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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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gonegoannas posted on 04/18/2009

Awesome stuff Kinnnnny. Thanks for having your stalkers over. Your studio is awe inspiring.


little lost tiki posted on 04/20/2009

a few good pics of the paintings for you and a group shot of some recent drawings for you to oogle til i get a good scan of them!

teaks-Solomon Island-yes
fishes in that one...a few...little ones...
more emphasis on birds...

5 yards would be like painting a mini mural!
you were a total cutie on Saturday night!
great seein you and Laura! :)

Staring Contest cracks me up too!
And that darn picture always WINS!
bummed you'll miss BooBen's gig...
but PM me when you're visitin Anaheim
my studio is about 15 minutes away in Orange!

Bill 4WD-you are simple...
Simple-y Wonderful! :)
Likin the new work lately!
When can i come up and paint some more tikis?
Thanks for the visit..
miss seein you...

Pagan-Please do!
I used to love Sambos! They had one in Decatur.Whenever we'd go on vacation,we'd stop there...VERY VERY cool murals
a bit racist,but great art!

gonegoannas-Thanks Jeff! Great havin you and Megan over and sharing the art jumble on the walls of the batcave! :)

Well, here's some more pieces for BooBen's Nooner in a few weeks!
(unless someone wants em beforehand-then I'll just haveta paint more!)

"the Loafer"
this one was from croe67-Thanks darling!
in wisconsin there is a rising popularity of wooden bread carvings.....

"PNG Oval" is the title of this one for now...

"Hut at Night"
these are those cool wooden plates/shallow bowls with raised sides from LOLTiki!They go about 1/2-1" deep
Thanks buddy!
hope i'm doing these cool bowls right,Roland!

and here's another
"Happy Day"
this one's a little simpler,with a hint of retro wackiness!

and, just so i don't get called a LAZYBONES...
Five new drawings awaiting scans...

That's all!
Thanks for the visit!
and great seeing you all at Don's!
if i did see you
if not,please disregard this part of the posting!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-04-20 11:43 ]

Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/20/2009

Kinny, as usual, great stuff, especially the Bowls! love them, I sent you a PM


tikiyaki posted on 04/20/2009

and here's another
"Happy Day"
this one's a little simpler,with a hint of retro wackiness!

and, just so i don't get called a LAZYBONES...
Five new drawings awaiting scans...

That's all!
Thanks for the visit!
and great seeing you all at Don's!
if i did see you
if not,please disregard this part of the posting!

Kinny...."Happy Day" and the one on the bottom right....LOVE em' !!!

LOVE EM' !!!

Lake Surfer posted on 04/20/2009

2 more weeks my friend... and we get to hang out and talk art again!

Love the new PNG pieces!

I gotta tell you that your art has really got me jazzed to explore and create a subject that I was never really into before now.

Your creativity and stoke just permeates and inspires!

Keep up the great work... see you soon!

mp posted on 04/21/2009

Ken, I have been trying to get through your thread and I am exhausted. Your an incredible artist
and your creativity never ends. Beautiful colors and awesome imagination. I hope to see your art
in person someday. MP

MarkusK posted on 04/21/2009

Five new drawings awaiting scans...

That's all!
Thanks for the visit!
and great seeing you all at Don's!
if i did see you
if not,please disregard this part of the posting!

Top right is very cool...I just love that baaaaad fish looking for a snack.
I'm sure it was mentioned before but these days it is kind of hard to keep up with your thread. Now WE are only reading it but YOU are the one turning out one masterpiece after the other. Your days must have like 48 hours or something! Or...hey...did you take the keys for my time machine?
Grrrreat work!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 04/22/2009

Killer stuff Ken!
Look forward to seeing them in person
at the "nooner". Great seeing you at
Don's! Even if it was a quick drive by.
Gotta get to tiki ti and visit downs syndrome
hula girl! I'm going to hell!

Robb Hamel posted on 04/23/2009

Kenny-Kin-Kin you've BLOWN ME AWAY again! The wooden bowls are freakin' incredible, the colors boggle my tiny mind. "The Loafer"!

Clarita posted on 04/23/2009

You are Sooo inspired! Don't stop, just slow down a little and remember to eat, breathe,that sort of stuff, as long as you stay more or less healthy it's fine by me :)

jpmartdog posted on 04/23/2009

Kinny - I love your bowls.

