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hand carved 12-foot tiki ku - monkey pod wood

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TikiMaster posted on 05/21/2005

Aloha everyone,
I just wanted to share with you the largest tiki we've carved so far. It's about 12 feet high and weighs close to a tone. This Tiki was carved from a 100 year old tree that was located at the Waikiki zoo.
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Click here http://www.tikimaster.com/category/002.5.2/ for more pictures of the making...and moving it :)


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johntiki posted on 05/21/2005

Wow that is an amazing tiki! I'm glad you were able to salvage a proud old tree and turn it into a wicked new Ku! I want one!

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congatiki posted on 05/21/2005

what would shipping be on something like
that....like Ben's old stuff...big
and awesome!

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Sam Gambino posted on 05/21/2005
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Thanatos posted on 05/21/2005

All I can say is ,,,,, nothing. I am lost for words....

TikiMaster posted on 05/21/2005

Aloha Congatiki,
This Tiki was sold and is being shipped to Maui from Oahu...shipping is only $120 inter-island. The only way to ship it to the mainland would be via a 20-foot container which cost about $5400 to the West coast. It would only make sense, if we're able to ship 10 Tiki-like at a time and offset the shipping cost.

I will post more pics once it is set up at our customer's ranch.

Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much) for your feedback.

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surfintiki posted on 05/21/2005

Looks like you captured King Kong!

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Monkeyman posted on 05/21/2005


TikiMaster posted on 05/21/2005

We just got our hand on a 18-foot log, this is our next project...We might just do another Ku or carve Kanaloa.
The only problem we foresee is that our forklift won't handle the weight :(


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Kono posted on 05/22/2005

Good lord that is awesome!

It would make my life complete to have a back yard with a monster sized traditional carving like that one.

Does anyone know who carved the big tikis outside of the Polynesian Culture Center on Oahu??

TikiMaster posted on 05/22/2005

Well, technically the Tikis outside PCC are not carved...they are made of fiber glass. His name is Tui'oni, a great master carver.
Actually, the process of producing fiber glass Tiki is way more costly than wood but at least they will last for ever.

TikiMaster posted on 05/22/2005

Here is a pic of some of the Tiki outside PCC:
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Raffertiki posted on 05/22/2005

It's about 12 feet high and weighs close to a tone.

I'd need a bigger handtruck.

Nice work.

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Swanky posted on 05/22/2005

It's big, but no detail. Why not the full headress?

TikiMaster posted on 05/22/2005

It depends on the Tiki, Tiki Ku is pretty much like this (Tiki on the right):
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What other details did you have in mind?
Here is a closer look at the head dress:
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Swanky posted on 05/23/2005

This is what I think of when I think of Ku:
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TikiMaster posted on 05/23/2005

Hi Swanky,
This is not Ku, this one in particular is KUKA'ILIMOKU, personal God of King Kamehameha The Great. Kamehameha gave this god credit for his success in uniting the islands of Hawai'i into one Kingdom.

ORIGINAL: Bishop Museum, Hawaii



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FLOUNDERart posted on 05/23/2005

Amazing!!! Top quality stuff.

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tikitammy posted on 05/24/2005

I cannot fathom carving something this huge. I love the comparison pictures with you in them. It just gives it so much perspective. He looks like he could very easily gobble you up.

BRAVO! You truly are the master.

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freddiefreelance posted on 05/24/2005

On 2005-05-21 12:34, TikiMaster wrote:
Aloha Congatiki,
The only way to ship it to the mainland would be via a 20-foot container which cost about $5400 to the West coast.

Or you could strap a couple outboards to his feet & drive him here!

TikiMaster posted on 05/24/2005

Aloha Congatiki,

Little update on shipping a 10-12 foot Tiki to the West Coast. It cost about $600 to your door step plus an additional $300 for making the custom crate.
I'm shipping one to San Diego so I know exactly what it takes :)


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congatiki posted on 05/24/2005

Tikimaster it is a great tiki and thanks
for the homework on shipping...I was just
being a smartass....but all in all it sounds
fairly reasonable.

TikiMaster posted on 06/02/2005

Aloha Kakou (Hello everyone),
Here is another Tiki Ku, this one measures 8 feet made of solid Monkey Pod (Hawaiian Wood). His new home will be in San Diego:
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We now have a 18 foot log that will be cut in half for two 9-footers Tiki. It was very tempting to carve a 18 foot Tiki, but that will be for later :)


TikiMaster posted on 05/29/2009

Aloha from the islands,
Just wanted to share our latest Tiki creation, about 9 foot, monkey pod wood (lightly stained!
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Mahalo Nui Loa from the Tiki community for your support.

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AlohaStation posted on 05/29/2009

Wow!! Sweet carves. I'd love to see more stuff from you.

TikiMaster posted on 06/11/2009

Just wanted to share our latest 9 foot Tiki Ku which will be standing right in front of Cheese Burger In Paradise in Waikiki (intersection of Ala Moana and Kalakaua).
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More pictures will be posted once the Tiki has been set on its rock base!
Mahalo Nui Loa,

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benella posted on 06/11/2009

WOW crazy stuff.
What kind of wood is that ?


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pwest71 posted on 06/11/2009


I've been admiring your work through your site for a few years now. A question. Do you know who carved the Ki'i at Pu'uhonua O Honaunau? So many large ones, beautifully done. Your work looks on par with those.


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BUFFBAD posted on 06/11/2009

Totally awesome. You must have access to a fork-lift or crane. Love to upscale stuff. BUFFBAD

TikiMaster posted on 06/11/2009

Thank you for the positive feedback! The wood used is monkey pod which has a nice natural golden tone.
Oh, yes forklift is a must! :)
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And we use crane for large canoes:
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A Hui Hou,

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seeksurf posted on 06/12/2009

Sick cravings and the monster is outstanding. So glad to have
you in TC. I have been looking at your tikis for some time
and they have been very influential in my own carvings.

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