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velvet paintings

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/17/2008

Found another nude today...

Artist signature is "Penlo". No date.


Tonga Tiki posted on 11/12/2008

I want a velvet for my bar.

Unga Bunga posted on 11/12/2008

Why do women (naked) look so great on velvet?

Digitiki posted on 11/12/2008

Psycho Tiki,
That is a super cool painting! Great find! I'm seriously jealous! It looks like a photograph!

"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." -- Dean Martin

[ Edited by: Digitiki 2008-11-12 13:53 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/12/2008

Thanks! Don't know much at all about the artist, but whoever painted this one did a great job. I agree about the "tan lines", not sure why the artist painted the woman this way, but it sure makes a great conversation piece.

I wish more people posted their velvets here!


Mashuka posted on 11/20/2008
Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/24/2008

Nice quintessential velvet Elvis, the King was never so vilified as to have his likeness smattered in the vogue of velvet artistry!

My weekend consisted of purging some of my baggage at the local flea market, so I was more on the disposal end of merchandising than acquiring more stuff, in fact, I sit surrounded by boxes of collectibles past I must dispose of via craigslist or Ebay...anyhow, I did make a small pass through the sellers, which were abundant, however void of any tiki I didn't already have to find this for $5.00...

I tend to stick with the serene village or nude velvets, if I didn't, I would be in BIG trouble. I always seem to have a difficult time discerning the name of the artist. I think this one is by an artist named C Haluna? The sticker on the back says it is from "Proctors, Livermore California". No date.

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I am a purveyor of bad taste)!

bongofury posted on 11/25/2008

PTD that one with the tan lines is cool....and speaking of velvet Elvis, here is a great new local tequila bar that features a dozen velvet Elvi on display and the curved ceiling.

leleliz posted on 12/03/2008

Did someone say Velvet Elvis? I have quite a few of them (I am kind of an addict) and these are my two new ones.

Excellent version of him crying :

This pretty much is my favorite piece so far. The pic doesn't do it justice. Just need a better frame:

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/19/2008

here's the one off my wall ......

I think those palms are wondering what happened to their jungle, huh ?.....kind of a comment on all those carvings ! lol

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2008-12-19 12:49 ]

spiked posted on 01/12/2009

Hello :)
Been looking around for a while on TC. First post here. We are still new to collecting, so here is our first velvet! Its 3D, huge, 50" x 28.
Its raised off the surface.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/31/2009

Picked up this velvet today...

Very simplistic in artwork, but I much liken it to my black light velvet poster days!


1961surf posted on 01/31/2009

Xlnt velvet -spiked.In all my years collecting I have never seen a three
dimemsional scenic velvet.Thats got to be rare , especially that size.
Here is one on ebay that recently sold of Waikiki scene.

Okolehao posted on 02/15/2009

Some great looking stuff here.

[ Edited by: Okolehao 2009-02-15 15:12 ]

Sabina posted on 03/04/2009

This is another of the Massive "Lavisse" black velvets from the Kahiki TikiSkip had. OakTiki gave it to me and the Lounge of the Seven Pleasures as a Birthday present several years ago. Between my memories of the Kahiki and my more recent memories of all the Ohio Ohana, it makes me smile every time I see it.

(Compare it to 1961surf's Leeteg Tahitian Chief back on page 3 earlier in the thread.)

The small white-ish line to the left of his head is a slight tear in the fabric. The frame also has some slight damage down in the lower right hand corner tucked behind Polypop's carving.

Eventually he'll be carefully repaired and hung properly on the main wall in the Kapu Gardens portion of the Lounge, but for the moment, he's resting safe and sound along the Lounge wall greeting all who enter.

1961surf posted on 03/06/2009

This is a Tahitian chief which I own and have posted on this thread prior

Formikahini posted on 03/07/2009

OK, first attempt at posting a photo EVER on TC. (Thanks for making it so EASY, Hanford! wow!)

Here's a gal I found a couple of years ago in San Antonio. I wish you could have felt what I felt.
First, there was the stack of paintings.

"Oh, if only there were something good in here."

I flip through some and see the head of an Asian girl on black velvet.
"Oh, if only she's naked!" I hope to myself.

And she's naked.

I continue pulling back the paintings in front of her, thinking:
"Oh, if only she's with a tiki."

And she's leaning on a tiki!!

The photos suck: out of focus or too well lit (picking up the nap and the dust), but you get the idea.
The artist is possibly Vegas or Legas, and " '71 ".
The frame? Ick. But she came with it. One day I'll get around to having her properly framed.
My heart was pounding as I brought her to the desk.

