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hand-built art show part 2---on-line--

Pages: 1 2 53 replies

GROG posted on 04/13/2009

Hand-made one-of-a-kind art for sale by Tiki Central artists.

Thank you (mostly) everybody for following the posting guidelines so we could get all the art up at the front of the thread where it will be easy to find. The first week is done, so most everybody that was going to post art has posted art or has reserved a spot to post their art at the beginning of he thread. Thank you to all of TC for reserving comments and thread derailments until after the art had been posted.

Artists, don't forget to edit your posts to mark the products that are sold and are no longer available. If you finish another piece and want to post that, go ahead and edit your original post to add the image and then just bump the thread by posting a comment at the end of the thread that you have new art to see on whichever page your original post was.

[ Edited by: grog 2009-05-13 11:54 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-05-22 15:32 ]

GROG posted on 04/13/2009

GROG Moai Mugs $65 each plus shipping. (GROG may even throw in some origami for free)

Each mug come with Sertifikut of Awthentisity

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-05-21 10:56 ]

squid posted on 04/13/2009

PM offers. Whatever you think it's worth. Pleeeeeease....don't make me pack it up again or give it away.






First $200 Gets it!

Tea light holder/incense burner thingie.Boat is 8.5 long.

Limited Edition Mugs & MORE!

Officially Licensed Squid

[ Edited by: squid 2009-04-29 23:45 ]

[ Edited by: squid 2009-05-04 13:15 ]

TikiG posted on 04/13/2009

TikiG Acrylic Paintings on canvas

All paintings are original one-of-a-kind works.

Many more pieces available straight from my studio.

PM me if interested in anything shown here OR
to discuss a commission. I strive to please!

To all artists: Let's trade works sometime.

Black velvet paintings to be posted on TC soon!

"Time Keeper" 11 x 14 (no frame) $150

"Come On Over" 11 x 14 (no frame) $150

"Birth of Tiki" & "Death of Tiki" (Set of 2) 11 x 14 $275

Sorry for the quality of the pics - all vibrant in person!

"13th Hour Cigarette" 11 x 14 $75

"Motel Kona Kai" 11 x 14 $150

"Waikiki Kane" 16 x 20 $250

"Kona Lanes Bowl" 16 x 20 $250

"Long Beach '66" 16 x 20 $250

Thanks Ernie for organizing this thread.

To all - Thank You for browsing.

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-04-14 07:33 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-04-14 07:37 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-04-17 07:32 ]

little lost tiki posted on 04/13/2009

This item is SOLD!
Thank you!
it's SOLD!
but you can still read my rant
in fact, i think you should
just so you can realize how much of a DEAL you missed!

FORGET THAT "I'll post it tomorrow" STUFF!
Here's the Real Deal
and it's here NOW!
Quit posting that you'll post it tomorrow,kids
Simply post it tomorrow!
it's easy!
like I'm doing today...
only do it tomorrow!

Well, after much mulling over
i have decided to put my very first hand-built mug up for sale....
it's not as polished as the pros' work
but they do this all the time!
AND an LLT mug will fetch you more eventually
because they're aren't many hand-built mugs by him!
Only two,in fact...
This one and one that Babalu and i made together!

So Remember, a hand-built retarded Ruzic mug
is a much much more rarefied object
then a beautiful piece by one of those clowns
who can do this in their sleep!
Thus making it more valuable...
much more valuable!
guaranteed to pay for your kid's college tuition in just 10 years!

(offer not valid in any of the 50 states or world,for that matter)

So here it is!
"LLT's first mug"
$100 AND free shipping
(and i may throw in some other silly stuff...or not!)

And this lovely item is now SOLD!
It's heading to the land of Milk and Cheese!
(so you don't have to read anymore
unless you wanna feel bad for not jumping on this incredible offer!
So sad for you.....)

my very first!
there will never be another first mug
so hop on this NOW!

it's signed on the outside and bottom
and the back is just the wood grain going all the way around...

Come own a piece of History!

or just buy it to break it
your call!

Pm me if'n you wants it!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-04-17 09:50 ]

congatiki posted on 04/13/2009

Attention shoppers, no running or shoving to get to these special sale
"The Mudman." Carved basswood, 9X31", $170 shipped in US.

