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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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squid posted on 06/02/2009

What? Nothing to read? I'm outta here...

Babalu posted on 06/02/2009

On 2009-05-20 20:06, kingstiedye wrote:
great stuff kinny! i e you are my favorite crazy genius.

Me too....

mp posted on 06/02/2009

Wild and Beautiful Ken!
Are you Bionic? Do you have your own art elves?

Sam Gambino posted on 06/03/2009

Hey Ken- I like your little spear-chunker guy there - he oozes with character! He looks like he should be on a can of pineapples or something. Iconic like the Chiquita girl! :)

Tiki Baï posted on 06/03/2009

This one is a MUG!!! I would love to do it on mug!!! :)

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 06/03/2009

I'm with Lake, Kinny. That warrior is quite impressive!


GROG posted on 06/03/2009

so much depth and dimension
packed into such a small area

Clarita posted on 06/03/2009

Great new ones, I love them all! (hey I think GROG is tilt, someone shake him a little...) :)

leleliz posted on 06/04/2009

Can you PUH-lease make prints of "The War Chant"???????????

It is frikkin awesome! i would get that tattooed to me i love it so much.

laojia posted on 06/04/2009

I LOVE all your work!!!
And especially this three:


Robb Hamel posted on 06/04/2009

There's a lot of exceptional work on the previous page, but I agree with Lake Tiki, "The War Chant" is really something special, maybe even a transendental piece for you. It sure blows my mind to think of how different but still Kennish it is.

MadDogMike posted on 06/08/2009

Kinny, we haven't heard from you in over a week - are you OK?

teaKEY posted on 06/08/2009

Oh yeah, I remember this guy kinda

Robb Hamel posted on 06/11/2009


Get the Japanese anthology dvd "Ten Nights of Dreams", watch dream number seven. There is a Japanese Ruzic-lookalike carver who creates with all the speed and effeciency of the real Ken.

He even has Kenny's dance moves!


little lost tiki posted on 06/15/2009

Aloooohah Kiddles!
time for some long-overdue replies and

But first....
Babs-Thank you for the visit,my friend!
looking forward to seeing A LOT MORE from you in the future!

Jason and Claudette-great velvets and sculpts outta you two cuties lately!
Mahalos for the props on Cannibal Village and imaginary Tiki palace! As for restraint,i can hold back on either color OR subject matter,but it's so hard to do it for both !
Thanks again for welcoming the Totem piece and the Happy day into your home!
Bruno is toooooooo cute!

kingstiedye-Great to have a visit from one of the esteemed West Coast collectors! I'll keep pumping these out as long as they excite and inspire my friends here! Call of Pele is my fave from that batch as well!

Polynesiac! speaking of crazy geniuses,Jimmy...
would like to see YOU tackle some PNG in the future.
with your skills and vision...whoa!

greentikipat-Got a Moai condo reserved for you bro! Just hop on that rocketship in your last painting of yours and jet on over! would love to see you running Abbot and Costello style thru the cannibal village! :lol:

whassup Mr. Stingray!
and the proper term is AWESOME SQUIRREL!

Kiki!-Thanks Doll!
Thanks for draggin meself,the missus,Marty Lush,Squids,ravers,and GROG to go see Phil Shane!
HOT DAMN! i missed his voice and stage act!

Ravers...Phil Shane pictures?
Glad you like the friendship Charm...
Something like that would make a beautiful pendant,no?
Octopus are always on my mind
and the wifey just got a THICKAZZ elephant book from the library..
so a stained glass style elephant is probably next on the list,and THEN more undersea stuff!
and fergit Discovery channel's "Nature's Most Amazing Events",I've been hooked on "1000 Ways to Die" lately!
Thanks for the bubbly enthusiasm!

Thanks buddy!
I proudly hung the piece from our Nooner swap in the back Tiki room and i never realized how much that wall needed a marquesan piece until your beautiful work joined the crowd!
Happy you like the War Chant....That piece was a lot easier and faster than some of the more involved ones.i think that's because of the sharpies and ink washes...I'll do some more you can check out at Oasis!

