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How many different rums in your home bar?

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uncle trav posted on 05/02/2009

I was just curious as to how many different rums folks have in their home bars? Not your favorites or which one is better than another just how many. Photos might be fun also. Don't be embarrassed if you don't have bottles of fifty year old rum or super exotic brands. Just for fun. Right now I have about twenty two, I think. I'll post a pic later.

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2009-05-02 05:57 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 05/02/2009

Lemon Hart Demerara 151
Wray & Nephew Overproof
Demerara El Dorado (5 year)
Sea Wynde Jamaican
Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva
Rhum Barbancourt 15-year Reserve
St. James Hors D'Age Martinique
Neisson Rhum Agricole Blanc
Appleton V/X
Appleton Gold
Pusser's (84 proof)
Cruzan Black Strap
Meyer's Dark

toofastjim posted on 05/02/2009

Lemon Hart 80 (demerara)
Lemon Hart 151 (demerara)
El Dorado 12 yr
El Dorado High Strength 151
Rhum Clement VSOP
Rhum St James Royal Ambre
Rhum St James Extra Old
Rhum St James Hors d'Age
Appleton Special
Appleton V/X
Cockspur 5 star Fine Rum
Rhum Barbancourt 5 star
Mount Gay Sugar Cane
Mount Gay Eclipse
Pussers Navy Rum (84 proof)
New Orleans Rum - extra premium
Myers Dark Rum (handle)
Barcardi Clear (handle)
Bacardi Gold
Bacardi 151
Trader Vics kahana Bay Premium Silver
Trader Vics Dark Rum
Malibu Coconut rum
Cachaca 61
Sapupara Cachaca

[ Edited by: toofastjim 2009-05-02 08:31 ]

Quiet Village Idiot posted on 05/03/2009

30, I think ... lessee..

Angostura 1919
Appleton Estate 12 Year Old
Appleton Estate VX
Bacardi Reserva
Barbancourt 8 Year Old
Clement Rhum Vieux
Cockspur 5 Star
Cruzan Estate Dark Rum
Dillon Tres Vieux
Diplomatico 12 Year Old
El Dorado 5 Year Old
El Dorado Original Dark Rum
Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos
Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos
Havana Club Anejo Blanco
Havana Club Anejo Reserva
J. Bally 7 Year Old
Karukera Rhum Blanc
Koko Kanu
Myers's Original Dark
Plantation Rum Guyana 1990
Plantation Rum Jamaica 1998
Plantation Rum Panama 1997
Pussers 109 Proof
St Etienne Rhum Vieux
St James 12 Year Old
St James Hors d'Age
Wood's Old Navy Rum
Wray & Nephew Overproof

Incredible how it all just builds up ...

toofastjim posted on 05/03/2009

I wish some Havana Club could just build up in my cabinet. Oh well, Obama's got 1350 or so days left to relax trading restrictions...

swizzle posted on 05/05/2009

30 at the moment.A lot of them running low,costly and not too easy to find here in Aus.A few i was able to have ordered in just for me.Have to say the Clement makes magnificent Mai Tai's with Appleton V/X.

Appleton 21 Y.O.
Appleton white
Bacardi 8 Y.O.
Bacardi 151
Captain Morgan Spiced Rum
Clement Terre Caraibe (agricole)
Cockspur 5 Y.O.
Cockspur 12 Y.O.
Cruzan Single Barrel
Cruzan 2 Y.O.
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva
Doorly's XO
El Dorado Dark
El Dorado Overproof
English Harbour 5 Y.O.
Havana Club Anejo Reserva
La Mauny Rhum Vieux (agricole)
Lambs Navy Rum
Lark Island Rum
Lemon Hart Jamaican
Matusalem Clasico
Mount Gay Eclipse
Pampero Blanco
Pampero Selection 1938
Pussers Nelsons Blood (ceramic hip flask)
Red Heart
Saint James Imperial Blanc (agricole)
Saint James Rhum Vieux (agricole)
Trader Vic's Kahuna Bay Gold

Chip and Andy posted on 05/05/2009

I'm down to about 20 bottles or so..... will have to sober up a bit to actually list them. The pix above is the only one I had handy.

