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Bettie Page Art Show! Closing Party Saturday May 30th 7-10, Olivia signing. Dtails on Page3

Pages: 1 44 replies

Iokona Ki'i posted on 04/18/2009


Our dear friend Olivia De Berardinis is having a gallery show celebrating
the one and only Bettie Page in Hollywood and you're all invited!
Opening reception is Saturday night, May 2nd from 8-Midnight.
Show goes through May 29th.

She has asked us to contribute a couple of pieces along with
a few other artists and photographers. I've got a couple of Velvet Tiki Bettie paintings
that I'm finishing up and Claudette is working on some Bettie ceramic pieces.
It's gonna be a fun crazy show! Please check it out if you can!
We'd love to see ya there!


P.S. I hear there will be a spanking machine at the show!... :D

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-28 12:33 ]

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-28 12:36 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 04/24/2009

Bump and Grind!

TIKI-RAY posted on 04/24/2009

Cindy and I will be there . You can reintroduce us too her . I cant wait . Im a big fan .

BigToe posted on 04/25/2009


cant wait!

look at u guys on the flyer!!!! ROCKSTARS!!!!!

alohas, t

Tom Slick posted on 04/25/2009

I might attend this as well. We had the privilige to meet Olivia in Santa Monica, which I able to acquire her Bettie Page "Up Periscope" print. I have since acquired another of her prints titled "Crackers in Bed", which was an ebay buy, and not-so-mint in condition, but has Bettie and Olivias signatures on it. I've been a fan, but was unable to afford her art until the last three years or so...I wonder how parking is going to be in this area, though?

Iokona Ki'i posted on 04/29/2009

Awesome! There is a lot of parking lots around the area.
Behind the gallery, across the street behind geisha house, etc...
Of course it ain't free! Gonna be crazy!!!

Hula Lula posted on 04/29/2009

Hi Everyone!
We just got back from the gallery and took a sneak peak
at all Olivia's new Bettie paintings... they are fantastic!
Plus all the other artists' work was really exciting too!

Also, we were told that there will be sexy girls running around
dressed as Bettie's from Olivia's paintings.
Nurse Betties and Cops!

Here is a preview of my sculpture and Jason's velvets
that are in the show. Also my buxom Bettie... that EXPLODED!
in the kiln... Waaaa so sad.

Hula Lula (Claudette)

[ Edited by: Hula Lula 2009-04-28 18:06 ]

GROG posted on 04/29/2009

On 2009-04-28 18:05, Hula Lula wrote:
Also my buxom Bettie... that EXPLODED!
in the kiln..

Say it isn't so!

GROG really looking forward to the spanking machine.
OOPS!!! GROG meant GROG was really looking forward to seeing the art!!

Hula Lula posted on 04/29/2009

Hi Grog!

Hahaha! I will save your place in line!
and tell them to turn it to maximum power!!

leleliz posted on 04/29/2009

Hula Lula you need to start making more of these sculptures because I for one would love to own one!

Sad about the busty one blowing up but it looked awesome regardless.

Hula Lula posted on 04/29/2009

Hi Leleliz,
Thanks so much!

So glad you like my sculptures.
Yes, I was pretty sad about the big one blowing up.
I had worked on it for almost a month!

I love sculpting them so I will definitely be making a lot more.
and would love for you to own one!


MadDogMike posted on 04/30/2009


Been wondering what you were up to. So sorry to hear about your loss :(
Jason keeps us updated in the "Other Crafts" section, you need to post some pictures of your latest fantastic work over there too so they're not hidden over here.

little lost tiki posted on 04/30/2009

BUXOM BETTIE exploded in the kiln?

you had BETTER make some more of those..
too cute for words!
just like you and Jason!

Those velvets are gonna sing on the 2nd!

Tigerlily posted on 05/01/2009

I can't wait... sounds like a great show.

BigToe posted on 05/01/2009

OMG. Claudette, i am CRUSHED to hear about ur buxom betty. i looooooooove that! the other one is cute too, so at least one lived!

thank god u got some photos before her untimely demise!

the black velvets look great too!

hope to see u guys out there!!!!!

xo, toesy

Hula Lula posted on 05/02/2009

Hi MadDogMike!
Thanks for the condolences.
Ok, I'll post some pics on my old thread


Hula Lula posted on 05/02/2009

Thanks LLT!
So glad you liked it!

Hi Tigerlilly,
Yes! It's going to be really fun.
There will be some never before seen
photos of Bettie Page from Bunny Yeager.
She literally found them in her closet
last week!

Hope you can make it!