Spermy-delighted to see you and the missus at Booben's friday shindig! Thanks for the inspiration there!
Kinda thought you'd dig those two....especially the octopus!
I was just zoning on the stained glass fish a few days back! Hope the missus feels better!

Mr. Jump-off-into-the-Void-Groundbreaker Boy!
Glad the Stained Glass pieces captivates you...
No photographs....it's all paint,buddy!
Does it look like i have time for mosaic? :lol:

what's the story on that guy?
well, it's a war chant
so i imagine he's working himself up to a BERSERKER status
with some Ancient Handed Down War Chant...
simple as that..
no ants or starch,Sir!

Squid-here's plenty for you to read today!
but i'd rather you carved up a series of Cloud rowers!
Hot Damn! :lol:

i wish!

mp-Thanks fellow Artist Alley Artist!
No Bionics or elves
Just coffee/drive/and leftover USMC discipline...
What's your secret?

Sam-always a joy to get a visit from the SamGAm!
I think, with all the excitement about,
that Mr. War chant/Spear Rattler will pop up more in the future....
Maybe on a can of pickled FINGERS! :lol:
your TikiBob painting makes me stare and smile!

Hello my talented friend!
Your threads been quiet lately..
i imagine you're cooking up even more awesomeness!
That Moai KavaKava is the best artifact turned mug EVER!
That Cannibal king would make one TALL mug!
German Beer Stein size!

TikiJoe'sPop-Andy! Aunt B's callin! Thanks for the visit,but don't you have an exotica CD to finish? Get'R'Done,Boy!

GROG said

so much depth and dimension
packed into such a small area

Ernie lifted that comment from a comment i left on benzart's thread... Only i meant spiritual,thought-inspiring depth... but Ernie is a caveman...
He doesn't dance either!

Clarita-Gracias,mi amiga! Thanks for the visit! Love your carved bamboo drummer! So much creativity on this site! YAY!

leleliz asks..

Can you PUH-lease make prints of "The War Chant"???????????
It is frikkin awesome! i would get that tattooed on me i love it so much

Thank you! I'm blushing!
kingstiedye got a tat on his ankle of the Cannibal King
and it looks awesome! Feel free to use that for a tat if you're into it! I draw and paint too much to make very many prints
and the hassle just keeps me from creating
so No...my dear,no prints..
But if you get to oasis
You'll see that i try to keep my art very affordable so everyone can own something...and why buy a print
when you can have the original?
There's a lot that gets lost between print and original
not as much MANA in them prints....

laojia-Thank you!
How is France these days?
Are you helping to spread TIKI across Europe?
we're depending on you! :)
I promise to make more work in these styles in the future!

Robb-your vote for war Chant has been noted...
"transcendental piece?"
you mean transitional piece?
Huh? This is actually an older style that i decided to revive
so i think the War Chant may be a Transitional Revival Transcendental Piece,but I'm not sure! :)
Keep up with the velvet,brother!

Mike-Mahalos for the BUMP!
Thanks for your concern...
Been busy painting more
and posting less
oasis is 2 months away
and i need to make Lots of Purdy pictures fo da peeples!

teaKs! Howdy stranger! You goin to Oasis this year?

Robb- I'll have to check this out...
an Asian Kinny carver with my dance moves?
ugh..Shoulda killed him at birth! :lol:
poor fellow!

Man! and now i gotta show you all the art!
Carpal Tunnel here i come!

Please forgive the blurries on some of these..
I'm backlogged about 15 drawings that need actual scans and not digital camera shots....
Anyone want to trade art for decent scans of these?
Local peeps only...

just been plugging along for oasis
pulling 5-15 hour sessions 5-7 nights a week..

here's some drawings first..

"the Door Guards"

Was thinking of General Yuchi-Gong,one of the Japanese Door Gods and thought,"a Maori manaia would make a great guardian for a door as well!"

"Drummer Possessed"
i think i spelled it wrong on the piece..
that's what i get for those late nights!


dig dat Crazy Drum Slappin!

"the Flower rain"
just a fun lil moai piece...
They're scrambling about, catching the flowers as they gently float down to earth...