TikiPug posted on 05/05/2009

I have lost count recently but it is somewhere in the neighborhood of 65-70.

leisure master posted on 05/05/2009

At the moment, the Rhum Rhum Room has approximately 125 different rums.

Currently the house mai tai is a combination of Clement VSOP & Appleton Extra and the house sipping rum is Zacapa 23.

snackbar posted on 05/05/2009

Just a handful:

Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos
Havana Club Anejo Reserva
Mount Gay Eclipse
Mount Gay Extra Old
Diplomatico 7 Anos
Ron Mulata Anejo Gran Reserva
El Dorado 10 Y.O.
El Dorado 15 Y.O.
El Dorado overproof
Black Cat White
Marienburg overproof
Myers's Dark
Appleton Extra
Cruzan Coconut rum
Pampero Anniversario
Rhum St. James Royal Ambre

taliesin posted on 05/07/2009

Well, I'm a bit of a noob, so I don't have that big of a collection:

10 Cane
Flor de Cana 4-year (white)
Flor de Cana 7-year
Havana Club Anejo
Cruzan Single Barrel
Ron del Barrilito 3-star
Bacardi 8
Bacardi 151
Barbancourt 8-year
Zaya (Trinidad)
El Dorado 15-year
Lemon Hart 151
Wray & Nephew Overproof
Appleton V/X
Appleton Extra 12-year
Gosling's Black Seal
Cruzan Blackstrap
St. James Extra Old

I think that's it. Would be interested if anyone thinks there's any glaring omissions.

Rum Connection posted on 05/09/2009

I find that the more rums I have stocked, the more rum loving friends I get hanging around my house. I keep about 15 rums at home and a few others that people send me for review. I'll go for quality over quantity any day.

Right now, here's the inventory:
El Dorado 15 & 21
Barbancourt 4 & 5
Clement VSOP
One Barrel
5 Barrel
Zacapa 23
Old Oak Dark
Havana Club 7 & Barrel Proof
Prichard's Fine Rum
Mount Gay Eclipse & XO
Gosling's Old Rum & Black Seal

[ Edited by: Rum Connection 2009-05-09 07:16 ]

arriano posted on 05/09/2009

It was a good time to do an inventory anyway:

-Appelton Estate V/X
-Bacardi Light
-Bacardi Gold
-Bacardi Select
-Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos
-Havana Club Anejo Especial
-Havana Club Blanco
-Gosling's Black Seal
-Lemon Hart Demerara
-Lemon Hart Demerara 151
-Sailor Jerry's
-Trader Vic's Dark

Also received these as gifts and haven't tried them yet:
-Belize Travellers
-Serralles Don Q
-Ypioca Cachaca

Ojaitimo posted on 05/09/2009

Soon to be added, Havanna Club! It's about time!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/10/2009

I am having a party in 2 weeks, so I have been storing up more then I usually have

Lemon Hart Demerara 151
Demerara El Dorado (5 year)
Rhum Barbancourt 15-year Reserve
Appleton V/X
Appleton Gold
Pusser's (84 proof)
El Dorado High Strength 151
Cockspur 5 star Fine Rum
Trader Vics kahana Bay Premium Silver
Trader Vics Dark Rum
Malibu Coconut rum
Cachaca 61
Diplomatico 12 Year Old
Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos
Havana Club Anejo Reserva
Zaya (Trinidad)
Kimo 151 Maui rum
Maui Dark rum
maui Silver rum
Pyrat rum
Pyrat limited

rev_thumper posted on 05/11/2009

Haven't done an inventory in awhile... 68 varieties. I think I need to stop shopping and start drinking!

