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4WDtiki - Bill's stuff. - first new pics in years

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4WDtiki posted on 01/26/2009

Well, two months since I posted! I am moved into my new place, although not the horse ranch I mentioned above. It's just as good, though. Had a chop here the first weekend of January, maybe another one in Feb?
Here's one I worked on at the chop, it's for a friend in Phoenix.

And I've been working on this one for a few days.

I hope to finish it this week.

JohnnyP posted on 01/26/2009

Nice, you have that style down. A Marq? Maybe a Marci?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/26/2009

You got smaller weeds at the new house.

Buzzy out!

little lost tiki posted on 01/26/2009

Right on Bill!
I like that Marq!
and your yard looks cool!
Glad you're hacking away
in a productive frenzy!
keep us posted on that next CHOP!

Clarita posted on 01/26/2009


4WDtiki posted on 01/26/2009

Thanks all!
JP, yep, the unfinished one is a Marci! :lol: It will be even more apparent after the next step. :wink:
Buzzy - patience, it's not even Spring yet!
Ken, the next chop may be at Babs's - stay tooned.

big daddy posted on 01/26/2009

looks great so far, i like the marci, can't wait to see the end product.


T_birdman posted on 01/27/2009

Bill, you're fast becoming the authority on "Titted-Tikis"! Tits, Tikis, has a nice ring to it huh?

4WDtiki posted on 01/27/2009

I may re-name my thread "Are Tiki tits Tiki?" :lol:

Benzart posted on 01/27/2009

Works for me!
cool stuff.

4WDtiki posted on 01/27/2009

Here she is today, almost done.

seeksurf posted on 01/27/2009

Nice 4WD she turned out fab!

One nice thing about up north weeds dont grow in the winter?

Jungle Trader posted on 01/27/2009

Aloha Bill.
Are those Hershey Kisses?

buzzard posted on 01/29/2009

looks like the 4wtiki machine is back in business!
sorry i missed the last chop,the new backyard looks great

kroozzn62 posted on 02/02/2009

love your work dude

Babalu posted on 02/02/2009

YAY! Wheeler is back in action big time! Nice boobies Bill.

4WDtiki posted on 04/17/2009

Aack! Another two month gap in posting.
Here's what I just carved this week.

MadDogMike posted on 04/17/2009

Bill, I don't usually hang out here in the hacker's area but I saw your name on the top of the list and thought I'd check out what you've been up to.

The Brown-Breasted Borneo Babe you were working on at the Feb Chop turned out great! And I love the way you've made designs on your new one with the stain. Kinda like some sort of resist/batik technique.

little lost tiki posted on 04/17/2009

I like that latest latest one Bill!
Cool Legs and stellar stain and paintjob....
Your style is all over that one!
miss seein you man!

tikithomas08 posted on 04/17/2009

new tiki looks rad bill, that white stain adds a really cool effect to your tikis.

Bowana posted on 04/19/2009

The war paint and jungle photography gives a very tribal feel to your work. I like!

This is the 500th post on your thread!
Hell yeah man!

Benzart posted on 04/19/2009

Man these "Gaps" really bring on some Excellent Pieces. Very well finished with Just the right added coloring.

hiltiki posted on 04/19/2009

Very nice piece Bill, I like the design and the color.

congatiki posted on 04/19/2009

Always cool stuff 4WD, your tikis would always be easy to spot in a
crowd. And as for tits, I think they are always tiki, just like
fez monkeys. I guess they're even better than fez monkeys.

4WDtiki posted on 04/20/2009

MDMike, you need to stop into the "hackers'" section more often. In fact, I predict you will someday have a thread in here!

Kinny, thanks! But I was just trying to emulate you! For those who missed it, Ken decorated one of my carvings last year, using this same white stain:

And thanks to Billy D. Crud for giving me the stain!

Thomas, thanks, you been choppin? Post up!

Dave, that jungle is in my back yard. :wink:

Benz, no more gaps for a while!

Hilda, thanks! See you on the 3rd?

