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Art Show this Saturday with Kinny,Squid ,and BigToe! little bit of tiki,lots of other stuff!

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little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2009

Oh yeah...
Clysdalle's gonna be in it too!

Ken Ruzic and Friends:A Night of Art and Line Dancing
May 16th, 2009
Studio 922
922 Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92701

this one is gonna have a little bit of Tiki
as well as other realms we've explored during our tragic art "careers"
There are other galleries all aroundthere too!
Perfect for that "Oh, I'm gonna go check out this gallery" excuse to bail out
on what will probably be a boring evening filled with in-jokes and taunting Clysdalle!
It's at the Santiago Art District as part of an open-studio art walk. This monthly event always features a ton of talent from the OC, so make sure to stop by and visit our gallery, They said they'd be serving wine and cheese from 6pm-11pm,but if not,there are plenty of other galleries within walking distance that do!
There will be a Special performance by the Line Dancing Clysdalles of the East.
So C'mon down and enjoy an evening of Art and Mindless banter with the fat old guys!

Hope to see you there
So we can make fun of you....
and ask you
"What? Couldn't find anything fun to do on a Saturday Night?"

ravenne posted on 05/13/2009

I'm only coming down cuz of the Line Dancing Clysdalles of the East!!!

little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2009

sorry ravers,you don't seem to be on the list....

ravenne posted on 05/13/2009

Pssh I'll ninja my way in there then! :P!

I learned from the best...

little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2009

Actually, i lied..
the real show name has no name....

or it could have the realistic name of
Ken Ruzic has no Friends:A Night of Art and Line Dancing

Special thanks to Dave's Not Home
for ineptly organizing this Extravaganza of Art!
and line Dancing!

Clysdalle posted on 05/13/2009

Oh, so now you are all about it???? I see how you are....there goes the neighborhood!

little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2009

yeah...Thanks for mentioning me on your e-mail blast!


Just like Olde Times....

Daves Not Home posted on 05/14/2009

TIKI-RAY posted on 05/14/2009

Thats very helpfull for you to post that flyer Dave . And look, all the little people in the pictures are just a little shorter than you . You will be like Gulliver at this event .

little lost tiki posted on 05/14/2009

Dave is a Giant amongst men...

This just in!
I will be bringing my 5 foot "Last judgement" painting
A masterwork of epic scope and detail!
A suitable contemporary homage to all of my Art heroes
Come on down and see what real art looks like!

tiki mick posted on 05/14/2009

Can someone please confirm the address?

The address shown at the top of this thread is right across the street from the small santa ana stadium located near flower st. and civic center.

Whereas I thought the art district was near 4th and main?

And the train station is almost by grand avenue.

little lost tiki posted on 05/14/2009

it's a new area by the French Quarter..
not Santora....Santiago....
Santora has first Saturday
Santiago has third Saturday for Artwalks
check the map
it's right by the Amtrak station i think..
Dave...Where do we park??

tiki mick posted on 05/14/2009

I am fairly sure they have the address wrong, then. I put this on yahoo maps, and my hand held navigator, and both show the location right across from small stadium near flower st.

I am very familiar with that area. The Jail is also right next door, and the civic center (Ronald Reagan courthouse) is within walking distance. Believe me, that is nowhere near the train station. That train station is about 4 or 5 miles away, to the east.

Don't mean to be a pill here, but me and my wife want to go to this.

little lost tiki posted on 05/14/2009


I've never been there...
so i may be wrong...
as usual..

Dave's Not Home
should have all the answers....

Did you go to the link?

tiki mick posted on 05/14/2009

I just found the map on their link (Go to the "contact" section) and yeah, the address is NOT 922 Civic Center drive. Can't be.

The map they provided shows the location clearly right across the street from the santa ana train station.

There is a civic center drive EAST running right behind this location, however. But that address does not exist on either yahoo or my navigator. The only options are civic center drive WEST, and that is the opposite side of town.

So it is across from the train station, which is great because there will be plenty of parking available.

