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Pepsi Throwback

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MadDogMike posted on 05/07/2009

With High Fructose Corn Syrup universally vilified on this board, I figured there would be some interest in Pepsi Throwback - made with "Natural Sugar" instead of HFCS. So I did a taste test. I taste a little difference, but can't say I prefer one over the other. Any other opinions?

dom_orter posted on 05/08/2009

I haven't tried the Pepsi, but Coke from Mexico (and most other parts of the world) is made from sugar (sucrose). I have tasted a difference. One year we set up a blind taste test with Coke from several different countries.

Also, Coke used to make a special run of sugar-coke right before Passover. HFCS is apparently not Kosher for Passover.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/08/2009

I have never had throw back Pepsi but,
I have thrown up Pepsi.

Coca-Cola is the real thing. :)

Tiki-Kate posted on 05/08/2009

On 2009-05-07 20:59, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:
Coca-Cola is the real thing. :)

Damn skippy.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 05/08/2009

Carbonated beverages (soda pop) volume is on the decline in the states. Both coca-Cola and Pepsi are attempting to activate sales through brand extensions like this. The extensions may not last long, but they are trying to keep people from switching to the water varieties. (And then also, they are buying up the water and juice brands also.)

TikiMango posted on 05/08/2009

I'm not sure it's only brand extension. Corn by products are at a premium due to biofuel development and usage, sugar is now cheaper. Don't be fooled by The Man. When the sugar hits Mountain Dew, I'll be all over that.

arriano posted on 05/08/2009

Is "natural sugar" cane sugar? You could argue that corn sugar is "natural sugar."

MadDogMike posted on 05/08/2009

On 2009-05-08 09:17, arriano wrote:
You could argue that corn sugar is "natural sugar."

That was my thought, it's not like it's a petrochemical or coal tar derivative.

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Tacky Tiki posted on 05/09/2009

I looked for the Passover Coke-never found it. I was wondering if it was and urban ledgend.

I LOVE Mexican coke! I mean the cola! The stuff is just like Coke was before that horrid 'New Coke' fiasco in the '80's! I saw it at Bevmo today, the have had it at Costco in the past, and they have it as some crazy place called "Cash and Carry" here in Sacramento. I had it first at a Mexican restaurant in the Fruitvale district of Oakland-you don't get much more Mexican than that. It's the cane sugar that makes the difference. I'm not a big Pepsi fan..a little too sweet, or maybe not enough citric acid. But I want to check out the Pepsi Throwback. I haven't seen it yet-I'm still trying to find leftover Passover Coke! It's amazing what a difference the sugar source seems to make. I guess it's kinda like rum....


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atomictonytiki posted on 05/09/2009

I can't believe some of you prefer the hideous taste of the corn syrup, its like my German friends who would rather drink that burnt grain drink to coffee.

I'm sorry to be the one to break this too you and PLEASE DON'T take this as an insult to your nation but fizzy soft drinks made in the US with Corn sugar are the laughing stock of the world. Proper soft drinks are made from water, cane sugar and fizz, this may be why football hooligans, teen pregnancies and the beautiful British teeth, but at least our soft drinks still taste like yours used too.

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iTiki posted on 05/09/2009

I buy the mexican Coke made with sugar, too. Only the best for my rum and Cokes! Coscto has it in stock all the time.

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BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 05/11/2009

I bought Pepsi Throwback on sale today at Target and throughly enjoy it!

I believe that Pepsico plans on an eight-week production run (that began on April 20, 2009) for this product...?!

If you feel strongly enough to ask Pepsi to continue producing/releasing "Throwback" -- there is an internet petition to sign requesting its continuation here.

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bigtikidude posted on 05/11/2009

hadn't heard about this,
but I wanna try it.

If out of a can or a bottle, I prefer Pepsi,
but if out of a fountain, I can handle Coke then.

but for the taste test,
I would want Pepsi out of a glass bottle.
not can or plastic bottle.

is Pepsi throwback available in glass bottle?


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BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 05/11/2009

On 2009-05-10 21:15, bigtikidude wrote:
hadn't heard about this,
but I wanna try it...is Pepsi throwback available in glass bottle?...