She hangs with honor in my bar, the centerpiece behind the bar itself.

RevBambooBen posted on 03/07/2009

On 2009-03-06 18:27, Formikahini wrote:
OK, first attempt at posting a photo EVER on TC. (Thanks for making it so EASY, Hanford! wow!)

Here's a gal I found a couple of years ago in San Antonio. I wish you could have felt what I felt.
First, there was the stack of paintings.

"Oh, if only there were something good in here."

I flip through some and see the head of an Asian girl on black velvet.
"Oh, if only she's naked!" I hope to myself.

And she's naked.

I continue pulling back the paintings in front of her, thinking:
"Oh, if only she's with a tiki."

And she's leaning on a tiki!!

The photos suck: out of focus or too well lit (picking up the nap and the dust), but you get the idea.
The artist is possibly Vegas or Legas, and " '71 ".
The frame? Ick. But she came with it. One day I'll get around to having her properly framed.
My heart was pounding as I brought her to the desk.

She hangs with honor in my bar, the centerpiece behind the bar itself.



Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/07/2009

Formikahini, thanks for sharing. What a great find! I wonder how hold the painting is?

Big Kahuna posted on 03/07/2009

Okay! Now that you've figure out how to post photos, how bout some pics of that home bar?!?!?

Formikahini posted on 03/07/2009

the walls are green! But i too wish they were covered with grass matting, etc.
NEXT house...

BB, the painting was painted in '71, so she's 36 yrs old...just like me..haha...

Big K, posting more will require understanding the digital camera that I own (a gift from a sweet TC-er), which just hasn't happened yet. Some day....

Unga Bunga posted on 03/07/2009

Great story and[ painting.
I could hear your voice singing in rejoice all the way to California.
You should have bought a lottery ticket that day as well.

tikipaka posted on 03/08/2009

Wow Formikahini, :o what a great find. Damn you've got to love it when you say to yourself, I need to find a certain item and the damn thing just shows up. I've done that myself a few times. But this velvet takes the cake. What a great one and with a tiki to boot.. The gods must be with you.. Lucky you. Well I do beleive that good things come to those who wait.. And I'm still waiting.. Now I'm putting one of those on my wish list. :lol:

1961surf posted on 03/09/2009

Keep the original frame -dont change it .....nice retro frame .

Amadscientist posted on 03/25/2009

On 2007-06-01 15:37, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

This kinda intrigued me today:


ESTATE SALE OF "BUS" & LYNN PENDLETON (SACRAMENTO). What caught eye in the ad was they were selling "Paintings of Native Girls on Black Velvet from the old Zombie Hut Restaurant" which, in addition to the Hereford House Restuarant, were owned by Bus Pendleton.

The sale began at 9:00 a.m. I did not make there until 12:30 and didn't expect to find much. I was surprised to find both velvet paintings still for sale. One looked Polynesian and the other had more of a European look to it so I bought the Polynesian one:

I was unable to read the signature. To further complicate matters, the cord for the light was in a hole that went from the den into the garage, where the cord was plugged into an outlet. I paid for the picture, went out to the garage, cut the cord and went back into the house and removed the picture from the wall.

Inscribed on the back was the folllowing: "Native Dancer" Orignial Oil On Silk Velvet, No Copies-No Duplicates, Burke Tyree 1964, $150.00! I didn't say anything to the estate sales people, although they did tell me the children of this estate kept all the Leeteg velvets.

I can read the signature now! I love it!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and now I have a velvet painting from the Zombie Hut and by Burks Tyree)!

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-06-01 16:44 ]

This is an old post so forgive me if this has already been covered.

First, let me introduce myself. I am Amadscientist, but you can call me Mark.

I have been researching the "Zombie Hut" of Sacramento. I noticed this post during a google search and noticed a big error and also wanted to add some input. The painting by Tryee may well have hung in the Zombie Hut as another similar painting did hang in the home of the surviving original owner of the Restaurant. But the mistake that was made was about "BUS" PENDLETON. If the add for this estate sale actually stated he owned the Zombie Hut, that was a either a mistake or an outright lie. But for the sake of the art and make sure it's background is related correctly it should be noted that the only owners of the Sacramento Zombie Hut were Ed and Beatrice Hill who opened the restaurant and ran it until the mid 1970s when they sold it to Bruce Brooks.

Mrs. Hill passed several years ago and was survived by her two daughters and her grandchildren. The restaurant was very much family owned and operated. We have several peices from the Zombie Hut as well as original photos from the Beatrice Hill's, as well as other family members collection.