10 Cane
Appleton Extra 12
Appleton Special Gold
Appleton V/X
Appleton White
Bacardi 151
Bacardi Gold
Bacardi Silver
Boca Loca Cachaça
Brinley Gold Vanilla
Brugal Añejo
Captain Morgan Private Stock
Captain Morgan Tattoo
Castries Peanut Rum Cream
Clément Liqueur Creole Shurbb
Clément Première Canne
Clément VSOP
Cruzan Black Strap
Cruzan Coconut
Cruzan Estate Dark
Cruzan Estate Light
Cruzan Mango
Cruzan Rum Cream
Cruzan Single Barrel Estate Rum
El Dorado 12
El Dorado 15
El Dorado 5
El Dorado Gold
El Dorado Rum Cream
El Dorado Superior White
Fire in de Hole Erotic Rum
Flor de Caña Centenario Gold 18
Flor de Caña Gold 4
Gosling's Black Seal
Gosling's Black Seal 151
Havana Club Añejo Reserva
Lemon Hart
Lemon Hart 151
Malibu Coconut
Malibu Passionfruit
Malibu Pineapple
Matusalem Gran Reserva
Matusalem Platino
Mt. Gay Eclipse Gold
Mt. Gay Eclipse Silver
Mt. Gay Extra Old
Mt. Gay Sugar Cane Brandy
Myers's Original Dark
Myers's Platinum White
Pyrat XO
Rhum Barbancourt 8
Rhum J.M. Gold
Ron Zacapa 23
Sailor Jerry
St. James Royal Ambre
Trader Vic's Dark
Trader Vic's Spiced Rum
Westerhall Plantation Rum
Wood's Old Navy 100
Wray & Nephew White Overproof
Zaya (Guatemala)
Zaya (Trinidad)

This photo is from awhile back.

Chip and Andy posted on 05/11/2009

You can totally skip that Malibu Pineapple.

And, unless you like coconut, you can skip the Cruzan Coco as well.

See.... two less rums to drink now. Should be a snap to get through the rest of them,

Bambú Yoo-hoo posted on 05/11/2009

My paltry ensemble:

  • Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old
  • Clément V.S.O.P.
  • Cruzan Black Strap
  • Mt. Gay Eclipse Silver
  • Myers's Original Dark
bigtikidude posted on 05/11/2009

wow quite impressive, I need to build up my collection a bit.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-05-10 22:32 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/11/2009

where the hell is everybody getting there Havana Club rums?

CheekyGirl posted on 05/11/2009

Good excuse to make an inventory--guess what I'll be doing tonite!

arriano posted on 05/11/2009

On 2009-05-10 22:32, bigtikidude wrote:
where the hell is everybody getting there Havana Club rums?

We're braving the flu epidemic and drug cartels and gettin' 'em in Tijuana. Come on, it's only 2-3 hours away from you. No pain, no gain.

rev_thumper posted on 05/12/2009

On 2009-05-10 19:55, Chip and Andy wrote:
You can totally skip that Malibu Pineapple.

And, unless you like coconut, you can skip the Cruzan Coco as well.

See.... two less rums to drink now. Should be a snap to get through the rest of them,

The Malibu Pineapple is useful for a couple of silly drinks. This is like a three year supply of flavored rums though. I'll go through several cases of Lemon Hart before we run out of Malibu and flavored Cruzan.

Have to have some coconut rum around for the Miehana cocktail though. We bought the Cruzan Coconut to compare to the Malibu for the fun of it. Result was a toss up however so if we need to restock I'll probably go on price... never pay more than $8 a bottle!

Ojaitimo posted on 05/12/2009

On 2009-05-11 14:55, arriano wrote:

On 2009-05-10 22:32, bigtikidude wrote:
where the hell is everybody getting there Havana Club rums?

We're braving the flu epidemic and drug cartels and gettin' 'em in Tijuana. Come on, it's only 2-3 hours away from you. No pain, no gain.

Not braving the boarder guards too? I want to bring some Havanna Club but would hate to have it taken by customs. Cartels & Pig flu I can deal with, I just couldn't bare to see Havanna Club poured down the drain while some customs guy says "Down with commie rum"
Now that I think of it, isn't Flor De Cana commie rum too? We can get that here so why not Havanna Club?

arriano posted on 05/12/2009

Not braving the boarder guards too? I want to bring some Havanna Club but would hate to have it taken by customs.

