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Tiki Stan originals

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canyonlaketiki posted on 05/16/2008

Figured I would start my own thread.

here is some progress shots of a new full body. I hope you Like. Tiki Stan....

hodadhank posted on 05/16/2008

Good for you bud! I like this guys ripped abs. sooooo..... What's next?

Benzart posted on 05/16/2008

Yes i LIKEEE! Excellent job and My what a smile, Only a Mother could be proud of.. Keep posting.

benella posted on 05/16/2008

Yeah, dude, very nice one, I can't wait to see it finished.


sungod posted on 05/16/2008

Those are amazing Dude! Keep it up. Love to see more.

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/08/2008

Here is my first project while recovering from a major injury.It is a slow process but I hope to be back in full swing in a couple of more months.,This guy has a habit that he cannot kick.Enjoy!
Benzart,benella,sungod,thank you for the previous comments,I appreciate them.

[ Edited by: canyonlaketiki 2008-12-07 18:23 ]

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/08/2008

I forgot I got some more work done on this guy also.

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/10/2008

I cut this one up today, a 2 footer,sorry tradition guys and girls,Tiki Stan

seeksurf posted on 12/11/2008

Man Nice work lots of detail in them.
There like alive.

Tucson Tiki posted on 12/11/2008

On 2008-12-09 21:47, canyonlaketiki wrote:
I cut this one up today, a 2 footer,sorry tradition guys and girls,Tiki Stan

No worries mate! Some of us like to step out of the box of tradition and start our own. I like the last one you did. I never follow the rules either.

[ Edited by: Tucson Tiki 2008-12-10 18:46 ]

Benzart posted on 12/11/2008

Well YEAH!! It's about time for your own thread, Nice stuff you're doing these daze Stan. Glad you are recovering from your injury too! Don't worry about the "Traditional's", you are Way ahead of the game and everything you do can't be downgraded just for them? :P Seriously keep up the good work and just don't ever be satisfied that you are as good as you will get yet!

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/12/2008

Seeksurf,Tuscon tiki,Benzart, Thank you for the adrenaline.The support here is unreal.I finished up my mailbox today and started a new 8 footer for the entry to my driveway, I also took a picture of the pins that got taken out of my fingers last week from my accident.(the details are disturbing)

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/12/2008

Here is some of my old work I stumbled upon.

Tiki Stan.....


very cool keep up the good work

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/13/2008

Marcus, Thank you. I just spent about 2 hours reading thru Tiki beat. And all I can say is WOW!
Well, Here is a two faced pirate hope you enjoy.

Tiki Stan..

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/16/2008

Here is some older work.I have been on a pirate binge for a while.

Thanks for checking them out. Tiki Stan.....

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/17/2008

If ever in canyon lake, Grab a great taco and check out a cool Tiki Stan original.

Thanks for checkin it out.

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/18/2008

Here is 1 I did my old neighbor a few years back.

Tiki Stan...

canyonlaketiki posted on 12/20/2008

Here is one I named Momma tried.

He is always looking for trouble.
Tiki Stan.....

seeksurf posted on 12/23/2008

Right on! nice work there looks like your addicted also.

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/10/2009

Thank you Seeksurf, I am addicted! A small collection of previous projects. Enjoy!

drasticwagon posted on 04/10/2009

I like your style , nice job.

big daddy posted on 04/10/2009

like the look of your carves. thought you were from canyon lake here in tx and was gonna look up rock n tacos next time i was there, til i saw the phone #. commutes just a bit too far for tacos and tikis. great idea for a beer cooler


Benzart posted on 04/10/2009

Cool stuff stan, I really like the "Cooler Head" guy, nice way to keep yer cool!

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/17/2009

Drastic wagon,big daddy & Benzart, Thank you for checkin out my work, I appreciate it. Here is a new piece that is going in my yard. If ever in perris ca, stop on by!Cold beer always available!(if you bring it).

