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Gecko's New T-Shirts

Pages: 1 5 replies

MauiTiki posted on 03/25/2009

Gecko has updated his website to include a gallery section featuring Tiki artists including Ken Ruzic, Squid and others.


He has also added a few items in a store section including T-shirts and stickers.
The shirts and stickers will be available within 2 weeks.

Here is a sneak peak at the shirts. Only 2 dozen of each color will be made in the initial printing. I'll keep you posted and let you know a couple days before they become available for order.

The Black Shirt:

The brown shirt:

small Back Tag:

The colors and designs may vary slightly from these proofs.


Tiki and flower pattern Stickers http://www.stuckonmaui.com
Maui Tiki Tours & Tiki Mugs http://www.mauitikitours.com
Hawaiian Clip art http://www.islandimages.com

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2009-03-24 17:28 ]

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2009-03-24 17:30 ]

squid posted on 03/25/2009

I like that mug for some crazy reason!

Beachbumz posted on 03/25/2009

Ya Squid, I'm going KU KU over that shirt for some reason...
I think I must have one...! :)

little lost tiki posted on 03/25/2009

dem shirts look swell!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-03-25 10:15 ]

MauiTiki posted on 04/03/2009

The Kukukachoo shirts are done and now available in limited quantities. I'm wearing mine now and they are super cool. Get yours before they sell out!

Also check out Gecko's Frankoma banks reduced price of only $4. Yes only $4!!
The Kukukachoo stickers are now available too.


Beachbumz posted on 04/07/2009

The shirt is great, It will hold me off until I can get that mug! :wink: THANXX

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