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Int Tiki Day - So Cal - Who's Going List

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Allright tiki freaks, we need a list of who's gonna attend the So Cal International Tiki Day Celebration at Baxdog's hale.

Also, please state what you plan to bring for the potlick, er ... luck.

Me and Spike's band - The Smokin' Menehunes are gonna play some tunes, but if anyone else out in e-land wants to provide some entertainment, feel me, er ... free.

There's a thread with the directions out there, but we'll bump it up as that wonderful date of SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th approaches.


T & A are there!

And what would International Tiki Day be without Li's egg rolls, the official egg rolls of the H.T. tribe? We'll bring 'em.

See you there.

I guess it goes without saying Tribe Bong will be there. Baxdog, I'm bringing the big kelbasa if you know what I mean.

Dear TCers: I am fully aware that my presence on "International Tiki Day" is expected, yet I have a commitment to my loving and patient girlfriend (who had to be without me for three months). Jeff Fox, the Whizz Kid who is putting out Barracuda Mag, is her best friend, and so I will accompany her to the Don Ho show that evening. I am very sorry I can't be at both places in the same evening!

I will, however, be at Sabu's hut (IF, yet another commitment, I am not snorkeling in Hanauma Bay with my son that weekend).

I am not being Hoity Toity here, just taking care of my close family, you guys are the extended family, please understand.

The question is who is NOT going? Of course all us hoity toitys will be there (right?) - I'll be bringing snack foods like chips and nuts.

Hey BigBro, good to hear from you again. While you know we'd love to have you there on IT day, we certainly can't argue with wanting to spend time with those closest to you, especially after such a long time abroad. The Don Ho show does sound great (and do say hello to Miss Ginger Goldmine for me) so enjoy yourselves. Too bad we can't have a live broadcast of the show at Bax's party or find some way to combine the two events. But c'est la vie.

Anyway, welcome back and we'll see you when we see you.


Aloha Tiki_Bong! Please add me to the list (I'm crossing my fingers that this isn't going to be the same night as the big MTU Polynesian reception)! I'll bring a couple of cases of bottled water and anything else you want (is that ok?).

[ Edited by: [email protected] on 2003-07-22 21:44 ]

I would love to attend but that is the day my wife is leaving me.

Please note this thread is for those 'going', hence the title "Int Tiki Day - So Cal - Who's Going List'.

If you can't make, oh well...


We're in


Mrs. Pug and I will be there. Can't wait to meet everyone.


Trustar clan is in the house, er... Bax's house. Total of 4 with the first and third generation, maybe 7 with the second joining in. We will bring whatever looks like a gap to fill on the menu. We will check with Bax and K'nut as we get closer.

Tiki Ciao
"The Brand Preferred by 4 out of 5 Tiki's"


Traderpup is there!

I was sent an intimidating e-mail from Bax saying that I had better post that I was coming to this hoo-ha. I thought that maybe it was already clear that I was going in that Bong's third sentence of his post said that our band was playing. I guess some people like it spelled out for them. Here:

I ' M G O I N G T O O .

Please don't slap me Bax... I still hurt from the last time. No, but really, I'll be there too.

Lucky, Bax sent you that note 'cause he wants to watch a young rockabilly type take off his Hawaiian shirt.....!

The entire Monkeyman Clan will be there.

Me, Wife, 5 year old and 3 year old.

I plan on swimming but Monkeys don't wear swimtrunks. It will be Monkeyman au natural.

We will bring Mexican Food. Howz about some Tiki Enchiladas?

Speaking of young (?well...) rockabilly types taking off their shirts, I will most probably be in the LA area that weekend, and would love to attend.

Since I'll be so far from home, I will simplify matters and bring booze. Or deli desserts. Or both. Hope to be there!!!

--tikivixen, h-t groupie

Johnnie and Lady Velour will be there. We may arrive way after 4:00, Lady Velour may have to work 'till 4.
We'll bring sumthin' good.



One or all of us will be there!

Okay, okay, so I finally figured out this is the "official" place to post 1) if you are going and 2) whatcha bringing. So, yup, I'm making the trek and will indeed be in tow with potato salad and tuna pasta salad.


[ Edited by: Oh Well on 2003-07-23 21:37 ]


On 2003-07-23 09:01, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Please note this thread is for those 'going', hence the title "Int Tiki Day - So Cal - Who's Going List'.

If you can't make, oh well...

I won't be going.

Aloha and have fun,

Oh Well

the farm will be hangin' w/Bax and the gang!
Swanks Bax!

On 2003-07-23 12:05, Traderpup wrote:
Lucky, Bax sent you that note 'cause he wants to watch a young rockabilly type take off his Hawaiian shirt.....!

That's what I'm afraid of Pup.