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2009-05-14 09:45 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/14/2009
ravenne posted on 05/14/2009

hmm...well I tried googling just "Santiago Art District" on the maps...and I got this...

Is this possibly the real address?

ravenne posted on 05/14/2009

i actually think that may be the real address that I provided in my last post...

the review it gave led me to this link: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/http-www-saturday-2340605-free-mesa

If you scroll down (or do a quick "find" search on the page) "Santiago Art District" you'll see it provides the home link and the address:
700 Santiago St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 (Santiago Street Lofts)

I hope it helps...?

but Dave should really clear it up :)

little lost tiki posted on 05/14/2009

Could you clear this up!?!?!?

tiki mick posted on 05/14/2009

I think you are correct.

But Dave, are you home??????

Please clarify and verify.

Daves Not Home posted on 05/14/2009

You are alllll correct. It is across from the train depot(thats where you can park) and the "general" address for the Art Walk is 700 Santiago but the "physical" address of the gallery where you can find the Muskrateers (Clys, LLT, Toe & Squid) is 922 E. Civic Center Dr. I've tried to Google it too but it only shows W....f'n Google.

Anyway, the long short or the short long of it is...get to the Art Walk then look for Studio #922 it faces towards the courtyard.

Here's a nice linky:

[ Edited by: Daves Not Home 2009-05-14 12:29 ]

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/14/2009

Clear as mud. See ya there... A REAL art show! Yippy Skippy!

ravenne posted on 05/14/2009

you'd think, of all sites, google maps would have it right!

anywho, thanks for clearin things up Dave & fer the pdf link!

Can't wait to see ya guys on sat! :D

tiki mick posted on 05/14/2009

On 2009-05-14 10:56, little lost tiki wrote:
Could you clear this up!?!?!?

Nice hook punch, by the way! Very "Kung fu!".

Clysdalle posted on 05/15/2009

Hope to see some TC faces out there on Saturday!!! I'll be twitting the whole event throughout the night if your stuck at home but want to catch a glimpse of the shenanigans. You can follow me here... http://www.twitter.com/davidlozeau

See you on Saturday!

little lost tiki posted on 05/15/2009

Nobody wants to watch
fat sad sack artists on Twitter
on a Saturday night,Clysdalle!
We're gonna be lucky if anyone even shows up!

get off YOURSELF...

Clysdalle posted on 05/15/2009

such a hater....not all of us hate everyone! Enjoy art...and share with the huddled masses in front of there computers!

Daves Not Home posted on 05/16/2009

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 05/16/2009

If Oregon & the top 3/4 of California suddenly disappeared I could make it in a couple of hours. In the unlikeliness of that occurring, HAVE THE FUN Clysdalle, Sir Squid, Mr. the Toe, and this dancing mind with the wooden body...

HUGZ! & RAVENNE - take a buncha pictures, chica!

Mr. T.J.O.


little lost tiki posted on 05/16/2009

Gonna Miss you tonight,man!

Why don't you get on TWITTER?
That way we can all watch Clysdalle TWITTERING!

Folks, if you spend your time watching youtubes and twitters of SoCal Amateur artists
then you deserve what you get...

Not hatin, just givin a realistic perspective
to a fellow artist who believes his own publicity..


Clysdalle posted on 05/16/2009

You just keep banging out the same old stuff for the same old people....yawwwwn. Some of us want to open up and share the art experience with everyone. You are just an angry angry man, just stick to what you know old timer.

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/17/2009

I'm in a hateful mood right now because I am sick and I can't go to the parteeeeee.......
BAH! I gave my virus to all my co-workers this week 'cause I hate them and I don't care if they get sick. BUT I cannot go and give it to my fine TC friends, 'cause I loves ya too much! So I will look at the twitterings of Mr. C. and live vicariously whilst I eat my chicken soup and take whatever drugs I can get my hands on.
THAT's what twitter is good for! :)

tiki mick posted on 05/17/2009

This was the part of town that used to be a setting for TV crime dramas, what with the old warehouses and prostitutes and chop shops. Not any more! Now it is highly gentrified and trendy. I had a great time! These guys are EXPERT artists! Not only were these fine tiki central artists there, but every studio had something going on. It truly is an artist colony. Nice to walk around drinking wine and listening to acid jazz bands and look at art!