Jeff, my understanding is that at this time "Throwbacks" are only available in aluminum cans in the "refrigerator" 12-can packs?!...

I found mine at Target and Costco. (None of the liquor stores or grocery stores I stopped by even knew what I was asking for.) :)

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naugatiki posted on 05/11/2009

I may have to stockpile a case of this just in case it vanishes, it will be nice to make classic Cuba Libre instead of the corn sweetened rum and coke an entire generation has been raised on.

MadDogMike posted on 05/12/2009

On 2009-05-10 21:15, bigtikidude wrote:
is Pepsi throwback available in glass bottle?

I also saw it in 1 liter plastic but no glass. Does Pepsi put anything in glass?

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Lake Surfer posted on 05/14/2009

I've been rocking the Mountain Dew throwback for about 2 weeks now...

IMHO it is better tasting then regular Dew... and I'm a Dew addict.

No aftertaste, just a crisp flavor like I imagine the original Dew was like.

Saw the Pepsi in 20oz at the local mart, I have to pick one up and try that.

So far I've only seen individual 20 oz here in WI... would love to pick up a 12 or 24 pack of cans.

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The Gnomon posted on 05/15/2009

When Yahoo!!...Ptwang!!... Mountain Dew (as the commercial went) first came out that's all I would drink for a while. Then I got kind of sick of it and left it for a few years. When I was in the mood to go back to it, the taste had changed, for the worse, of course, so now I only have one about every six or eight months. I find the news of a throwback inspiring and will check it out soon.

arriano posted on 05/15/2009

It occurred to me the other day that while cane sugar cola tastes better than corn sugar cola with rum, corn sugar cola may taste better than cane sugar cola with bourbon. Haven't done a taste test or anything.


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Tacky Tiki posted on 05/15/2009

I haven't seen throwback in my area-Sacramento. I love Mexican coke-it must be the cane sugar that makes the difference. I didn't like Coke after the whole "New Coke" thing..when they went back to the original formula that must have been when they started the corn sweeteners.

Maybe you peeps who have found the throwbacks are in the test market areas. OR..maybe it's a joke and I'm checking the soda aisle for no good reason. It's one of those things that I'll believe when I see it, but I REALLY hope is true!!

Good thought on the Bourbon thing. I won't try it, but keep us posted on your findings. There's something about rum and coke that must be messing up my blood sugar-so I usually use diet coke with a little vanilla syrup with rum, if that makes any sense.


MadDogMike posted on 05/15/2009

Tacky, I try to confine my jokes to April Fool's Day :lol: ( http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=29606&forum=18&start=195 )

The Pepsi Throwback is for real :)

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/15/2009

On 2009-05-13 22:38, Lake Surfer wrote:
I've been rocking the Mountain Dew throwback for.....[q]

How long does throw back "mountain dew" last? I have a flask that has been half empty
(or half full) for three and half years.

Sorry for the hijack assery. :)

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BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 05/16/2009

On 2009-05-15 08:23, arriano wrote:
It occurred to me the other day that while cane sugar cola tastes better than corn sugar cola with rum, corn sugar cola may taste better than cane sugar cola with bourbon. Haven't done a taste test or anything.


Interesting concept!!

Keeping the liquor and sugar "bases" in their own respective "families," eh?

...You may be on to something here! :)

arriano posted on 05/16/2009

On 2009-05-16 00:22, BambĂș Yoo-hoo wrote:

On 2009-05-15 08:23, arriano wrote:
It occurred to me the other day that while cane sugar cola tastes better than corn sugar cola with rum, corn sugar cola may taste better than cane sugar cola with bourbon. Haven't done a taste test or anything.


Keeping the liquor and sugar "bases" in their own respective "families," eh?

Yes, that was my thinking. I'm not a big bourbon drinker, but someone around here must drink Jack & Cokes.

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CucamongaChango posted on 05/16/2009

I'm a bourbon guy occasionally (of which Jack is not, btw) and can loudly proclaim that the "old school" Coke with sugar goes much, much better and makes a much, much more delicious cocktail with bourbon than does the sickly sweet corn syrup stuff. But... as a mixer with bourbon... ginger ale trumps cola anyways. Man, a ginger-ale and bourbon with a bit of lemon is friggin' beautiful.

