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Proudly presenting... my husband's art!

Pages: 1 9 replies

moondoggie posted on 04/04/2009

I thought I'd show off the tiki pics I asked my husband to paint for me.
I think he's done a fantastic job - despite not being a tiki lover (shocking, I know).
I've included a non-tiki squid because it was the painting that gave me the idea of getting him to do some tiki stuff for me.
(Sorry about some of the photo quality)
Not sure what to ask him to paint next... any ideas?

[ Edited by: moondoggie 2009-04-04 04:45 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 04/04/2009

Great idea. Love the squid grabbing the tiki.

tyger jymmy posted on 04/04/2009

Realy kool Stuff ya got there.

VampiressRN posted on 04/04/2009

Those squid have personality...love it!!!

moondoggie posted on 04/15/2009

I've got a new tiki painting now! It's been painted on a long canvas with tikis along the shoreline kinda thing and is quite big. I love it!
Photos don't really do it any justice.

freddiefreelance posted on 04/16/2009

You need to put something in the shot to give it some scale, possibly a Squid? I love the Tiki Squid pictures, but the I love Squid, Octopi, Nautiluses & Cuttle Fish.

tyger jymmy posted on 04/16/2009

very nice I just love the long canvas too , always been my Fav,s

Louiethefish posted on 04/20/2009

Nice Squeeeeeed! One of my favorite fishies to carve! Heres a pic of one I did for famous National Geographic Marine scientist Dr Sylvia Earle, in bone!
Louie the Fish!


moondoggie posted on 06/21/2009

Wow Louie the Fish!
That's some great carving!
I checked out your website and you really are incredibly talented.

Since I last posted, Ebbo's been busy.

Commissioned smaller version of 'United Front'

The tiki gods are angry in 'Anger'

Ink on paper illustration

Hope you like them

Robb Hamel posted on 06/22/2009

Nice stuff. I extra like the tiki-dude on a warthog... brilliant idea. And the squid with designs on him is also very nice.

I hope your husband gets inspired enough to keep upping the Tiki ante.

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