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 04/26/2009

Those who can not create, buy.

How much?!

little lost tiki posted on 04/27/2009

Aloha Crew!
Haven't had time to scan in those drawings,but will soon,so hold tight!
this is the week before Ben's Nooner
so time is tight!
After i talk a spell with y'all
we'll get down to lookin at some of those goodies for the Nooner!

Amy,Mahalo for the visit and all, my dear!
Those bowls were really fun to paint!
I sealed em so they could be used as actual bowls for parties and stuff! :)

Jim-Thanks pal!
I like the retro feel of both of em..
I'll get a good scan soon,i promise!
there's a little 3-D effect on it
you gotta see! :)
Great performance at Don's,by the way!

Less than a week old chum!
Will be fun AFTER the vending to just chill and be able to relax with all youse arteestos!
Stoked that you caught some inspiration from some of this junk! :)
"explore and create a subject that I was never really into before now."
Very exciting! BRING IT!

mp-Welcome again to TC..
I like the unique approach you've brought to your ceramics! A breathe of fresh air is always welcome here! Thanks for actually poring over all that old stuff..pretty funny moments once-in-a-while!Thank you for the visit and sayin nice stuff! :)

I have my own time machine sir
and i use it liberally!
I'll get a scan of those moai harassed by the sea monster fish for you very soon!It looks better bigger! Thanks for mentioning the work behind the thread....it does get exhausting,but hey!
Why do it and keep it locked in a dusty studio? better to share and inspire!

Iokona Ki'i- hello Jason! hello Claudette! Thank you kind Sir!
I guess we'll see you at the Nooner,too! Should be quite fun!
Down's Syndrome hula Girl!
so wrong!

Robb!-the loafer! :lol:
puns are great!
I wish black velvet adorned more surfaces so you could paint them!
black velvet RH bowls would be waaaaay kewl!

inspiration is everywhere!
but sometimes you need special glasses!
Squid,dear that he is
acquired an extra pair from a leprechaun!
So guess who got that pair?

Wow! what are all these signs saying OBEY and CONSUME all about? :lol:
(if you never saw THEY LIVE,you need to...)

jpmartdog-thank you for the visit and for lovin the bowls!

Hau'oli Tiki-everyone can create! it's just the practice part that nobody can keep up! All my prices are reasonable,as you will see at the Booben nooner...i like people to own the work,to have it in their homes,and i price it accordingly....Remember,a few of these are a little more top-shelf and will be priced as such,but the majority are DEALS! DEALS! DEALS!

Well, first off....those weren't magical inspiration glasses...they're magnifying/jeweler's lens like the Diamond exchange uses...and Bowana...and Squid..
and others who journey to the realm of detail and miniature!

Plus, they really liven up a wardrobe...
well, it's been a long while since i did a COUNT THE SKULLS piece for funnies...
So, donning my new magical microscopic glasses of magnification, i attempted a Cannibal/Shrunken head Village!

here is a sneak peek before the scan...
here's some teeny tiny details!

the cannibal idol on the hill!

some carnage.....

a big hut...

Bigger hut and Palm tree decoration!

smaller hut..

the big ol' shrunken head in the foreground...

Also did some woodburns for the Nooner....
"Happy Tapa Man"


"the Sunny Day"
a lil woodburn/abstract experiment..


Here's a Maori woodburn,tinted with ink


"3 Shields" with a bamboo Ben frame!
(painted over an old piece that bugged...


"Baby and toy"

"Dancing boy"

"Feast day"

"the Jolly fellow"

"PNG Boy"

"PNG Moderne"

"the Singing Shield"

and finally "the Tongue Wagger"

here they all are on the floor of the studio!

Awaiting final QC check/name-pricetags/hanging stuff on the back and final coat of varnish/sealant!
Tough week ahead,but I'll see y'all on Sunday!

Lake Surfer posted on 04/27/2009

Veeeery nice!

Looking forward to seeing them all live and in color on Sunday!

PNG Boy is calling to me... I may have to come home with this one!

mp posted on 04/27/2009

Ken, there should be a giant Tiki bar dedicated just to your work.
I showed my wife your pics and she loves them too. "Feast Day" is the bomb!

woofmutt posted on 04/27/2009

I hate to say this cuz I think yer a complete jackass but I know how much you like havin' smoke blown up your butt*, so:

Damn your art is cool.

