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Tiki Mugs Book Signing at 8-Ball - April 5

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MauiRose posted on 03/26/2009

Like me, you probably already picked up your signed copy at La Luz, but just in case you missed out.

I was at 8-Ball last weekend and found this flyer...

Tiki Chick: A Tiki Noob's Travels

Coco Joe posted on 03/26/2009

we'll be there...I've been wanting to check out 8-ball for sometime now

bigtikidude posted on 03/26/2009

yeah me too,
never been there.

and I didn't have anybody sign my book,
as I got it at 4 pm and put it in the car before heading over to tiki ti that night.

thanks for the heads up.


bigtikidude posted on 03/26/2009

p.s. Sven and JonPaul should be there to sign also.
since they did so many great photos for the book.


Tiki Diablo posted on 03/26/2009

8 Ball ROCKS !!

Hiphipahula posted on 03/27/2009

8 Ball does Rock! a blast from the past & a gas of a store. I always find some hip stuff to take home and can never leave with out a few good books at the very least. See ya there....

squid posted on 03/27/2009

I'll be signing but you'll have to hunt me down in the psych section of Atomic Records next door.. :)
Yet another great reason to go to 8-Ball.

Limited Edition Mugs & MORE!

Officially Licensed Squid

[ Edited by: squid 2009-03-27 15:01 ]

Danno posted on 03/29/2009

I'll be hunting for Squid. Missed you at the first book signing. It was nice meeting you for the first time at the Mayflower. I can hear you now, "Dano who?" I have been planning to visit the 8-Ball for some time since it's kind of in my neck of the woods.

tikiyaki posted on 03/29/2009

On 2009-03-27 14:59, squid wrote:
I'll be signing but you'll have to hunt me down in the psych section of Atomic Records next door.. :)
Yet another great reason to go to 8-Ball.

Limited Edition Mugs & MORE!

Officially Licensed Squid

[ Edited by: squid 2009-03-27 15:01 ]

Not for nothin'. but they have a pretty darn good exotica section at Atomic too

squid posted on 03/30/2009

On 2009-03-29 09:26, Dano wrote:
I'll be hunting for Squid. Missed you at the first book signing. It was nice meeting you for the first time at the Mayflower. I can hear you now, "Dano who?" I have been planning to visit the 8-Ball for some time since it's kind of in my neck of the woods.

HA! I do remember you. I met you pre-$6 Mai Tais and we talked about your aunt!

See ya at 8-Ball...

bigbrotiki posted on 03/30/2009

And there will be FREE Mai Tais at 8-Ball this Sunday! And mug creations by the various artists (as great as the La Luz book signing was, that element was missing).

And I will sign whatever you ask me to. :)

Tom Slick posted on 03/30/2009

On 2009-03-30 11:06, bigbrotiki wrote:
And there will be FREE Mai Tais at 8-Ball this Sunday! And mug creations by the various artists (as great as the La Luz book signing was, that element was missing).

And I will sign whatever you ask me to. :)

I can't wait to get this Jimmy Buffett record I just picked up, signed! :P
hahaha, juss keeedeeeeng!

Krisdrama posted on 03/31/2009

I missed a few autographs at La Luz, myself. Hoping to add to them. I gotta check out that record store, too! Finally got my hands on a working record player and I'm enjoying the sounds! Still working on the conversion software, though. Here's to free mai tais!

Hiphipahula posted on 04/01/2009

After shopping 8 Ball and autographs not forgetting the record store I think I will head to The Tonga Hut. Any takers?

Trader Tom posted on 04/02/2009

Looks like I'll be swinging by with Ilene and Trader Joe. We'll have to stop across the street at Portos Bakery before they close at 4 so I can get the Pan Con Bistec sandwich and a guava pastry. Gotta build a little foundation before I partake of those free mai tais. See you all there.

crazy al posted on 04/03/2009

Tiki #155 will debut this Sunday at 8-Ball...

'CRAZY' Price Roll Back to 2004 Prices!
I finally got my new Bone Productions' Brown glaze on a few mugs... save shipping too! Come on down I STOCK THEM DEEP! I SELL THEM CHEAP!!

well there is not a lot of stock... but you order it i make it! more details later.
come up with the name of Tiki #155
and win a different bright idea......Tiki#11 'Tiki Lantern' ($40 value)

[ Edited by: crazy al 2009-04-02 21:19 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 04/03/2009

Did I hear FREE Crazy Al stuff?


See ya at the 8 Ball I want to check out the Tiki Too!

Hiphipahula posted on 04/04/2009

I heard this gals got something no other palm tiki has??? come take a sneek peek at the 8 Ball! HUUuuulaHAAAAla!