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/17/2009

Drastic wagon,big daddy & Benzart, Thank you for checkin out my work, I appreciate it. Here is a new piece that is going in my yard. If ever in perris ca, stop on by!Cold beer always available!(if you bring it).

big daddy posted on 04/17/2009

so THAT"S how you move one of those beasties. and me trying to use a hand dolly.


Badd Tiki posted on 04/17/2009

OK, looks like I'm gonna stick to small stuff. I can't really afford a bobcat.

Nice work but I love the cooler head tiki. And he was on stage with Agent Orange? too cool, the ultimate party tiki.

[ Edited by: Badd Tiki 2009-04-17 10:26 ]

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/22/2009

big daddy that bobcat is going thru a name change.The new name will be Tikicat.Badd tiki, Agent orange rocks for sure I agree,that Tiki is drunker than 10 sailors half the time.
Here is a special piece I just finished up,it is going to be the crowd favorite trophy at an upcoming car and art show in so cal.It has a rat trap for the info tag,spark plugs for the teeth and a few more surprises.If in so cal on may 9th stop by and check it out.

Watango productions posted on 04/23/2009

Killer esky[cooler] Stan,2 of my fav's in one hit!
Cheers Watango

[ Edited by: Watango productions 2009-04-23 02:43 ]

canyonlaketiki posted on 05/13/2009

Hey thanks watango, Two of my favorite things also. Here are some more pics.
Back to carving for me!

tyger jymmy posted on 05/13/2009

Man those are realy nice . Very kool .

canyonlaketiki posted on 05/15/2009

thanks tyger jymmy.
Here is my latest project I am working on.

Not finished, I will post some more.........

laojia posted on 05/15/2009

Nice skull! Look like the mexican cult of the death?

seeksurf posted on 05/16/2009

Ya right on stan nice work love the skull on fire shot.

canyonlaketiki posted on 07/31/2010

Thanks guys, I have been gone for a bit, but I got the day of the dead finished,Along with a couple of more. Hopefully I can get some done soon.Wow the talent on TC has gotten intense!

Benzart posted on 08/01/2010

Boy I can say your stuff has Tons of Character, just Overflows with it.
Excellent pieces.

canyonlaketiki posted on 08/02/2010

Thanks Benzart! I appreciate the love. Here is a piece I did about 5 years ago that your style was my inspiration on. You should pick up on the pieces I was studying, I dont know if anyone else will though! You are the Master! Benzart inspired!

canyonlaketiki posted on 08/11/2010

Here are some more pieces, Getting the fever back!

Watango productions posted on 08/11/2010

Great to see ya back at it Stan,dig the tikiskullstack!Cheers Watango.

Benzart posted on 08/22/2010

COOL "Inspirations Canyon, Excellent work on those. Thanks for posting them.

TheBigT posted on 08/23/2010

oh, wow, scrolling down through your pics i really didn't expect to see that decorated skull! Tiki meets hippi. :lol:

Nice work - your designs are really unique.

canyonlaketiki posted on 06/26/2011

Watango, Cheers! Benzart I have a bunch of pics I will post up when I get some time, The big T, Thank you, I try to be different. I am glad you like them. Here is a unique one. I donated it to a charity auction for Progeria. It did really well. The eye ended up having a headlight bezel from a 1950 ford, And a melted piston from a blown up dragster engine from the 80's.

canyonlaketiki posted on 07/03/2011

I took advantage of my day off work and got some stuff done, Time for some cold ones. Cheers!

canyonlaketiki posted on 07/03/2011

A few more.

canyonlaketiki posted on 03/15/2012

Update! Spring is here. Boy the talent here keeps getting better! Here are some of mine. I hope you enjoy.

Tiki Stan


amate posted on 03/15/2012

Spring is here...time to carve. Looking good Stan!

Captain Jack posted on 03/16/2012

Hay neighbor! Nice work!

Pages: 1 2 47 replies