Back to the Pepsi thing... I haven't had the "Throwback", but I have laid down the bucks for the Pepsi "Natural", which comes in 4-packs of bottles and is a bit more pricey. The key thing with the "Natural" is that is contains real kola nut flavoring along with the cane sugar.

It's downright damn delicious by itself, but with Appleton's V/X and a wedge of lime, it becomes absolutely wonderful. Keep some on hand, and next time you want something tropical tasting but just don't feel like getting out the juices and syrups and liquers and want it quick... this is an excellent cocktail to whip up. I've tried other rums with it (Goslings, Myers, Pyrat, Lemon Hart 80), but it really works best with the V/X, imo.

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BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 05/17/2009

On 2009-05-16 13:20, CucamongaChango wrote:
...I haven't had the "Throwback", but I have laid down the bucks for the Pepsi "Natural", which comes in 4-packs of bottles and is a bit more pricey. The key thing with the "Natural" is that is contains real kola nut flavoring along with the cane sugar...

Whaaaaa.......??????! :o Who knew???

Well that's all there is to it! The keepers are just going to have to start letting me outta the jungle more often!!!

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SuperEight posted on 05/17/2009

I'm waiting for Throwback Trader Vic's products. Making Rock Candy Syrup to avoid the dreadful tasting high fructose corn syrup is a drag.

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SuperEight posted on 05/18/2009

Just bought the last two boxes of Throwback at Target in Mountain View. Glad I didn't wait.

MadDogMike posted on 05/21/2009

Do they make Diet Pepsi Throwback with saccharine? :lol:

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BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 05/22/2009

On 2009-05-21 12:59, MadDogMike wrote:
Do they make Diet Pepsi Throwback with saccharine? :lol:

Gak!!! :o

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BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 05/22/2009

...Oh and sadly, I see I'm down to the last few cans of my P.T. stockpile?!

I will be shopping to replenish the stash over the long weekend but I think I've got two chances: Slimski and Noneski -- and Slimski just left town... Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=10197&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg241.imageshack.us%2Fimg241%2F3567%2Femogrinyesfk7.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e3a5c9457b3b3f472c4c4b6dff32d167

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Shaun of theTiki posted on 05/24/2009

This Pepsi version reminds me of the great and awfully rare Dublin Dr. Pepper.

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Tacky Tiki posted on 05/26/2009

I still think they made it all up. The Throwback, I mean. Or maybe they figured we wouldn't know the difference out here in the sticks? (Sacramento)

I guess I'll stick with these: :drink: :drink:


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woofmutt posted on 05/26/2009

"PLEASE DON'T take this as an insult to your nation but fizzy soft drinks made in the US with Corn sugar are the laughing stock of the world." -atomictonytiki-

All America wants to do is spread laughter around the world. So apparently our pop exports have been a success!

The Woofmutt Fantastic Friends and I tried Pepsi Throwback last week. We're not Pepsi fans but thought it had more depth in flavor than regular Pepsi but was still beat by Coke's complex spiciness.*****

The marketing of Pepsi Throwback was a little odd. The name makes you think of "throw up" and the touting about it being "made with natural sugar" implies that their regular product is some sub par chemical concoction. (Which of course it kind of is.)

Trying the local Coca-Cola was on my "Must Do" list when in Mexico a few year's back. I'd heard these great things about it (and Passover Coke) and found it to be not as good as I expected. It tasted sweeter than corn-in-the-can Coke, reminding me more of Pepsi. Mexican Coca-Cola is all over the place in my neighborhood, I guess I should give it another go. (How exciting!)

*****We also tried two DRY Soda flavors, Lavender and Juniper Berry. Both were not too sweet tasting which was nice but neither flavor was all that exciting. Lavender was OK but not memorable, Juniper Berry tasted like a flavor that had gone stale and faded.

