongoloid posted on 03/13/2009

I got this message from Rory awhile back but haven't heard anything new, that was good times last May. Sad to hear the restaurant and bar have since closed. Rory really put it together well last year so I'm hoping he Butch's up again!

Whats up Rubberneck?
We may be doing a tiki caliente II the last weekend in May. If you are interested email me at roryjsnyder@hotmail.com so I can put you on the presale list!!!!!! You will get a discount if you lock in before Jan 31st.

Have a good holiday and hope to see you in P.S.


Let that Freaky Tiki Flag Fly,

1961surf posted on 03/13/2009

I will give Rory a call today.I am over do for a Palm Springs trip.

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Tiki Lew posted on 03/13/2009

I PM'd Rory (Wildsville Man) about this a couple months ago, and he replied that he didn't think it was gonna happen this year due to the management at the Caliente Tropics. Hopefully something has changed since then.

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Ojaitimo posted on 03/13/2009

The terms the owner asked for are unreasonable this year. He seems to think that because of Caliente Tropic's full house last year, he wanted a guarantee. I am going to call up and ask them when Tiki Caliente 2 is going to be. Maybe if a few of you can do the same?

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crazy al posted on 03/13/2009

ya... i heard they ripped the Reef Bar out!!? Dang, i have a tiki to find now......

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TIKI-RAY posted on 03/13/2009

Cindy and I drove through the Tropics last month during the Shag/modernism show. The resort looked like a ghostown complete with tumbleweeds rolling through the parking lot . All you could hear was the sound of chirping crickets . What a waste ! They dont realize that there is something about an event there that just captures the theme of Tiki Caliente and the parties going on during Tiki Oasis were unforgettable . They should make it a Don the Beachcomber resort . Shit, did I just start a new thread ?

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Tiki Shaker posted on 03/13/2009

My girlfriend and I actually stayed there Modernism Week this year. I'd say the place was about 3/4 full. As for the Reef Bar, the windows were covered in black plastic. The west side of the bar/restaurant building had a large construction waste bin that had a lot of construction/drywall dust around. So they appear to be actively doing something to it, as opposed just having it just sit there. That could be a bad thing though, obviously.

In this pic you can see the plastic in the windows on the side entrance. (the plastic was clear but hard to see thru)
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This is a pic from the pool side. You can see the plastic in the windows, plus it looks like drywall dust or something that was tracked out by something with wheels.
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shaker 2009-03-13 19:20 ]

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Mongoloid posted on 03/14/2009

On 2009-03-13 16:40, Tiki Shaker wrote:
My girlfriend and I actually stayed there Modernism Week this year. I'd say the place was about 3/4 full. As for the Reef Bar, the windows were covered in black plastic. The west side of the bar/restaurant building had a large construction waste bin that had a lot of construction/drywall dust around. So they appear to be actively doing something to it, as opposed just having it just sit there. That could be a bad thing though, obviously.

In this pic you can see the plastic in the windows on the side entrance. (the plastic was clear but hard to see thru)
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This is a pic from the pool side. You can see the plastic in the windows, plus it looks like drywall dust or something that was tracked out by something with wheels.
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shaker 2009-03-13 19:20 ]

Sounds like it might be a blank canvas, time to get Bamboo Ben down there!

[ Edited by: Mongoloid 2009-03-13 20:09 ]

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Jungle Trader posted on 03/14/2009

Looks like it's time to get Tiki Diablo and Notch over there!

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Wildsville man posted on 03/15/2009

Peep's of Wildsville,

Tiki Caliente II?

I wish I could say it was going to happen this year but that would be a lie. After dealing with the Owner of the Caliente Tropics (Rogger Abbott) I realized it was not worth the effort to do something that would help out a business that doesn't care about it's fan's.

One weekend of entertainment takes about 4 months of planning and time,and that too long to partner with someone who doesn't have the same goal in mind.

I thank everyone who trusted there time and money with a new bee to come to the show, and I know I did everything in my power to entertain and keep it cost effective.

Will there be a Tiki Caliente 2? I believe so,but it will happen when I have more control of the product.