"Flower feeding frenzy"
This one started as leaf and Indonesian woodblock pressings on an inked piece of paper...
I like the different poses and problems for each of the hungry characters...

the tongues crack me up!


a nod to the famous Greek myth
The piece is a bit funnier if you know it.....
(Google it,i've typed enough tonight!)

the forever inaccessible head....

Here's a quickie one...
"the War dance"

"the Sleeping cannibal"


and here's a drawing i started today....
'the Mournful cannibal"
Here it is in situ....

and here's just the piece....
I may do this in the same style as the War chant guy....

and lastly...
Monkeyman gave me this frame a while back
and finally the inspiration hit
and i made a drawing for it....
"the magic Fish"
Here it is with the frame..

Here it is w/o the frame..

and here's a closeup of the skully Ku...

that's it for drawings....Now the Paintings!

"the Provider"
gouache and puff paint on canvas



some PNG shenanigans...
"the Moon Dance"
gouache on gessoed wood shadow box

"Pineapple Ku"
gouache on gessoed Monkeypod bowl


and i finally finished the Stained glass Octopus
by adding some dimensional puff paint to the suckers!

Here's so you can the SUCKERS!

and the last offering to share with you tonight...
Terrill got me an 18x24 wood "canvas" with 2" sides....
The wood was so pretty
i didn't wanna just gesso over it
this style suited it perfectly!
"the Lost Hut"
acrylic/paintpen/puffpaint on wood



This lil lost hut makes me wanna laugh and cry at the same time!

some vegetation..

That's it!
There went my Sunday evening!
Hope y'all enjoy these latest goodies!
Please encourage me by buying them all at oasis!

squid posted on 06/15/2009


TikiMango posted on 06/15/2009

Cripes! Awesome as usual. Are you trying to enter the 3rd dimension now with the addition of the puff paint? I hope so, the slight textures are spot on.

TravelingJones posted on 06/15/2009


I suspect from this...

he's been in therapy for anger management "issues"? :wink:

Who luvs ya lil' buckaroo... :D smooooches :D

4WDtiki posted on 06/15/2009

GEEEEZZ, Ken, I'd almost given you up for dead! Whatta buncha beauts!
The Sleeping Cannibal has a great tone, and I like how it looks a little 3-D.
Stained Glass Octopus is s Stunner!!!
The Lost Hut is Gorgeous. I love the prow of the boat!

little lost tiki posted on 06/16/2009

So glad that Kiki got us all together to see him!
So now i know...If you want to get Squid to go somewhere

Mango-Thanks Pal!
Actually, I've been working with puff paints and adding dimension to paintings AND frames for close to 20 years....Only certain styles lend themselves well to it....
i think it was seeing "Saint George and the dragon" at the Art institute of Chicago,with the egg tempera and gold leafing on his armor...or maybe it was those Persian miniatures with their minute embellishments in the Portland museum,or maybe it was covering my gramma's fridge and my dresser drawer with Wacky packs and Marvel Superhero stickers!Next time you come to visit, I'll let you run your hand over the surface of one of these....soooo cool! Like Braille,only nonsensical! :)

the anger management therapy fell thru...
but a wise old sage recommended a GROG "Beat-up" Bag
that seems to be working splendidly!
(for me,that is,not the bag!) :)

Sorry for falling off the face of the earth there,Bill!
I've been starting to alternate one "other-than Tiki" piece
for every 2-3 tiki pieces..
Still trying to make that 20-year retrospective come together at year's end
and need a "Things to Come" room...

i used a Cold Press Rough Watercolor paper and,after staining it with wide strokes of ink,i went over it with the ink blackline o create the linear flow
that FLOATS above the surface of the paper
Next, by blending the edges and coloring in certain areas,it pops up another level
finally, the different colored pencil highlights also jump certain areas off the paper...Pure Trickery it Be!
Hopefully we can hang out at Hank's Chop and play catchup!
Maybe I'll bring some of them down for some show-n-tell!

leleliz posted on 06/16/2009

Although I really dig the stained glass style paintings I have to say that these newest works are among my new favorites.

I think its because my head doesn't get dizzy trying to focus on everything at once!

Great new work...and like I told Bowana Oasis Shmasis! What about us folks who aren't going, huh? I am going to see about getting the warrior guy tattooed to me ..its too bad ass to just have it hanging on a wall anyways!

mp posted on 06/16/2009

Awesome per usual.