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marquee6 posted on 05/27/2009

I have had Coca cola in Turkey, it was great. Also I have had Pepsi in Saudi Arabia in the old pull tab steel cans. That was like a time trip, the cans were the old 70's color scheme. The only difference was that one side of the can was in Arabic. I am still not sure if it tasted better or that it tasted so good because I hadn't had a soda for a few months. Or it could have been because it was HOT, after all it was the desert. Or it could have been all of the above.

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marquee6 posted on 05/27/2009

Oh yeah, I forgot, You can get Mexican Pepsi in Fargo ND all of the time. Believe it or not.

MadDogMike posted on 05/27/2009

That's funny Woofie, you thought the Mexican Coke tastes like Pepsi and I think the Pepsi Throwback taste like Coke :lol:

PS I did note the Throwback throwup connection, but being a staunch Pepsi drinker, I couldn't point it out.

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Tacky Tiki posted on 06/06/2009

I found it!

That sounds like those bumper stickers from the 70's. I was a kid and I never did figure out what they found!

But I found a bottle of Throwback!! Just one bottle!!!! But it exists!!!

So I take back all the awful things I said about you peeps making it up.

Now if Mike would just give me Santa's address so I can ask for a Tiki Bob for Christmas.......


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Lake Surfer posted on 06/06/2009

12 packs are on the shelves here now... not just the individual 20 oz in the coolers.

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savoy6 posted on 06/07/2009

On 2009-05-08 04:40, TikiMango wrote:
I'm not sure it's only brand extension. Corn by products are at a premium due to biofuel development and usage, sugar is now cheaper. Don't be fooled by The Man. When the sugar hits Mountain Dew, I'll be all over that.

uhhh.. the throwback mountain dew came out at the same time as the throwback pepsi...i agree about the lighter taste of real sugar as opposed to HFCS..they bottle pepsi just down the street from my work.they manufacture the corn syrup around the corner...they have to put out HAZMAT warning for it when it's being loaded and unloaded from the tanker trucks....sooooo it's good?..not....

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The Lounge Tiki posted on 06/08/2009

Remember, HAZMAT means HAZardous MATerial. Not nessicarily toxic.
Actually, my friend's uncle used to work for Coke and the reason for the HAZMAT is because the syrup is very hot for the unloading process and should something happen and the tanker rupture, well, stick and very hot are a bad combo to be around. Also, there is a real danger that someone could drown. You may think it's rediculous, but people have unwillingly drowned in a bucket of water.

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hala bullhiki posted on 06/09/2009

there is infact also throwback mountian dew.....i hail the change to sugar, as high fructose death syrup is awful

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captnkirk posted on 06/11/2009

Sugar syrup can be harmful too.

I saw a documentary on great disasters and in 1919 a huge tank of molasses in Boston broke and killed 21 people and did millions in property damage.

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Kewlava posted on 06/14/2009

I saw a documentary where a tanker of beer ruptured in the 1880s, and a 20 ft wall of beer flooded a street. Eight people were reported to have drowned.
I'd rather go in beer than HFCS!
But truly given the choice, WHY is corn syrup so widely accepted in the US? It's put in everything. I avoid it as much as I can. I haven't seen any scientific tests done, but I'm pretty sure that's why we have so many diabetics! We eat a lot of Corn Sweetner that we aren't aware of.

Just MY thought. I hope that soft drink makers return to sugar.

MadDogMike posted on 01/16/2010

It's back!

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teaKEY posted on 01/17/2010

On 2009-05-08 09:17, arriano wrote:
Is "natural sugar" cane sugar? You could argue that corn sugar is "natural sugar."

We have a sugar "plant" not to far from my home town and the sugar comes from beets. And when your down wind from that factory the air smells terrible. Hate to live too close to there.

But I saw that the throwBacks are back. Thats good cause I only got one bottle at the time and I wanted to stock up a little on it.

MadDogMike posted on 01/17/2010

teaKEY, I also live close to a beet sugar plant. Nasty smelling thing!

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bigtikidude posted on 01/17/2010

need to get some.
thanks for the heads up.

off topic,
a friend of my dads back in the 80s lived real close to a tomato caning plant in Fullerton, I thought I liked tomatoes, but the smell of them cooking was very pungent, and nauseating in large quantities like that.


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