My goal was to keep it real!!!!! We were boutique Tiki not Walmart Tiki!!!!! We had great vendors with great products and we didn't gouge them to be part of the Show. Also we had some of the greatest artist that happen to do tiki involved too. (I can't thank Doug Horne or Sam Gambino enough.)Also,thanks to the Bands........The Smok'in Boy's and Martini Kings were very cool to be part of a show with a very lean budget...........This is what the tiki crowd I know is really like.

So please enjoy the more established shows and historic restaurants and bar's, but please back the new bee's that are doing it for the right reason and are passionate about what they do too...They will be historic too some day.

Thanks again,

Your Hero,
Wildsville Man
"The peoples choice"

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1961surf posted on 03/16/2009

Thanks Rory you da Man!! I will be PM you soon.

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Ojaitimo posted on 03/21/2009

Don't forget Martina or we'll catch ya later Wildsville.

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The Cellar will remain buried for now anyway.

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Girlwerks posted on 04/29/2009

OMG!! Ok I too.. just wrote Rory an email.

I just moved down to this groovy paradise we call Palm Springs. I am all up for producing something Tiki down here.
It's an absolute MUST. Come on........ this is grooves-ville man.......... it CAN happen again!!!!!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/29/2009

hi all, I am just down the road in palm desert, I too would help in anyway, the events at the caliente were great. Let me know if I can help


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Girlwerks posted on 04/29/2009

Thanks Amy!!!

Ok that's 3 of us..
Come on .. COME ON!!!!!!!!

We can do it!!!!!!!!!!

Give it that ALOHA SPIRT NOW!!!!

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/29/2009

Crazy Al and I used to talk about doing something there in the middle of summer when the temps are spiking.

(rates at the lowest and not crowded)

Maybe organize an underground thang?

Everyone just shows up on a certain date?

Kinda like the original Oasis....

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Mongoloid posted on 04/29/2009

Thats what im talking bout! Maybe a poolside Potluck of some kind! Throw a date out and lets do it!

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little lost tiki posted on 04/29/2009


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Girlwerks posted on 04/29/2009


I will scope out some hotels, venues... maybe get some artists together and go for it..
we CAn do this.
The new Ace Hotel is kinda funky and they just reopened.. it doesn't have to be a tiki themed hotel.. cause lets face .. they are getting harder to come by. Hmmmm like someone should build one. Why hasn't that ever happened? Ok ok off subject.

Whoever lives down here .. lets get together , have a meeting and scout out some venues/ideas.. and sail it!

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Mongoloid posted on 04/29/2009

On 2009-04-29 09:28, little lost tiki wrote:

Maybe get some Mimes to serve the food! LLT of all people dont act like these are off the wall ideas for you! :)

When i said potluck i meant small kine luau!!
Potlucks are what you do when when you have canasta tournaments!!
I have officially checked myself before i wrecked myself!

[ Edited by: Mongoloid 2009-04-29 10:45 ]

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Wildsville man posted on 04/29/2009

The Ace would not be bad at all!!!!!! The AMIGO Bar is very Tiki'ish with the carved pillars and the stacked stone. The food and beverage managers name is Scott and he is a very easy going guy and would be good to work with. If you need any help please let me know,I would love to help in anyway.... If any locals want to meet up for a drink to brainstorm please contact me.

My house would be available if it's a crown of 20 or less for some kind of get together. also,I have a allot of tiki's and allot of original unseen tiki art!!!!!!

Get Bamboo Ben down here because I need a room Benized too!!!!!!!!!

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Maybe I can get my Dad (TIKIRAY) to make something special!!!!!!!!

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Girlwerks posted on 04/30/2009

Rory- I'm up for this.. Let's try and plan on some locals getting together.. brainstorm this baby!!

I'm ready!!!!!!!!!!

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Wildsville man posted on 05/01/2009

Pm me but SUNDAY/MONDAY work good for me!!!!!!! TWO DAYS OF MINDMELTING SHOULD DO THE JOB!!!!!!


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Monkeyman posted on 05/03/2009

I had a nice time last year at this event. Its a bummer to think it may not happen again.

Pages: 1 24 replies