Dear SPIKE I was just a little worried that your WIFE would not let you out.
And if you don't take your shirt off, it will be wet along with those cute black icicles hanging off the side of your head.
When you F L Y head first into the pool.

Thank you everyone else for signing up
This sounds like fun !!!!

I never know where I'm gonna be till I'm there. Why is that? I'll be there with some kinda a food.

Ms. VG and my I will be attending-perhaps with clothing.


im in!

If you have room , the wife and I will come!.WE both work sats, but will make it happen.

Hey Dos Wheeler,

I thought you were 86'd until at least next Tuesday? Hanford what's up? A law not enforced, is a law mocked. Or not.

On 2003-07-25 23:23, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Hey Dos Wheeler,
I thought you were 86'd until at least next Tuesday? Hanford what's up? A law not enforced, is a law mocked. Or not.

There's a whole second part to it that you're not aware of becuase it took place privately in email, where the first part should have taken place :D

Needless to say, I'm fine with the results. And here's to talking about TIKI again! Whooo hoooo!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-07-26 00:48 ]

Hanford, No doubt, you are THE MAN.

OK. kiddies we have the makings for a TIKI tent city on the side of my house.
I will have three tents at least for those of you that want Bloody Marys and baxdog's pancakes.
Just bring a sleeping bag for the camp out. We will set up a firepit for marshamellows.
Or bring your tent we gots the room and the sprinklers will be turned off.
Bring the kids for the sleep over, we can swim on Sun. too.
I hope to see all the Hoitys there.

thebaxdog wrote:
...Or bring your tent we gots the room and the sprinklers will be turned off...

Turned off? Did something happen to you when you were in Europe? A new, mellower Baxdog? Naaaaaahhhh.....

Did someone say " high school graduation prank?" Hey C'Al- I double dog dare you!!!


C'mon kids, we're due for some overnighter-type fun (hey, hey). Lets flatten the Baxdog's lawn.

Hey Bax, whaha bout the tramp-o-line.

I wont need a sleeping bag, I will be sleeping where I fall/pass out.

Thanks Bax!


I am sorry, but my wonderful dog has chewed 3 holes in our trampoline and made it to scary for humans.
No funds to replace it at the moment.
Next time?

Might I be so bold as to offer to any interested HTs...

A Purple Jade Tiki original design commemorative Int'l Tiki Day pendant?

With lovely oxblood glaze, festive gold and black cord and inscribed with "Int'l Tiki Day 2003" on the back, this 1"x2" pendant is available for the bargain price of $5.00 and can be picked up from SugarCaddyDaddy at the event. Please email me if you are interested, and I apologize for any rules I might've violated with this post.

Sorry for the short notice, but the package should be mailed out to SCD on the 6th, so hope you can let me know by tomorrow, the 5th.

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-08-04 18:36 ]


(as of this a.m.)

When am I going to learn my lesson and stop promissing you "Bax Dog Log (6x16x12'high beam) Tiki!?? " It had my sweat, but now has my blood and tears too (or more like a lot of swear words!!)! (It has a piece of my middle left finger on it now!) It will make it's apperance after ITD. Sorry folks. Work before pleasure(or pain!!)

Is that the tiki beam you had lounging in the driveway today Ben? I also noticed the mummy finger you had. Finally, my hands are starting to look like yours!


Shelley is twisting Al's arm on this one! "I wanna sleep over! I want to stay in a tent! We never get to stay all night!"

Camp Out! Camp Out!
Or I'm gonna pout!
Camp Out!
Cam POUT & drink 'till I pass out! Yeeeaaaaa!

International Tiki Day Campers Unite!
-Shell In the Pacific

That be the start of it. It is actually 10' above ground. 2' of it was going to cemented into Bax's front lawn tomarrow!! When he was at work! On an angle!! All burned and affixed with lot's o Bamboo!!

But, mummy finger decided to set me back and I could not complete it today. Damn thing is still throbbing! Maybe the tape is too tight? Or was it the laquer thinner?

You all have fun without us now! I'm sure you will!! Off to N.Y. ! Mrs. Boo I need you!!!

Yup, I'll be there with my surfboard-totin' viking brother. What still needs bringing?

-Weird Unc

I want one, PJ! I'm surprised that it's not purple :)


Hula Hula will be camping, too. The Velours, perhaps?

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-08-05 12:01 ]

Nah, Tina, it's just me that's always in purple (The Preferred Color Of Eccentrics Worldwide)! Mahalo!

we'll be there. can't wait. Ed - we have your lites. Give'em to you at the party...


There is a chance I might be in Mexico on Saturday. If I'm not in Mexico, then I'm there at the Bax Party.
WOn't know for sure until later tonight or tomorrow morning.

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