"Abelam." Carved and painted basswood, 9x41", SOLD

[ Edited by: congatiki 2009-04-15 04:51 ]

[ Edited by: congatiki 2009-05-21 06:23 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 04/13/2009

Thanks so much to the purchaser!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-04-28 19:20 ]

tikimecula posted on 04/13/2009



[ Edited by: tikimecula 2009-05-09 10:03 ]

kirby posted on 04/13/2009

5ish feet, bamboo and palmwood, handcarved and assembled by Kirby($800)

one of a kind hand carved tiki pendants SOLD
"SKULL HELMET" STILL AVAILABle $70 shipping included

6ish foot tiki handcarved by kirby (make offer)

birdyhead 15x30 acrylic on canvas $250

easterisland 15x30 acrylic on canvas $200

Pm me your questions mahalo kirby

Kirby's Island.com****The Tiki Adventure

[ Edited by: kirby 2009-04-13 16:53 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2009-04-15 09:18 ]

bigtikidude posted on 04/13/2009

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-04-14 09:33 ]

Babalu posted on 04/13/2009

The Tonga show was GREAT!!

It's been a good week for Babalu. I've pretty much sold everything I had in inventory except these two large platters. These Platters both weight in at 28 lbs each and are both 24 inches in diameter. One or two good museum hooks in drywall are plenty enough to hold these guys up on a wall.

In hopes of a clean sweep this month, I'm going to price these Platters for this online show at a recession blow out price! I will pack overly well to ship, "and" I'll even cover the shipping to anywhere in the "lower 48 States"...anywhere besides the lower 48, the buyer will need to cover some of the costs. Heck, I'll even throw in some museum hooks too. :wink:

The "Kona" Platter: $400.

"Kill the Wabbit" Platter: $350.

Thanks for looking...

Oh, I almost forgot... go to Ben's May 3rd Nooner - get your drunk on to some Hot Bands and check out some of the Best Tiki Artists around!

[ Edited by: Babalu 2009-04-13 22:12 ]

teaKEY posted on 04/13/2009

The good stuff coming soon. `teaKEY

Hiphipahula posted on 04/14/2009

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2009-04-15 02:57 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/14/2009

4 tiki napkin rings and matching salt and pepper shakers: (sale pending)

Drinky cups $30

Maoritini Glasses $25

Mugs and stirrer stick (One on right is sold) $30

Pendants: $10


$25 top three still available

$20-35 top three still available

Lava Hawaiian Ku Cocojoes inspired plaque sold

Tikis that were made to hang on a wall all sold

Wood stuff: sold $40 $40 sold $75

Ring set $200

New bling pendant: $75


Rarotonga Conga SOLD!



Kanaloa mask sold

Tiki $225

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-04-30 02:03 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-04-30 16:44 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-05-03 20:56 ]

tobunga posted on 04/14/2009

OK, here's the stuff I created for the Hand Built Show, this is what's left:

8" x 10" Black Paper Colored Pencil Drawings:

Tangaroa Staff

Hei Tiki

PNG Mask

Spirit Hook

Bumatay Tiki

Ku By Moonlight

Tiki Hut With Ku

Tiki Hut With Spirit Hook

Tiki Room Totems

Tiki Room Pele

Each drawing is $25.00, plus $3.00 shipping.

I also created:

Easter Island Eggs

Each egg measures 3" in height and is made of paper mache with a foamcore moai on the front. There is a twine cord and a grass "roof" on top. The eggs are painted all around with Birdman petroglyphs.

** The first run has sold out, but I've created a new batch. I have red, green and yellow eggs available now! **

Perfect for Easter, or the can multi-task as Christmas ornaments!

Each egg is $5.00, plus $2.00 shipping

Tiny Tiki Huts

These mixed media pieces stand 4.5" high. I started with a basic wooden bird house and transformed them into little tiki huts, complete with a glass float I made from a marble and white cord, and the very first tikis I ever carved out of wood!

** The first run of tiki hus has sold out, but I've created a new batch. I have three huts available now! **

Tiki huts are 20.00 each, plus 5.00 for shipping.