The flow and energy in your pieces is excellent. Lively, with a feeling of movement. I can hear music when I look at them and imagine them coming to life when the Tiki bar is closed.

I too would love to see a bar that you designed all the elements of. I think it'd rival the Enchanted Tiki Room.

I'm also especially impressed with is how the majority of the pieces don't look rushed or created as quickly as they apparently are. (You don't have some sorta time stopping device that lets you continue working wile the resta the world is froze? Like in The Fermata?)

Your confidence of line, original vision, and creative uses of non traditional materials should be a source of inspiration for anyone hoping to create great Tiki art.

*Well, that's the word over at kinkytikipeople.org

Iokona Ki'i posted on 04/27/2009

On 2009-04-27 10:01, woofmutt wrote:

Damn your art is cool.

The flow and energy in your pieces is excellent. Lively, with a feeling of movement. I can hear music when I look at them and imagine them coming to life when the Tiki bar is closed.

I too would love to see a bar that you designed all the elements of. I think it'd rival the Enchanted Tiki Room.

I'm also especially impressed with is how the majority of the pieces don't look rushed or created as quickly as they apparently are. (You don't have some sorta time stopping device that lets you continue working wile the resta the world is froze?

Your confidence of line, original vision, and creative uses of non traditional materials should be a source of inspiration for anyone hoping to create great Tiki art.

Yeah! What he said! Except for the complete jackass comment. :wink:
Impressive, inspiring, and exciting! You be on fiiyaa!!!

Tiki Duddy posted on 04/27/2009


seeing your last post has definately boosted a tiring day, kenny
...i think you got somesort of magic in that hair too :lol:

thanks, kenny! awsome art!

leleliz posted on 04/28/2009

Love the shrunken head village piece! So much going on there its awesome to say the least!

This does dirturb me somewhat however :




Kiki von Tiki posted on 04/28/2009


Bowana posted on 04/28/2009

You say you want a revolution?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/28/2009

My new 2 faves are "3 Shields" with a bamboo Ben frame, ( and not cause it's like the cool bamboo frame LLT piece that hangs in my hut!) and "Dancing Boy".

ravenne posted on 04/28/2009

Steller stuff Kin!

I love the Shrunken Head/Cannibal Island piece!

'specially the detailed shrunken head on the foreground,

I like the highlights and colors on him :D

Outta the woodburns, I like the Happy Tapa Man a lot!

Man too many pieces! Can't wait to see'em all this Sunday @ Bens!

Also, to add on the "Who does Kinny reminds you off wiff dem wacky specs?"

I just wanted to add:

Mad Scientist from Robot Chicken

And these rad lookin roosters :lol:

it's the hair! :lol:

Rawk on! :D

little lost tiki posted on 04/30/2009

Thanks y'all for the v isits
especially woofmutt...
will type up a response very soon..

But for now...
just those drawing scans to share with you
then when the smoke clears.....some replies!
These will all be at bamboo ben's NOONER
if you'd like to adopt it...

"the Perilous Situation"

"Three Moais"

"Jungle Dream"

"the Call of Pele"

"the Surprise"

"the Visit"

and i haven't had time to reassemble the "Cannibal Village"
(had to get 4 scans of it)
so I'll post the 4 pieces and post a complete one later!
Anyone got a "Time-Slower" i could borrow for this week?

There you go!
See you on Sunday!
Don't forget your Nametag!

Robb Hamel posted on 05/01/2009

Wow Ken - I can't wait to see Cannibal Village assembled. I love the details like spears and rope stuck in eye sockets! Is it kind of an anti-war statement - it sure looks like it.


[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2009-05-01 06:02 ]

little lost tiki posted on 05/06/2009

"Cannibal Village" ink and sharpie on Arches Watercolor paper 18x24-ish

If you don't like to read
there's what you're looking for
finally got that scan assembled...

great seeing y'all at the NOONER
so stoked a lotta folks wore their nametags
I'm real bad at names
ask people I've know for more than a year! :lol:
thank all of youse who adopted some pieces..
especially fellow TC artists..what an honor! :)
It feels so great to belong to an actual functional evolving art movement
and the camaraderie and sharing of our knowledge,joy,and talent with each other
is something that is rare in other movements...
And all those HUGS! mmmmmmmmm! i loves hugs!
and i love all of youse....except ERNIE!

time to finally respond to all y'all's comments...