Meheadhunter posted on 06/16/2009

These new works are very very very very cool.....Drummer Possessed is spot on for me since I am a drummer...I absolutely Love It....Would you like to sell it before the show??? Great job and keep up the inspiring work.

MadDogMike posted on 06/16/2009


This is not your Aunt Edna's puff paint! Looks great, especially on the "Stained Glass Octopus"

Kiki von Tiki posted on 06/16/2009

Was thinking of General Yuchi-Gong,one of the Japanese Door Gods and thought,"a Maori manaia would make a great guardian for a door as well!"

I want this one. Seriously.

Glad to see all the dimensional paint making it's way onto some paintings!

Hot Damn! Like Squid said. We gotta hang out more often. I haven't had so much fun in a long while. Laughed till my face hurt!

Retro Modern Wahine......Kiki von Tiki on etsy

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-06-15 22:06 ]

little lost tiki posted on 06/16/2009

Thanks for all the happiness!
Those stained glass styled pieces really do a number on my eyes after
finishing up an 8-10 hour jag...
when i first began painting,mandalas were a point of interest,their intricacy,their style,their subject matter,their sense of space,content,and movement....i guess that curiosity has just evolved into its present state...
Some of the newer works actually are an OLDER style,but with more time invested into it......I flip back and forth between styles a lot... Out of boredom,a calculated move,or a wingin it situation...
a different style can really reinforce or lose an emotion.... I did a whole bunch of Cannibal kings about 50-some pages back,with that kind of liveliness and hard graphic style over an inked background...
Here's some early cannibal kings with the same technique
(except the bleached out parts of the skulls)
without the 2 additional years accrued for the WAR CHANT piece...
i think they got a bit cuter1 :)

and it's weird....some pieces hit it for me
others fall flat in my eyes.....
Ah! the artistic journey.....

Oasis Schmoasis!
all they have to do is PM me and we'll talk...
I already have 100 plus pieces to wade thru for oasis
a few won't be missed...

mp-Mr. Wisdom tooth! 2 more months,bruthah!

Meheadhunter-Oh No! Another drummer! I think i know more drummers than any other band members....you guys breed like cockroaches! :lol: Hanging out with Squid has made me really appreciate the drummer...and watching crazy AL in one of his Bongo Madness states has also made me reflect on similiar inner feelings that accompany the act of painting...More thought driven-less physical? It's a different rhythm inside,but the same excitement and raw intensity fills the spirit....
Thank you so much for throwing such happys my way! :)
and as for the Drummer Possessed...
all they have to do is PM me and we'll talk...
I already have 100 plus pieces to wade thru for oasis
a few won't be missed...
Here's some drummers from Topic Pages past for you to enjoy!

yessirree! Been using puff paints for longer than i can remember!
and it ain't my Aunt Edna's...it's my Aunt kiki! :lol:
Actually, she kindly gave me a huge bag of em
so i was able to go thru all my old ones and trash em
and actually replenished the color pallette of dem!
Thanks kiki!

Here's some examples of how I've used puff paints to embellish both frames and the painting itself....
and remember....
a varnish over the finished piece will hold in the puff
TAcky I tell you!

"Night Blooming lotus"
smatterings on the frame and painting...

loosely based on designs from the Peruvian Ica Stones....

I embellished the scales and stars and the mitre on the fellow...
just enough to create a deeper surface excitement!

So there you go!
A fun little tour,some history and a Ramblin session!
Talk to y'all soon!

MadDogMike posted on 06/16/2009

Ken you have been busy tonite! SMOKIN'!!

The "Night Blooming Lotus" is sweet! I have a weakness for Indian, especial the food and the women (just to watch, not to touch :D )

That puff paint is straining to break free of it's 2 dimensional world, just yearning to be sculpture :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 06/16/2009

the Night Blooming lotus is Balinese-inspired Mikey!
that last post was just old stuff
have to give the ol' body at least one night of rest a week!

now get offa TC and go Amaze us!

ravenne posted on 06/16/2009

too much good stuffs kin as always!

& Phil Shane.


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Aw too cute!!!