Tiki Skateboard No.2

This is the second of two mini-skateboards I transformed into Tiki Skateboards for the show (the first one sold).

The skateboard measures 20" in length and features playful PNG imagery on both sides, as well as tiki fringe all the way around the edge.

Skateboard is 25.00, plus 10.00 shipping.

I also have these Aloha Jhoes plush figures/hats:

These figures, based on the iconic mascot that stood in front of the legendary Palm Springs tiki establishment, stand 17" in height and are hand stitched.

They pull double duty as hats that can be worn to any secret society meeting you may be attending!

Figures are $35.00 plus 8.00 shipping.

If you are interested in these items, please PM me, or you can just make a paypal payment to this address: ericoctober@gmail.com

Thanks fer lookin'!
Yer pal,
Eric October


[ Edited by: tobunga 2009-04-14 12:54 ]

[ Edited by: tobunga 2009-04-26 13:53 ]

AlohaStation posted on 04/14/2009

Here's my stuff. I've been sitting on a lot of stuff so feel free to make me an offer on anything posted (or not)!

8' Rootball tiki w 4' of extra pole to plant - Make offer. Delivery is negotiable in Florida. I have a road trip to Pensacola coming at the beginning of June. I will deliver anywhere from point A to point B.

Carved in Walnut - $35

Carved in Walnut - I still have some of these - PM me - $25-$40

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2009-04-24 11:50 ]

Bowana posted on 04/14/2009

Ceramic pendants aplenty!

Fez Monkey, Sea Monkey (w/stone beads), Fez Monkey
$18 each

Sea Horses w/ceramic beads
$25 each

Black Mantas w/stone beads
$25 each

Surfer Wahines w/stone beads (blue beads are ceramic)
$25 each

Surfer Wahine earrings. They match the above left pendant :up: (Nudge nudge, wink wink)

Free shipping in the continental US.
Thanks for looking!


[ Edited by: Bowana 2009-04-13 21:44 ]

[ Edited by: Bowana 2009-04-24 18:52 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/14/2009

..giant hand made jumbo swizzle stick!!.......

..big tiki is not for sale.....just there for scale.....this stick is about 5 ft. tall......

RevBambooBen posted on 04/14/2009
Tiki BaĂŻ posted on 04/14/2009

buy BaĂŻ's...PM ME

[ Edited by: Tiki BaĂŻ 2009-05-19 00:32 ]

BigToe posted on 04/15/2009

AMAZING WORK BY ALL. i am so stoked to be part of a community with so much talent!!!!!

MAD alohas, t

Sophista-tiki posted on 04/15/2009

Online sale my fav!
heres some pieces recently completed

watercolor and in 15" x 22" $275 SOLD

watercolor and in 15" x 22" $275

watercolor and ink 15" x 22" $275

watercolor and ink 15" x 22" $275

watercolor and in 15" x 22" $275 (THEY'RE THINKING ABOUT IT!!!)

PM for details on shipping
paypal jahmbi@yahoo.com


thanks Grog
tHANKS FOR YOUR PURCHASE, What ever I sell is helping me get to Oasis this y., where I will be vending. Finally !!!! in person!!!
[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-04-15 00:07 ]

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-04-18 07:34 ]

little lost tiki posted on 04/15/2009

this is an art only post!
Didn't you read GROG's boring novel on page one??!
This is one place you should've read before posting!
Art Only!
No Po...post...ings....

my bad!


tikiracer posted on 04/15/2009

Titled "Headhunted"

This PNG mask piece is the headhunter, headhunted and presented on a genuine trophy plaque.
The mask still carries the bullet hole and a small trail of blood...
Handmade from wire, rope and papermache then painted and washed.

Mask size - 21" x 9"
Price - 400 dollars [plus shipping]

Titled "The Visitor"

Part of my "puffer fish ship" series. Acrylic painting on watercolour paper. Supplied unframed.
Size - 12" x 9"
Price - 150 dollars [plus shipping]

pm me for payment and shipping costs - thanks for the thread, Grog.