On 2009-04-26 23:33, Lake Surfer wrote:
Veeeery nice!
Looking forward to seeing them all live and in color on Sunday!
PNG Boy is calling to me... I may have to come home with this one!

Lake! thanks for the swap! Already hung up the happy marq you carved.
i love rubbing my fingers over it! Jen Skinnydog made me stop!
he feels right at home with everyone! great seein you and the wifey.
wish we could've spent more time chillin,but....Oasis!

On 2009-04-27 00:02, mp wrote:
Ken, there should be a giant Tiki bar dedicated just to your work.
I showed my wife your pics and she loves them too. "Feast Day" is the bomb!

Thank you mp! That would be a cool project!Plus it would help me clear
some wall space in the studio! Post-events SUCK because i always do much more than wall
space allows,so even when i have a good show,there's still a bunch of pieces that need to be squeezed up onto a wall.....kinda like TETRIS!
Tell your wife "Mahalos" for enjoying the pieces!
and i do believe "Feast day" survived the onslaught of consumers,so if'n you want it....

On 2009-04-27 10:01, woofmutt wrote:
I hate to say this cuz I think yer a complete jackass but I know how much you like havin' smoke blown up your butt*, so:
Damn your art is cool.
The flow and energy in your pieces is excellent. Lively, with a feeling of movement. I can hear music when I look at them and imagine them coming to life when the Tiki bar is closed.
I too would love to see a bar that you designed all the elements of. I think it'd rival the Enchanted Tiki Room.
I'm also especially impressed with is how the majority of the pieces don't look rushed or created as quickly as they apparently are. (You don't have some sorta time stopping device that lets you continue working wile the resta the world is froze? Like in The Fermata?)
Your confidence of line, original vision, and creative uses of non traditional materials should be a source of inspiration for anyone hoping to create great Tiki art.

Thank YOU Woofmutt!
make sure if you're blowing smoke
that it's the right kind....:)
Hearing this all from one of TC's resident brainiacs makes me swell with Happy!
I hope others are taken away as well,transported to SUPERHAPPYFUNLAND
or wherever they go when overjoyed...
Dunno if a psychotic man-child designed Tiki Room would rival the ETR...
maybe for acid-casualties...
no time-stopping device,it's all about discipline and just lovin art
and being curious enough to always scratch a little bit deeper...
I think the consistency just comes from doing it ALOT EVERYDAY if i can
I get about 5-7 "duds" per 100 pieces,and they're usually detected 1/4 of the way in...
Thanks again for all the thought-provocation throughout TC...
I hope to meet you someday
only for an hour so we don't get on each other's nerves! :lol:

Iokona Ki'i-YOU and Claudette be on Fiyah! you two are like an art power-couple!
Stoked to be amongst such talent....Thanks for adopting Happy Day! You deserve ALL HAPPY DAYS!
Keep up the awesome velvets-no learning curve for you,just BAM! Masterpiece!

On 2009-04-27 16:46, Tiki Duddy wrote:
seeing your last post has definitely boosted a tiring day, kenny
...i think you got some sort of magic in that hair too :lol:
thanks, kenny! awsome art!

We aim to please,Duddy!
i will send you a lock of magical hair for only $99! :lol:

enough with the spectacle(s)!
or i will be forced to fry you all like ants with my SUPER NUCLEAR MAGNIFICATION GOGGLES!

BRAD!-Kudos on the Cat! I think Jason was mistaken
YOU are the one REALLY on Fiyah! Whatchoo cookin up next?

On 2009-05-01 05:47, Robb Hamel wrote:
Wow Ken - I can't wait to see Cannibal Village assembled. I love the details like spears and rope stuck in eye sockets! Is it kind of an anti-war statement - it sure looks like it.

Robb-Sory my friend,but the lovely Claudette and Jason spirited the "Happy Day" away!
As you wish-the cannibal village is assembled! Anti-War statement?
i was going for an "End Hunger" statement! :lol:

Well, my friends,that's it for now....
this next month i'll be taking a mini-hiatus from posting
as I'll be working on a couple of SECRET projects and Collaborations
I'll post extra work,but the output you all see
will be smaller than you've come to expect...
not that i'm slacking,but merely keeping secret projects secret....