Meheadhunter posted on 06/16/2009

Hey Ken....I totally appreciate the time spent on all of your comments to everyone....you're a hell of a guy!!!
As for the drum beat within....I totally understand. Something has to keep us Jivin' I'll PM ya!!

little lost tiki posted on 06/17/2009

Thanks for the pics of Phil Shane,Terrill,and myself!
What a fun night with youse,Squids,Marty Lush,Kiki,and Ernie!

MeHeadHunter-My pleasure Sir!
Drum Beat within-that incessant throbbing beat
forcing us all to create...
Somedays i wish it would stop! :lol:

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Daves Not Home posted on 06/17/2009

On 2009-06-15 22:33, little lost tiki wrote:

"Night Blooming lotus"
smatterings on the frame and painting...

loosely based on designs from the Peruvian Ica Stones....

I embellished the scales and stars and the mitre on the fellow...
just enough to create a deeper surface excitement!


Sam Gambino posted on 06/18/2009

Hey Ken- I REALLY dig that octopus and Atlantis. Beautiful pieces. I also like the cubism Moai piece - really Picasso-esque!

Babalu posted on 06/18/2009


word - I really like this "Mad Orgy in a C of flowers" ...keep riding that egde brother! My favorite this month.

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Iokona Ki'i posted on 06/20/2009

Kinny! Man, those are some beauts! 'The door guards'
is up there with one of my favs of yours. Love the
'Moon dance' png piece. The octopus stained
glass one is awesome...Oh hell, I love them all!
Getting sensory overload!!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/22/2009

"Night Blooming lotus"
is my new fav!

little lost tiki posted on 06/22/2009

Been working on some more top secret stuff for oasis
so i only got 4 new paintings to post
and 2-3 new drawings
which will have to wait til Monday or Tuesday to get scans of...

Whaddya mean,Finally?
I don't share much of my non-tiki stuff here
cause this ain't Art Central..
I will show example pieces from that previous 16 years
but I'll try to keep it in context!

Hello Sam!
Thank you Sir!
I want to do a bunch of those stained glass pieces with an underwater animal bend,so keep your eyes peeled..
and the Atlantis piece is a waaaaay oldie,when i was researching the Ica Stones of Peru and the Acambero Mexico figurines..Who sez we didn't have contact with dinosaurs? :)
I just drew up a cubist/stained glass SKULL COLLECTOR, i think you'll like it when i post it in the next few days! :)
Viva la Abstract!

Thank you Sai-Baba!
I'll have to show you this one in person so you can see the leaf and woodblock stamp motif i used as a starting point on this one!

Don't get sensory overload! That'll keep you from getting more of those awesome velvets done! Very happy the artwork could give you a lil jump!
:) missin you and Claudette!

I sold a bunch of Thai/Bali-inspired pieces year's back! Glad to see it's still kinda fresh after all these years!YAY!

My friend Lisa and her husband
were visiting from Portland
and she's the thrift store queen!
Anyways,she found 8 of these thick wood (squid sez they're redwood)
plaques just ready for gesso and paint!
(i gave Squids one to carve up in his masterful way)
Thanks Leethuh!

So i got some work done for oasis! yay!

gouache and gold paint pen on gessoed wood
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He was inspired by the face of an ancestor on a
carved pole in a meeting house in Maori-Land!
here's a detail of the moko on the face..
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next offering is
"Sky Drummer"
gouache and gold paint pen on gessoed wood
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this one was a take-ff of those Solomon Island figures
but with a trippier narrative...
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"the weary traveller"
gouache on gessoed wood
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and the final one....
i went full-on cheese for this last one
for a number of reasons...
1)Why can't tikis be cute?
2) the wooden plaques reminded me of decoupaged Holly Hobbie pieces
that cluttered my youth
3) the theme is just so universal and sweet,i couldn't leave it alone...

"the gift"
gouache on gessoed wood
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what a sweetie-boy!
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That's it for now....
more arriving very soon!
Thanks for poppin in!

Robb Hamel posted on 06/22/2009

Ken - as always I dig everything, but just looking at "Sky Drummer" makes me feel like I'm drifing away from my cares.