Hi Big Toe,
Thanks so much, yes I was so relieved
that one survived. I'm sure it's because I
didn't wait long enough for it to dry.
Hope to see you tonight!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/02/2009

Here is a couple of shots of our pieces finished, framed
and ready for tonight. After the heartbreak of losing
her big buxom Bettie, Claudette dusted herself off and
pulled together a couple of rhinestone beauties. What a trooper!
Link from frame fetish, who did my frames, then made custom
ones for Claudette from her designs. He is amazing!
Look forward to tonight and hopefully seeing some tiki folks

Wahiniana Art by Iokona

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-03 09:19 ]

leleliz posted on 05/02/2009

Love the matting job on the velvets

and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 2 paintings 17 & 18!

PLEASE tell me they are for sale or that you will be making prints.

The FLUFF feel transfers so well over to the cartoon-esque Betties.

BigToe posted on 05/03/2009

Hula Lula and Iokona,

Congrats on an AMAZING nite!!!!!!!

AND ur big SALE!!!!

will post photos asap.

alohas, t

Babalu posted on 05/03/2009


Sorry to hear about your Betty exploding...that was some DAMN fine work. Maybe try candling the kiln a little longer. I feel it's all in how you reach that first 200 degrees in the kiln that makes the difference. Seg 1 - 50 degrees to 180 - hold 10 to 12 hours - keep lid propped open. This seems to help me quite a bit when firing a piece that has very different thicknesses.

Hope you do more of these. Very nice indeed!

[ Edited by: Babalu 2009-05-03 07:20 ]

TIKI-RAY posted on 05/03/2009

What an amazing art show . And congrats to Claudette for her huge sale . Cindy and I even got pics on the spanking macine .

GROG posted on 05/03/2009

GROG wanted to go. GROG get headache and stay home. Ibuprofen kick headache ass pretty quick. GROG should have gone anyway. GROG go check it out this week.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/03/2009

Super Happy Fun Time last night.
Thanks you guys and gals for making the scene!

Scandalous, incriminating, never before seen
photos coming soon! Good thing everyone signed
a release form! :o :blush: :D :lol: :wink:

Wahiniana Art by Iokona

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-03 09:49 ]

aquaorama posted on 05/03/2009

That was TOTALLY sweet! I think I enjoyed the spanking machine a bit too much...( Those Bettie Nurses had a great bedside manner....). Lots of interesting people...Kinda like SF Folsom Street Fair "Lite".
That piece with Jane Weidlin and the bananna......ahhh.....tastey......Finished the night off with a rather potent Mint Julep at Pig n' Whistle.

Hula Lula posted on 05/04/2009

Hi Leleliz
The larger one sold but the smaller one is available.
I'm going to keep these one of a kind
but will have other Bettie's as prints.
Thanks for asking!

Thank you so very much for coming!
It was great to have you there!
We will post the pictures soon!
PS- so nice to see you yesterday, AWESOME WORK!

Hi Babalu,
Thank you very much for the advice
I really appreciate it!

Hi Tiki Ray,
Thanks so much to you and Cindy for coming!!
I'm happy you both had a good time!
I hope you post your pictures they are priceless!!
Cindy looked so glamourous!!!

Hi Grog,
so sorry about your headache, but thanks for trying to make it.
It was great to see you yesterday, I really loved
your Moai mug! Fantastic!

Hi Aquaorama,
Thanks for coming!
So glad you had a good time.
Wish we had met you!!

Thanks so much!!

Hula Lula

BigToe posted on 05/05/2009

big Mahalo to Jason and Claudette for allowing us to share their big night in Hollywood.

the occassion featured Olivia, but also had other guest artists with some AMAZING work, including artwork from both Jason and Claudette.

Here are my shots from the show:

Jason and his COOL black velvets!

who's cuter, claudette or her Bettys???

Claudette shows off her sale (indicated by red dot)

Congrats Jason and Claudette! U guys r amazing!!

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jason with the legendary Olvia!!

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Who's hotter, Ms. Cindy>>>

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...or Mr. Toe???

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Cindy and T-Ray in front of Olvia's amazing new watercolors

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Toesy with hot nurse

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Jason with hot nurse

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leleliz posted on 05/05/2009

Jason and Big Toe you guys did a really good job of keeping your eyes directed toward the camera!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/05/2009

On 2009-05-04 19:13, leleliz wrote:
Jason and Big Toe you guys did a really good job of keeping your eyes directed toward the camera!

At least in that photo we did! :o
Great shots Toesy!
U da best!

