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New Maori Mug For Tiki Oasis 10! pg6

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NOTCH posted on 06/03/2009

100 limited Ku-Bar Mugs that will be available at Tiki Oasis this year
and Here it is The Ku-Bar Mug!!!

Well,Me and fellow TCer MaiTai were chillin one night at FI talking about the Ku-bar Sculpt
And he Said It would be krazy Cool If we can get the Ku-Bar Mug to smoke out of the Eyes using dry Ice !!
I said, What a Great Idea!!! I'm glad I thought of that!!
Well, This is one of the most difficult Mugs for me to make because of the hollow chamber thats needed for dry ice, But it had to have it smoke out of its Eye's, there's no other Way!!
Thanks MaiTai!!!

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-06-30 12:03 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-06-30 12:04 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-06-30 12:08 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-08-03 18:47 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-08-03 19:19 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2010-07-27 11:56 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2010-07-27 11:58 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2010-07-31 17:40 ]

leleliz posted on 06/03/2009

The question is why dont you cold paint a little pic of yourself serving drinks out of it in the mugs "mouth" so you could make it 100% authentic ?


Great idea for a mug and it really came out awesome. Great work Notch!

[ Edited by: leleliz 2009-06-02 17:42 ]

TravelingJones posted on 06/03/2009

Smoke gets in your eyes...

:D Boooyah! :D

Kiki von Tiki posted on 06/03/2009

That's so cool. Can we pre-order/pay and pick em up at TO? Or is it strictly first come first served, just like at the real KuBar? And I'm wondering what the asking price is gonna be?

kahalakruzer posted on 06/03/2009

That's one great looking mug. I love the dry ice pockets, and the sculpt looks killer! Definitely going to try and get my hands on one.

bigtikidude posted on 06/03/2009

Notch that big boy is bad ass man,
congrats, and great idea on the dry ice areas(Mai Tai)
sooo cool.
I hope I got extra money to get one at Oasis.


pdrake posted on 06/03/2009

those are sweet notch. you should pinstripe a few.

mp posted on 06/03/2009

Bad Ass Notch! Totally killer.
If you carved yourself inside Ku-bar holding a Ku-bar
it would go on into infinity Notch Ku-bars.

MadDogMike posted on 06/03/2009

Smokin'!!!!!! Great engineering of the dry ice pocket.

If I had a Ku-Bar, I'd have to get me a Ka-Bar to help defend it against jealous thieves

sneakyjack posted on 06/03/2009

Nacho! - c ya there - Hopefully I can get my paws on one - on site!


RevBambooBen posted on 06/03/2009


That's fucking cool!!!

Does it come with a dude with a back pack full of cans

being almost crushed under it?? lol!!

Need one bad!!!

Sam Gambino posted on 06/03/2009

GREAT mug, man! How cool with that smoke! Way to go.....

NOTCH posted on 06/03/2009

Thanks for the props Yall!
There's more work that needs to be done on the Mold before I go into production..
the prototype works fine but I'm going to get it to fit more drinkin rum, so I gots to do some tweaking..
I will post up pictures of production after I Finnish some other projects that I'm doing..

LOL Tiki posted on 06/03/2009

Sweet! I'm in for one - or two!

GROG posted on 06/03/2009

Excellent! GROG want!

squid posted on 06/03/2009

WhoaaAAAaaaaAAA!!! Nice Notch!

That Ku-Bar is NOT Fubar.

benella posted on 06/03/2009

Top first class work.


rugbymatt posted on 06/03/2009


little lost tiki posted on 06/03/2009


BigToe sez "Aloha Gecko!" :lol:

Mai Tai posted on 06/03/2009

On 2009-06-02 17:38, NOTCH wrote:
100 limited Ku-Bar Mugs that will be available at Tiki Oasis this year
and Here it is The Ku-Bar Mug!!!

Well,Me and fellow TCer MaiTai were chillin one night at FI talking about the Ku-bar Sculpt
And he Said It would be krazy Cool If we can get the Ku-Bar Mug to smoke out of the Eyes using dry Ice !!
I said, What a Great Idea!!! I'm glad I thought of that!!
Well, This is one of the most difficult Mugs for me to make because of the hollow chamber thats needed for dry ice, But it had to have it smoke out of its Eye's, there's no other Way!!
Thanks MaiTai!!!

The mug looks awesome, Notch!!! Can't wait to see it up close and personal, especially with the dry ice smoke pourin' out of the eyes!

On 2009-06-02 17:38, NOTCH wrote:
Well, This is one of the most difficult Mugs for me to make because of the hollow chamber thats needed for dry ice

Yeah, he's not joking. My suggestion kind of opened a whole can of worms! You can't just make one single mold that forms the outside, plus an additional inside with the hollow chamber for the dry ice, all at once. And if you did, it would be virtually impossible to remove the freshly poured ceramic greenware from that mold without destroying it! Notch had to get creative, but that's kind of his middle name anyways. But now he's like the Leonardo da Vinci of mold making!

