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Tiki Central / California Events

California Screamin' 4 - Gasoline Gallery El Segundo

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Jason Wickedly posted on 05/06/2009

Not a "tiki event" per se, but some of our own will be showing work..

California Screamin' 4
Art & Hot Rod Show
May 9th to June 20th

Artist's Reception
Saturday, May 9th, 2009
12 - 6 pm
423 Main St, El Segundo, CA‎ - (310) 416-9188‎

Tom Slick posted on 05/07/2009

I think I'll be rollin out to this one...I have shown my car at the last 2

bigtikidude posted on 05/07/2009

I'll prob go too,
been to a few of them,

also, Sperm whale, aka Spermy, aka Scott Peter.
has a new band, and they are having their first show at Suzy's in Hermosa Beach
whadda say about cruzin over there after to check his band out.


BigToe posted on 05/07/2009

MAhalos for posting...as a fatter of Mact, i happen to have a tiki painting in the show!!

hope to see y'all there!

Daves Not Home posted on 05/08/2009


Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/10/2009

Great show and awesome cars! Met up with BigToe, killer painting
my friend! Bought one of his mugs (BigToe gulp!) and had him sign it. How could
tiki farm forget to put his signature on it? That's the first thing
to remember. Anyways, lots of great eye candy on the walls! Kool store!
Congrats to Toesy and all the other artists! You Rock!

Velvets by J. Sallin

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-10 16:43 ]

BigToe posted on 05/10/2009

a big MAhalo to all the tiki peeps who came out to represent at California Screamin' 4!!

here is the painting i have in the show:

"Barrels or Bust", 17 X 23", Acrylic on Driftwood. i painted on bare wood and finished with satin varnish to retain an earthy finish on this one.
The lil surf chick was inspired by model Elizabeth Ashley: http://www.myspace.com/elizabethiszesty

[ Edited by: BigToe 2009-05-10 15:54 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/11/2009

killer piece man,
glad I stopped by for a few min.

man all the art at Gasoline was off da hook,

for anyone that missed it, if your going to the Purple orchid for the Swank Bastards this coming Sat. go early and check out the art.
its up til June 20th.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-05-10 19:55 ]

Clysdalle posted on 05/11/2009

Great time....great show....here is my art from the gallery, can't wait till next year!

Los Compadres Muertos
24x30 enamel on Clayboard

BigToe posted on 05/11/2009

R those seguero tikis in the background??

little lost tiki posted on 05/11/2009

Clysdale is only allowed to paint 6 or less tikis a year..
he is, however, bound by contract
to post ALL and every single one of his Non-tiki pieces here on TC...
no matter how awful they are!

bigtikidude posted on 05/12/2009

I totally dig your non tiki stuff.
don't stop posting ever.


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