little lost tiki posted on 05/17/2009

Some of us want to open up and share the art experience with everyone.

if you wanted to "share"
then why did you sit on the stairs all night and doodle in your sketchbook?
that;s sharing?
and just for the record....
Angry artists clean up after themselves
and remove their nails from the wall
before packing up and leaving...
If angry artists can respect an exhibition space
then maybe you should too!
Maybe you need to lose some weight
in the hyper-inflated ego area..

thanks Dave's Not home
and Phillip for being so gracious and sharing your spce with us...
thanks to Squid,Toe,kim, and even clysdalle
for combining forces and makin this night shine!

I saw soooooooo many friends and fellow artists
that were around when i first started exhibiting in 89-90..
Glad to see a handful of them still are creating!

Great night!
met a surfing dog,heard some acid jazz,and really enjoyed the energy andcreativity
and talent around.....
Felt great to do something other than a Tiki event...
thanks all!

ravenne posted on 05/17/2009

Last night was awesome!

This was the first time I've been to anything where a ton of diff studios were open simultaneously having all these different artists showing off their work! Loved it!

Especially the bands that played!
& what the heck was up with that HUGE line for tacos?! What was in them? Diamonds!? ....or a lil bit of sprinkled crack? :lol: I couldn't wait 3hrs for a taco, insane!

Kinny, Squiddles, Toesy, DNH, Kim, & Clysdalle - you guys rawk! Thanks for havin us and all them jokes too! Too funny!

I have a few pics from last night but won't be able to post them till tomorrow (no net in my new apt yet! Ugh! Thank goodness fer phone technology lol)


tobunga posted on 05/17/2009

Wow! What a great art event! All the TCers had awesome work on display, and the rest of the studios had lots of interesting things to see too!

We missed you Kiki, hope you're feelin' better soon... but thanks for not coming and getting us all sick!

I ate SO much free cheese last night! (it was high-class free cheese, on toothpicks and everything!)

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/18/2009

Darn! I missed the toothpick cheese and Charles Shaw vino!!! I'm more bummed that I missed seeing you guys and your work. Only one night? I was hoping it would be up for a little while so I could go see everything. Poop!

little lost tiki posted on 05/18/2009

The gent who let us use his space..Phillip
is an architect.
He purchased the loft and lives upstairs with his wife and 2 adorable daschunds
Dave's Not home and him organized this
but only for a night as a gallery needs to be opened at different times,etc...
So it was the typical set-up/takedown situation
and seeing as we've all done our shares of events
this was a cakewalk..
except for BigToe..he's always late
but he sets up fast,so it balances out....

Those tacos on that Kogi foodcoach must've been reeeeeeal good
because there was a block long line from 6-ish til 11
the whole time!!!!

The funnest part was seeing how different our show was from
the other art,stylistically,thematically...
Just different...kind of a higher art sense
whereas we were the lowbrow kids!
It was really interesting hearing feedback from people
or just watching their reactions to a 5 foot piece
confronting them with the last judgement...
Good Times....
Phillip , the owner of the space,really had a good time
and was open to doing this again...
I would suggest ALL DIfferent work next time
switch it out

in fact..Clysdalle wrote

You just keep banging out the same old stuff for the same old people....

i wouldn't call a Mandala, a Battle of Fish (based on a figure from a Han Dynasty Tomb,abstract rowing orongos,a fantastic depiction of a rapture,a last judgement,and a contemporary social commentary on Surveillance "same old stuff" I would venture to call an octopus/a cannibal Moai/and some Posada knockoffs more tired and over-used than those themes....

Don't mask your anger by diversion,Clysdalle...