It's a risk, yes. But I've brought back HC three times and never had anyone bother me. I think they've got bigger fish to fry than some Cuban rum.

[ Edited by: arriano 2009-05-12 09:50 ]

uncle trav posted on 05/13/2009

NICE !!! You folks stock some impressive spirits. I started this thread and still haven't put my own small list out yet. Keep up the great posts and send some of that HC my way. :D

rev_thumper posted on 05/13/2009

I want to bring some Havanna Club but would hate to have it taken by customs. Cartels & Pig flu I can deal with, I just couldn't bare to see Havanna Club poured down the drain while some customs guy says "Down with commie rum"
Now that I think of it, isn't Flor De Cana commie rum too? We can get that here so why not Havanna Club?

Well you can always go to Mexico or Canada and drink it there.

Nicaragua isn't a communist state so not much to compare there. All I'll say is that the commies in Havana make better rum.

Ojaitimo posted on 05/13/2009

Yep, leave it to the Cuban's to make the best rum. Number two, Diplomatico. Venezuelan and almost Commie too.
I say its high time the US starts producing good rum. :)

Wildsville man posted on 05/14/2009

I have 3 different RUMS in the house...

Bacardi Silver
Bacardi Razz
Bacardi 151

It's because I am a self loather..........Sorry

Someone call me a Doctor please.........

NOTCH posted on 05/14/2009

Man Rev Thumper!! Now I know were to get a drink when I go to New England!
Cheers Mate!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/14/2009

SuperEight posted on 05/16/2009

Appleton Extra. Cause Martin Cate said I should. Enough said.

CucamongaChango posted on 05/16/2009

I'm slowly building an arsenal, but the problem is that I'm wiping out bottles before I can get the shelf full. Not too bad of a problem to have, I'd say.

Currently, I'm sporting:
Lemon Hart Demerara 80
Lemon Hart Demerara 151
Cockspur 12 yr
Appleton V/X
Gosling's Black Seal
Sailor Jerry
Myers's Dark
Cruzan Estate Light
Trader Vic's Coconut (for flavoring)

Hurricane Hayward posted on 05/27/2009

I knew I was keeping count for some reason. After the recent acquisition of 8-year-old Plantation Jamaican, I'm now up to 47.

(A timely aside: I was asked to procure three more bottles of the Plantation for Beachbum Berry's upcoming mixology lesson at The Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale ... The June 12 seminar at the Mai-Kai should prove to be quite enlightening.)

Below is the main working bar area. Nothing too esoteric, just all the necessary mixers to make 185 drinks from the Bum's books plus 70 from Trader Vic and 100+ other classics. I'd list all the rums but a few at the bottom end may be a bit embarrassing. I guess I'm keeping them merely to pad my total.

CheekyGirl posted on 06/16/2009

39 and adding, we've polished off a couple of bottles, forgot to write them down. There's a couple of crappy stuff in the mix as well...

Admiral Nelson Vanilla Rum
Angostura 1919 Rum
Appleton 12 Year Dark Jamacian Rum
Appleton Jamaican Rum
Bacardi 151 (for lighting stuff on fire)
Barbancourt Rhum (4 year)
Barbancourt Rhum Reserve Speciale (8 year)
Coruba Dark Jamacian Rum
Cuzan Coconut Rum
Cuzan white rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva Rum
El Dorado Special Reserve Demerara Rum
English Harbour Antiua Rum
Flor de Cana Limon Rum
Flor de Cana White Rum
Gosling Black Seal Bermuda Rum
Kuya Fusion Rum
Lemon Hart Demererara 151
Lemon Hart Demerara Rum
Matusalem Platinum
Matusalem Gran Reserva
Meyer's Platinum White Rum
Mocambo Rum (20 year)
Monte Cristo Spiced Rum
Mount Gay Eclipse Rum
Mount Gay Vanilla Rum
Myer's Dark Jamaican Rum
Plantation Jamaican
Pyrat Pistol Rum
Pyrat XO Reserve Rum
Red Rum
Red Rum Spiced Rum
Rhum Clement VSOP
Ron Centenario XX Year Reserva Especial Rum
Ron Zacapa Solera Grand Reserve Rum
St. James Rhum Vieux Agricole
Tommy Bahama White Rum
Wray & Nephew White Rum
Zaya Rum(12 year)

So many rums, so few brain-cells, not enough money!