KAHAKA posted on 04/15/2009

"Catch of the Day" lamp is about 27" tall, and about 13" wide at the base.$270, shipping included. 12' of cord woven through chain, wired and ready. Red bulb included.

bb moondog posted on 04/16/2009

..kinda jumping in late on this as is my usual way...these are all hand painted....naturally

IF there is any personal interest in the prices..PM me ..is that how this is working? Also up for commissions & such

mp posted on 04/16/2009

Hello My name is Mikel Parton. I am a NorCal artist new to TC.
I would love to send these Skulls and Tikis out to new homes.

The Green Marq $150 ~ 14 3/4" tall ~ Raku fire

The Dead Sailor is sold, thank you

Smokey Zoobah Skull is sold, thank you

The Red Skull is sold, thank you

The Therm Mug is sold, thank you

Tiki Transport $25 ~ 6" long ~ High fire/raku

Lil' Therm is sold, thank you

Lil' Exotic is sold, thank you very much

The Space Tiki is sold, thank you

Feel free to pm me with any questions or info on shipping
prices. Cheers, MP

Here is Frank the mug on velveteen $200

Buy frank and recieve a free mystery MP ceramic.
If interested I can try and get a better photo.

[ Edited by: mp 2009-04-17 21:04 ]

[ Edited by: mp 2009-04-23 13:42 ]

[ Edited by: mp 2009-04-27 00:57 ]

[ Edited by: mp 2009-04-27 23:12 ]

[ Edited by: mp 2009-04-27 23:38 ]

[ Edited by: mp 2009-05-15 22:02 ]

cheeky half posted on 04/16/2009

Here are some original mosaics of ours. Each one is an original, one-of-a-kind, hand built piece featuring a tiki mug incorporated into a glass mosaic. All come framed and ready to hang. If you PM us we'll give you a 10% discount and let you know what the shipping will be, as it's based on your location. If you see anything else on our web site (link at bottom of post) you're interested in let us know, as the TC 10% discount applies to all our original mosaics.

Thanks to Grog for such a good idea.


'Bali Eye'. A nod to cubism, abstractism, post-modernism, and Bali Hai-ism.
Measures 12" x 15" $220

'Confession'. Paul Marshallism meets abstract stained glass window-ism.
Measures 11" x 13" $140

'The Witchdoctor'. Voodoo dude meets Otto's Shrunken Head dude. With blood.
Measures 10" x 10" $180

'Tiki Boy'. Cute mug meets tapa cloth.
Measures 11" x 11" $160

4WDtiki posted on 04/17/2009

Here's a few of my tikis that are small enough to ship.


This happy guy (you can SEE why he's happy) is carved from palm and stands 26" tall.
$180. Free shipping to lower 48.


This Moai is carved from Douglas Fir, and stands 32"tall.
$80. Free shipping to lower 48.


This Warrior is carved from palm and stands 32" tall.
$200. Buyer pays shipping.


This Marq is carved from palm, and stands 40" tall.
$200. Free shipping to lower 48.

PM me with any questions, or for more photos.
I'm open to trades with other artists.
Thanks for looking!

hottiki posted on 04/17/2009

[ Edited by: hottiki 2010-09-17 20:04 ]

laojia posted on 04/17/2009

Hello everyone, I propose for trade ( sale or exchange) some hand carved pieces:

-Hei tiki carved in pink ivory (Berchemia zeyheri) with inlay paua mother of pearl. 60x35x9. With necklace and button in same wood .

-Manaia carved in same wood with inlay paua and necklace.

-Koru pendant in wengé wood. 35 mm dia. With necklace and button in same wood on demand, also gift box in wood.

Make offer for one or more. Possibility to work on command for different wood/size/model (each is unique, never the same). MP me, can be discussed!

More info and best pics on this topic:

P.S.: Thank's Grog for this space, cool initiative!


[ Edited by: laojia 2009-05-22 15:14 ]

benella posted on 04/18/2009

14,5 CM or 5,7 inches out of thuja wood with teak color varnish.
Hole in the back to be hung on a wall with a nail.
34 USD + shipping.