8 Ball
3806 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/04/2009

Al, that's Gideon's line!

TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/04/2009

Man O-MAN I can't believe I jsut happend to come across this. I just drove by 8 Ball tonight and noticed the lights still on....after 11??? Now I know why. Can't wait for this event. I never get to make it to any of the other events, but this one's right up the street from me, so there's no chance in HELL I'm missing this.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/05/2009

Tomorrow, Sunday, 4:00 pm, a happy convergence:

The BOOK, the MUGS, the MUG MAKERS -and the MAI TAIS !

at 8-BALL !

tobunga posted on 04/05/2009

On 2009-04-01 16:38, Hiphipahula wrote:
After shopping 8 Ball and autographs not forgetting the record store I think I will head to The Tonga Hut. Any takers?

Hey Kelly!

We'll be there... and we may need a pitstop at Tonga Hut after all the 8 Ball fun!

Hiphipahula posted on 04/05/2009

On 2009-04-03 18:28, Hiphipahula wrote:
I heard this gals got something no other palm tiki has??? come take a sneek peek at the 8 Ball! HUUuuulaHAAAAla!


8 Ball
3806 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank

See ya there!!

Hiphipahula posted on 04/06/2009

Great Times at the 8 Ball. Thanks again to Naomi and all the Cats & Kittens at the 8 Ball for sponsoring the event, all the Artists & publishes for coming out & signing our books. I did manage to do some shopping, pick up a few mugs and pay a visit to my NEW CRAZY AL TIKI! She's a Collector for sure. Not quite done yet but will be soon all those fine details yet to come! Thanks Al she looks great I'm excited!

little lost tiki posted on 04/06/2009

i like how the nose resembles a fleur-de-ly! Awesome Carving so far,Al! Kelly-you're one lucky Duck!

is there a "hatch" in the back to put all the ugly mugs?

bigbrotiki posted on 04/07/2009

Aaaah, what a lovely summer Sunday afternoon it was!

The happy author and his lovely wife:

a store for treasure hunting!:

The alluring proprietress talks to artiste extraordinaire Squid:

Past them we can glimpse the trophy shelf:

The headhunters are hypnotized:

Do YOU own all these?:

This one is a no-brainer:

a vessel for worship:

the ladies are impressed by the COLLECTOR:

He's holding:

How about holding a Mai Tai now?:

..from the backroom still:

Satisfied customers:

...and all is well in Tikiland:

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Coco Joe posted on 04/07/2009

Nice pics! We had a great time!

TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/07/2009

Yeah....so, I was there with my wife too yesterday. Unfortunately we didn't really talk to anyone. Just spent the whole time looking around. She's been sick this past week or so, so it was a little difficult to not be worried that we'd have to jump up and go at any point.

So if anyone heard about someone dropping a Mug by accident...yeah, that was me. I was looking at the back of the artists series Mugs over by the wall of Tiki, and one of them slipped out of the box, hit the toe of my converse and then the floor. My wife took off running, and I just stood there ready to drop in horror. Luckily though, the Mug was fine...but I spent the rest of the time not wanting to pick up anything else "Breakable." really wanted to meet and talk to people I know from Facebook and here, but it didn't happen. One of these days, hopefully. God willing I don't drop anything valuable then.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/07/2009

Well at least you didn't drop any of my Mai Tais! :D
It looks like there will be plenty of Tiki get-togethers this summer, so no regrets. I hope your wife feels better soon.

bigtikidude posted on 04/07/2009

On 2009-04-06 19:47, bigbrotiki wrote:
Aaaah, what a lovely summer Sunday afternoon it was!

Summer? what happend to Spring,
oh that's right winter is Spring for us, then sprig is Summer, and Summer is Hell.

a store for treasure hunting!:


Looks like those 2 long haired guys are shoplifting to me.


TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/07/2009

On 2009-04-07 07:47, bigbrotiki wrote:
Well at least you didn't drop any of my Mai Tais! :D
It looks like there will be plenty of Tiki get-togethers this summer, so no regrets. I hope your wife feels better soon.

thanks Jeff. I was not able to partake of the Mighty Mai-tai's, though I went there hoping I could down a few, but it didn't happen. too many people standing there it was hard to move around. and I'm usually the kind of person that hangs back until there's an opening.

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F-Troop Mom posted on 02/27/2020

I have one of these books and although I have 7 of the mugs in it, I would like to find out if there is any interest. I can't post on Collections or Marketplace so thought I would revive this old post to get some feedback. Tiki Central is the ONLY place this book can find the right people.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6478858abad84e395aa6d21d71ebcd18?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MrFab posted on 03/02/2020

Ah man, 8 Ball! What happened to those guys?

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