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/18/2009

pictures? anyone have picturts? I wanna see

tiki mick posted on 05/18/2009

On 2009-05-18 08:36, little lost tiki wrote:
The funnest part was seeing how different our show was from
the other art,stylistically,thematically...
Just different...kind of a higher art sense
whereas we were the lowbrow kids!
It was really interesting hearing feedback from people
or just watching their reactions to a 5 foot piece
confronting them with the last judgement...

I think the other artists and non tiki people totally dug it. I heard a lot of great feedback and comments too. There were a couple other lowbrow galleries in some of the other units as well, but in my opinion, nothing beats the originality of what you guys are doing. Squid's shrunken head mug was drawing a lot of curiosity, and my wife was totally into the "last judgement" and is now obsessed with how many trumpets are actually in it!

BigToe posted on 05/18/2009


that's for scuttling my locked-down sale on saturday.

cant wait for next month...starting to salivate NOW for the Koji Korean Barbeque Taco truck!!!!!

Clysdalle posted on 05/18/2009

Here are some shots from the event....I know Dave's not home and Rav have more...

tiki mick posted on 05/18/2009

On 2009-05-18 08:56, Clysdalle wrote:
Here are some shots from the event....I know Dave's not home and Rav have more...

That's my wife and I staring at Squid's "the spirit keepers" (You can just barely see my glowing, bald pate)

ravenne posted on 05/18/2009

Clysdalle definitely got the kick ass shots!

I was too distracted in all the other studios to really realize "HEY TAKE A PICTURE!"

so these are (like I said...FEW) that I got!

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Kin, ya gotta help me out...what was your friend's name again?!
anyway, he painted this portrait of Kinny and was featuring it over at his show
he had some really kick-ass pieces! - it was so crowded...how did I forget to snap pics of the polka dotted guys?! :lol:

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I dunno...I was ordered to snap this pic....just....just cuz!

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I see you!

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trouble-makers... :lol:

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It's so freakin epic!
I could stare at it all night...

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Dave the wino! :)

see! told ya I took very few...but ya shoulda been there!


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tiki mick posted on 05/18/2009

Daves not home, but he is the coolest/nicest guy!

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BigToe posted on 05/19/2009

Dave and Raves,

thanks for posting the shots! looks like we were half-way professional!!

Duece, the old bottle-between-the-legs trick has got many a waiter fired!

Lucas! thanks a bunch for coming (and bringing ur foxy wife!)...great having a chance to hang out a bit.

oh and thanks to everyone for making the long drives.

looking forward to doing that again!

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 05/19/2009

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Kin, ya gotta help me out...what was your friend's name again?!

That was Skeith Dewine,an old artist friend i had known since the early 90's.
He had gotten bushwhacked by some ruffians and spent 3 months in the hospital.
During that time,he reflected and sketched and painted people who had admired
and had inspired him during his artistic journey
These paintings formed the exhibition "Heroes" in these photos...
Stan lee, Sandow Birk,Ron Howard,and myself were some of those
he had chosen to honor there...
it was total kismet that the show was right around the corner,
as he had sent an invitation and i was worried about how to
negotiate the gig we had AND this show but it all came together splendidly...
it's at the Dancing Dog gallery in the Santiago arts district in Santa Ana
Go check it out! it's open on weekends all month!

The gent in the hat i was speaking to in another pic is Rene MelCardona,
another artist friend of many years...
it's like Dali met Michaelangelo met contemporary art with his work...
like i said earlier,it was waaaay cool to reconnect with some artists of olde...
After 20 years,a lot of them just fade into the background
and surrender to the horrors of normal domestic life...

Oh! And a BIG thank you to Tobunga and Manuel!
They are two of the most thoughtful individuals you will ever meet!
so sweet of them to come down!
Also, Eric showed us his Secret project for the Art Swap
which he is also gonna make a whole bunch of....
too Cool for words...
buy tobunga stuff because it will only encourage him to do more
and that would be AWESOME!
free fancy cheese with toothpicks!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-05-18 19:17 ]

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squid posted on 05/19/2009

Nothing I can say that hasn't been said already. Thanks to Deuce and Phillip for making this thing happen! It was a blast. Next time I'm getting in line early for the roach coach.

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