CincyTikiCraig posted on 06/17/2009

Hi, I have amassed a decent collection, although there are still several rums that I want to add.

Appleton 12yr
Appleton White
Appleton X/V
Bacardi 151
Brugal Anejo
Brugal White
Coruba Jamaican Rum
Cruzan 151 Rum
Cruzan Black Strap Navy Rum
El Dorado Demerara 15yr
El Dorado Demerara 5yr
El Dorado Demerara Gold
Flor de Cana Centenario 12 year
Flor De Cana Gold 4yr
Gosling Black Seal
Gosling Black Seal 151
La Favorite Rhum Agricole Ambre
La Favorite Rhum Agricole Blanc
La Favorite Rhum Agricole Vieux
Lemon Hart Demerara 15yr
Lemon Hart Demerara 5yr
Mont Gay Eclipse Gold
Neisson Rhum Agricole Blanc
Neisson Rhum Agricole Élevé Sous Bois
Neisson Rhum Agricole Réserve Spéciale
Pusser’s Navy Rum Blue Label
Ron Del Barrilito 3 Star Rum
Ron Zacapa Centenario 23 year Solera Rum
Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum
Stroh 160 proof Rum
Ypioca Cachaca
Batavia Arrack Van Oosten

Alright, in all fairness the last two aren't rums!

I have to say that of all the rums that I own, the Ron Del Barrilito 3 Star is one of my favorites. It is a very elegant style of rum, with a cognac-like flavour and style.it's best enjoyed straight and room temperature in a snifter.

Hinano_Paul posted on 07/19/2009

Working on my list now.....wholly crap I have a lot of rum....will post list soon.

Hinano_Paul posted on 08/01/2009

I now know why RugbyMatt likes to stay at our house....82 and ever evolving!

10 Cane
Appleton 12 year
Appleton 21
Appleton Reserve
Appleton Special
Appleton VX
Atlantico Private Cask
Bacardi Gold
Bacardi Silver
Captain Morgan
Castries Peanut Rum Cream
Clement VSOP
Cockspur 12 year
Cruzan - 120
Cruzan - 151
Cruzan - 2 year
Cruzan - Bananna
Cruzan - Black Strap
Cruzan - Coconut
Cruzan - Estate Diamond 5 year
Cruzan - Mango
Cruzan - Rum Cream
Cruzan - Single Barrel
Cruzan - Vanilla
Cruzan - White
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva
Dorlys XO
El Dorado 15 year
El Dorado 21 year
El Dorado 5 year
Flor de Cana Centenario 21
Goslings Black Seal
Havana Club Anejo Reserva
Inner Circle Blue Dot 90 proof
Inner Circle Red Dot 80 proof
Lemonhart 151
Macombo 15 year Single Barrel - Mexico
Macombo 20 year Single Barrel - Mexico
Malibu Coconut
Matusalem Classico
Matusalem Gran Reserva
Matusalem Platino
Monarch Dark
Mount Gay Eclipse
Myers Legend
New Orleans Rum
Old Mill Gold
Origine Amber Estate Reserve
Plantation 1996 Trinidad
Plantation Grand Reserve Barbados
Pussers British Navy Rum
Pussers British Navy Rum 15 year
Pyrat Pistol
Pyrat XO
R.L. Seales 10 year - Barbados
Redrum Jolly Roger Coconut Key Lime
Rhum Banacort 8 year
Ron Anejo Aniversario Pampero
Ron Barcelo Imperial
Ron Centenario Anejo Especial
Ron Vicaro Barrel Select
Ron Vicaro Black Label
Ron Zicapa 23
Ron Zicapa XO
Sailor Jerry
Saint James Hors D' Age
Sea Wynde
Stroh 80
Thomas Tew
Trader Vic Dark
Trader Vic Gold
Trader Vic Silver
VooDoo Spiced
Whalers Coconut
Whalers Spiced
Witches Rock - Costa Rica