If you got the LLT jones,check out the latest issue of Tiki magazine.
I dun made a crossword puzzle!
I bet you'll get ALL the answers except 1 or 2 of em!
tell me whatcha think!
Goodnight kids!

TabooDan posted on 05/07/2009

Man O Man Ken....You're art rocks!! Never a dull one and your colors and ideas are awesome!! Will for sure keep checking back with yah and hopefully owning a piece or two one day!!
Mahalo, TabooDan

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/07/2009

Hey I didn't post any pics of funny glasses, I only laffed at the ones I seen . . .

Super Secret Artwork, cool! Secret Agent Artist Ruzic in the house~
Much fun hanging out at the nooner! Chloe (Li'l Blue) is your latest-greatest fan!!!!

We are loving our "Sea Monster"

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 05/07/2009

On 2009-05-05 21:04, little lost tiki wrote:
"Cannibal Village" ink and sharpie on Arches Watercolor paper 18x24-ish

Say, isn't that Colonel Kurtz's place over in the upper left there...?

Almighty, Almighty, you present another awesome trip to take here, LLT.


Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/07/2009

wow kinny, just amazing!


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-05-07 11:12 ]

little lost tiki posted on 05/11/2009

What a week!
LOTS of false starts and puttering about this week...
usually happens after a HUGE Art-Blast....
system shuts down and what-not....

TabooDan-Please do keep checking in! Something for everybody!
Thanks for being one of a handful of Canadians into Tiki!

Kiki-put aloe Vera on it-in the peeling stage today...
Chloe is pure magic! Her and gwen...crackups!
Thanks for adopting the "Sea monster"!
One of my favorites in the hut of one of my favorites!
can it get any better!
Now get thee crackin!
Oasis is around the corner!

SOK-Thanks for the visit! Happy Travelling!
Watch your head tho!
That is Col Clysdalle's hut up there...
the Whore-er! the Whore-er! :lol:

Amy-thanks Love! And thanks for welcoming some LLT art into your ultra-cool pad!

First off...
Art Swap 2009 piece...
the theme is PNG!
"Walk thru the Jungle"
16 1/2" tall by 6" wide
sumi and gold ink,gouache on Aquarelle Water paper
(100% cotton!)
i simply love saying that!

This one started as TWO gents
but like i said,this has been a week of FALSE STARTs
but i think i done waded thru the molasses!
Here's up close...

Started one of them Super-Secret projects
and ended up having to wash it off and start anew...

so i dumped the Super-Secret piece
and finished this for the Hukilau Art show...
I was told the theme is polypop architecture...
so i made this up..somewhere i'd like to live...

did acrylic washes of payne's gray first
to get the initial forms and lighting..


(well, after 5-6 hours the color begins to build up..

Here's the whole piece...
"Imaginary Tiki Palace"
acrylic on canvas


Condo unit on top....

Don't really know or care if this is Neo-Tiki or Poly-pop
probably Poly-poop...but it was fun to paint!:lol:
I thought by combining different tikis from diff places
that they would all be forced to get along and also
that the interior could be SUPERHAPPYTIKIOVERLOAD!
the perfect Tiki Palace!
for me, at least..
C'mon over anytime!

HAve a safe trip to Florida,little guy! :)


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-05-11 08:56 ]

mp posted on 05/11/2009

Great work ken! My wife and I are coming to Tiki Oasis this year and
were hoping to get a ruzic original.

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/11/2009

Nice new piece for Hulikau! I like the combo of all the good things, A frame, moai's, bird hats, carved door frames, and more! I would so live there. Superhappytikioverload is a good thing.

ravenne posted on 05/11/2009

:D Such cute pieces!

I love the architecture piece ya did for the Hukilau art show - I'm gonna live in that lil condo on top of the moai :lol:

And that art swap piece is raad!
I'm stoked about the art swap now,
thanks for convincing me!
been here since 2005 and I guess it's 'bout time I start trying my hand at tiki huh? :lol:

Glad you pushed through the false starts and made these two! :)

Rawk on!

Sam Gambino posted on 05/11/2009

Fun, beautiful and colorful pieces Ken! There's never a dull moment in one of those Ruzic paintings!

little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2009

mp-Dude! i just read on your thread that you'll be in the Artist Alley at Oasis also!Stoked....