Another Tyree painting was sold by Wynona Butler the daughter of Ed and Beatrice which depicted a similar girl, with a hibiscus flower in her right ear with her left hand towards her face. It may have been a partial nude. (I can't remember).



Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/25/2009


Are you local to the Sacramento area? The estate auction was pretty devoid of anything else pertaining to the Zombie Hut, so your story makes sense. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share any more information on the Zombie Hut, including, if at all possible, photos of anything you have related to the the place. I am surprised not more of the stuff surfaces around here.

If you are able to contact the former owners decendants for more information about the Zombie Hut and share it here, there are quite a few of us that would find this fasinating.

Thanks for posting and welcome aboard. Look forward to hearing more!


SilverLine posted on 03/25/2009

Here's my first velvet, just purchased today. I was kinda on the fence about it but Mrs. SilverLine likes it so . .

Is it Tang Lao? Anybody have anything else by him?

Oh well, it looks nice and was just under $20.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/25/2009


I have one...

Mine is from '66. Tang Lao did get a mention in the Black Velvet Masterpieces book.


naugatiki posted on 03/25/2009

I've had this one for years that eventually became named Sharon Tate With Asparagus

and this has been in the tiki space for a while and later I noticed it has a slight resemblance to the picture in Slacks Ferret's Tiki Playing Poker print.

Amadscientist posted on 03/25/2009

On 2009-03-25 09:04, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

Are you local to the Sacramento area? The estate auction was pretty devoid of anything else pertaining to the Zombie Hut, so your story makes sense. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share any more information on the Zombie Hut, including, if at all possible, photos of anything you have related to the the place. I am surprised not more of the stuff surfaces around here.

If you are able to contact the former owners decendants for more information about the Zombie Hut and share it here, there are quite a few of us that would find this fasinating.

Thanks for posting and welcome aboard. Look forward to hearing more!


Yes, I am local to the Sacramento area. I see the family alot. I live with one of the Grandkids. We are trying to get some information. When Beatrice passed away many pieces she still had got passed down to people that have also passed away, so sadly much of the family stuff has been sold off little by little. What I think is a Tyree painting simply disapeared one afternoon and we think the daughter sold it.

We only have one tiki peice. A hand carved wooden serving platter. But we have several glasses including brown glass wine glasses that could be considered tiki....maybe. (they are all from the restaurant) As for art....another artiast that had a good deal of work is a gentleman by the name of Barrick. Jim Barrick. We have several portraits of the family. Bee's Son Teri from the early 1960s, his mother, Bee's daughter Wynona and the Grand kids. They are all from the late 50's and early 60's.

A family friend has done some extensive photgraphy of the family at the restaurant so I do have some great shots of the Zombie Hut.

I'll post some pics and scans to share. I should probably start a thread or post on a thread with a related subject for that.

I just started a Wikipedia page for Zombie Hut.


[ Edited by: Amadscientist 2009-03-25 16:34 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2009


So glad you responded back and we all look forward to anything you can post regarding the Zombie Hut. Sacramento had a few wonderful tiki establishments back in the day, and I for one, would like to see more information about all of them.

I was fortunate enought to visit the Zombie Hut on several occasions, although at the time I was unable to drink because I was underage (at least there). Fond memories of the Polynesian floor show and most wonderful food. Any pictures, stories, artwork and pieces of history via menus, glassware or any restaurant or barware would help us with connections to possibly the greatest and longest running tiki fame in Sacramento. The Locating Tiki thread is probably where you should post this, but I know no matter where you do, I will be happy to read and see the things you post!



TabooDan posted on 03/26/2009

Hi there to Amadscientist and welcome aboard!
Psycho Tiki D is correct about other people being very interested in information about this place! Especially Psycho since he purchased that great velvet that once hung there!! Awesome find Psycho!! It's always great to learn about places where items in your collection come from! And hell...there may even be a photo with this in the background!!

Locating Tiki is a great place here on Tiki Central to add information about the Zombie Hut! We look forward to hearing form you and seeing some of the pictures and items you may have access to!! Thanks alot for signing on!!

Mahalo, TabooDan

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2009

Sorry this thread has been hijacked slightly, but Mark,

If you have the opportunity to to discuss the Zombie Hut with anyone who has history about it, as far as I can document, Sacramento had four established Tiki joints:

The Zombie Hut/Freeport Blvd.

The Coral Reef/Marconi and Fulton

Tiki Bob's/Downtown Sacramento

Tiki Hut/Marconi and Watt

I have heard of another spot on Freeport, south of the Zombie Hut, yet unconfirmed.

If you have the chance to discuss these places as they were kind of competition to each other, can you find out if your Zombie Hut connections have any stories or knowledge of them?