[ Edited by: benella 2009-04-18 06:51 ]

tikiskip posted on 04/18/2009

Here are some lights.
12.5 inches tall.
4.5 inches wide.
This is a smaller light. And it is lite weight.
Globe is glass. And is blue.
C7 type light inside. (4 or 7 watt)
$35.00 plus shipping.
First PM to me gets light.
Thank you.


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-04-22 05:44 ]

tikiskip posted on 04/18/2009

here is light # 2
Light is 11 inches tall.
And 6 inches wide.
It is made of cork, glass globe, Rattan.
It is a green globe that can take a C7 light.
(4 watt or 7 watt.)
$45.00 plus shipping.
First PM to me gets light.
Thank you.


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-04-18 14:47 ]

tikiskip posted on 04/18/2009

Here are lights # 3 and 4.
Lights are 9 inches tall.
And they are 6 inches wide.
They are a matched set of lights.
Both have red glass globes.
They each have one C7 type light.
Will sell as a set or by each.
But it is hard to find a set of the same two lights.
$45.00 each plus shipping.
Thank you.

GROG posted on 04/20/2009

Thank you (mostly) everybody for following the posting guidelines so we could get all the art up at the front of the thread where it will be easy to find. The first week is done, so most everybody that was going to post art has posted art or has reserved a spot to post their art at the beginning of he thread. Thank you to all of TC for reserving comments and thread derailments until after the art had been posted.

Artists, don't forget to edit your posts to mark the products that are sold and are no longer available. If you finish another piece and want to post that, go ahead and edit your original post to add the image and then just bump the thread by posting a comment at the end of the thread that you have new art to see on whichever page your original post was.

GROG still have 1 mugs left-- page1.

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-05-02 09:05 ]

Babalu posted on 04/21/2009

What a Show! TC has so many talented people about...its just a great thing.

Bravo Everyone!

Lake Surfer posted on 04/21/2009

My original "Tangaroa Time" has sold. Thank you very much to the buyer!

A new one is 80% complete, for details and purchase info please get in touch with me.

Photo on Page 1.

GROG posted on 04/23/2009

Still plenty of good stuff available.

Buzzy is still being a bit shy about posting his stuff up for some reason.

little lost tiki posted on 04/23/2009

He's saving it for the Nooner at BooBen's!

squid posted on 04/24/2009

Only 3 pieces left! All on Page 1. Get it before the dumpster eats it!!!

Hinano_Paul posted on 04/24/2009

On 2009-04-23 18:29, squid wrote:
Only 3 pieces left! All on Page 1. Get it before the dumpster eats it!!!

Hey Squid,

Just let me know where that dumpster is, Thank you for your future contribution to our tiki room.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/24/2009

On 2009-04-22 23:46, GROG wrote:
Buzzy is still being a bit shy about posting his stuff up for some reason.

I still have to unpack the stuff I have left over from the show. It's still piled up in boxes by my front door.

On 2009-04-23 09:24, little lost tiki wrote:
He's saving it for the Nooner at BooBen's!

Not so much saving it as leaving it all packed up so I can just throw it in the car for the Nooner when the time comes, without having to pack it all up again.

If anyone is interested in buying something from me for this online art show, just send me some cash and and I'll make you something nice.

thank you.
Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 04/24/2009

Can't you just use some of the old photos from a previous thread, rather than unpacking them?

little lost tiki posted on 04/24/2009

despite his output
Buzzy is pretty lazy...

I've NEVER seen him work at any of the chops
he just sits there....

i think he just doesn't want us to see
how much meth he consumes
during a "normal" work day....


tobunga posted on 04/26/2009

Aw, lay offa Buzzy! He's an upstanding tiki citizen!

News hot off the presses:
I've sold out of the original run of Easter Island Eggs and the Tiny Tiki Huts, but I've created new batches of each.

I've got five new eggs in assorted colors, and three new huts.

Lemme know if you have any questions!


GROG posted on 04/27/2009

One GROG-made mug left. Page 1.

Plenty art from other artists still available, also.

(Except for Buzzy who is too lazy to post pics of stuff he has for sale or even re-post them from the Tonga Hut art show thread)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/27/2009

Tiki Crap for sale.

See page one.

I'm not lazy. I'm saving my energy for more important matters.

Buzzy Out!

Pages: 1 2 53 replies