I'll work on that Dr. Shrinker Ray so Lil' Blue's dream cam come true... you can work on the "revert-to-normal size" Ray!:)
So, have you figgered out how to frame that Sea Monster of yours?

i hope the Tiki palace fits right in with the cleaner,more purposeful lines of the other poly-pop pieces..
Glad you're into the swap...
about time you contributed something (art-wise) to the TC community!

carving fingers and pinstriping guitars in between brushstrokes!
You never cease to amaze,my friend...
Thank YOU for the world YOUR paintings reside in!
Never a dull moment,right back atcha! :)

Thanks for all the visits and chit-chat and food for thought!

got 2 drawings in Marketplace
go LOOK! :)

Babalu posted on 05/13/2009

Exotica Pop!

I'll keep an eye out for funky trinkets :-)

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/14/2009

Hey LLT!
Cannibal Village is rad! I really like the toned
down light colored FG, MG, and BG so you can really see all the goings
on. Shows great restraint. And the minimal colors elsewhere. So many goodies as
far as the eye can see! Easy to get lost in. The piece for "Hukilau" is another smash!

Great seeing you at the Nooner!
Oh yeah! Here's a couple of snaps of our latest adoption from
said party...sorry Mr. Hamel! :D Along with the totem piece we got
a while ago! Bruddah Bruno digs it too!

Room for one more on the totem!

Sweet! Sorry about the flash.

Velvets by J. Sallin

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-14 10:50 ]

kingstiedye posted on 05/21/2009

great stuff kinny! i especially like the call of pele, the visit and of course, cannibal village. you are my favorite crazy genius.

Polynesiac posted on 05/22/2009

Here, here kings! LLT is a crazy genious. Love the new PNGers. the png style matches your manic personality very well!

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greentikipat posted on 05/22/2009

very excellent works, Ken!! the Village is just awesome....i'd love to be running through there being chased like Abbot and Costello and the mummy and the scooby doo shows. and i call the second condo-atop-amoai when i finally get out there to visit! great pieces, man!!

little lost tiki posted on 06/01/2009

Aloha Friends!
some new stuff...

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I'll reply to y'alls when i get some time!
Sorry for the blurry pics!
Thanks for visiting!

TJ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e10f64eebb581a3df88b8f9acec915b8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tyger jymmy posted on 06/01/2009


Kiki von Tiki posted on 06/01/2009

Wowsa! I see some textile designs in there... Big cannibal head is fantastic! Giant octopus! carving studies! pretty fish! Too much good stuff . . . Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/8635/4a237d71.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d639b2bbfc1f0e4115c3ed121b3a6b80

ravenne posted on 06/01/2009

Friendship charm is SO cute!!! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=3485&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv284%2Fravenne_animous%2Ftikicentral%2Ficon_4laugh.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c14874cb00696cbebb1b65a8db6f056d
I love the smiley Moais in the morning piece too!

The stained glass Octopus - it's gorgeous, rawkin style!
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=3485&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv284%2Fravenne_animous%2Ftikicentral%2Ficon_3nodding.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9e2a752c1f0cdf03b9b3bf544724d63f You should do more sea creatures... :D Meebee check out Discovery channel's "Nature's Most Amazing Events" - they've been having a lot of eps with sea creatures & the likes.

Lake Surfer posted on 06/01/2009


All super duper great stuff!

But this guy...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=514&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tikicentral.com%2Fuploads%2F4956%2F4a235399.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ed5a5e3ed67e916713f617001e90e5e6


Love the tats on his arms, the headress, the hands, the spear!

Reared back, and growling his war chant!

I'd love to see more guys like this one, I think you're really on to something!

I love all your work, but the animation and character in this guy... BOOM!

TSW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/48f154ad18ad50a211d1a6f886f64a3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Sperm Whale posted on 06/01/2009

Hey Broham...I am lovin the Fishey and thee Octopie!! The colors oh the colors!!! Very Nice!!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MadDogMike posted on 06/01/2009

The fish and octopus look like photographs of a mosaic, are you sure you're not chopping tile in your studio?

Love the 5150 headhunter! Why is he so angry? Did someone steal his mojo? Did his woman use too much starch on his loincloth? Ants in his Koteka? Sure wish I knew what the story was on him.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=8801&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmgilbert.net%2Fanimated%2520sunset.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=56ae850a78ce87ff6f50440a6f425654
We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
And watch the world die.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2009-06-01 16:32 ]

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