This has to be my all-time favorite new mug design in the last few years, if of all time! Maybe it means so much to me because I've helped lug the real KuBar all over the frikkin' place! :D Make sure to put one or two aside for me, my brotha!

Swamp Fire posted on 06/04/2009

You got a mini trailer to haul that bad boy down to Oasis?

Congrats on the new mug Notcho!!

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minitor posted on 06/04/2009

Fantastic mug!!! Every time I think, "no I can't afford TO this year", I see something else that tells me I really should go...this mug says I MUST go!

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Babalu posted on 06/04/2009

Hell YEAH NOTCH!! There couldn't have been a more perfect subject matter for your next home run!

I can't wait to take a look at him at Oasis. BRAVO!

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Tiki Kupcake posted on 06/04/2009

Notch- The mug looks great! Hopefully, I will be able to get one at Tiki Oasis. It was nice meeting you at Frankie's!

[ Edited by: Tiki Kupcake 2009-06-14 10:32 ]

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Hilander posted on 06/05/2009

Fantastic mug!

I'd love to get one.

If we can't make it to Tiki Oasis, will it be available through the marketplace http://tikioasis.com/marketplace/ ?

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kirby posted on 06/05/2009

I like it.. makes so much sense.. awesomely executed,Honey I shrunk the ku bar.. big ups...kirby

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Tikitastic posted on 06/05/2009

Looks good Notch!

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Iniquitiki posted on 06/05/2009

Great workt, NOTCH!

I can't wait to drink copious intoxicants out of Ku-Bar!

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Hiphipahula posted on 06/05/2009

GREAT JOB NOTCH! it's really was obvious glad ya finally made it! I'm picking one up for sure :)

NOTCH posted on 06/05/2009

Thanks Everyone for taking a liking to the new Ku-Bar Mug
Cant wait to start Production on this Bad Beast and to Show the mug to all of my fellow TCers
out there.
Heres another angle of the mug
Cheers! Notch
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[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-06-05 16:22 ]

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GO TIKI posted on 06/06/2009

Very Well Done Notch, I have to get one for my collection for sure, Cheers! Gogo

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WooHooWahine posted on 06/06/2009

WoooHooo! The SoccerTiki Grotto needs one of those :)

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tyger jymmy posted on 06/06/2009

Realy nice . flippin KEWL !

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Mai Tai Matty posted on 06/07/2009

that is one killer mug !! how do I get one of those NOTCH t-shirts ? !!

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Polynesiac posted on 06/07/2009

great job notch! I love the hallow eyes for smokin'!!! that is TOO cool!

Nice shirt too - you gots those for sale?

NOTCH posted on 06/07/2009

Thanks Bahddas ! I have a few shirts right now and I'll have more at Tiki Oasis
Tip Top quality shirts at $20... Hit me up with your size

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KAHAKA posted on 06/09/2009

Coolest mug ever. And Nacho's made some dog gone good 'uns. Not a ground rule double. Not a homer. I've seen it with me own eyes and the eyes say slam to the grand!

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Tiki Diablo posted on 06/09/2009

Too Slick!!!!

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CheekyGirl posted on 06/09/2009

Very cool. It's always fun watching that giant bar being carted into the courtyard...and now we will have our very own to take home!

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kustomtiki posted on 06/10/2009

That is so sick!

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kingstiedye posted on 06/30/2009

WOW! i love it! i gotta have one. even though i don't drink, i love da ku bar. it always makes me smile when i see it.

NOTCH posted on 06/30/2009

Big Mahalo my Braddahs ! Now that the Tiki Crawl mugs all wrapped up and ready to go, I can start working on the ALL Mighty KU-Bar Mugs..
So, don't miss out on One of the Koolest Mugs On Earth!!! And get on the list if your going To Tiki Oasis and Get your all Mighty KU-BAR MUG! Don't Miss IT

lets start the list

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-06-30 12:06 ]

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Tiki Kupcake posted on 06/30/2009

Where's the list? I really want one of these mugs!

LOL Tiki posted on 06/30/2009

On 2009-06-30 10:30, Tiki Kupcake wrote:
Where's the list? I really want one of these mugs!

Yes - if there's a list, I want to be on it!

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TikiG posted on 06/30/2009


Good idea.

Otherwise Notch will be at TO9..backed into a corner..every minute..surrounded by rabid buyers all wanting at least one example of these kick-ass mugs.

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kingstiedye posted on 06/30/2009

i'm in! yippee!

GROG posted on 06/30/2009

GROG on list!!

LOL Tiki posted on 06/30/2009

If this is the list, then I'm on it!

Pages: 1 2 3 108 replies