Conga, how about fez monkeys with tits!?! Pushin' the Tiki envelope! :lol:

Fow anyone who doesn't check the Marketplace forum, look through this thread: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=31985&forum=12&34
Lots of great artists sellin therir wares, and I have some stuff in there, too. :D

Babalu posted on 04/21/2009

Wheeler, that white really makes these guys sing...very nice indeed :)
Sir B is right...they do have a primitive spooky jungle vibe thing happening.

You and Conga are on to something...color used correctly.

Clarita posted on 04/23/2009

You and Conga are on to something...color used correctly.

I agree.

4WDtiki posted on 04/25/2009

Here's a group shot of some smaller ones that I took today to send to somebody wanting to see what I have in the 2'-3' range. Some are new, some are older.

The far left one is making his debut in this pic. I need to post a closeup of just him, maybe tomorrow.
Babs and Clarita, thanks, color is fun! Although white is not a color...:lol:

Benzart posted on 04/25/2009

Excellent bunch of Tiki there, really gets the old Envy juices flowing. Glad to hear there will not be more "Gaps".
I would Really love to see some progress shots of your next one?

4WDtiki posted on 04/26/2009

Ben, I may start another one today, and will get some progress shots.

This one I finished last weekend, just a little guy to experiment with different stains, etc.

Babalu posted on 04/26/2009

"white is not a color"...oh, sooo true, however, using white/cream next to dark brown is like putting orange next to blue, or yellow next to purple.

Nice grouping Bill. Those 2-3 footers will ship well too.

[ Edited by: Babalu 2009-04-26 15:36 ]

4WDtiki posted on 05/09/2009

Started a new one yesterday, it's not quite roughed out.

Benzart posted on 05/10/2009

You are creating some Excellent looking tikis there Mr 4Wheeler, how'd you learn that so fast? Nice color work and finish..

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Skinny Dog posted on 05/10/2009


You are rockin' it. As I told you, I absolutely love your style.



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surfintiki posted on 05/10/2009

Not roughed out?? It looks excellent already!!

big daddy posted on 05/11/2009

very nice grouping you have there. how did you get them to stand still for so long? i can never get the kids to hold the pose that long. very nice work!


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tikitony posted on 05/13/2009

Great work! I love your squat little tikis! I also like your Marquesan tikis with the eyes on either side of the head! Great headdress with the plant! aLoHa!

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TheBigT posted on 05/13/2009

Luv the tribal patterns. What is the white stain you guys are using? Like a white deck stain or white wash? Are you finding it difficult to stain white over brown? Thanks!

4WDtiki posted on 05/13/2009

Thanx Benz. Fast? It's been years! :lol:
Jen, right back atcha! I luv yours!
surfin and big daddy, thanks!
tikitony, thanks for checkin in!
Big T, it's a wood stain that was given to me with the label covered with stain, so I don't know the brand. used stright outta the can, it's pretty opaque, sometimes I thin it down for a diferent look.

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jab tiki posted on 05/15/2009

Sweet Group Shot, Wheels!!
-Johnny B.

seeksurf posted on 05/16/2009

Nice 4WD love the group!

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4WDtiki posted on 05/17/2009

Thanks seeks and jab!
Finally finished roughing out this guy, and also sanded and started detailing.
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mp posted on 05/17/2009

4WDTiki, All your tikis are beautiful.
Im glad to have found your thread. I love
the continuous style running through all of them.

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4WDtiki posted on 05/18/2009

mp, thanks for checking in! I've been lurking in your thread, now I'll hve too post!

So I went out to continue working on the current tiki, but ended up starting another one first! This was a log this morning:
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And next to the other one, which I also put some time into:
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lennieguys posted on 05/19/2009

Wow, your style has really evolved. I love the one on the left.

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4WDtiki posted on 05/26/2009

Thanks, Lennie! :wink:
So I started a tiki this morning, here it is after the rough cutting.
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Then after some torching and sanding.
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Details carved in!
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Not sure if I want to add more, or just stain it and call it good.

Here's a similar tiki that oversees my pond.
The morning light today reminded me of a Robb Hamel velvet!
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It's hiding there in the back.
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Tiwaka the Parrot posted on 05/26/2009

excellent carving. All mexican fan palms? we have plenty of coco palms.

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Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/26/2009

Totally lovin your thread Bill!
Excellent work cover to cover.
Many great styles of tikis!

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