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-04 20:23 ]

little lost tiki posted on 05/05/2009

Congrats Claudette on that sale!
Great pic!

as for the who's cuter
Ms. Cindy or Toe.......?

i vote Toe!
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Cindy wins in the "who is sexier" contest...

and i vote ALL Y'ALL as "Sweetest Group at an Art Opening"

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/06/2009

More snaps!
Thanks again for coming tiki peeps!

Claudette with Olivia and Joel her husband
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Olivia, Claudette, and Dita Von Teese
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Claudette showing Dita and friend our art
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Claudette taking a break. That's Mami Van Doren to the left!
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Claudy with her art
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Some guy in front of my art
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Olivia with Lenora who curated the show
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These friendly folks own the Bettie Page Store in Las Vegas and helped sponsor the show.
They also provided the spanking machine.
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Bettie Sandwich!
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Claudy and Kitten Bettie
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Bad Claudy before...
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Bad Toe before....
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Nurse Bettie Trio!
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Cindy and Tiki-Ray! Those are Bettie's shoes in the foreground!
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Toesy's tranny sandwich!
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Claudette with Perez Hilton
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Big Toe and Olivia
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Bettie Toe
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Claudette with Big Toe--he gets around!
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Claudette with Lenora
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Crazy Al and Olivia
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Olivia and Claudette
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Olivia and giant stalker
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THE END!....or....
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....is it?
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leleliz posted on 05/06/2009

Great pics!

The pics of Toe are priceless.

And Dita is such a sweet gal. I have talked with her half a dozen times over the past few years and she is always so nice.

The artwork all looks amazing as well.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/07/2009

On 2009-05-06 13:10, leleliz wrote:
Great pics!

And Dita is such a sweet gal. I have talked with her half a dozen times over the past few years and she is always so nice.

Thanks Leleliz!
Yeah, Dita is cool. We've know her for a while now. Claudette did her logo ages ago when she
just started to make it. So that's neato! Plus she's a fan of fluff so that's fun too!

Velvets by J. Sallin
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[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-06 21:41 ]

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JOBU posted on 05/07/2009

How did I miss this?
I don't Remember seeing this posted in the threads...

Tigerlily posted on 05/07/2009

Great photos of the show.
Claudette I loved your Betties, the colors are fantastic, and Jason's velvet paintings!! Congrats on the big sale. The show rocked. I got there so late and it was still packed. I missed getting spanked, didn't want to wait in line. I guess I've been a good girl lately.

BigToe posted on 05/07/2009

Wait! do u have a signed clearance for those photos of the bigtoe??? i smell defamation of character!!! :D

great shots and a great time...that WAS a satisfying tranny sandwich!

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sneakyjack posted on 05/07/2009

looked fun - me like it all including dita!
Big toe - we're watchin you!

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Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/08/2009

On 2009-05-07 09:26, BigToe wrote:
Wait! do u have a signed clearance for those photos of the bigtoe??? i smell defamation of character!!! :D

great shots and a great time...that WAS a satisfying tranny sandwich!

Hey Toe, Remember that sexy gal with the slight facial hair problem that got your autograph when you were very inebriated at that art thingy that one time on a weekend maybe...well...that my friend was a release that you signed! And that sexy gal was none other than me...in disguise!!! Mmmwwwwwaaaahhhaaahhhh! :lol:
Oh yeah, I think I own your soul too.
That's all.
Oh...and you owe me your first born.
And some other stuff...
Thanks man!

Velvets by J. Sallin
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[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-07 22:14 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/13/2009

...Just when you though it was over and this thread would slip quietly away...
...Things got Crazy!! As in AL!

Al met this girl at the show...
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she wanted to show him the 'back' room!
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but things went 'south'.... quick
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ooooo again!
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sweet revenge!!
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how sweet it is!!!


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tyger jymmy posted on 05/13/2009

wow AL u da man , the one girl I could see her as my new Mermaid sculpture . very nice

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/28/2009
TIKI-RAY posted on 05/28/2009

Get your collective butts down to see this incredible art show before its gone . It really is something to witness .

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/30/2009

On 2009-05-28 13:20, TIKI-RAY wrote:
Get your collective butts down to see this incredible art show before its gone . It really is something to witness .

Yeah! What Ray said! Collect your BUTTS and go!

Velvets by J. Sallin
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[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-05-30 08:42 ]

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atomikitty posted on 05/31/2009

Anyone else going tonight?

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/31/2009

Hey Atomikitty! We just got in and
got your email. We are not going to the closing party.
Bettie'd out!
We are going to DTB to hangout and drink!
Hope to see ya there after Bettie Page if you go!
Jason And Claudette

Pages: 1 44 replies