Mrs. Lurker posted on 08/01/2009

Hinano_Paul is currently on Rum restriction. After helping to catalog all of the rum throughout the house, Hinano_Paul may no longer go to any store containing alcohol, especially Hi Times, until further notice.

croe67 posted on 08/01/2009

Ah, come on, Mrs. Lurker, you can NEVER, EVER have enough Rum in the house!!!!! :wink:

Oh, and won;t 1/2 of that be gone when Rugbymatt visits in a couple weeks?? I think he's just the guy to effectively take care of your rum "problem" :D

[ Edited by: croe67 2009-07-31 18:41 ]

Hinano_Paul posted on 08/01/2009

On 2009-07-31 18:31, Mrs. Lurker wrote:
Hinano_Paul is currently on Rum restriction. After helping to catalog all of the rum throughout the house, Hinano_Paul may no longer go to any store containing alcohol, especially Hi Times, until further notice.

Ha nice try.....82 is only brands, doents include the 30 or so back up bottles! Happy Black Tot Day, "Splice the Main Brace!"

Pikeys Dog posted on 11/24/2009

running low - here's what I have at the moment...

Swanky posted on 11/24/2009

Um, 15. That's more than needed. That includes a few that are never used like my vintage bottle of Trader Vic's Flaming Rum. I was surprised I had that may varieties really.

Lemon Hart 151 & 80
St. James Ambre and H'ors D'age
Bacardi 151
Plantation Barbados
Appleton VX
Appleton Gold
Some white, probably Ron Rico
TV Flaming Rum
Ron Pompero Anniversario
Some 20 YO Mexican Rum in a cool bottle
Leilani Hawaiian Rum sealed bottle

Oh yeah, and an El Do 12 year, that's 16.

bigtikidude posted on 11/25/2009

On 2009-11-24 11:31, Swanky wrote:

Some 20 YO Mexican Rum in a cool bottle

That's probably Macambo.
its it a plant, meshy type material?


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bigbrotiki posted on 11/25/2009

Pikey's, how is that Wood's Old Navy Demarara regarded in England? Do folks appreciate it, or is it seen as old style gut rot? I love that stuff.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/eb25c2d253b411234424099865b089d2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigtikidude posted on 11/25/2009

On 2009-11-24 20:33, bigbrotiki wrote:
Pikey's, how is that Wood's Old Navy Demarara regarded in England? Do folks appreciate it, or is it seen as old style gut rot? I love that stuff.

funny you mention that Sven, I was looking at it too.
though I haven't seen or tried it.
need to see if they have it, or can get it at Hi Times.


K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0cfa20529f65cf6d4b25b202f6433ede?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kon-Hemsby posted on 11/25/2009

On 2009-11-24 20:59, bigtikidude wrote:

On 2009-11-24 20:33, bigbrotiki wrote:
Pikey's, how is that Wood's Old Navy Demarara regarded in England? Do folks appreciate it, or is it seen as old style gut rot? I love that stuff.

funny you mention that Sven, I was looking at it too.
though I haven't seen or tried it.
need to see if they have it, or can get it at Hi Times.


I use the Woods as a float mostly, it certainly gives the drink a kick when you get down to the last few drops. I'd recommend having a bottle on hand.
I'm at about 30 rums but as with most people I seem to drink and replace in equal amounts.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 11/25/2009

On 2009-11-24 20:33, bigtikidude wrote:

On 2009-11-24 11:31, Swanky wrote:

Some 20 YO Mexican Rum in a cool bottle

That's probably Macambo.
its it a plant, meshy type material?


Correct. Got it for the bottle on vacation. Now I am tempted to open it. A 20 YO Rum intrigues me.

Pages: 1 2 3 98 replies