What a great range of ideas these have.

little lost tiki posted on 06/22/2009

Thanks Robb!
Been flying all over the map,lately
my velvety friend!

Well, I got CON PERMISO from Squids to show off just a peek
of one of the collaborative projects we'll have at Oasis...
Mr. Squiddles came by Saturday night for an impromptu ARTJAM
til 2:00 AM! YAY!
He threw an Uncle Shrunkle my way
(with glazed interior)
to produce a drink worthy vessel
May i share some progress shots of the almost finished head of ....
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A poor clown who had a few too many cocktails whilst stranded
and adapted the native's way of life and appearance
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Weeks Later,because of a joke, gone horribly astray...
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He was transformed by the irate tribe
into the lovelyshrunkenhead you see before you....
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still need a good 4-5 hours on the head but not much more...
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then it's onto the clown brain and RAINBOW WIG!

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Bowana posted on 06/24/2009

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Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a3f14e4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=dd06de253f94564db33f8de11983b76a

Ken's "Blue Period?"

little lost tiki posted on 06/24/2009

No "Blue Period" Bowie!
I just mix the gouache with the gesso
and spread it on the surface..
A lot of times i have extra

Spent a solid 3.5 hours at Toes scanning
then came home and pieced them together
adjusted the color
saved a psd
saved a jpeg
and here i am!

Better Scans for my peeps!
and a few new ones too!
goody goody!

Sorry for all those earlier CRAPPY SCANS!
i think you'll agree that more of the detail and lushness
come out with these clearer crisper scans!

"Cannibal king"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd2b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=27dfd3d3486d473bb48726e37f968097

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd39.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=96a26b40ca55ba1e23428815c97c05bc

"Door Guards"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd43.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=1c1868f2f21d865b3e858cca66b9b4ea

"Drummer possessed"
(private collection)
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd67.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=edc7c802fec3f4ee93b10498b57ec61c

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd72.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=995faa63c0239a2f00b7f00c05caade0

"Fancy Fish"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd87.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b38ba4aad493ecde1b68f9d9f8d62842

"Flower Rain"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cd9e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=de631ae49192b8c781012a83a3bbf590

"Flower feeding frenzy"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdaa.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=43d47e7bd57f78d13a34fc0f55e76109

"Friendship Charm"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdb4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e4429ab46c780fda0753a371511109f5

"Lonely cannibal"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdc0.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a52d45a014cc66077c14b17093d8053c

"study of Malu Sanbum Board,PNG"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdcc.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=34e1cda7a96fe1c6efba2b70e6eef9b5

"Manaia Madness"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdd4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e24b5deb4847e34ce0151b95d2eea137

"Moai Morning"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdde.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=38c80d00a212e65319d25d240b81668e

"the Skull Collector"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cde8.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=efcc0a7715dd321311fa7380687266fd

"Sleeping Cannibal"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41cdf3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2173756b10a0e8054799011e8271e050

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41ce00.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=beb6547652b45e48db59ec218883cbe8

"Tropical morning"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41ce0a.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=bf9fe46d7b27a82e55919960a6ce8c2f

"War Chant"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41ce24.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ca06b0950e56aaa4cae341e3b39b9ee0

"War Dance"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4a41ce36.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=50cbbb8a31789522f461d870b5641643

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/24/2009

"The Skull Collector" is awesome! 3 D! You're taking it up a notch!

squid posted on 06/24/2009

And remember, a mind is a terrible thing...

little lost tiki posted on 06/24/2009

what were we talking about?

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e3b340e36ae48a441d08fa8eb6e4e53?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TIKIVILLE posted on 06/24/2009

Lonely Cannibal ......great!

IK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3e15345a417b08c5d610367ea92148cf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Iokona Ki'i posted on 06/24/2009

Yes! Yes! Yes! and Yes!
'Skull collector' rocks the house!
Up a notch indeed!

ravenne posted on 06/24/2009

so that's what it looks like when you build up too much artwork :lol:

too much good stuff, kinny! :D

teaKEY posted on 06/25/2009

Does the Moko Clown have its Clown brains. Or Clown hair or maybe a Clown hat. The Squid bowl is super sweet on its own and with its sprinkling of Little LT talent, it's Monster Coach now.

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