Thanks again,


panampia posted on 03/27/2009

Can anyone tell me anything about this artist? It says Tahiti 55 but I don't know what the signature reads.I just bought the painting off of ebay. I am sorry, but we just don't have any items like this in Steeltown. Thank you- Pia

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Amadscientist posted on 03/28/2009

On 2009-03-25 17:33, TabooDan wrote:
Hi there to Amadscientist and welcome aboard!
Psycho Tiki D is correct about other people being very interested in information about this place! Especially Psycho since he purchased that great velvet that once hung there!! Awesome find Psycho!! It's always great to learn about places where items in your collection come from! And hell...there may even be a photo with this in the background!!

Locating Tiki is a great place here on Tiki Central to add information about the Zombie Hut! We look forward to hearing form you and seeing some of the pictures and items you may have access to!! Thanks alot for signing on!!

Mahalo, TabooDan

Last High jack. Just one image to follow through on this thread. Here is a great shot (well actually it's blurry, but...) that shows the stage area of the Zombie Hut in it's original form from 1962. I love the palm tree. This is the classic Tiki look from the "Golden Age" of Tiki. By 1967 the "Zombie Hut" had been remodeled and a sleeker look was given. The interesting thing for tiki enthusiats is the new floor that was put in with a Tiki mask.

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TIKIVILLE posted on 03/30/2009

here is one for the pile !
Got this years ago and though the skill level is a little lacking compared to LEETEG It's as close as I have ever found up here ....Anybody know the artist ?
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this is the signature on it ...
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bigbrotiki posted on 03/31/2009

I think the artist cleverly made his signature illegible, so that later he could not be held responsible for his art crimes. :wink:

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 03/31/2009

On 2009-03-27 19:49, Amadscientist wrote:
By 1967 the "Zombie Hut" had been remodeled and a sleeker look was given. The interesting thing for tiki enthusiats is the new floor that was put in with a Tiki mask.

You wouldn't have a photo of THAT, now? :D

Formikahini posted on 03/31/2009

On 2009-03-30 17:38, bigbrotiki wrote:
I think the artist cleverly made his signature illegible, so that later he could not be held responsible for his art crimes. :wink:
I love how the artist spent SO MUCH TIME getting the reflective blue light on her bare breast right - but completely blew off making the face look like a human's.

Guess he knew where most people's eyes went anyway...

TIKIVILLE posted on 03/31/2009

On 2009-03-30 17:38, bigbrotiki wrote:
I think the artist cleverly made his signature illegible, so that later he could not be held responsible for his art crimes. :wink:

Well I've never been so insulted in my life !
I suppose that you think YOU could do a better job?!
Well let me tell you something .....(I ......cant keep this up )
but the boobs look great! lol
Ya well here's one to make up fot it !
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9763/49d255a4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b40500e7baab7a462e40fc239325bf1e

Formikahini posted on 03/31/2009

See, now THAT is a masterpiece.
Notice the subtle sheen of the reflection of the commode on the floor.

TIKIVILLE posted on 03/31/2009

I think that sheenis called "good intentions"

Unga Bunga posted on 03/31/2009

I know that painting, it's entitled, "Fire In The Hole!"

Amadscientist posted on 04/01/2009

On 2009-03-30 17:40, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2009-03-27 19:49, Amadscientist wrote:
By 1967 the "Zombie Hut" had been remodeled and a sleeker look was given. The interesting thing for tiki enthusiats is the new floor that was put in with a Tiki mask.

You wouldn't have a photo of THAT, now? :D

I do. I am scanning photos and trying to get people to talk about the old restaurant but haven't had much time.

I will probably make a thread to post a series of pics and stories. I am considering whether or not this would make a good coffee table book or even just a small local history book, we have a couple of those. Some are pretty good.

leleliz posted on 04/03/2009

I just got this velvet in the mail today ...signature says Robb something or other.

It does look mighty fine on my wall!

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1961surf posted on 04/07/2009

I believe that's Rob Hamel.Beautiful colors and xlnt job he did as well .


[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-04-06 21:48 ]

1961surf posted on 04/07/2009

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-04-06 21:44 ]

LT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6ac9bec22ab120872cf172b9049fa5d1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
LOL Tiki posted on 04/07/2009

On 2009-04-03 16:44, leleliz wrote:
I just got this velvet in the mail today ...signature says Robb something or other.

It does look mighty fine on my wall!

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9675/49d69ecb.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b28f4784f6476d6e616d6f9cc2cdab1f

Be you tea full. That RH guy's work shows promise! :wink:

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